Coat Check Guy (MxM)

Started by Sergeant, April 02, 2020, 11:35:04 AM

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In these stressful times, I'm looking to write a simple and lighthearted story.

I was thinking of the 1950's, a pretty noir but also decadent age!
MC would be a man of importance (perhaps a banker or a politician, I haven't decided yet) who would regularly get drinks with his coworkers at the hippest restaurant or smoke bar. YC would be the new manager who happened to take care of the coats the first time they meet because the coat check girl called in sick. I would use this as the first scene.

After this, whenever YC would be informed of MC having made reservations, he'd make sure to be at the coat check counter- rather liking the facade and seeing how MC treats him, up until MC would find out YC is the manager, etc. etc.

Of course, their flirting would have to be a little hidden in charades as it was not accepted in those times. Anything else you'd want to add can always be discussed and I'm open to making this as light or deepor what-have-you for as long as we can make the story a fun one!

What I'm looking for in a character to play against; somebody with a strong backbone, funny, witty and won't just roll over to MC. If he is a bit feminine I love that as well, but it is not a must!


Hi! I'd love to RP this out with you. I'm new to this particular forum but have been roleplaying for years. I can give you a writing sample if you would prefer. I usually write a few paragraphs with at least one response a day. If you're interested please let me know. 😊


Hey Fangs! Yeah, I'd love a writing sample :)

You can always message me through PM!