M&M Sailor Moon, Corrupted Heroes! (Interest Check)

Started by Angie, March 07, 2020, 10:57:15 PM

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Inspired by Vampires of the Moon, a comic that featured the Sailor Scouts getting turned into vampiric creatures, me and TFCommando are wanting to put together a group game where the players play as corrupted Sailors, packing their own powers as well as a Metamorph where they trade all the shining magical girl powers for darker, more "evil" powers! This is meant to be more light hearted, as the Sailors come to terms with their new powers and struggling to stay heroic, even as they feel a need to do things like defile the innocent schoolgirls that the villain they just defeated was already trying to defile!

This is simply an interest check for now, to see if anyone is up for playing or GMing this. If you do wanna GM, well, you got two players already!
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  This sounds awesome.  I'd love to play.  Are you needing a GM? 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


We could use a GM potentially. I'll get my write up for Mercury posted tonight so interested people can see the kind of idea we're going for!
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Yeah, an example would help a lot.  I feel like my first three ideas are probably over the moral event horizon already.



That's Ami's build as far as stats. As far as actual personalities go, we do want them to be mostly heroic, but feeling urges to do other things. And of course it's running off comic book/anime rules, so killing isn't exactly what's gonna happen, but for instance, Ami here could easily build an army of entranced minions to do her bidding if she wanted!

Quote from: Muse on March 08, 2020, 08:14:14 AM
  This sounds awesome.  I'd love to play.  Are you needing a GM? 

I think I misread this. if you'd prefer to play, that would be perfectly fine.

I can also GM it if no one minds me running a GM PC as wel.
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I helped work up the idea with Angie and naturally have a variety of ideas. 

The simplest one is that they were all overcome and bitten and seduced by a vampire monster, but rallied and defeated them.  But didn't go back to normal even after the monster was defeated or destroyed, the changes still inside them and the urges that go with them growing!  The vampire powers are also useful in fighting vampires!

There's "Be careful when fighting monsters, lest you become a monster."  If they've been battling vampire monsters for a while and being exposed to vampire dust/essence when they destroy one, over and over, that might have caused a cumulative change in them that has finally flipped over!

There's the idea that the Sailors aren't normal girls and are becoming more abnormal and perverted from their heroic lifestyle.  They never go on dates or hang out with ordinary friends any more.  They lie and make excuses to sneak off, have a naked transformation in public and then go run around in a skimpy outfit to find perverted, often naked monsters who are molesting girls, then jumping in to wrestle them.  They've been doing this instead of normal dating for years so they might start getting aroused by monster girls, turned on by seeing human girls molested.  Someone might have held back to watch a vampiress molest a girl in a moment of weakness, or been invited to join in!

The Sailors' powers all come from Usagi/Moon.  If any of the above happened to her, the effects might spread to the other girls... just indirectly, through their link of power and friendship.  This strangeness might be strongest on a new moon, the sky entirely black, or when the moon is blood red. 

This is just thinking about the vampire approach.  If one assumes that vampires are demons the way Buffy the Vampire Slayer does, different Sailors might have different alternate forms!  Venus would make a great succubus, for example.  Mars as a fire-themed demon, "wearing" only fire is another.

A two page sequence of "Vampires of the Night" with a transformation I greatly enjoy.

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Behold!  My O&Os
Highly interested in
Canon Character Roleplay and System-based Roleplay


We're also not exactly demanding vampires in the traditional sense. Monsters of all stripes would be allowed-we do love Jupiter turning into a werewolf.
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

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While excited for M&M, I somehow missed that it was using canon(ish) characters.  Unfortunately I don't know that I remember the series well enough to pull that off so should withdraw my interest.  It does sound interesting, hopefully you all have fun! 


Hmm... I would be interested in playing or running it.  It actually sort of sounds like a story series I had started a while back for TFCommando (that I keep meaning too get back too... sorry about that TF)