Tales of the Demon Lord (Shadow of the Demon Lord system)

Started by wander, May 01, 2020, 05:47:14 PM

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So, here's a Changeling ranged fighter. Dropped Will 1 point, and raised Agility by 1.

Strength: 9    | Agility 11
Intellect: 10    | Will: 9
Perception: 11 | Defense: 10
Health: 9         | Healing Rate: 2
Size: 1 | Speed: 10 | Power: 0
Damage 0 | Insanity 0 | Corruption 1
Languages: You speak the Common Tongue
Immune: Damage from disease; Disease, Charmed
Iron Vulnerability: You are impaired while in contact with iron.
Shadowsight: You see into areas obscured by shadows as if they were lit.
Steal Identiy: You can use an action to alter your appearance to match that of a target living creature you can see within short range. The target must be Size 1 or 1/2 and have a humanoid shape of flesh and blood. Your body changes so you look like the target, though your clothing and possessions remain unchanged. The effect lasts until you use this talent again. If you become incapacitated or touch an object made from iron, you immediately revert to your normal appearance.

True Age: Young adult (20), appears to be male.
Apparent Ancestry: You appear to be human.
Human Appearance: Age: Mid-twenties, Build: average height and weight, Appearance: Plain and uninteresting.
Background: You murdered the person whose identity you stole  so you could take over that person's life. Start with 1 corruption.
Quirk: You can never keep your clothes clean.
Personality: You enjoy taking on forms that let you work mischief.

Professions: Academic (Folklore)and Martial (Mercenary)

Wealth: Getting By
Inventory: Sling with 20 stones, fine clothing, backpack, a week of rations, waterskin, tinderbox, 2 torches, a pouch (containing: 2 copper)
Interesting Thing: A bag filled with curiously fleshy rods.

Values: Shade enjoys comedy, but a more dark and cynical variety of it.  His tricks may border on the sadistic. He fears losing his life, because then, the antics would stop.
Fear & Loathing: Shade fears being alone with his thoughts; his own darkness catching up to him. Consequently, he hates things like routine, or quiet.
Love & Desire: Shade loves comedy, especially the physical, such as slapstick, and the self-deprecating as well. In his deepest heart, he desire to put an end to his bloody past, and find some sort of peace with who he is, and why he was made to exist. However, he would never acknowledge it, and stagnates, too afraid to break from his own strange routine.
Secret: Can you even guess at how many people he's just callously "replaced", so that he could continue hopping around, one life to the next?
Achievement: It's seven. Not that he'd ever share that with anyone.
Authority: Shade really doesn't care one way or the other. He doesn't want to lead, because that can be boring (except when it's not), and as a follower, he can just choose  to disobey and do his own thing. And if the consequences of his actions start to catch up to him, he ditches one life, and picks up another. In a way, the clothes he refuses to wash and care for, are much like the lives he steals. He just wears them out, then throws them away.
Obligations & Responsibility: Guilt is not something that Shade feels, especially since he spends so much of his time finding ways to avoid it. As for obligations, it depends on his motivation. He is driven by novelty, fun, and distraction, and consequently pushes off any sort of boring duties he might get shoved upon him.
Good & Evil: The world is mostly gray, but you will find black and white extremes if you look hard enough.

That should about do it, I think.
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"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!


Thufir Hawat

Quote from: PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric on May 16, 2020, 05:50:50 PM
I'd be interested if there is still room.
I have decided agaisnt joining, but given the previous post by wander, I can pretty much guarantee that there is plenty of room 8-)!
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A&A thread!


What are some good supplements that add content for players mainly?
If I have not responded to a post in 4 days, send me a PM as I may have missed it.


You are very welcome, Cleric!


There's a vast amount of supplements... Though to cut down and what is good for character generation, I'd recommend looking at any of the Victims of the Demon Lord line, which each expand on one of the core 8 Ancestries (read character races/species). Check out the core book first and if there's a particular Ancestry that takes your fancy, check out their respective Victims of the Demon Lord supplement that gives a few extras for them.

They are;
Born to Kill (Orcs)
For Gold and Glory (Dwarfs)
Ghosts in Machines (Clockworks)
Only Human (Humans)
Snot and Stitches (Goblins)
Stolen Lives (Changelings)

There are two optional Ancestries also found in the Demon Lord's Companion. They're expanded in the following supplements;

Between Two Worlds (Fauns)
Uncommon Courage (Halflings)

There is also when reaching Level 1, the Paths of Shadow line that each expand on the main four Paths available at that point (Magician, Priest, Rogue, Warrior). Though as we start at Level 0, I wouldn't worry on these yet.

Hope that helps!


I rolled up a pair of characters, but need to read up a it more on the setting before I write any sort of a background.  The first is a human witch who would probably go magic if she survives and mostly came together in terms of her rolls (though I think I noticed someone else rolling fleshy rods).  The second is a goblin who for some reason is into architecture and whose life was saved by another PC.

Human Witch
Background (10): You earned a living working in your profession.
Personality (7): You look after yourself first and foremost.  You’re not above double-crossing friends.
Religion (8): You were raised in the teachings of witchcraft.
Age (9): 18-35
Build (9): Average in height and weight.
Appearance (9): Average.

Profession (1): Academic (14): Occult
Profession (3): Criminal (9): Gambler
Wealth (8): Getting By
Interesting Thing (5, 16): A bag filled with curiously fleshy rods.

Dagger, Sling w/20 stones, Basic Clothing, Backpack, Week of Rations, Waterskin, Tinderbox, 3 torches, pouch with 6 cp

STR  9
AGI 10
INT 11
WIL 11
Perception:  11
Defence:     11
Health:       9
Healing Rate: 2
Size:        1/2 or 1
Speed:       10
Power:        0
Damage:       0
Insanity:     0
Corruption:   0
Languages: Common, High Archaic

147312   Noone or Anyone   2020-05-18 00:00:22   At 2020-05-18 00:00:22, PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric (uid: 61108) rolls: 1d6 Result: 6
147311   Noone or Anyone   2020-05-18 00:00:13   At 2020-05-18 00:00:13, PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric (uid: 61108) rolls: 1d3 Result: 3
147307   Noone or Anyone   2020-05-17 20:01:27   At 2020-05-17 20:01:27, PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric (uid: 61108) rolls: 1d20 Result: 16
147305   Noone or Anyone   2020-05-17 20:01:07   At 2020-05-17 20:01:07, PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric (uid: 61108) rolls: 1d6 Result: 5
147304   Noone or Anyone   2020-05-17 20:00:12   At 2020-05-17 20:00:12, PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric (uid: 61108) rolls: 3d6 Result: 8
147303   Noone or Anyone   2020-05-17 19:59:44   At 2020-05-17 19:59:44, PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric (uid: 61108) rolls: 1d20 Result: 9
147302   Noone or Anyone   2020-05-17 19:59:28   At 2020-05-17 19:59:28, PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric (uid: 61108) rolls: 1d20 Result: 14
147301   Noone or Anyone   2020-05-17 19:58:54   At 2020-05-17 19:58:54, PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric (uid: 61108) rolls: 2d6 Result: 4
147300   Noone or Anyone   2020-05-17 19:57:48   At 2020-05-17 19:57:48, PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric (uid: 61108) rolls: 3d6 Result: 9
147299   Noone or Anyone   2020-05-17 19:57:30   At 2020-05-17 19:57:30, PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric (uid: 61108) rolls: 3d6 Result: 9
147298   Noone or Anyone   2020-05-17 19:57:05   At 2020-05-17 19:57:05, PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric (uid: 61108) rolls: 3d6 Result: 9
147297   Noone or Anyone   2020-05-17 19:56:39   At 2020-05-17 19:56:39, PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric (uid: 61108) rolls: 3d6 Result: 8
147296   Noone or Anyone   2020-05-17 19:56:11   At 2020-05-17 19:56:11, PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric (uid: 61108) rolls: 3d6 Result: 7
147295   Noone or Anyone   2020-05-17 19:54:51   At 2020-05-17 19:54:51, PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric (uid: 61108) rolls: 1d20 Result: 10

Goblin Heretic
Age (10): 11-25
Build (9): Normal
Distinctive (13): A large cyst grows on your back
Odd Habit (15) You eat a bit of flesh from any living thing you kill.
Background (11): Choose a character.  He or she saved your life and you now owe that character a debt.
Personality (12): You look out for yourself.  To hell with everyone else!

Profession (1): Academic (1): Architecture
Profession (5): Religious (6): Heretic
Wealth (10): Getting By
Interesting Things (1, 12): A tiny inert mechanical spider

STR  8
AGI 12
INT 10
WIL  9
Perception:  11
Defence:     12
Health:       8
Healing Rate: 2
Size:        1/2
Speed:       10
Power:        0
Damage:       0
Insanity:     0
Corruption:   0
Languages: Common, Elvish
Immune: Damage from Disease, Charm, Diseased
Iron Vulnerability: Impaired while in contact with iron.
Shadowsight: See in shadows as if lit.
Sneaky: When roll to become hidden or move silently, Agility challenge with 1 boon.

Dagger, Sling w/20 stones, Basic Clothing, Backpack, Week of Rations, Waterskin, Tinderbox, 1 torch, pouch with 5 cp

147326   Noone or Anyone   2020-05-18 00:13:23   At 2020-05-18 00:13:23, PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric (uid: 61108) rolls: 1d20 Result: 12
147325   Noone or Anyone   2020-05-18 00:13:04   At 2020-05-18 00:13:04, PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric (uid: 61108) rolls: 1d6 Result: 1
147324   Noone or Anyone   2020-05-18 00:12:39   At 2020-05-18 00:12:39, PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric (uid: 61108) rolls: 1d6 Result: 5
147323   Noone or Anyone   2020-05-18 00:12:17   At 2020-05-18 00:12:17, PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric (uid: 61108) rolls: 1d3 Result: 1
147322   Noone or Anyone   2020-05-18 00:11:43   At 2020-05-18 00:11:43, PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric (uid: 61108) rolls: 3d6 Result: 10
147321   Noone or Anyone   2020-05-18 00:10:48   At 2020-05-18 00:10:48, PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric (uid: 61108) rolls: 1d20 Result: 6
147320   Noone or Anyone   2020-05-18 00:10:30   At 2020-05-18 00:10:30, PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric (uid: 61108) rolls: 1d20 Result: 1
147319   Noone or Anyone   2020-05-18 00:09:59   At 2020-05-18 00:09:59, PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric (uid: 61108) rolls: 2d6 Result: 6
147318   Noone or Anyone   2020-05-18 00:07:40   At 2020-05-18 00:07:40, PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric (uid: 61108) rolls: 3d6 Result: 12
147317   Noone or Anyone   2020-05-18 00:07:15   At 2020-05-18 00:07:15, PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric (uid: 61108) rolls: 1d20 Result: 11
147316   Noone or Anyone   2020-05-18 00:06:47   At 2020-05-18 00:06:47, PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric (uid: 61108) rolls: 1d20 Result: 15
147315   Noone or Anyone   2020-05-18 00:06:24   At 2020-05-18 00:06:24, PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric (uid: 61108) rolls: 1d20 Result: 13
147314   Noone or Anyone   2020-05-18 00:06:02   At 2020-05-18 00:06:02, PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric (uid: 61108) rolls: 3d6 Result: 9
147313   Noone or Anyone   2020-05-18 00:05:31   At 2020-05-18 00:05:31, PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric (uid: 61108) rolls: 3d6 Result: 10


That's great. :)

A little later/tomorrow I'll plop an OOC thread and character sheet thread up for people to post in, I'm pretty good to start IC this week in the next few days.

Two things for everyone;

Make sure if you haven't already (I know you have Cleric), to check p.26 of the core and roll up an Interesting Thing for each of your characters. A character's Interesting Thing can be quite amusing and often a neat way to add some extra character or help roleplay the bare bones of your character going in.
Have a think of just how your character ended up with their Interesting Item.  ;D
I'm not looking for bios, if your character gets one-shotted then writing a huge background is a waste, also SotDL has players assign their character's Paths via what makes sense in narrative, so you're gonna find your character's voice in-game basically.  :-)

Also, a rule I should have pointed out earlier and will do now, given certain characters;

If you ever happen to roll a character age that is under 16, please reroll it until they are 16+.
Also make sure your character has a set age you decide on (pick a number from the ones listed for your age roll) and that this is 16 or older

Let's keep things kosher, incase characters find comfort in each other's arms given the horrors they will soon be facing! *nods*



Name: Fionn
Ancestry: Human
Languages: Common, Secret Language (pirate)

Background (10): You earned a living working in your profession.
Personality (13): You help others because it’s the right thing to do.
Religion (9): You follow the tenets of the Old Faith.
Age (11): 28
Build (14): You are a bit overweight.
Appearance (7): You are plain and uninteresting to look upon. People notice you, but your appearance fails to make an impression.
First Profession (3): Criminal
Criminal Profession (14): Pirate
Second Profession (2): Common
Common Profession (17): Sailor
Wealth (8): Poor, You live in squalid conditions and you’re never sure where you’re going to get your next meal.
Interesting thing (6) (6): A shameful past.

Strength: 10
Intellect: 10
Will: 10
Agility: 10
Health: 1
Perception: 1


Size: 1
Speed: 10

Power: 0
Insanity: 0
Corruption: 0
Defense: 1
Damage: 0
Healing Rate: 1

20 stones, patched basic clothing, a sack, bread, a waterskin, a tinderbox, a candle, and a pouch containing 4 bits.
If I have not responded to a post in 4 days, send me a PM as I may have missed it.


I had left the age range as I hadn't finished yet  :P  If you don't want a background I guess she is done then unless I missed anything.  There doesn't seem to be much to buy for her wealth bracket.

Human Witch

Age: 22
Professions: Occult (Academic), Gambler (Criminal)
Wealth: Getting By
Interesting Thing: A bag filled with curiously fleshy rods.
Equipment: Dagger, Sling w/20 stones, Basic Clothing, Backpack, Week of Rations, Waterskin, Tinderbox, 3 torches, pouch with 6 cp

STR  9
AGI 10
INT 11
WIL 11
Perception:  11
Defence:     11
Health:       9
Healing Rate: 2
Size:         1
Speed:       10
Power:        0
Damage:       0
Insanity:     0
Corruption:   0
Languages: Common, High Archaic

Background (10): You earned a living working in your profession.
Personality (7): You look after yourself first and foremost.  You’re not above double-crossing friends.
Religion (8): You were raised in the teachings of witchcraft.
Age (9): 18-35
Build (9): Average in height and weight.
Appearance (9): Average.


Thanks for your patience, folks!  :-)

Making it clear, everyone who's posted here has their character(s) approved. ^^

If you can please slide on over to the ooc thread, you can find that here to get talking with the other players and figure out any connections your characters may have with each other and connections linking them to Crossing. :)


Then, when you're ready please post your character sheet over to the character sheet thread, just makes it easy to find when you need to figure out what modifiers you need for a roll.  ;D


With that, I'm hoping to get an intro post in an IC thread up in the next day or so. Thank you for joining up everyone.  :-)

Thufir Hawat

And since I won't be joining you, good luck with the game, everyone >:)!
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