Les and his slowly growing list [M for any] Semi-updated 11/01/2021

Started by LeSane, March 02, 2020, 06:02:31 PM

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Seriously don't post in this thread! Send me a PM!
(If you don't, then I have to start bugging you about it, and no one wants that.)

Gettin' through with the intros
Sup everyone, and thank you for taking the time to read this; I appreciate it; my name is Lesane, though you can call me Les as there is another Lesane. Still, we're different. I know confusing, but it happens. Most of you should know me as I've been around for a while and have been in a few group games on Elliquiy. For all the people who are new to the site and readin' this, then I hope you're having a good time. Anyway, I've kept my solos very bare due to being about 13 hours ahead of the states when I was in Japan for the last two years. Now that I'm back in the states and wanna open up for people again. I'll be adding more plots as the ideas come to me since this is a new search thread and my last one... it's out of date, and there's nothing there but old ideas which don't interest me right now.

What you'll be gettin'
Alright, so I mainly write male characters, but I'll try my hand at female characters (I've been interested, but no one has come with an idea so I can try). When it comes to my writing partner, I don't care if you're male, female, or whatever. If you want to write to me, then do so. I'm game. So I'm going to say it now I'm a decent writer, and I don't claim to be the best at it, nor will I ever. I'm going to be upfront with you all I have dyslexia. I've learned how to deal with it, but I use Grammarly to fix the mistakes that I don't see even when I double-check it. My post speed is up in the air as I do things besides sitting behind the screen and waiting for replies. I usually will get a response back in a day or two. Anything past that, I'll send a message to you and get one done by the end of the week.

So we are getting to the fuckin' elephant in the room here. I DON'T DO REAL FACE CLAIMS! So you're asking, 'Then what do you use?' Anime/Manga/Drawn Media if you haven't guessed it yet. Let me make this clear. I will NOT change my stance on this for anyone. Many great writers have this same viewpoint and are excellent writers. If this sway you to not want to write with me, then so be it. Those interested still, I'm willing to assist you for those who haven't dabbled with this stuff.

With the statement above, I am willing to forgo the 'no real face claim' for one idea that I've been interested in for some time, however not all ideas I submit will be given that leniency. I apologize in advance if you're interested in an idea that's not meant for real face claims; I still stand firm in my decision.

When it comes to my writing, I enjoy using multiple characters because it shows that the world isn't just the two we started with initially. If you don't want to do the same, I'm not going to force you. Not many can juggle more than one or two characters, which are perfectly fine. I also enjoy causing drama and tension between characters. There's a heap of other things I want to talk about currently. However, it's easier to communicate with those interested ones on one.

Old/Retired Ideas

Deviants of Society: Lust thy neighbor
Old Idea

Deviants of Society: Lust thy neighbor
For: Female Characters
Writing Tags:
Supernatural, Modern, Various Males, Episodic
The Plot
The supernatural isn't so uncommon as angels, demons, and everything in between have proven accurate. There has been much indifference at first; however, laws and treaties have come together so all races could live in harmony as the years went on. Its been over thirty years since this has happened, and most have accepted the day-to-day life of seeing all manners of creatures; heck, they even live in the same neighborhoods, apartment complexes, and even marry humans. There is still the struggle of some who can't adapt, and because of this, they've taken to living in solitude and using their innate abilities in secret.

There is a rumor about an incubus who spends his time sleeping with a woman he finds attractive in an unknown complex. Still, when someone comes to investigate, or the landlord comes to deal with the disturbance, only the roommate is around and says he's been trying to make him cooperate with the demands. Various other corrective officers have come to deal with this, and none have been able to get direct contact with the Incubus in question. It seems as if they are so close but far from the problem.

They are both right and wrong. The roommate is the Incubus who cannot control his other side, which causes a split in personality mentally, causing them to inhabit the house. Neither seeing the other as if he's two separate people.

The Idea
Your character is either a corrective officer for these cases and has 'unusual' methods to deal with those who come across your desk. Since violence doesn't fix the problem and sending them to jail or kicking them from their homes only makes them more resentful than before and become repeat offenders. I'll need a female character who isn't afraid to do what's required to be done and puts their body on the line so these 'deviants' can live like the rest of society.

My Cousin Cupid
Old Idea

My Cousin Cupid
For: Female Characters
Writing Tags:
Comedy, Consensual, Transformation
The Plot
You don't understand how you came across it; maybe it's because of how late at night where those weird commercials come up, and instinctively you turn the channel only to see the same thing on the next, and the next, so on and so forth like its directed towards you. What's even weirder is that this isn't the first time you've come across this late-night commercial. Whenever you feel hopeless, it finds its way in front of you. There's nothing special about it as it looks poorly made as to production value with the various hearts and cheesy graphics. The one speaking for the advertisement doesn't even sound professional.

'Having trouble with getting that perfect partner you've been striving for all this time? Have a hard time with a relationship and need advice? Got dumped and need someone to help you rebound? Then call 'My Cousin Cupid.' I promise you that if you can't find someone to make you happy, then you get a refund. What do you have to lose? Call now!'

The Idea
The idea is relatively self-explanatory. Cupid has gotten tired of going around having to make people fall in love and has decided to help a bit more one on one with those who need him. He isn't some little guy in a diaper flying around. If your character isn't confident, he'll teach them how to gain some confidence; you are going through a bad breakup and need to get over your Ex? Who's better than Cupid? No one, that's who, god damn it! Cupid isn't afraid of whipping someone into shape. Breaking them from the ground up, so they turn heads and make the one they want lust-driven.

Leather Bound Dragon
Old Idea

The leather-bound Dragon
For: Female Characters
Writing Tags:
Exotic Solo, Dragon, Fantasy, Multiple male Characters
The Plot
It had been a few decades since the dragon had switched to this den, but after some work and the support of his followers, he'd be able to relocate to such a lovely area. It was secluded, and most dragons who fought for land were not an issue. The events with a couple of dragons had made him flee to this place, but he could not be mad. The dragon had been bested by a better and had to accept it. However, it mattered little as today the humans would be delivering tribute, but some of the women had come to hear their God sing. The women were young girls who wished they could be lucky enough to be with him, yet he rejected their propositions. Human women were too fragile for the games he liked to play when in the mood. One of the girls, who seemed to be in her late teens, placed a few gold pieces down and asked in her language to sing. With a simple nod, he let the sun shine down from above as an unheard tune caused him to sing out," Do I look lonely? I see the shadows on my face." He said azure blue eyes were staring at one of the girls who swooned at the idea he was singing to her. "People have told me I don't look the same. Maybe I lost weight. . . I'm playing hooky, with the best of the best; put my heart on my chest so that you can see it too." Ryze swung around to the next girl, and she nearly got up and grabbed him into a loving embrace but was stopped by another girl as it was taboo to touch him unless he allowed it. "I'm walking the long road, watching the sky fall. . . The lace in your dress tangles my neck; how do I live?" They would not understand what he said, but he constantly questioned why they thought of him as some God. The girls swooned at him and knew they wanted him. Ryze waggled a finger at them as they presented themselves in a very unladylike manner, and they pouted in disappointment as he left to wait for the men who would be coming to deliver this year's tribute. Yesterday one of the men had come to him trying to tell him in the closest fashion that he could understand that they had a rare gift for him. Whatever it had been must be quite the trouble to cart here. The trip was easy to get to his den as the river was cleared just for them if they needed his aid.

The dragon could see what looked like a giant cage in the second cart in the distance, which struck him as odd. Had they gotten him a pet? Ryze did not see the need for one but would accept it if only to set it free. His stomach growled as he grew hungry, but waiting on them seemed more important than stuffing his face. Unlike most dragons, he did not eat deer, cattle, goats, etc. He picked the lake because he found fish, crabs, and other shellfish more delectable. Getting those kinds of meat had been much harder while living in the forest, and he had to settle to eat cows but not anymore! As the men made it close to him, they bowed to their deity and showed him what they had brought him. One cart filled with various trinkets and gold in several bags, which he was pleased to see. In his territory, the people had asked to find wealth, and he one day stumbled upon a cave covered in gems. The humans hadn't even excavated the entrance entirely as that alone brought them into prosperity. The second was the cart with the cage, but he would open that last as he wasn't too keen on chasing that down if it was dangerous. It had a tarp of it, so he couldn't make out what or whom it was. The last was something different from usual as he requested leather for his work, and they were happy to provide, but they had managed to cure some high-end hide. With this, he could make a corset for when the next mating session rolled along, and he had enough time to craft it, though.

Lastly, he went to the cage that he couldn't see and pulled the tarp off, and looked confused as he saw a woman in it. Ryze hadn't expected them to think he was into slavery. Yes, at times, he did like having a servant, but they had long since taken the chance to leave, and he found the solace more comforting in shifts than always having to reteach a new person.

Old Idea

For: Female Characters
Writing Tags:
Modern-Fantasy, Heros & Villian, Drugs, Fighting
The Plot
The lines between being a hero and villain muddled as a drug created that had unintentionally given the user powers and achieved the next step in human advancement. Dealers called the drug EVO and were the rage in all those who could afford it, but the side effects heavily outway the positive use of the drug as it has a ninety percent failure rate. The one who was foolish to inject, swallow, or smoke the infamous EVO drug gave them powers yet simultaneously weakened their sense of reason, attacking innocent people before they overdosed and died. The only way to prove it was due to either their tongue or veins being pitch black.

The few who did manage to be those chosen few who didn't go on a rampage had also gained powers. Still, after what seemed like a few weeks, the ability would subside unless another dose was administered, leading to those addicted to the power and the high it brought. EVOLVE was quickly labeled as a powerful drug, and those who possessed them were arrested. The news channels are filled with people claiming to be some heroes; save citizens. They wanted compensation for their good deeds while a rise in crime surged as well. The police called these heroes vigilantes as they had broken the law despite the good they did.

You can never know who is on the drug-like those who couldn't handle it had died being a warning of sorts to those thinking of trying it out. My character comes in as it's been a year since the drug was considered illegal. His best friend had been one of the many people who fell, a victim, passing away. Despite the danger, he wants to use it too, yet his motivation was to clean the streets of the very substance. The young man takes EVO and gains powers and takes the streets with less than stellar results, nearly getting beat up when someone beat down the dealer and his gang taking his supply, yet leaving him a few vials to keep his powers going. Trying to keep a low profile, he stays away from his crime-fighting, but on his way home, he walks a pasta woman who's going the opposite way, smoking, giving him a coy smirk. The smell is evident to him as its drug EVO. Whoever she is, my character figures; she's the one who saved him.

If she's a hero or villain, he can't tell, but he'll be seeing more of her very soon.

No good deed, unpunished

Old Idea

No good deed, unpunished
For: Open to Male and Female Characters
Writing Tags:
Adventure, Drama, and Violence
The Plot
The bustling commercial hub of Ul' dah sits amid the desolate desert landscape of southern Aldenard. The city is organized strategically around the dome-shaped citadel at the center. Its towering fortifications and protective outer walls are visible for malms in all directions to deter would-be besiegers. Visitors from every corner of Eorzea come to Ul' dah to partake of the city's famed recreation, most notably the fighting arenas and gambling halls. Ul' dah culture is known for its affluence, and the nation's wealth mainly comes from its abundant mineral resources and prestigious cloth crafting industry.

Members of the Ul Dynasty claim their sovereignty by right of birth. Their will is carried out by the Divan, a group of eight viziers who oversee matters of law, finance, engineering, the interior, commerce, war, religious affairs, and palace affairs. However, the influence of the sultans has been waning for some time, and at the present real power is wielded by the Syndicate, a council sat by six of Ul'  dah's most elite and influential.

Historically, the sultan claims sovereignty over Ul' dah, but true power wielded by the Syndicate, an elite group of six of society's most influential and wealthiest members. Nald'thal is the city's patron deity, and two great halls devoted to his two aspects are found in the eastern and western sections of the city. Ul ' dah's culture and politics have much been dominated by trade and profiteering, affording the Syndicate a significant power base. Influence and, most importantly, wealth are the criteria for membership, and seats on the Syndicate can be bought. Syndicate members typically fell into two camps: Royalists who supported the monarchy and Monetarists who preferred to displace the sovereignty and exert more control over the city-state. Though Sultana is officially the head of state in Ul' dah, her power has been eroded by the largely Monetarist Syndicate, reducing her to a figurehead.

The story begins with The Quicksand, which shares the same building as the Hourglass Inn, the main tavern of Ul' dah. From traveling merchants to pilgrims, this tavern bustles with all manner of clientele. An agile fighter skilled with knives and daggers to make quick work of his enemies. He was lurking in the shadows, adhering to no laws but his own, stealing homes to get ill-gotten gains to line his pockets. Though to many, he was nothing more than a mere common criminal. He kept looking over his shoulder to see if the guards were about as he lockpicked the door to one of the more wealthy homes. He'd been stalking the owners all day as they were one of the royalists who helped support Ul' dah and its people so they wouldn't mind the thief coming into their home and taking some a few items so that he could sell.
'Life is an unreasonable game in which winning was impossible from the start. Even so spread your wings and fly straight into the sun! If the world threatens to swallow you whole crush it under your heel.'


The idea already in discussion with potential partner

What is an Isekai?

Isekai, or "different world," is a Japanese genre of light novels, manga, anime, and video games that revolve around a person transported to and has to survive in another world, such as a fantasy world, virtual world, planet, or parallel universe. This plot device allows the audience to learn about the new world at the same pace as the protagonist.
The genre can be divided into "transition into another world" and "reincarnation into another world."

In "transition into another world" stories, the protagonist gets transported to another world (e.g., traveling into it or being summoned).
In many examples, the Main Character is an ordinary person who thrives in their new environment thanks to being expected in the real world to being seen as extraordinary in the "other" world. These can be physical characteristics, such as hair or eye color, or average, everyday skills they learned in their previous life, such as cooking, engineering, primary education, or medicine. Which are far more advanced in the real modern world than in the world they are sent to. An offshoot of the isekai genre is the "second chance" or "reincarnation" genre, where a protagonist who, upon dying, finds themselves transported, not to a different world and new body, but into their own younger self. With their new knowledge and older intellect, they can relive their life, avoiding their previous pitfalls.

Usually, the protagonist manages to deal with why they've been transported, summoned, reincarnated, etc. They are allowed to be returned home. The big question is, what happens afterward when the reason you are brought to this world has come to a close?

Story idea

Your Character was just an average person...

Who lived an average life but was transported to this strange world over a year ago.

They cried a lot at first, wanting to escape from it all, though after learning that there was a chance you'd be able to return home.

The idea of going back to your life had hardened your resolve, and you adapted to this world.

On the battlefield, where many people who killed and were killed... Your Character tried their best to uphold the values of justice and equality that their teammates often spoke so strongly about. The time spent learning the true meaning of courage and camaraderie.

Things that they hadn't really understood before arriving in this world. For an average person, it would be too for them to understand, but they'd grown strong, so much so that more people were relying on them than your Character counted on them.

They'd lost a lot but gained a lot, too. Times where they would have stumbled at a few obstacles but were able to overcome more.

Finally... a year-long journey came to a close.

Three weeks after saving one world, your Character returns to earth only to find that they have lost everything. It seems that while they were away, things hadn't stopped. Parents worried and trying to find their child only to have one face an unfortunate accident. The other, overwhelmed by grief, took their own life. They asked that their passing publicize that the media outlets publish your characters' missing person report even to the end.

Your Character's family wasn't wealthy enough to have money left behind. Money wasn't the only thing they lacked.

No Family.
No Higher education.
No Social Status

In this place, the 'You' no longer exist.

Your Character saved the world. Saved countless people's lives, and as people searched for them, our Character risked their lives to come back here... so why have they been abandoned?


Reason for writing all this...
This comes from a webcomic called 'Yongsaga dorawatda' or, for the majority of us who have no idea what that says, 'The Warrior Returns.' It resonated with me because, for once, it took the stale concept of other worlds and being transported. The ramifications of what happens when a character is gone for so long, or they die. The world moves on, and people are hurt. There isn't a happy ending for people sometimes.

'Life is an unreasonable game in which winning was impossible from the start. Even so spread your wings and fly straight into the sun! If the world threatens to swallow you whole crush it under your heel.'


The Love Advice from a Duke of Hell
Demon x Human

The person of your dreams barely knows you exist. Your friends can't help you. Your family is clueless. So who do you turn to for love advice? Who can provide you with the essential assistance for the lovelorn? If you're an average everyday young adult, you attempt to summon a powerful demon from the recesses of hell and, frankly, hope for the best.

The Demon gives you the breakdown that they will help you get the person of their dreams. However, they'll be awarded your mortal soul as compensation since that was what you offered. Your character would be damned not a bad deal as originally your soul for eternity, A win-win, right?

I'm looking for someone to play the character who made the deal or the love interest of the one who made the contract. The theme would be comedic (Dark), slow burn (debatable), and story elements. I'm not looking for instant falling in love or getting in the character's pants. I'm also looking for someone who can help craft side characters to flesh out the world more.

For those interested, I got the idea from a webcomic of the same name ' Love Advice from a Duke of Hell' its a rather funny story that I hadn't expected to draw my attention for long. However, the characters change enough and give more than enough character development while still sticking true to the comedic tones at the correct times.

'Life is an unreasonable game in which winning was impossible from the start. Even so spread your wings and fly straight into the sun! If the world threatens to swallow you whole crush it under your heel.'


Vampire the Masquerade

The game uses the cursed, vampiric condition as a backdrop to explore themes of morality, depravity, the human condition (or appreciation of the human condition in its absence), salvation, and personal horror. The gloomy and exaggerated version of the natural world that the vampires inhabit called the "World of Darkness," forms an already bleak canvas against which the stories and struggles of characters are painted. The themes generally seek to address include:

•Retaining the character's sense of self, humanity, and sanity.
•Simply keeping from being crushed by the fierce opposition of mortal and •supernatural antagonists and, more poignantly.
•Surviving the politics, betrayal.
•Often violent ambitions of their kind.

The requirements I'm looking for someone familiar with the material, at least the basic understanding, since I still consider myself a novice. There won't be anything too grandiose.

I was potentially looking for someone to play 'against' or 'along' with one of the few characters I have in the World of Darkness. I'll describe each of them for those interested.

"Home isn't where you're from. It's where you're supposed to be."

•Elijah; A Liabon (Kindred) of the Ebony Kingdom. His Sire has set roots within NYC. The young vampire is tasked to connect with the western kindred and integrate with the Anarchs to see if they are worth his Maker's attention. In recent nights the Brujah have contemplated joining the Sabot as their message of Freedom resonates with the hot-blooded kindred. The leader of his coterie, who happens to be a Baron, has tasked him with getting them back on track. An enormous task for someone so young.

"People walk around, act like they know what hate means. No one does until you hate yourself. I mean, truly hate yourself. That's power."

•Lucas Harlow; A lonesome Nosferatu living a very stagnate life. Unlike the character above, his story would be more about his past since he faced the final death. How Lucas was dragged into this world, he wants no part. Being used for his abilities while battling with the realization that his mortal life had been crumbling around him for a long time, and he was the last one to see it.

"Never appeal to a man's better nature. He might not have one."

•Artem Hazen; A Gangrel who's left the city after having a conflict with the former Baron on his priorities. He wants to watch his little girl grow up and still be a part of her life though in the background. That was over thirty years ago. With all his mortal obligations taken care of, he's come back in the hopes of repairing old bridges with those in the city and potentially making new ones.
I should do a minor clarification that I'd like to do some rolls to make it more interesting. Each character has sheets already made, and there is a bot called Thirst I'd like to use.

'Life is an unreasonable game in which winning was impossible from the start. Even so spread your wings and fly straight into the sun! If the world threatens to swallow you whole crush it under your heel.'


Ain't never had a friend like me

The solo will focus on a cunning and powerful demon who decided to give. Kroni is known as the primordial manifestation of evil, Ravana, Duryodhana, and of different ages, yugas. Still, he is simply called the Dandy Demon; he's spent most of his time becoming increasingly bored and unhappy. So he decided that why not use his unholy power to quell his everlasting boredom with some entertainment. When he finds himself involved in a young woman who wants to be popular, attractive, and proposes the deal which would seem crazy to refuse. Mr. Dandy told her that he would collect later, and all she needed to do was enjoy herself. However, you know that old saying ' Pay the devil his due.' What will the demon want, or even when he'll appear.

I'm looking for someone to play the female character who will be the subject of interest for the Dandy Demon. Your character will be paying off the debt they've accrued, what the tasks are will not be anything too outlandish as he wants to get some amusement out of it, and just harming your character would be the opposite of what he'd want. Mostly things that seem unfavorable for you then. For example, the character has a date, but she's told to babysit an Incubus.

An older idea I've wanted to do for a little and was reignited because of the newest episode of I.M.P on youtube.

'Life is an unreasonable game in which winning was impossible from the start. Even so spread your wings and fly straight into the sun! If the world threatens to swallow you whole crush it under your heel.'


"This is your life, and it’s ending one minute at a time" from Fight Club

I've wanted to do something very different from the general ideas that I have previously thrown up, so I've written it separately from the common thread. So, you might be asking what this idea you have then is? Happy that you asked as its a mix of mangas I've read and found interesting over the usual stuff. There are three in total that I've gained inspiration.

DeadTube| A very... 'interesting' Seinen manga series written by Mikoto Yamaguch. It's very graphic and doesn't shy away from showing that the world isn't happy. It draws inspiration from various forms of media like Youtube, Streaming, and other modern media mixed with a heavy dose of the internet's darker side. It touches on many themes most people don't like to address, i.e. (Murder, Rape, Trauma, Manipulation, Torture, etc.) If you've got the stomach for it, I recommend reading it.

Lookism| A Korean Manhwa created in 2014 by former author and Ulzaang Taejoon Park. A webcomic series that delves into how discrimination based on a person's attractiveness. The character experiences the world's unfairness and hate, while also seeing the kindness and individual treatment through the other. Their new body takes them through numerous life experiences from becoming a miniature celebrity, a trainee for an entertainment company, and modeling for clothes. However, once the day turns to night, this rosy dream turns back into a harsh reality of what the world is after.

Household Affairs| To break it down to avoid the apparent cliche title, Neglected wife commits adultery with the delivery boy, but unbeknownst to her husband is an assassin. Beyond that, the story has a twist and turns more focused on the husband, living a double life. I didn't care for the infidelity/cheating aspect as it becomes mundane too and pushed to the side when the wife isn't involved.

Synopsis of my idea #Killstagram

(YC) Your character has everything -- she's super pretty, has the best brand sponsorships on social media, and gets 10,000 likes within seconds of posting a selfie. If there is something, YC doesn't like all it will take: a single tweet to have them either ruined, wrapped around her finger, or apologizing publicly. An entitled brat who expects to get everything because she's beautiful. YC is surprised that after half a year, someone is moving next door from her luxurious apartment. (MC) My character doesn't fit into the world she's created and tries to do the usual routine, but can't find anything on him no matter how hard she tries. This leads to her entire world is twisted upside down in the worst way one night when following him one night learning MC's secret and being dragged into his world.

If you expect this to be a highly sexual story, then I can tell you that this isn't my aim right now. I'm leaning towards story then smut, so if that is what you're looking for, I'm not the one for you. This is about bringing someone into a world parallel where people do awful things because for fame, money, and the sheer thrill of it.

This is beginning cast of characters for #Killstagram all of them have double lives deceiving everyone around him though each of them different in how they do so, and will be explained as they're introduced. I don't wish to give to much information to give those interested in writing a solo and have them picking favorites. Not as it will matter as death of these characters will happen at some point.

'Life is an unreasonable game in which winning was impossible from the start. Even so spread your wings and fly straight into the sun! If the world threatens to swallow you whole crush it under your heel.'


'Life is an unreasonable game in which winning was impossible from the start. Even so spread your wings and fly straight into the sun! If the world threatens to swallow you whole crush it under your heel.'


'Life is an unreasonable game in which winning was impossible from the start. Even so spread your wings and fly straight into the sun! If the world threatens to swallow you whole crush it under your heel.'