Is this an April fool’s joke or something?

Started by backlash84, April 01, 2020, 03:50:09 AM

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Too much fun.  Great pick-me-up, E staff :)
“Those who lack drama in their
lives strive to invent it.”   ― Terry Masters
"It is only when we place hurdles too high to jump
before our characters, that they learn how to fly."  --  Me
Owed/current posts
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Sara Nilsson

Guess I am in alone in finding them annoying as hell :(
In the mood for: nothing at the moment. Full on stories

Apologies and Absences

Wandering Mind

It was startling the first time that it happened.  You got me good.  Well done staff.  Well done.
Status: Hiatus. Not sure when or if I'm coming back.


Quote from: Sara Nilsson on April 01, 2020, 10:52:50 AM
Guess I am in alone in finding them annoying as hell :(

You're not, they contain some common phobia related subjects like spiders and mushrooms. As well as scaring people since they appear similar to what certain viruses and malware can do(Though usually those kinds come with things you install). Likely people less tech savvy who get worried about such matters will get a scare before finding out it's part of a joke. In general I hate April 1st for this reason, jokes at the expense of others I don't like. I wish April's Fools would go away for the most part other than the more fun silly jokes like announcing absurd things such as the Sarlacc Enforcer that TOR did long ago.


I like them. I'm screengrabbing and collecting them like they're virtual Topps cards, or something.

I keep getting the flaming Top Hat though. He needs to bugger off.


Quote from: Nachtmahr on April 01, 2020, 06:36:37 AM
I think the funniest part of it is to imagine it's literally members of staff showing up to snoop while you're doing your thing.

Having a hat show up and stare all wide-eyed with wonder in a thread full of adult content is admittedly pretty hilarious.

"Oh my, what have we here?"

In the words of the late Clippy: "I see you'r trying to write some erotica. Would you like some help with that?"


Oh yes I would. Care to join me, hat with hangry eyes and teefers that would make saber cats look like chopsticks. >.>

| Rainbow Writer ~ Lover of Eros ~ New Writer Friendly |



For the record, for anyone wanting in on the fun...

Quote from: Squigglebutt on April 01, 2020, 11:59:09 AM
While it might be too late to offer a personalized staffly hat avatar to folks, would be happy to include others that want a little April Fools madness with a silly username for a day. Folks can just PM me about it, ask for the silly name they want, and I can make that happen. The more the merrier. :)

Quote from: S’moreo on April 01, 2020, 12:02:14 PM
I can light a flame under Squigglebutts.... Ah, I can help too.

S'moreo and I are willing to perhaps change folks' usernames to something silly to come have fun with the Staff. :)



| Rainbow Writer ~ Lover of Eros ~ New Writer Friendly |



"Dream... not of what you are... but of what you want to be." - Margulis
Status: Closed. Semi Hiatus. | Have you taken care of yourself today?


Quote from: Nachtmahr on April 01, 2020, 06:36:37 AM
I think the funniest part of it is to imagine it's literally members of staff showing up to snoop while you're doing your thing.

Having a hat show up and stare all wide-eyed with wonder in a thread full of adult content is admittedly pretty hilarious.

"Oh my, what have we here?"

The googly eyes really sell it for me. They're like OOOOOOOOH WHAT'S THIS.

And one floats up in my corner just as I type this. =)
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs
May you see through a million eyes.


(Also, I know name changes can spook people; I can be PMed at any time if people would like a list telling them who is who! But only via PM because there's some folks who have also expressed surprise and delight trying to figure out who is who, and I don't want to spoil that for them!)


Baby, it's all I know,
that your half of the flesh and blood that makes me whole...

Twisted Crow


I am not gonna get any real RP posts done today from my phone. There's just no way.

"Okay... so she's feeling hot from their kiss. How do I make that writing explosive to read?"

*Mirrah Fool Avi pops up and scurries off*

"... So, their kissing. What else is he doing to steam things up? Maybe he's pressing his chest into hers, wrapping his arms around while his palm slides down her ba--"

*another avi shows up on screen*

"*sigh* Dammit, you guys... I HATE MY FRIENDS SOMETIMES! ::)"


Well ... might as well join in on the fun. ;D


*Inserts Amaris's You're Welcome gif from Moana.* XD
"Dream... not of what you are... but of what you want to be." - Margulis
Status: Closed. Semi Hiatus. | Have you taken care of yourself today?



Okay, I admit I was actually being kind of facetious in telling folk that I'm screencapping and collecting these Mr Clippy things. But after grabbing a few for a lark, I've...sort of gotten into it. I can't bear to let one go now.

I've caught 20 so far, though two are doubles.


Quote from: 'Fusion Fuelled Leopardprint Sock Rocket on April 01, 2020, 01:16:00 PM
Okay, I admit I was actually being kind of facetious in telling folk that I'm screencapping and collecting these Mr Clippy things. But after grabbing a few for a lark, I've...sort of gotten into it. I can't bear to let one go now.

I've caught 20 so far, though two are doubles.

I know this is off topic, but I just wanted to say... your screen name is amazing. XD
"Dream... not of what you are... but of what you want to be." - Margulis
Status: Closed. Semi Hiatus. | Have you taken care of yourself today?


Quote from: Nomnom on April 01, 2020, 01:18:11 PM
I know this is off topic, but I just wanted to say... your screen name is amazing. XD

Thank you. It is rather eye catching, isn't it.

21 now.


We should’ve turned the hat spawns into a little Easter egg hunt! :D
Not accepting new RPs

Apologies | Ons/Offs | Finds | Requests + Rumbelle Craving


Quote'Fusion Fuelled Leopardprint Sock Rocket

What on earth!

I'd go and do a funny, if only I had a sense of humor.
~Await the Dawn With Her Kiss of Redemption, My Firebird!~
~You Were the Queen of the Souls of Man Before There Was the Word~


It's the leopard print! No way my eyes could get past that. XD
"Dream... not of what you are... but of what you want to be." - Margulis
Status: Closed. Semi Hiatus. | Have you taken care of yourself today?