Want to run Fate Accelerated learning session

Started by ragarth, May 10, 2020, 05:04:18 PM

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I want to learn to play Fate Accelerated. The rule book for it is free (50 pages long).

I'd like to do this via voice on Discord, using Roll20 for the visuals and dice.

I expect this to last one session--its just to learn the system and make new friends--during which we'll decide what kind of setting we want, roll up some characters, and go through a play session. The whole thing will pretty much be totally adhoc. I can't guarantee an amazing session, but this is more about having fun and learning a system.

I assume I'm going to be GM for this.

These are the books for fate: https://www.evilhat.com/home/fate-core-downloads/
I'm interested in Fate Accelerated, not Fate Core.

Settings ideas: Pirates on the high seas! Startrek! High fantasy adventure! Students at a magic school! Whatever else you can think of.

Date and time is unset, once we have a few people we can work it out. Max on this will be 4 people, minimum 2 (not including me).