[MUL]-[EX] Naughty Chess {CLOSED}

Started by Erebus, March 10, 2009, 09:44:24 AM

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Truly, madly, deeply...


If it's all male on one team, all female on the other team, I could be interested.

Don't wanna risk having my piece taken by another male's piece :/


You are most welcome.

Quote from: Xillen on March 31, 2009, 11:05:39 AM
If it's all male on one team, all female on the other team, I could be interested.

Don't wanna risk having my piece taken by another male's piece :/
That was my original plan, but we're kinda short on ladies.

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Are you a lucky little lady in the city of light; Or just another lost angel, city of night. - James Douglas Morrison


Lords/Knights posting in this thread:
(Not counting Mnemaxa, since he clearly stated backing out.)

Ladies/Dames posting in this tread:

Yes, more guys than gals, but that shouldn't be a problem. Of course not everyone that posted in here might play, but I don't think it's that hard to end up with 4 ladies playing, so they can each "control" 2 pieces and the associated pawns in front of them. The guys could "control" 1 piece and the associated pawn in front and it would all work out.

Or you could go with a 4-4 match, that would work as well. Would leave a couple of guys out, but "full is full", so to say.

You could also check with a goddess if it's ok to post the discussion threads on the Lords only/Ladies only boards. Might even draw some attention :P


Quote from: cattycutie on March 31, 2009, 01:34:58 AM
It may sound silly, but can someone explain the mechanics to me?

Will someone be controlling the game from behind the scenes, or do we make it up ourselves, because it's going to require a LOT of interplayer communication.

Sorry for taking so long to respond...

The mechanics, well like you said, and i believe it has been discussed in this thread before, each team's king will have the last word about the move. But the whole team should elaborate in order to figure out the best move to make.  So yes a lot of talking would take place in the corresponding threads.

Would you care to join?
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Are you a lucky little lady in the city of light; Or just another lost angel, city of night. - James Douglas Morrison


Quote from: Xillen on April 01, 2009, 02:54:02 AM

You could also check with a goddess if it's ok to post the discussion threads on the Lords only/Ladies only boards. Might even draw some attention :P
I trust since we're all Ladies and Gents here, that no one will sneak peak into the other team's thread. And even if so, we could arrange some king of punishment ;)

On the subject of players now, i think i'm gonna wait a little bit longer, just in case some females decide to join  ;D

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Are you a lucky little lady in the city of light; Or just another lost angel, city of night. - James Douglas Morrison


I'm still interested. I was just making sure.
Beth's kinks

Hold me, I'm a fermata!


Quote from: Erebus on April 01, 2009, 08:04:35 AMI trust since we're all Ladies and Gents here, that no one will sneak peak into the other team's thread.

True, but you still need to house them somewhere. The discussion threads wouldn't be RP threads, though maybe they can be considered OOC threads.


Quote from: Xillen on April 01, 2009, 06:01:05 PM
True, but you still need to house them somewhere. The discussion threads wouldn't be RP threads, though maybe they can be considered OOC threads.

Yes man. Exactly that: Naughty Chess OOC [White | Black]
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Are you a lucky little lady in the city of light; Or just another lost angel, city of night. - James Douglas Morrison


Truly, madly, deeply...


Good day (or whatever is over there).

We are set to go.

I have created these threads:
GAME: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=34005.0
Generic OOC: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=34006.0
White OOC: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=34007.0
Black OOC: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=34008.0

We have the ladies team with (the get to choose color as well)

For the guys team now, we have to make a decision:
Should we stick to five players as well, which leaves out caliban, darktide and Xillen,
or if everyone agrees (ladies included) we could play 8 males against 5 females, so we could all have some fun. Of course that leaves us guys with less pieces to control hence less action, but, hey it's only a game.

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Are you a lucky little lady in the city of light; Or just another lost angel, city of night. - James Douglas Morrison


I personally have no preference as to how many guys join the thread, as it balances out with the number of total pieces.
"Language was invented for one reason, boys - to woo women.~*~*~Don't think it's all been done before
And in that endeavor, laziness will not do." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think we're never gonna win this war
Robin Williams-Dead Poets Society ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think your world's gonna fall apart
I do have a cause, though.  It's obscenity.  I'm for it.  - Tom Lehrer~*~All you need is your beautiful heart
O/O's Updated 5/11/21 - A/A's - Current Status! (Oct 31) - Writing a novel - all draws for Fool of Fire up! Requests closed


i think we can handle more than 1 piece in the ladies team. So no need to leave the guys out


You ladies get to pick a color it seems, so one of you should just scream "white", so the game can start :P

Erebus, what were you planning to do with the King piece and hitting? If it's a checkmate, do you immediately get to "hit the king" with an available piece, or does the king receive one last move in vain?

8 players seems relatively easy. Each player controls one piece, and the pawn in front of that piece.

5 players, you could do:

Rook + pawns in front of rook and knight. (2x)
Knight + bishop + pawn in front of bishop. (2x)
Queen + pawns in front of king and queen.

Which leaves the king. Could leave that to the player that saw the least action, or maybe just whoever feels (or feel) up for it at the time.


no way sweetie.. Giving the guys the head start


Ok, so ladies get the blacks. Blokes get the whites.

We'll be playing 8 males vs 5 females.

Next thing is how to handle the fights.
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Are you a lucky little lady in the city of light; Or just another lost angel, city of night. - James Douglas Morrison


handle the fights? What do you want to handle? Ain't it just a narration between the players involved? If someone eats my pawn, we tell in a few posts the gorish dismissal.. then the play goes on.

Or you mean the fights inside one part?
Back after a long while - Ons and Offs | I am a baladeur
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Well, technically, the capturing piece gets to do whatever they want to the captured piece as long as it ends in death.  There could be opportunity for some interaction in the mean-time. (Does anyone remember Archon or Battle Chess?)
"Language was invented for one reason, boys - to woo women.~*~*~Don't think it's all been done before
And in that endeavor, laziness will not do." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think we're never gonna win this war
Robin Williams-Dead Poets Society ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think your world's gonna fall apart
I do have a cause, though.  It's obscenity.  I'm for it.  - Tom Lehrer~*~All you need is your beautiful heart
O/O's Updated 5/11/21 - A/A's - Current Status! (Oct 31) - Writing a novel - all draws for Fool of Fire up! Requests closed


Battle chess!

Loved the rook eating the queen. ;) (I liked the scenes of the queen losing in general, but that's a different matter ;)


Heck, I had friends that just liked making pointless queen moves. (A8-H1) followed by (H1-A8)
"Language was invented for one reason, boys - to woo women.~*~*~Don't think it's all been done before
And in that endeavor, laziness will not do." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think we're never gonna win this war
Robin Williams-Dead Poets Society ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think your world's gonna fall apart
I do have a cause, though.  It's obscenity.  I'm for it.  - Tom Lehrer~*~All you need is your beautiful heart
O/O's Updated 5/11/21 - A/A's - Current Status! (Oct 31) - Writing a novel - all draws for Fool of Fire up! Requests closed


For the record, I would've loved to play this if it weren't for the 'losing piece must result in death' part.  Otherwise I would've jumped on it.  Perhaps down the line, if another game gets started, could we have the enemy pieces get captured/imprisoned/dominated instead?


Quote from: TheWriter on April 07, 2009, 10:45:45 AM
For the record, I would've loved to play this if it weren't for the 'losing piece must result in death' part.  Otherwise I would've jumped on it.  Perhaps down the line, if another game gets started, could we have the enemy pieces get captured/imprisoned/dominated instead?

Well, that was kinda my quirk man. Maybe next time..

Alright this thread has officially served it's purpose and it will be locked.
Further discussion should take place to the generic OOC thread here:


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Are you a lucky little lady in the city of light; Or just another lost angel, city of night. - James Douglas Morrison