I’m A Man Who’s Got Very Specific Taste (Stalker plot) (Not A Cringey Request)

Started by NoraVonElliquiy, March 31, 2020, 06:10:41 PM

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I’m not some crazy person who romanticized Joe Goldberg’s morally bankrupt and creepy shenanigans. Just give me a minute to explain.

I’d like to write up something that has the same tone as the Netflix original YOU, with some dynamics similar to Killing Eve.

A stalker character becomes obsessed with a mystery crime writer. When the mystery writer in question becomes entangled in a murder case because a serial killer is copying the crimes she writes about, it’s the stalker’s lucky day... Because he’s a cop assigned to the case.

Gender of my partner doesn’t matter, but I do have a concept for the mystery writer.

This isn’t a romance, but the stalker thinks it is. Triflers need not apply

A Bit About Me
-I quit a big job in advertising and I’m currently enrolling to go into psychology
-I like spinning records, gardening, and karate.
-I’m far too gray in the head for a twenty-something, but here we are!