[RECRUITMENT THREAD!]Hunters Inc [Urban Dark Fantasy Setting][ALL WELCOME]

Started by Rebelle, March 10, 2020, 01:23:28 AM

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Quote from: Aethian on March 29, 2020, 09:31:31 AM
I don’t like using face claims, can I still join in?

After conferring with RegretNot - art or model is fine - however, due to the sake of a little bit of realism, cartoons are not.


Hello all :) I'm expressing interest in this game. I assume you are still accepting recruitments. I'm going to work on a character and submit it soon.

Take care!


Name: Annie Howser

Branch: Agent

Legacy/Recruit: Recruit

Years Active: 4

Age: 36


Physical Description: Annie is a well built, average height natural blonde with piercing blue eyes and a lopsided smile that she swears is genetic and not her trying to look sarcastic. She has a large amount of scar tissue around her left hip, where she got mauled, and a few scars across her belly. Her wounds healed well, but the scars will never go away.

Skill Set: Annie is FBI trained as a counterterrorist, specifically as it pertains to banking. This may not sound exciting, but in a wired world it has given her a broad range of technical skills. This includes her being an expert hacker, both along legal and illegal lines. She is well versed in all manner of online and electronic transactions, including familiarity with electronic back channels. Her expertise extends to communications and surveillance technology, both wired and virtual. She knows how to modify computer programs to insert into public systems to search metro street cams for facial recognition, then cover her tracks to make it as if she were never in the system. These skills also make her an expert at obtaining information from unlikely places, such as analyzing data patterns for irregularities to find ... well, to find whoever or whatever she's looking for.

Special Equipment: Annie carries a holstered firearm with her at all times, as well as a knife strapped to her ankle. She is not an expert in either weapon, but it makes her feel safer having them on her. Her laptop nestled in a bag slung over her shoulder is practically a part of her body, as it is her toolbox for working her skills.

Personality: Annie is intelligent and fast talking, with a quirky sense of humor that doesn't always make sense. She seems flippant much of the time, but this shoot from the hip demeanor belies a deep focus on the world of technology and cyber security. When she is working at a keyboard and screen, Annie is a laser and is in her element. She's a bit wary of other hunters, and she thinks legacy hunters are simply nuts. Coming late to this game herself, she tends to view hunters not trained by a "legitimate" organization like the FBI as something akin to skilled yahoos. Her attitude is starting to soften, however, as she learns just how much these veterans of this war know.

Strengths: Whip smart. Focused (when necessary). Really fucking good with cybersecurity and computer technology.

Weaknesses: A bit bigotted against legacy hunters. Sometimes lacks common sense. She has a bum leg and can't run or manuever fast.

Biography: Annie comes from a law enforcement family, a cop dad and assistant district attorney mom. Annie always was a smarty, she excelled at school, aced colleged, and sailed into Langley as a top recruit for the FBI. There she focused on counter terrorism in her training, with an emphasis on the financial networks domestically of enemies of the state. She has the basics in field training, although she rarely went outside of the office or mobile headquarters. When she was 27, after about 4 years into her career, she was helping to work a case about a serial killer. The suspect was thought to be linked to foreign terrorism, and his habit of slicing up young women was a hobby. Annie ended up working with a team to infiltrate an office building where the suspect was thought to be operating a sleeper cell out of. Annie's job was to install wire taps and cameras in the apartment. Annie entered the premises when the suspect was observed to have left the building. A half hour into her work, everyone was surprised when the suspect reappeared as if out of nowhere. He killed the agent accompanying Annie by blowing a red powder into his face. With a glance, he was able to paralyze Annie. To her horror, he was going to slice her up the way he had done to the other girls. Annie discovered that night that the man didn't do this himself; he conducted a ritual of some kind, and ... a thing ... rose from the smoke. The creature attacked Annie, biting and clawing her as she screamed in her paralysis. She dimly remembers the door bursting open and a man entering, firing his gun, another man following, shouting, fighting ... and then she passed out. She woke hours later in a cheap hotel room with the man who had rescued her, a hunter. This was the end of her professional life as an FBI agent, and the start of her career as a hunter.

On's and off's:


Name: Tedora Sileas
Branch: Conduit
Legacy/Recruit: Recruit
Years Active: 4
Age: 32
Position: Clothing maker/enchanter
Physical Description: Teddy stands around 5’5” and has long blond hair that she usually keeps back in a pony tail when working. Her eyes are a soft gray when she raises them from her work to look at someone. When accessing her power, her eyes glow a soft purple color, her iris even disappearing. She usually chooses to wear pants and loose shirts as she needs easy movement to make the clothing that could have just the right protection enchantment.
Skill Set: Able to know the perfect size for agents that need protective equipment. Her seams very rarely can be popped and when she says something is fire proof even hells fire won’t burn it.
Special Equipment: Keeps a special box that she can pull a emergency set of thread, scissors, and a needle. While not preferred even human skin can be sewn together. Once was able to sew a rip in space time together but she rarely talks about it.
Personality: Teddy knows her particular skill set isn’t the flashiest and isn’t seen for the strength that others have. So she usually stays quiet and wallflower like, staying behind in the few times she’s had to go out in the field.
Strengths: Agreeable, faithful, gentle
Weaknesses: Anxious, Mute
Biography: Within college Teddy was a open girl, constantly with friends and outgoing. Then anew guy had entered her drama class, he seemed to take a direct liking to her.
Biding his time he waited until a play was coming up, he caught her late in the dressmakers back room. She was working on a elaborate costume for the lead male character. Listening to headphones she didn’t hear him come up behind her. Didn’t seem the unnatural glow that surrounded his form.
What he didn’t know was that Tedora had only the smallest hint of ability. It was the reason that unique dress making was so easy for her, why her stitches always seemed perfect, fabric always did what she wanted.
As he touched her shoulder she had just been placing a sealing spell into the fabric and her magic however light had over taken his overconfident magic. His magic became sealed to the fabric and to Teddy.
They worked hard to try and unseal him from her, until one morning he just wasn’t there. Her body had taken in his wild magic and fused it with her own. While every so often she can feel it pull on its own she can usually calm the dark feelings by working hard on a new outfit for the ones that left the houses.
She was found just after graduation and someone came across a wedding gown that was tailored just a bit to perfectly. She joined after the second time she was approached and had to sew together something that looked just like air and then she could see the seams of the world.
Slowly she’s started to mentally distance herself feeling she’s not important enough.
On's and off's:




Quote from: Aethian on March 30, 2020, 04:28:05 PM
With your talent....both....


Thank you for that. I don’t think I can handle more than one character right now, though. Trying could easily overwhelm me.



I have a couple questions if that is alright.
First, what is the difference between recruit and legacy? Is legacy a playable option or only recruit?
Second, what about a turncoat? A monster that fights for the humans?


Quote from: ArtemisHighmore on March 30, 2020, 05:31:57 PM

I have a couple questions if that is alright.
First, what is the difference between recruit and legacy? Is legacy a playable option or only recruit?
Second, what about a turncoat? A monster that fights for the humans?

Legacy and Recruit are both playable, it is the difference of being recruited by Hunters Inc or your family already having a hunter in the line (legacy). 
We have toyed with the idea of turncoats as they already have conduits but it would be something to talk with Rebelle and myself about concept wise to see if it fits with the game itself. 


Oh okay, that makes sense.
Hmmm, this requires further pondering.


May I just say, that finally having a chance to write with you in a game is exciting, Artemis.
Ons & Offs//Requests//Where is the Black Cat?
Current Posting Time - Once a Week or More

"One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art" ~ Oscar Wilde
"I dream of painting and then I paint my dream" ~ Vincent Van Gogh


Aww, you flatter me. Hopefully I will be able to wrangle up something worthwhile.


Ons & Offs//Requests//Where is the Black Cat?
Current Posting Time - Once a Week or More

"One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art" ~ Oscar Wilde
"I dream of painting and then I paint my dream" ~ Vincent Van Gogh


So I toyed with some concepts, and went this route. Considered rough and open to adjusting as needed:

Name:William Eriksen
Branch: Agent
Legacy/Recruit: Recruit
Years Active: 32
Age: 55
Physical Description: William is tall and leanly built, with wild white hair and a beard to match, though he does his best to keep the beard trimmed. Piercing, dark eyes seem to miss very little, studying everything about with an intensity that borders on obsession.
Skill Set: Researching, Lore knowledge
Special Equipment: William keeps a small leatherbound notebook and pencil on him at all times, filled with his scribblings and tidbits of knowledge that he has accumulated during his years of service.
Personality: William carries a quiet, reserved air about him almost constantly. That is not to say that he is cold, but he often prefers the company of books to other people. His words are measured when he speaks, like he considered each one before giving them breath.
Strengths: Level-headed, Knowledgeable, Passionate about the paranormal
Weaknesses: Suffers inner conflict, Not always forthcoming with information, Prone to sulking
Biography: To say that William was fascinated by the things that existed in the shadows and went bump in the night would have been an understatement. Even though he was not sure just what it was that drew him, all he knew was that he couldn’t get enough. Any book he could find he devoured. It may have started as youthful curiosity,but it quickly became a passion and then an obsession. It consumed him, much to his parents' distress. They tried everything from sports, to cars, even girls but nothing could hold his interest for long. Eventually he would return to the books, to the world that he was almost certain existed, if only he could find a way to prove it.

Surely he would have grown out of it right? Tire of the bogeyman, or wendigos, or the monster under the bed. At least his parents had hoped as much as he went through school but he only became more withdrawn, more obsessed. They gave up by high school, resigned to the fact that he would just be an oddity so long as he kept his grade up. Of course they received quite the shock when he applied for and received acceptance to the University of Edinburgh to study Psychology. Was this the turning point? They could only hope. As it turned out, Edinburgh offered a degree in parapsychology to those studying Psychology, which had been William’s goal all along. Maybe that was when he tipped off Hunters Inc, thought he did not become aware of them for a few more years.

After graduation, William was lucky enough to get a research position in the Koestler Parapsychology Unit at Edinburgh. He was in his second year, tucked away in his lab when several rather interesting fellows came knocking. A sane man might have laughed them out of the room, convinced they were having a poke at him, but he did not. Know, they had him hook, line and sinker. It was like pulling back a great veil that he had been poking at for twenty years! It was validating and terrifying all at the same time.
On's and off's: See writer ON/Offs or inquire


YAY!! Artie is gonna come and play!! This is super happy making!!
Wolfi Recommends- changes weekly
Keep it vampirated and melanated.



Please feel free to let me know if this works for the game :)

Name: Cassandra Prudence Ravencrest aka Cass, Ray, and Raven depending on comfort levels and familiarity.
Branch: Soldier
Legacy/Recruit: Legacy
Years Active: 8 (Technically 5.5)
Age: 27
Position: Breach Specialist
Physical Description: Cassandra stands at 5'5" with a curvy athletic build. Her raven black locks fall to the middle of her back. Her dark brown eyes and luscious lips, most often painted ruby red, are about as expressive as any can be when she's not mindful enough to make the effort to mask her emotions. Her cream colored skin is surprisingly lacking of scars given her colorful experiences in recent years and the 4 and a half years of service prior. Since her return to Hunters Inc her typical manner of dress is fashionable, form fitting, and functional for the purposes of combat if a touch more revealing than some may prefer. Comfort and flexibility are her preferred standards of dress. It is worth noting her soft spoken smokey voice comes with a fading British accent.
Skill Set:
Breach specialist; Due to her capabilities and her general lack of personal safety concerns Victoria learned how best, perhaps, to be the first one into any situation given whatever information Hunters Inc agents could offer her or otherwise. With this comes the simple ability to pick locks and pop keypads (under agent instruction).
Flexibility, acrobatics, and improvisation; Her agility, decisiveness, and close ranged talent in combat situations is far more impressive than the average which is essentially what made her perfect for breaching and close quarters combat. One would find it difficult to claim her style as any one martial art including wrestling and judo. Given her size and the strength of her average enemy attempting to overpower them is often less than ideal.
Swords, daggers and close range arms; Her capabilities with swords, daggers, and handguns are at a minimum similar to that of a dancer of some sort. She moves with a precision and rhythm. Agility and balance worthy of a first responder to the unknown without the hesitation others may experience.
Cassandra is also fluent in Latin.
Special Equipment: Never one to hinder herself in combat Victoria chooses to wear no form of armor. Instead she merely carries a pair of  titanium swords and a pair of titanium daggers both etched in silver for light weight durability and practical effectiveness. Additionally, though she does not take them on every mission, she often carries two M1911 desert eagle pistols in under shoulder holsters. Given she only carries two spare clips for either she keeps only silver bullets on hand. A small roll of lock picking tools of course. Lastly she keeps two items on her at all times outside combat and emergency situations. A necklace passed down through the ages within her family and a butterfly knife for threatening unpleasant humans away... mostly threatening... a little stabby if need be.
Personality: Given the stark contrast between how she behaves on the hunt and how she spends her free time Cassandra seems almost two entirely different people. On a personal level she is rather jaded, most often guarded, quiet publicly but far more willing to share opinions privately. She's rather cynical in nature these days though mostly because she doesn't often do much that doesn't benefit her directly. Sarcasm, vulgarity, and a general lack of fucks to be given are something of a norm. There's a constant need within her, a constant wanting, set upon her by her.. experience... which causes her often to seek any and all distraction from the quiet of her own mind.

When it comes to combat she closely resembles a hurricane. She keeps in constant destructive motion. Unpredictable enough to be devastating yet calm as the eye of the storm within. Nothing soothes her unquiet mind more thoroughly than the purpose of the hunt, the threat of death, and distraction from the emptiness a single one of her twenty seven years stitched to her soul. Moment to moment one could never tell whether it was fearlessness or a lack of care for her own well being that crafted her "bravery" but it was an effective thing none the less.
"Fearless" - Apart from perhaps the ancient vampire that captured her nearly two years ago Cassandra operates with a mentality one would assume is fearless. No matter the trouble or the danger she maintains nerves of steel.
Fitness - While there is nothing otherworldly about her Cassandra is in peak physical condition. Her strength, reflexes, agility, and accuracy are honed to a sharpness well beyond that of the average woman of her shape and size.
Determined and Durable - With a will of titanium and a looming phobia (general fearlessness aside) that she may ever fall into enemy hands again she fights tooth and nail. Her tolerance for pain is impressive and so long as her body is able she won't give up the fight until she's been incapacitated.
Reckless - Despite being as experienced, well trained, and skilled as a legacy of her bloodline ought to be that very fearlessness that makes her perfect for the position of breacher can also cause her to take unnecessary risks in the heat of battle. While the heat of battle often makes it difficult to notice a discerning eye might recognize the lack of concern she harbors for her own well being and her constant chase for the thrill of life or death combat.
Dependent - Whether it be a good fight, a decent fuck, or a damn good drink Cassandra is almost always in need of constant distraction. A situation that in and of itself can be disorienting or distracting. She can maintain the bulk of her focus during briefings but when not distracted the physical tells that she's lost too deeply in thought can slip through the cracks of her armor.
Own Worst Enemy - Ultimately Cassandra has no one but herself to see her through day to day and sometimes that just isn't enough. The worst part of it is she actively avoids letting anyone in and sharing her experiences doesn't even exist on her priority list. She could, at times, use a shoulder if only her own wasn't so cold.
Biography: Cassandra Victoria Ravencrest is a woman whose origins, with the right books, could be traced back as far as the days when Richard the Lionheart aided in the third crusades final taking of the city of Acre. A long line of valiant hunters, of which more than one have served as Pendragons, culminated in the shape of her. From the time she was old enough to understand the concept of a bed time story she knew who she was and what her purpose would be.

Day in and day out she trained and she studied, she learned and she listened, being forged into both a conduit of wisdom for the light and a warrior to pierce the dark. Even when the news of her parents deaths on mission reached her she took it in stride and carried on with her training with little delay beyond the burial ceremonies. By all estimations she was the model soldier with a bright, if a bit grim, future ahead of her within the ranks. By Eighteen she was in the field primarily as a backup and member of auxiliary forces, By nineteen she was a fully active agent, and by twenty one her talents were recognized to the degree that she became the breach specialist.

From the looks of it and by her every intention she would surely rise to power and prominence in short order. Fate had other plans and would see to them. Her potentially meteoric rise came to a stall with the suddenness of death halfway through her twenty forth year of life. Seven deaths in all. Her entire team fell at the hands of a vampire and it's brood. This vampire was an ancient one and as cruel as any she'd encountered before. At first she wondered why she'd been kept alive but eventually the answer to that question failed to have meaning. One tended to experience a great many vile things when kept as some sort of possession by an elder vampire and it's brood.

Over the course of a year she was kept entirely in the dark and often moved. So much so that she lost track of time, location, and nearly herself if not for the pendant they left dangling around her neck. Worst yet no matter what it was they did to her they need only force feed her their own blood to ensure they could begin anew whenever they chose. They took all they could from her day in and day out and left her without even the scars to speak of it where instead her tongue would never tell the tale.

After a while and enough blood she wasn't certain her mind was entirely her own at times anymore. Yet in a moment of lucidity and great fortune she was able to escape... or perhaps even released intentionally? The elder had embarked on a hunt for the evening with most of his brood and left her in the charge of one of the brood's youngest and most foolish. The younger of their kind were always the most pliable to the temptations of blood. In the midst of the act she was able to relieve of of his dagger and part the vertebrae at the base of his skull with it. The rest was easy enough.

While she chose not to share every detail of her year long hell upon her return to the fold she also neither lied nor covered anything up including the fact that she suspected her escape was either intentional or an amusing lack of care via her captive. The purpose of which she still had yet to fully surmise. Most conclusions could be drawn using logic alone. It was fairly obvious to those who knew her a great deal of damage had been done. Physical and mental recovery were the first steps in training to rejoin the cause. The other, much greater step, would be the continental transfer from Europe to North America. It was concluded that while her talent ought not be wasted it would be best for the sake of Cassandra herself as well as the order if she had a change of scenery and a fresh start elsewhere.

A year and a half later, at the age of twenty seven, she was finally cleared and eager to return to the hunt.
On's and off's:
On's - Foreplay, a little dirty talk, fights for dominance, winning or losing those fights, choking, slapping, most anything goes. At most times, especially when she's just chasing a feeling, she prefers rough encounters and doesn't spend the night unless it was some kind of impressive. Gentle and sensual is something reserved for feelings that she's not sure she's capable of having anymore. (Most things go but feel free to ask in detail)
Off's - Scat, waterworks, fisting, vore. (If you think it might be too extreme just ask me and I'll confirm or deny as needed. The standard extremes are pretty much what apply here as well.)
Take off your clothes
Give me your trust
Look me in the eyes
Confess your lust
I promise I'll love you if you do it
So do it for me...


Name: Charles “Chaz” Morgan
Branch: Conduit
Legacy/Recruit: Recruit
Years Active: 3
Age: 32

Physical Description: Chaz stands at six-foot-six in his bare socks, a usual occurrence since he tends to eschew wearing boots or sneakers unless he has to. Blue-eyed and fox-haired, he stands out in a crowd. He tends to be well-groomed with his beard and mustache often smelling pleasantly of some herbal facial oil, and his hair is typically pulled back into a ponytail that hangs down past his shoulder blades. There are no scars or tattoos on his body, although his unusually long fingers and fine knuckles are often nicked with small cuts and covered in Band-aids. His usual expression is that of (as a fellow agent once described it) a concussed duck. The wire-rimmed glasses that he always wears doesn’t help much with this despite his otherwise pleasant looks.

Skill Set: He’s a researcher extraordinaire. It doesn’t matter if it’s a card catalog or a search engine, Chaz is adept at finding what needs to be found. His knowledge often allows him to partake in conversations about any number of topics, albeit with sometimes (seemingly) unrelated tangents. This especially applies to the occult and the supernatural; he knows a remarkable if not downright disturbing amount about magic and how it works (in theory.)

Chaz is also skilled at a variety of board games, card games, and especially darts. About a year ago, he started juggling for stress relief. This wasn’t worrisome until he started juggling knives. And then started playing “the knife game” at his desk. (See the bit about his fingers and knuckles.)

His second most important skill set is his ability to use magic. It’s not the flashy throwing fireballs sort of magic, but rather something more subtle. Chaz has developed an eclectic mix of thaumaturgical practices that allows him to do things in such a way that shouldn’t otherwise work. A Conduit might need several hours to set up a protective ward with inscribing the runes just right while burning the proper sort of incense and reciting the exact incantation; Chaz is more likely to draw a hopscotch board, play a few games of it, then smoke a cigarette while reciting a bit of obscure poetry for the same results. But his best trick? Mesmerism. His voice is soft and soothing, and when combined with his gentle gaze he can easily entrance a target after just a couple of minutes of speaking with them. His conscious effort to charm a target manages to cut through the otherwise alien aura that he unwittingly projects otherwise.

But the most important thing? He’s the perfect bait. Due to his curious mannerisms and strange aura, supernatural creatures are drawn to him. It’s not exactly clear why.

Special Equipment: Chaz’s personal library is quite extensive if not eclectic; it takes up most of his apartment with books often found in even the kitchen cupboards alongside cereal boxes and teacups. Many of his books have found their way to his work desk where they are haphazardly stacked. His desk is also adorned with a number of Troll dolls, others within the company finding that gifting him with one of the wild-haired toys to be a surefire way to get Chaz to prioritize their requests. In terms of personal defense, the company has issued him a .22LR semi-automatic with the appropriate licenses to carry it; they don’t trust him with anything more dangerous. Chaz usually has a couple of throwing knives on him, more used for juggling than anything else but still sharp enough to work in combat. Lastly, his pockets and messenger bag tend to be filled with any number of odd bits and pieces that he’s picked up over the years: marbles, salt, iron nails, scraps of paper, chalk, bird feathers, etc…

Personality: At first, people might think that Chaz is autistic. Then they might think that he is sociopathic due to his apparent lack of emotion. Then they find that he is simply… different. Alien. Fae-Touched, perhaps? He never quite understands the motivations of others, and in some matters he is rather innocent. In others, however? He is unrelenting. Part of him is never quite present, as though there is a portion of his mind that is often elsewhere when he’s not immediately focused on a task.

Strengths: Intelligent, Dexterous, Creative, Fearless, Knowledgeable, Gentle, Decisive

Weaknesses: Retiring, Eccentric, Stubborn, Distracted, Clueless, Mortal, Alien

Biography: As a child, he was as happy and rambunctious as any kid the same age. Really, he wasn’t any different than any other boy his age, and you couldn’t have picked him out from all of the others in his class or on the playground. Then, when he was twelve, his family went on a camping trip in the Allegheny Forest. That summer something happened to Chaz. No one is really sure what exactly, but he encountered something in the woods that changed him. He returned quiet and thoughtful, almost as though he was looking at the world through different eyes. Physically, he’s still human, although no one else in his family is as tall or has features quite as fine as his. But there’s something... off… about him. It’s not that he’s autistic. Nor is he sociopathic. His parents took him to a number of psychologists and psychiatrists and therapists over the years to address his rather fae demeanor, but it was impossible to pin down as to whether or not the young man actually did suffer from any syndrome or dysfunction at all. And yet, when one hangs around him long enough, one gets that feeling that there is something wrong about him. Whatever it was about him that unnerved mortals, however, piqued the curiosity of the supernatural. One vampire, in particular, had been stalking him while he worked at a university library. When the Hunters took the vampire out in front of him, Chaz had watched on in bemused curiosity, commenting to the soldiers calmly that he wondered whether throwing mustard seeds in front of the vampire would have worked. The Hunters were disturbed by his lack of reaction to having just seen a vampire being killed. The Conduit with them, sensing that something wasn’t quite right with the young librarian, reported that this was someone worth keeping an eye on. So much so, in fact, that they hired him. It was better to keep him close, it was decided, than to let him be wandering around out there on his own! He’s not cursed or blessed or soulless or anything like that, but there is something about him that the organization wants to puzzle out. So it was that Chaz embarked on his new career as a paranormal researcher, agent (and occasionally “bait”) for Hunters, Inc.

On's and off's:


Hi all!

Are the Hunters still recruiting?
If so, I have a rough sketch for a character for now. If she is acceptable, I will flesh her out more. I could use some input with the setting specific stuff though.

Name: Valerie Curtis
Branch: Agent
Legacy/Recruit: Recruit
Years Active: 1
Age: 28
Position: undercover / infiltrator
Physical Description: Average height, athletic, shoulder length hair
Skill Set: Acting, disguise, sleight of hand, thievery, driving, running, climbing, self defense
Special Equipment: High powered taser, nasty pepper spray, fast motorcycle, forgery kit, disguises
Personality: Extrovert, talkative
Strengths: Disguise, acting, assuming different personalities. Simple locks, doors, windows, safes and the like usually pose little problem. When everything else fails, run.
Weaknesses: Relatively inexperienced and less combat trained then your average hunter.
Biography: Dropped from acting school, turned to thievery and con. Valerie ended up trying to steal from a wrong person. It turned out she found herself in the middle of a Hunter operation. She ended up being recruited.
On's and off's: No bathroom stuff

Sounds to me like Valerie might be working/training under Benjamin "Benji" Treadwell. Or is she overlapping too much?
Also, can I assume that a Lord playing a female character is all right here?


Are you still accepting characters?  If so, I'd be interested.  What is the maximum number of characters we can have?  I had two or three in mind, personally.


We are still accepting characters and everyone is starting with one for now but it doesn't mean there can't be expansion later. 


Name:  Jasper Diamond
Birth Name:  Vincent Diamante
Branch: Conduit
Legacy/Recruit: Legacy
Years Active:  14 (12 actual field work)
Age:  28
Physical Description:  Jasper stands at five-foot-ten and has dark brown hair and brown eyes.  He is in good physical shape, spending some time working out to maintain lean muscle.  He tends to wear dark clothes, though not always black.
Skill Set:  Having spent years studying from his grandfather's old books, Jasper has developed his abilities as a conduit.  He has mastered the art of creating magical illusions.  Additionally, he's able to render tiny aspects of reality malleable (for instance, a handful of glass shards that he shapes into two or three inch spikes or caltrops).  Warping reality in such a manner is draining on him, however.  Beyond the magical, he is good with research, the use of handguns and small blades, and sleight of hand.
Special Equipment: He typically carries a small knife of some kind (usually a karambit), a set of cards for magic tricks/sleight of hand, and two small pouches, one containing broken glass shards, and the other containing a hallucinogenic compound that he uses as a catalyst for his illusions.
Personality: Jasper seems to have a dual nature to his personality.  On the one hand, he enjoys reading and learning more about history, ancient lore, and the connections between the two.  This leads him to constantly be looking for more to research and study.  On the other hand, he often plays the role of a trickster, using his knowledge and magic to confuse and frustrate, though he rarely uses his abilities to do harm.
Though he has often worked alone, he has done so out of necessity rather than desire, not realizing that he is actually a legacy member of Hunters, Inc.
Strengths: Recollection of his grandfather's books, many of which detail centuries of supernatural events and/or manipulation by unknown forces.  This recollection is not photographic, however, though he knows where to find the information if he needs to look it up again.  Highly perceptive, giving him an edge when it comes to illusions, both creating and seeing through them.  Very studious, almost to a level of outright perfectionism.  Self-reliant, something he developed when he struck out on his own years ago as a lone hunter.
Weaknesses: Though he understands how to use a handgun, he very strongly dislikes them, and will avoid using them if at all possible.  Generally, he avoids combat whenever possible, as he is no martial arts expert or soldier.  Often overconfident, a result of developing magical abilities without fully understanding what could go wrong.
Biography: Jasper Diamond was born Vincent Diamante in New York to a wealthy family who was said to have been from the Oldest of Old Money.  That was both true and false to a certain extent.  His family wasn't Old Money in the same way that people tend to think of it.  They were Old Money in that they had ties going back centuries.
As a kid, he was sent to the best schools, and received a great education.  Every so often, he'd spend summers with his grandparents at their mansion.  These were enjoyable times for him, as his grandfather would allow him to read nearly any of the books he wanted in his library.  However, certain books were placed off-limits.  It was explained that they were books that his grandfather needed to keep safe.
Over the years, Vincent chafed under having to go to private schools for an education, so he started to run gambling rings and other things in the hopes of getting kicked out, which ultimately happened.  His parents were furious with him, but he got what he wanted:  to go to a normal high school.  It was during this time that he started to see things he couldn't explain.  He wasn't sure what was going on, but it seemed like there was a veil over everything, obscuring the truth of things.  He spoke to his grandfather about what he was experiencing.
His grandfather explained to him that he was becoming a Conduit.  With some further explanation and convincing, his grandfather told him the history of their family, going back centuries, leading to a falling-out between the Diamante family and the organization they worked for at around the time of World War I.  Vincent's grandfather then did something he never expected he would do:  he put the first of the off-limits tomes in front of him, and told him to study it.
Ultimately, the Diamante family fell on hard times, with the death of Vincent's grandparents.  Vincent's father never believed any of the fantastical stories his grandfather had told him, and refused to acknowledge being a part of a Legacy lineage within Hunters, Inc., instead preferring to focus on other more ambitious pursuits.  This ultimately led to the family's financial undoing and subsequent bailout by foreign interests.  Vincent became estranged from them, and left to pursue greater knowledge about the real world his grandfather had taught him about.
Vincent became a street magician for a time, occasionally bumping up his sleight-of-hand with the occasional illusory cantrip.  He eventually made enough money to start traveling the world, albeit with just enough money to get by.  He eventually made his way to Minneapolis, where he figured there was some research to do, adopting a fake ID and the name Jasper Diamond in the process.
On's and off's:  Same as player's.

NOTE:  Vincent has no idea how to contact Hunters, Inc., nor has he ever crossed paths with a member, to his knowledge.  I was thinking that Vincent could stumble (or "stumble") upon a Hunter operation while he's doing further research.  Maybe Hunters, Inc. has actually been keeping an eye on the family even though the Diamante family has been away from it for around a hundred years.  Perhaps they approach Vincent thinking (rightly) that he'd be willing to work with them.