Fight for Humanity (Demon/Human RP) (Female Characters Needed!) (LGBTQ+ Welcome)

Started by Tokyorose627, June 30, 2020, 05:22:02 PM

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Quote from: Juggtacular on July 01, 2020, 05:26:13 PM
Tokyo, would it be okay if I made a hybrid, the son of one of the original demons who defected to the "good" side and has been working for SOPHE the entire time?

Hmm, I'll have to think about that to be honest. If you would like, if you have discord, please feel free to PM me there and we can discuss. :)

This applies for anyone else that has questions as well. :D



To people making profiles, I added extra info in the beginning thread regarding Demons, as well as to the character sheet template for you to add if you already copied the code! Any questions can be asked on here, or on PM!


I guess I can't really control nyself, decided to add a second sheet to my post with the first. ^^;


Quote from: Gardsorm on July 02, 2020, 02:42:09 PM
I guess I can't really control nyself, decided to add a second sheet to my post with the first. ^^;

Thanks for the enthusiasm Gardsorm XD


Oh, as well, if anyone interested has ideas regarding their characters possibly being disciples or otherwise connected the Four Gods in anyway, please PM me, as I have some story ideas that some people could be involved in. :D


Name: Kevin Finch

Age: 20

Race Human:

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Height: 5’9”

Weight: 145 lb

Appearance (Picture or Description is fine. Description must be around one to two paragraphs): Kevin is tall and fairly well built. He has red hair and blue eyes. He doesn’t have any distinguishing scars or tattoos. For work, he generally dresses in military-style clothes.

Personality: Kevin is a bit hard around the edges, especially if you don’t know him. His motto is hope for the best, prepare for the worst. He is somewhat distrustful of demonkind as a whole, although as an employee of SOPHE, he does accept the fact that individual demons are capable of being as noble as any human can be. And that humans are just as capable of being as devious as even the worst of demons. In short, if you want him to trust you, you need to prove yourself worthy of that trust.

Those who have earned Kevin’s trust, however, have it without reservation. His friendship to Mallory is a good example. He is devoted to her and protective of her. Perhaps just a little too protective. At any rate, causing her problems is tantamount to causing him problems. And you don’t want to cause him problems.

Kevin is cautious and often acts as the voice of caution for others. His favorite phrase is “You want to think about this before ahead.” Although to his credit, “I told you so,” isn’t in his vocabulary. If trouble comes, he’ll face it without complaint.

History (Who is your character?): Kevin’s parents, Jack and Hadley Finch, were security consultants for SOPHE for as far back as he can remember. And as long as he can remember, he was being groomed for his current position – for whenever he spoke to his parents about why they hung around the Daniels family, he was brought along to "play" with their daughter. It was taught to him that she was a special child and that it was important to protect her. And above all, not to let her get into trouble. That lesson stayed with him his whole life.

And they taught him to follow in their footsteps. Kevin’s father constantly trained him in hand-to-hand combat while his mother focused on firearms. He got a knife for his fifth birthday and a pistol on his eighth.  It wasn’t until he was a teenager that he learned that combat training wasn’t normal for most families. Kevin had barely finished celebrating his eighteenth birthday when he was formally recruited. But not before the incident which sealed her fate. The development coincided with the Tokyo Incident, but Kevin seems blissfully unaware of that fact, other than that it acts as confirmation to his belief that the world is a dangerous place and Mallory needs to be protected from whatever is there. And yet, he cannot help but suspect that something is wrong.

To be fair, Kevin has had little contact with demons other than the "friendlies" on the base. But he has been told his whole life how dangerous they are and has taken the lesson to heart. His knowledge of demons is far from encyclopedic, but he does understand their theoretical weaknesses. His parents are still alive and consulting, but contact has been reduced as of late. Almost as if they were afraid of talking to him on a personal basis. This troubles him, but remains far secondary to the objectives of keeping Mallory and the world safe. He still tries his best to serve in the role as Mallory's friend and confidant, but she often now seems shut off even to him.

Likes: Kevin likes things to be peaceful and quiet. The world is a dangerous place, and has far too few opportunities for respite. That being said, he is also something of an adrenaline junkie – but he is very vocal about the differences between the thrill of a horror movie or an amusement park ride, and that of life and death situations.

Dislikes: The thing that irks Kevin the most is impulsiveness. He has been taught caution from an early age. The Finch family motto may as well be measure nine times, cut once. It causes him no end of stress when people act without thinking.

Skills (Battle or Science Based):

Hand to Hand Combat: Kevin has been trained in seven different forms of martial arts. His favorite is Krav Maga, because it generates the greatest results with the least amount of showiness.

Firearms: Kevin is proficient in the use and maintenance of most personal firearms. He prefers the Sig Sauer P320 for a pistol and a Brugger and Thomet MP-9 when semiautomatic weaponry ir required.

Tactics: Kevin knows how to work in a team to achieve a military objective. Were only the same true of his civilian life.

Talents (Normal hobbies and talents):

Music: While certainly not concert-level, Kevin is a talented pianist and he has the advantage of perfect pitch.

Extra: More often than not, SOPHE is Kevin's home. There is so little for him in the outside world other than danger that he loathes to leave the confines of the organization he knows so well.

Affiliation (SOPHE, VOID, etc): SOPHE

Role (If Applicable): Security – He’s effectively Mallory’s bodyguard, though that’s officially kept out of his job description.

Title: Personal Security Advisor

Strengths (Must have three):

Badass: Kevin is not someone you want to cross if you can help it. Intimidation often removes the need for actual combat.

Careful: Kevin is good at identifying the dangers inherent in any given plan or activity. Forewarned is forearmed.

Tenacious: Kevin gets knocked down a lot. What makes him good at what he does is that he doesn’t stay down.

Weaknesses (Must have Three):

Cynical: Kevin firmly believes that Murphy’s Law is a thing. That means he has trouble trusting anything or anyone. Which is difficult for someone whose profession requires he be a team player.

Blind Spot: Kevin’s vaunted cynicism has two exceptions. Mallory and SOPHE. He is practically incapable of conceiving that either might do anything wrong. Which is a problem because while he is good at figuring when something isn’t the smart move, he has difficulty in determining that something isn’t the right one.

Awkward: If the subject isn’t about how to achieve an objective or generally kick ass, he’s at a loss as to what to talk about. He is not fun at parties.

Uniform (If Applicable): Kevin almost always dresses in fatigues, even when off duty.


Thanks for the sheet Idlewyld! I’ll be PMing people that have made sheets already to talk about edits and such, but we’re still open for more sheets, and more interest if people want to join!


Looking at the current gender ratio and estimating the future ratio, I will he putting Takuya's sheet in reserve for now until the gender imbalance is at least slightly corrected.


Quote from: Gardsorm on July 02, 2020, 08:18:08 PM
Looking at the current gender ratio and estimating the future ratio, I will he putting Takuya's sheet in reserve for now until the gender imbalance is at least slightly corrected.

No problem Gardsorm! I'll keep Takuya's sheet on hold then. :D


Update, I edited my character sheet's history to be more consistent with anther characters as their backgrounds connect. Feel free to do the same with others when more sheets come in! :D

Bernardo Hoagie

Heya, you say you’d like some villains in your game, and I think I have an idea of a large scale villain if you want someone big. I don’t want to derail your game though, so I’d like to DM ya, and discuss how’d I’d fit my guy into your setting. Hopefully a pull off a villain that everyone likes and enjoys, fingers crossed.


Quote from: Bernardo Hoagie on July 03, 2020, 09:52:08 PM
Heya, you say you’d like some villains in your game, and I think I have an idea of a large scale villain if you want someone big. I don’t want to derail your game though, so I’d like to DM ya, and discuss how’d I’d fit my guy into your setting. Hopefully a pull off a villain that everyone likes and enjoys, fingers crossed.

No problem! Feel free to PM me!


Another update, I have put up a list of rules for the RP in the first post of the RP! Please make sure to look over these when you can!


I am definitely intrigued. I know you're looking for females, but what race do you need most?

Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies


Quote from: Amarlo on July 04, 2020, 03:42:30 PM
I am definitely intrigued. I know you're looking for females, but what race do you need most?

Either/or actually! We’re also looking for more villains, but please let me know what ideas you may have! :D


Here we are! I hope you all enjoy, and if he passes, I'd very much love to plan connections with other characters or potential story arcs!

Name: Date Toshiro

Age: 28

Race Human

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Height: 6'4”

Weight: 210

Appearance (Picture or Description is fine. Description must be around one to two paragraphs): Beneath Toshiro's head of combed back yet constantly disheveled medium length raven hair rests a face of sharply defined ivory skinned features. Above his sharply defined and somewhat unshaven chin and jaw line are a pair of almost constantly half closed pale brown eyes with pronounced dark circles underneath.

Beneath Toshiro's typical ensemble of loose fitting t-shirts sporting band or cartoon logos, a lab coat, and worn black dress pants, is an almost gaunt yet somewhat muscular body. In spite of the presence of regular physical activity, Toshiro's rounded shoulders and mildly stooped posture are a clear sign of far too many hours spent hunched over a desk or examination table.

Personality: In times of ease Toshiro radiates an abundance of good humor, bountiful energy, and ceaseless charity. There is rarely a problem that once noticed that the typically cheerful physician will not somehow interject himself into, regardless of whether or not the one perceived as being in need is human or otherwise. While this often earns him a measure of annoyance on behalf of those who either don't need or claim not to need help, Toshiro is more than willing than make a nuisance of himself for the chance that he could be any measure of relief to those who might need it.

However this benevolence rarely extends back on to himself, and Toshiro has often been known to overwork himself to the point of severe exhaustion for the benefit of others. An inability to do so often inflicts a level of self-loathing and melancholy on the charitable soul that he is quick to cover up for the sake of not inconveniencing those around him. It often seems that these periods of darkness are dashed upon either in indulging in good food, strong drinks, and pleasing company; or finding success in attending to the needs of others.

History (Who is your character?): Born the forth child to a family of meager means, it wasn't long before the world began to take notice of young Date Toshiro's prodigious mind. From science and mathematics to art and history, there was not an academic field that the youth didn't excel in. While still only a young man, Toshiro's genius mind earned him a menagerie of degrees from the world's most esteemed places of learning, and yet still he felt as if he was hamstrung by the disappointingly low reaching shoulders of giants. While he knew there were few who might question his contributions to the well-being of humanity, he knew he was capable of so much more, but every lead he followed in his research continued to end to incomparably frustrating dead ends, a fuzziness of mind that he could not overcome on his own.

It was at this period of stalled thought that he was approached by an individual whose intellect and charm seemed to far exceed all others, a person who seemed able to continuously show Toshiro those singular flaws that prevented him from achieving great things in the fields of medicine. Hand in hand this pair promised each other that in the company of one another, they would guide humanity into a golden age free from the fear of disease, of injury, perhaps even free from the terror of death itself should their shared vision for humanity come to fruition. Toshiro didn't care for the accolades, only that he would have made the world a better place through his efforts, an all consuming and wondrous thought that was only possible through hard work and the unbreakable bond between himself and this transcendent being who had become the love of his life.


In the aftermath of these horrendous events, Toshiro has been working tirelessly as one the leads in SOPHE's research division. It has been through his efforts and expertise that innumerable potentially catastrophic encounters with lesser known demonic entities have ended with minimal loss of life, and on happier occasions, with total evasion of harm to either side.

Likes: Apart from the immense feeling of fulfillment he achieves through helping others, Toshiro finds an immense amount of mental and emotional relief in tearing his mind away from his work and its accompanying memories. Whether it be through talking with friends and coworkers over coffee on at quiet cafes, strolling through a botanical garden in comfortable silence with those closest to him, or passionately belting out power ballads at the end of a night of raucous karaoke, there are few forms of entertainment that Toshiro won't at least try for the sake of distraction and camaraderie.

As for his personal tastes, there is little he enjoys doing in his spare time more than jogging, watching cartoons, and playing games. However like most things, these are all enjoyed vastly more in the company of others, even if the other present is simply the seemingly ever slumbering form of his pet cat Marcelline.

Dislikes: While neither a pacifist or opposed to necessary violence, Toshiro finds undue applications of cruelty and violence to be utterly abhorrent, and finds himself utterly unable to find commonality in those who believe otherwise. Additionally he finds that those who cause harm to others through carelessness, negligence, or pride to be worthy only of contempt.

As to more mundane dislikes, between the twin necessities of his work and providing his mind with sustaining entertainment, he absolutely loathes to dedicate any amount of time to keeping either his office or his quarters tidy.

Frontier Biologist: The study of demonic biology is fraught with confounding logic and nonsensical arithmetic that more often than not flies in the face of much that the schools of life science have come to take as fact. While not the first to realize that demons often function through an attachment to arcane energies external to their own bodies, Toshiro has proven himself to be one of the world's foremost minds in both the fields of understanding demonic life, and theoretically manipulating the various mechanisms that compose it for the sake of both humanity and demon kind.

Arcane-Tech Physician: By utilizing bleeding edge technology meshed with the magics present in both demons and humans, Dr. Date Toshiro has been able to derive a myriad of different treatments for maladies both long believed to be untreated, and newly introduced with the demonic incursion into the world of humanity.

Talents (Normal hobbies and talents):
Replication Artist: Toshiro has a keen eye for exact detail and he is able to reflect it precisely through both sketches and sculpture.

Adept Guitarist: Between his keen memory and an unabiding love of rock music, there was no chance that a young Date Toshiro could have kept himself from at some point picking up a guitar in an attempt to recreate all of his favorite pieces. While he never quite had the dexterity to match his mind for replicating music note for note, sufficient practice allows for near on identical recreations of existing music.

Affiliation (SOPHE, VOID, etc): SOPHE

Role (If Applicable): Research Lead

Title (Applicable to SOPHE Soldiers, Void Members, and Special Cases): Research Lead

Strengths (Must have three):
Near Eidetic Memory: Be it names, birthdays, or the genetic code of imps, there are few details that slip through the steel trap that is the mind of Dr. Date Toshiro. While this is limited to things that he has actively focused on at some point and the exact necessary information does not always come to mind immediately, Toshiro is still a limitless font of information both mundane and pertinent.

Fastidious and Precise:Toshiro has an obsession with carefully analyzing every minute detail involving his work with the most painstaking care, often becoming completely oblivious to what goes on around him for the sake of putting utmost focus on his current task. While this often leads to his work taking far longer to complete than it would otherwise, it is rare for Toshiro to produce a mistake when it comes to his work as a researcher or a physician.

Unflinching in Danger: Whether it be from examining injuries in the shadow of combat, or taking careful notes on a newly discovered type of demon that might be trying to devour him whole, there is almost no threat of harm towards himself that would cause him to balk in the process of achieving what he has set out to do.

Weaknesses (Must have Three):
Overwhelming Concern: Whether it happens to be a tourist looking lost in the center of a city, or a comrade bleeding out on the field of combat, there is almost never a situation where Toshiro will refuse the opportunity to help someone in need. While this might initially seem like an admirable trait, the kindly doctor has an enormous blind spot regarding those who seem in need of help. In the past this has made him an easy victim of manipulation and it is unlikely to be a trait he sheds anytime in the future.

Obsession with Failure: Toshiro is a man who prides himself on never neglecting details no matter how minute they may seem, a man who has crossed every T and dotted every I thoroughly before going back and double checking such careful detailing with a microscope. In his mind this means that everything should always go exactly the way that he intends, and when it inevitably doesn't, he has a tendency to become obsessed with discovering exactly what errant piece of missed data has made him a failure.

Poor Bedside Manner: In contrast to Toshiro's typically pleasant demeanor, he has always had a tendency towards being stiff and mechanical when it comes to actively practicing any of his disciplines as a way of placing himself in a objective and efficient state of mind. Unfortunately this discarding of cheer and humanity while in the company of patients often leads to undesirable levels of stress in those under his care.

Uniform (If Applicable): As Toshiro never makes public appearances as a representative of SOPHE, his attire usually consists of comfortable street wear, save for when appropriate attire is necessary in the process of operations and examinations.


Thank you so much for the sheet Tin! Toshiro looks great, and I can’t wait to meet him in game! I feel like he and Mallory will get along well, possibly lab partners or mentor to student type relationship?

As for me, I’m actually submitting my one villain I have created, since we are a bit low on villains for the moment. Meet Mepholes everyone!

Name: Mepholes

Age: 8,000 Years Old

Race: Incubus Demon

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Disciple Type: Lust and Devotion

Disciple Skill (What is your special ability?) Mystic Eyes. Only applicable to the opposite sex, Mepholes can lure women, both demon and human, to his iron-clad grip with only the use of his piercing crimson eyes. It must be activated, and is not inherently on at all times.

Height: 6’7

Weight: 220

Appearance (Picture or Description is fine. Description must be around one to two paragraphs): Mepholes is an imposing figure, in both stature and the aura he gives off. Standing at an intimidating 6’7, Mepholes sports a meticulously sculpted body, with bulging muscles that rival even the most athletic of individuals. Thick’s forearms and chest only seem to give off a feeling of imposing strength, and Mepholes loves to keep it that way. Wavy, mid length, unkempt blonde hair is slicked back along his sharp, chiseled face, showing off his piercing crimson eyes, seemingly able to see into a persons soul; or so people claim. Cream colored skin accentuates his figure, and from one glance, there seems to be no scars or lasting injuries on the nearly chiseled, sculpted statue of a man; he almost seems like a tank, built to fight, and clearly win.

The thing that seems most disturbing about Mepholes’s appearance, appearing fully human. While demons have slowly become to look more humanoid like, Mepholes appears fully human, with no blemish or imperfection in sight. How he has pulled this off, no one knows, and makes him all the more dangerous, as he can easily blend into a crowd, and lure unsuspecting victims to their deaths.

However, the more desperate and unhinged Mepholes becomes, his stature becomes messier, sloppier. His eyes become a pure white, irises gone, and fangs protrude from his mouth. A forked tongue and sharp canines line his mouth, and his fingernails grow to that of sharp, animal-like claws, able to rip flesh like paper.

Personality: Mepholes is a demon with a pension for being quite demented in what the world has to offer. Finding Earth seemingly boring considering Demons now roamed, he feels a pool of restlessness within him, and with that, a desire to cause chaos to enact his own twisted sense of fun and pleasure. He is a man that, at first glance, is imposing and intimidating, and one that no sane person would dare even approach willingly. Those that are witnesses to him are forced to make some form of conversation if he strides your way, for fear of something unexpectedly terrible to happen to them. While he believes the Human world is boring, the pleasures of sex and debauchery from humans has made him rethink his initial opinion, and now, finds that the human world is easily his playground, for him to enjoy and indulge in any fashion. As a demon of devotion and lust, Mepholes interestingly enough, loves the fear that humans have, the terror and panic in their faces becoming something of a drug for him to indulge and get off on. With a urge to kill and do what he wants, he’s seen as a madman, coming off as unhinged at times, and yet others, completely normal, only making him more unpredictable. His sheer audacity and boldness is what makes him stand out, and those that wish to oppose him best be sure to be prepared, as this Demon is a living powerhouse.

History (Who is your character?): Mepholes was a demon that was the disciple of Kama, the Goddess of the Succubus. Seeing her as the be all of the demons, he felt that they were to be the rightful rules of the demon world. While others didn’t agree some didn’t last long in fights with Mepholes, absorbing the strength from others he killed. However, it seemed a new goal came to be, when the Gate opened, letting Demons fall into the human world. At first, Mepholes took joy in the war, killing humans left and right, and soon enough, was hailed as Kama’s Champion, the strongest of her kind. Rumored to be a demon that could not be stopped, he took glee in killing the humans that opposed him, but soon enough, came to the realization that the war had concluded.

His Queen, gone, and the War, over.

Taking his time to examine his life now that Kama and the other gods were gone, he began to do what he felt would benefit himself. As an Incubus the blood of his victims, or simple sex, was what he indulged in, becoming stronger with each passing day. Soon enough, Mepholes became stronger then he ever had been before, and found himself wondering who would rule Earth, now that the Gods were gone. The other demons were no match, they would never be able to take the lead, not like he could.

Mepholes soon found his new calling, disguising himself as human to indulge in the pleasures that the human world had to offer, all while taking down any that got in his way. His new goal seems to be, at the moment, to become an unstoppable force that SOPHE could not compete with, so much that he could destroy their entire operation with his sheer strength. All those underneath him would be his playthings, and he would indulge in the decadence of what he’s rightfully earned.

Likes: Mepholes only likes things that gets him off, or gets him in a frenzy. Only the most interesting of individuals is what drives him, and others that he deems not worthy are off his radar. As a devotion and lust demon, sexual frenzies and debaucherous sex is his main source of energy, yet the pain and suffering he inflicts on others is something he derives pleasure from. Physical or emotional, it doesn’t matter; the pained expression of a weak human is what gives him the feeling, as he’s much powerful then the former.

Dislikes: Obviously those that oppose him are going to become a problem. SOPHE has easily become something he despises, mostly because they keep killing any demons that he brings up as lackeys. Getting in the way of his fun, saving people, it sickens him.

Skills (Battle or Science Based):

Ignore the Pain: Mepholes has become a demon that has blocked out most feelings when he fights, pain being one of them. While Mepholes could be coughing up blood, bloodied and bruised, he still seems to get up, even when it shouldn’t be possible.

Brick Wall: Mepholes’s strength only seems to strengthen his body as well, becoming a powerhouse of an enemy to defeat. Usual punches and fighting styles from police and SOPHE members do very little, and with a perfect grab, Mepholes could throw his opponents feet from him. Those that wish to stop him will have to think more throughly about their strategy.

Talents (Normal hobbies and talents): Mepholes doesn't have hobbies that humans love so much, he thinks they're a waste of time. He knows well enough, however, that he is the best Incubus the Demon world has had the pleasure of witnessing, and knows from experience alone that women are always left satisfied by his nightly visits.

Extra: Mepholes has become a demon that has no longer thought of the Four Gods. He feels that he’s just as powerful as one now, and doesn’t feel that he will be stopped easily by anyone around him. Regardless, he can’t forgive humans for killing his Queen Kama, as she was his Leader.

Affiliation (SOPHE, VOID, etc): Independent

Title (Applicable to SOPHE Soldiers, Void Members, and Special Cases): Kama’s Champion

Demon Rank (Applies only to Demon Race) (A is Highest, F being Lowest): B+

Strengths (Must have three):

Raw Strength: Demons are powerful, much more then the average human. Mepholes could simply crush a humans skull with his bare hands if he wished, and punch through walls of brick and stone. His strength only increases from the blood of humans, or the energy he gains from sexually devouring the human women that he finds and lures.

Disguise: His human disguise is easily something that throw people off. While he appears physically different then most humans, he doesn’t come off as demonic in anyway at first glance. It’s a advantage when he’s out in public, for sure.

Determination: Mepholes wants the finest of things in life, and he deserves it. His determination to get what he wants causes him to keep fighting, to keep getting up. He won’t be stopped by any humans, or any other demons for that matter. Earth is his to toy with, and no one else's.

Weaknesses (Must have Three):

Energy: Mepholes is a powerhouse, but that means he needs a large amount of energy to keep him up and running. The blood of humans seems to be the more messier way of getting what he needs, but his true source of energy comes from sex from the opposite sex.

Pent-Up: Mepholes is a demon that can get what he wants, but when he can’t release himself, he becomes pent up and frustrated. Nearly into a frenzy like state, he becomes all the more unhinged and dangerous when on the hunt, making him both a threat to human women, yet equally vulnerable to attack and disorient.

Magic: Holy magic is bad against any demon, but for Mepholes, it burns like metal against his skin. A great way to subdue him, however the enemy has to be quicker then he is.

Uniform (If Applicable): Mepholes doesn’t wear any sort of uniform that makes him apart of any organization. Wanting to dress how he sees fit, to show off his body and his stature, he wears a tight, for fitting black tank top that accentuates all of his muscles, and a matching pair of tight, formatting jeans. He also wears a pair of black boots, only making his steps sound more impending with each step he takes.

Bernardo Hoagie

Alrighty everyone, after some talk with Tokyo, I can now say that I am taking Ichigo from Bleach and Alucard from Hellsing as my characters’ faceclaims. I’ll see about getting my sheets written out and ready to go in the near future. Really looking forward to carving myself a place in this (soon to be) epic RP :).


Quote from: Bernardo Hoagie on July 04, 2020, 11:04:20 PM
Alrighty everyone, after some talk with Tokyo, I can now say that I am taking Ichigo from Bleach and Alucard from Hellsing as my characters’ faceclaims. I’ll see about getting my sheets written out and ready to go in the near future. Really looking forward to carving myself a place in this (soon to be) epic RP :).

Thank you for the update Bernardo! If you have questions don’t hesitate to PM me about anything!

As of now as well, due to the gender imbalance, any new players are asked to make female characters, demon or human, villain or not. Individuals who I have already spoken to and are currently creating characters are expert from this, and if need be, I’ll create more females if we need them :Do


Is there a Roster list of who is playing what anywhere? ^^; It might help me decide.  xD

Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies


Quote from: Amarlo on July 04, 2020, 11:41:07 PM
Is there a Roster list of who is playing what anywhere? ^^; It might help me decide.  xD

Actually in the process of making one now XD


And put it in the first post! That’s the list of characters that have been posted in here for now, not including the ones that people have been talking to me about, since I don’t want to spoil too much. I will add them, but only the person playing them, as well as if they are human or demon, and gender.


Name: Azmodiel Tetsuda(Human Last Name)[Oathbreaker, Betrayer, Dark-Lite, Azmodiel of the Black Fire, Human Lover]

Age: 10,749

Race War Demon

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Disciple Type: War

Disciple Skill: Black Inferno - Azmodiel has been blessed with the power of Zelkova, and as a War Demon, his powers are centered around combat and destruction. Black Inferno manifests as pitch black flames that constantly burn within a "furnace" inside his spiritual self. His control over these flames are absolute, and he has two primary methods of utilizing them.

The technique "Midnight Frame" refers to his external control of the flames that allow him to wreathe his body in heat and flames to not only act as a shield, but to burn and incinerate any enemies that get too close. He can also breathe gouts of flame, expel fire balls, flame walls, thermal lances and other shapes such as simple weapons from his hands. He can even use the flames as thrusters to boost around at high speeds. Most devastatingly, he can superheat the flames and cause them to explode. Once his fire has spread to something, only his will, or another power of sufficient strength can snuff out his flames. 

The secondary use of Black Inferno is known as "Ebon Soul", and encompasses the internal control of his flames. By increasing the heat and intensity of his inner flames, and controlling their flow through his body, Azmodiel can vastly increase his physical strength, speed, stamina, and durability. While he is already physically powerful from a lifetime of training and fighting, this power boost puts him on an entirely different level.

Height: 8'0 - 6'6

Weight: 500lbs - 260lbs

Appearance: Azmodiel is an ancient demon, and after many centuries has mastered the skill of shapeshifting. Although he is not so skilled as to change into anyone, he does have a human form he can shift into at will, which is what he usually does to keep the humans around him more at ease, even though his demonic form is largely humanoid in the first place. In his demonic form, Azmodiel is eight feet tall and packed with muscle, like the buffest grandpa you'd ever meet. He has a rather serious looking face, glowing red eyes, and wild flowing white hair, as well as an unkempt beard. He also has a pair of horns protruding from the side of his skull that curve upward to form a sort of crown. In his human form, his facial features are pretty much the same, and he just looks like a more human version of himself. He is slightly shorter, and less muscular in his human form, but he is still in damn good shape. His hair is trimmed, his beard is neatly shaved, and his eyes take on a golden hue. He is also covered in tattoos in his human form, which are in actuality seals to limit his power and allow him to remain "human" until the seals are removed, wherein he will revert to his demonic form.

Personality: Azmodiel does not seem to be a complicated individual in the slightest, and appears to wear his emotions on his sleeve. He can be ruthless to his enemies, but only when all options are exhausted. He is rather straightforward and prefers simplicity in his actions. Azmodiel is humble, and honorable, and above all tries to maintain peace between humans and demons. He is a patient man, and has been known to play the extremely long game, with amazing results. Despite being talked down upon and hated by his own race, he holds no ill will toward demonkin. He pities the ones who only know hate and violence, and hopes to one day bring them over to the side of cooperation with humanity. However, he has resolved himself and will always protect a human from a demon, and will show how terrifying he truly is in the process.

History: Azmodiel is an ancient demon, and was once a general in the Demon Army of Zelvkova with as many titles as their were whispers on the wind. His power over his Black Inferno brought many victories to his Lord. However, one day he simply grew tired. A mountain of bodies were underneath his feet, and he finally was able to understand the sheer amount of horror and devastation he'd caused. He was tired of the constant fighting, the constant slaughter, the constant bloodshed and betrayal. He was tired of it all. When the humans in their misguided attempts foolishly tried to summon a God, but instead summoned the Four Demon Gods, Azmodiel was one of the first to cross the breach bearing the flag of Zelkova.

Very early in the destruction of the humans, he finally realized he had a single chance to do good. To maybe find some sort of redemption for the awful things he'd done in his millenia of service in the name of Zelkova. So, with a heavy heart, he betrayed his own kind. He was one of the first of demonkin to turn away from the dark majesty of the Four Gods, and his vast powers helped the humans keep a foothold against the demonic horde until more of his own kind joined the fight on the side of humanity.

Eventually, the demons were pushed back, and the Four Gods were killed. He was actually one of the people fighting hardest to fell Zelkova, and helped to kill his own God; something that will haunt and remain with him for all of eternity. After the war, Azmodiel's sacrifice of turning on his own and constantly helping humanity were taken into account by the growing SOPHE organization, and he was given probationary membership.

The probation period quickly ended as he continued to help humans and continually proved he had nothing but humanities well-being at heart. He has remained with SOPHE ever since, and it was there he met the love of his life. A human woman named Riko Orai, who was one of the scientists working for SOPHE. She was originally interested in him as a test subject, but quickly the two of them fell for each other.

And after a year of passionate love, Kiera got pregnant. Her pregnancy was filled with concern and mystery as a human/demon hybrid was an extremely rare occurrence, and this would be one of the first ones fully documented and studied. In only six months, Kiera was ready to deliver, and after fourteen grueling hours of labor, she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy with soft nubs that seemed to be horns. The child, named Ryusei was raised in a strict, but loving household, and after training his entire life, he has joined SOPHE just like his parents. Azmodiel couldn't be more proud.

Likes: Fighting, Human Food, Humans, Training, His Family, Human Entertainment(TV, Music, the Internet, all of it), SOPHE

Dislikes: VOID, Evil Demons, Bullies, Liars, Bugs,

Skills (Battle or Science Based):

Akuma no Ken[Demonic Fist] - An all-encompassing fighting style Azmodiel invented 3,000 years ago that takes full advantage of a demon's physical prowess and allows them a higher degree of control over their body while in combat. The training is so harsh, that back in the demon world he only managed to train less than 50 students. And the few people he trained wished for death, but the results speak for themselves, and this style is one of the reasons he rose so far in Zelkova's army. It can be learned by humans, but they must have very high willpower to withstand the torturous training regimen.

Battle Sense - Being a general and martial artist for so long, Azmodiel can "see" his opponent and the battlefield like a normal person can see a picture or a video. He uses this method to predict the actions of people he's fighting, or even entire army movements so he can make a counterattack. Despite people assuming it's a power of some sort, he is simply a War Demon so attuned to battle that even the battlefield itself is something he can interpret.

Talents (Normal hobbies and talents):

Musician - After coming to Earth, Azmodiel discovered and fell in love with music. He has trained himself over these last decades, and has become quite the master in a number of instruments from across the globe, but his favorite are traditional Asian instruments such as the Shamisen, Ehru,  and Xither.
Extra: TBD

Affiliation: SOPHE

Role: Tactical Leadership

Title: Commander

Demon Rank: A

Strengths (Must have three): TBD
Tactical Genius -
Charismatic -
Exceptional Leader -

Weaknesses (Must have Three): TBD
Battle Lust -
Hatred of Insects-
His Family -

Uniform: He wears the standard SOPHE uniform, however he has a jacket with special striping to show his rank, as well as bars he pins to his shoulder to show he has attained rank of Commander, as well as the medals he's earned over his career.

This is Azmodiel, ex-general of Zelkova, and one of first demons to turn on the army of the Four Gods and join SOPHE. He's basically one of the higher-end brass who has refused further promotion to stay close to the action and directly oversees the soldiers on their missions. He's a pretty heavy hitter, so he will be reserved for the real deal fights and will mostly monitor and offer advice, as well as training for the new recruits. He'll whip em' into shape real good.  >:)

He's still under some construction, but the rough gist of him is done.


Azmodiel looks great Jugg! I accept him now, even if his extras are not in yet! He’ll be a great mentor to these recruits, for sure!

Wired Rabbit

How about a female demon?  ^-^  I'll make and post a CS tomorrow for a trickster who works for SOPHE.
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