Thin's Search (Originals AND Fandoms)(EDIT)

Started by ThinGirl00, March 12, 2020, 06:46:59 PM

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Let's start with a bit of an introduction.


You may call me Thin.


I am nearly thirty

Other random info:
I do have a regular job. I'm also an author on the side. I've been writing since I was a kid. That being said, I do prefer longer posts. I do NOT mind shorter posts so long as I am given enough info to work with. I'm mostly looking for two or three good roleplays so I don't burn myself out. I'm pretty good at posting several times a week. Sometimes I might not feel up to post a reply but I CAN promise at least 2-3 replies a week. Usually more, especially on my off days which varies.

I'm looking for a consistent partner that won't up and disappear on me. I've done strictly smut roleplays in the past. I'm looking for more plot driven RP's now. That's not to stay I won't do a strictly smut driven rp. I just tend to loose interest in those.

ONS: Hair pulling, biting

OFFS: Incest. I'll do PseduIncest but straight incest makes my skin crawl. I also am not interested/comfortable with F/F pairings. Being a heterosexual woman, i have tried said pairings in the past and have never been able to roleplay those in a believable fashion.

(I should also say that if I do not respond immidately, it is because my real life has pulled me away. There is NO need to block me mid planning. That's just childish and immature.)



I'm seriously craving some slow burn romance/smut right now. Friends to lovers or even enemies to lovers. Perhaps a forbidden tyrst between coworkers even.

(Bold is what I'm really craving)









The Originals

Vampire Diaries

Original Ideas


Enemies into lovers

Friends into lovers

Forbidden affairs





Don't see anything you like? Feel free to message me. The worst thing I can do is say no.


(Plot Ideas)

X The Traitor's Daughter X

Daughter to a traitor, Elena Dubrev is promptly whisked from her family estate to the face the King's wrath. She fears what he will do to her. Instead of ridding her of her head, he chooses a fate far worse for the young lass. He decides, in a cruel twist, to force her into his household as a means to ensure her loyalty to the crown. She finds herself married to his bastard brother.

(For this particular roleplay, there is some serious animosity between Elena and the King's bastard brother. Maybe he had a different bride in mind. Perhaps he has no interest in being married at all. I leave that option to my roleplaying partner.

X Beyond the Wall X

For this one, I'd be open to playing either the male or the female role. it's basically a dsytopian setting....with a twist. What's left of humanity has hoarded themselves behind what is simply called The Wall. What exists outside The Wall are a race of almost inhuman creatures. The humans call them Imperfects. But they are basically just vampires, werewolves, etc.

In this scenario, the humans and a select group of the Imperfects have come up with a trading arrangement. The Impefects provide meat, grain, etc while the humans provide medicine, filtered water, etc. in this, the main female character discovers she is not human after all. In fact, she is a Were. The leader of the Were group senses her.

This is the basic plot. Anything and everything outside of this is up for debate.

XThe JourneyX

Again, I am open and will to play either character in this.

Main female character is nothing but a peasent. She finds herself without a home after her parents perish from illness. She seeks work, eventually finding herself at a whore house. But not as a prosititue. She cleans, cooks, does the laundry.

Main male character is new to the town. He's well off. Lonely. He goes to the whore house in search of company. Instead, he finds the main female character.

This particular plot is a real craving for me. There's so much that can be done with this. He could kidnap her. She could come willingly. Etc. it has the potential to be either light or dark depending on my partner.


I am back and looking to roleplay again! i know it has been a minute. I will be updating my lists here shortly.