The Attention of the Divine (A Captjoe Request MxF)

Started by Captjoe, April 23, 2020, 11:43:00 AM

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Hello there fair reader! It's been a long while since I've written up one of these so I do hope you'll bare with me on this. Normally I just mill about this area, looking for any story ideas that might take my fancy. Today is different. Today I have a request for any who might be interested.

The basic idea is simple. Your character is a Goddess. A Goddess of what you might ask? Why anything you'd like them to be. Hunting, Revelry, War. Whatever it is you'd like. Your character takes an interest into my character. The reason why is also up for discussion. Perhaps he's a devout follower that Your Character has decided to reward by taking to her side. Perhaps she's sick of the fickleness of other gods and is looking for the company of a mortal. Perhaps the other gods decided it was time for her to take a partner, so to spite them she decided to take a mortal instead of another divine being. Most of it is open to discussion, but the main idea behind is that A Goddess has decided to take a mortal as a lover/partner. Sound good? Good.

So I have your interest. Why else would you have read this far? Surely you're curious about who you'd be writing with. I've been RPing for about 15 years now and I'd like to think I've gotten fairly decent at writing. My minimum post length is Three to Four paragraphs, but given a good post to respond to I can easily put out Eight to Ten. I try to reply as soon as I can, but depending on my work schedule and Muse fickleness it will vary. If It's going to be longer than a week I will be sure to inform you of such. By no means do I expect you to post immediately. Life happens and comes first. All I ask is the same of what I give. If it's going to be a while before your next post, just let me know.

I also love to plot out things with my partners. It keeps me invested and interested in the RP and it's just fun to do so. I don't expect to plot out the entire thing from Start to Finish, but I do love to discuss possible twists and ideas we might have. Don't be shy. If you think it would be fun to play out or add to the story, I want to hear about it! This is supposed to be fun and I hate it when my partners are struggling to write. To add on to this, if you see something in my posts that you don't like, or you think it needs a little more PLEASE tell me. It feels awful to get a message about not wanting to continue because things aren't going out the way you'd thought they would, but didn't tell me before dropping it. I'm pretty flexible. I'm not going to be offended to get "Hey, could you give me a little more to work with?" or "It's good, but I'm not liking how rough he is, can you tone it down some?" We're working together. Talk to me!

As for things I will do/won't do, again I'm fairly flexible. The only things you'll get a hard no from me about Vore/Scat/Blood Play. If it's along those lines it's gonna be a "nope" from me dawg. Anything else? We'll talk.

I'm assuming that if you've come this far you're either interested in what's written here, or the sunk cost fallacy has kicked in and you had already come this far. If the former, then feel free to send me a message! As I said, I'm open to discuss the finer details of my idea and I'm looking forward to hearing what you have! If the it's the latter, then I thank you at least for your time and wish you the best in your search!

I cannot make you believe the truth. I may only tell it to you.

No good day will ever be completely good, and no bad day will ever be completely bad. Therefore, ever good day has it's price, and every bad day has it's reward.