Alacrity Jazz (Sci-Fi Firefly/Cowboy Bebop themed adventure)

Started by WhichBard, April 22, 2020, 11:47:41 PM

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Quote from: Basic PremiseHe was in love with girl named Alacrity. She was smooth, curvy, quick, and had enough of a bite to keep you on your toes. She also happened to be starship; his very own. He had bought it with ten years of work - eight of which he spent fighting a losing war, and the remaining two still fighting others' battles for them. Living like a monk and saving up a fortune just happened to be the price of freedom. He could go anywhere now, if he had the fuel and the wish for it. The only thing he didn't have was a crew - an engineer, a real pilot, or someone else to watch his back when he plied his dangerous trade.

More Info:
Hello! I'm WhichBard. Another idea/prompt I have a craving for that I'd like to recruit someone to roleplay/write with me. If you haven't already, take a look at my roleplay preferences to see generally what kind of things I enjoy, and what I look for in a partner.

Here's some short thoughts on it, and iterations on the idea.

  • I'd prefer it be a MxF pairing, but I can play either - or, even better, one or both of us can play an ensemble of characters exploring the story of the Alacrity.
  • The owner/captain of the ship can be either male or female. I used my normal 'voice' for the prompt is all.
  • I imagine the owner/captain as a bounty hunter/mercenary like the crews of the Serenity or Swordfish. Scraping by on skills they happen to be good at.
  • I imagine this will tend into action-adventure territory, or maybe a thriller for the right idea. The story will take primary seat before anything erotic.
  • The other part of the pair if an ensemble isn't run can be a mysterious passenger, new crewmember, stowaway, or even a pirate who makes a bid to steal the ship. This isn't an exhaustive list, just some ideas that were on the top of my head.

Obviously, this is a basic premise we will have to expand on for the kind of story we want to make, with details that need to be ironed out before or during the roleplay. If you're interested, PM me your thoughts on the premise and how you'd like to run with it.