Looking for a historical rococo RP

Started by Lady Sophie, March 23, 2020, 04:28:58 AM

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Lady Sophie

I am looking for a 'historical' roleplay located at the court of Versailles some years before the french revolution (1760-1770).

The plot can be start that my mother (a lower noble from the country) travels with her young daughter to Versailles to introduce her to the high society - and sure find a adequate husband for her.

From this point we can discuss your role and how the roleplay should develop.

Even if I am looking for a one and one roleplay, we should play more then just one person during the play.

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A possible beginning can be:
"aahh..." gasp I affected standing in my boudoir in front of my bed clutching one of the four bedpost while my maid tightens my corset. I am wearing a white chemise and white long bloomers which are ending in a layer of three frilly ruffles which covering half of my calf high bootee. "It is too tight" I tell her but I am interrupted from the firm voice of my mother speaking with  demanding voice "Tighter...". I turn my head watching to my mother who is already dressed and prepared for the grand evening ball. She wears a huge purple colored gown with an enchanting deep balcony cleavage which give her always impressive bust size the right fullness. Her wig is decorated with feathers and pearls and matching pearls grace her ears and neck. She steps closer and with an impatient gesture with one of her gloved hands she waves the maid away. She take the laces of my corset into her hands telling me "Who wants to be pretty as to suffer a bit...!" and with these words she lashes my corset tighter and I catch for breath again with a loud gasp. I'M believing my mother give me the fault that I hadn't inherited her huge bosom and it is needful now that she tying me up to give my bosom more volume. After she is satisfied with torturing me she allow the maid to dress me up further. She helps me into an underskirt then she drapes a large panniers hoop around me which will give my gown the typically shape of this time. The next layer will be another underskirt this time above the hoop to hide the levers of it and the final skirt can flow smooth and flat down my shape. The last piece s a dream of peach and white silk. The gown has a similar cut as the gown my mother is wearing and after I dressed up the maid hands me out my white gloves and while I put them on she does the final preparing - decorating me with pearl jewellery and putting some long feathers into my light grey and tower high wig. my mother pats her closed fan into her palm impatiently and says "Hurry up... we won't come too late!" and the maid answers shy "Oui Madame..." and steps away from me as she finished her work. I stand up and my mother watches me from top to toe saying here and there a "mhm... hm..." and nods and from time to time she twitches here and there at the cloth of my gown. At last she drags the hem of my cleavage down a bit so that I present a bit more of my bosom which triggers me to a protest "But Mama...!!!" But she interrupts me "Shh Shh... Sophie, you will become 19 this season and you even not married..." I stop my protest and lower my gaze a bit feeling my cheeks blushing a bit as my mother tells me this fact and I answer obedient "Oui, Mama". She smiles and tells me "Come... the ball is waiting..." and with these words she leads me out of the room...

~ if someone is interested to continue the story with me, please let me know ~

*waves and smiles*