M/M System Game Fantasy Adventurers

Started by Xurtan, February 27, 2020, 03:56:53 AM

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...Speaking of being ogle worthy ;) That is a fantastic piece of art. Vic certainly wouldn't mind spending a night with Nach or Godwine. Or both. O:)

Drowned Vandal

I am sure there will be plenty of quality time for the guys. And Nach would not mind that one bit.


Godwine is definitely attracted to both Nach and Victory ^.^
I knew this game would get hunky but still... was not ready whew *wipes sweat*


It would not be the first time I've wanted to fuck the entire cast of a game, though might be the first I get the opportunity to ;) Curious about the other two, as well as whatever NPCs Ere cooks up. Should be a treat. Looking great so far.

Orange Marmalade

Looking like a good cast :)

I think mine is about done, and I think I figured out his look (thanks to a little help).

Your magical bounty hunter, of sorts. A bit of.. Witcher meets Lucifer (from the TV show).



Stylish. Sort of reminds me of Lord Black from A Practical Guide to Evil, which might be an obscure pull. Love the almost Gilgamesh effect of the weapons in the art though, too, and he definitely has some neat armor. Now to wonder what he looks like out of it.  >:)


Just submitted my sheet for Wynne Dhoesone! Here's a general snapshot if anybody is interested!

Half-Elf Bard (Lore): Wynne is the fifth son, and bastard, of Fhiele Dhoesone, Baroness of Giantsdowns -- the half-elf noble has been spending the last few years getting roped into different adventures, all to keep up with the vast network of lies he's established that was supposed to let him live a comfortable life as a lesser noble. His most recent lie involved getting a pass due to his 'devotion to Ruornil'. Now, in order to prove that 'devotion', he's talked his way into becoming a 'patron' of the temple of Ruornil; wielding his 'Elven magic' in service of the moon god to ensure the temple would back up his claims.

Mechanically: Wynne will be holding all the skills! Expertise in three, Proficiency in seven others, Jack Of All Trades for the rest, Thieves Tools proficiency to fill the role of the Rogue -- Heavy focus in social and 'rogue' skills. Perception/Insight are trained, but pretty low. His spell list is trying to be pretty generic bard -- Healing Word, Faearie Fire, mixed with some Enchantments. Combat script is currently somewhere between Rapier and Vicious Mockery, or just trying to make the battlefield more advantageous with spells that zone the field, Suggestion to temporarily remove targets, and his other support spells.

In the future, I'll LIKELY build him just full Bard. I'm highly considering taking a level of Hexblade or Warlock just for CHA to weapons and/or some Cantrips to boost my damage -- but I'm going to grow into it either way, and see what the party needs.
Like what you see? I am currently looking for new plots!

Detailed List of O/Os and Plot Seeds

All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!


Cute. I always did enjoy Bards, and Half-Elves are great. Sounds like we'll have a rather nice mix of skills, abilities, and general spells to throw around across the party, really. Always good to have options.


He's got it all, sexy, talented, and Idk if Wynne broods but his pic makes him seem brooding xD
I like the roster so far, nice!


I'll do my best to take a look at everything you've all sent me and check the mechanics as well.


Looking forward to it. :) Can't decide if I'm more excited for the smut or the plot. Though I suppose those don't need to be mutually exclusive. Glancing at everyone's O/Os there seems to be some good overlap, which is always nice to see.


Quote from: Xurtan on March 29, 2020, 12:16:41 PM
Looking forward to it. :) Can't decide if I'm more excited for the smut or the plot. Though I suppose those don't need to be mutually exclusive. Glancing at everyone's O/Os there seems to be some good overlap, which is always nice to see.

I'll be disappointed if people are not here for the plot... ;-) No, I understand the crave for smut because I've always wanted to run a system game with all male cast who are into men. Having said that, I am treating it the same as any system game I run -- with utmost attention to the plot so I'll clearly want people to engage in it as well. This will not be a sex game -- but a game where players just happen to have sex. With one another and with NPCs but otherwise, I won't purposefully make everything sexy or sexier ;-)


Hah, you know my character's goals and general thought process - he's definitely here for the plot. I've wanted to do a kingdom building game for eons, so I'm thrilled to see where this ends up going. I'd probably be about just as excited for it even if it was in a non-adult section--the ability to have sex between characters and with NPCs just pushes it that much further ahead. Sex is just also not a bad way to tie people to you, so my guy will undoubtedly find uses for it on occasion.

Curious about what sort of NPCs we'll run into in general, even from a purely platonic perspective. Founding a kingdom certainly has its trials, and that's well after all the initial scenes and whatever we end up doing in the territory. It's just easy to focus on the sex right now because we know so little about the story, whereas sex has a limited number of applications so is easier to imagine. *snicker*



That is a ridiculously pretty and ginormous map.


It is! It's just there for overall completeness sake because it's unlikely we'll ever need even half of it. Here is the one part that concerns us -- posted as another map so I could keep the quality and size up. The best part about it? I can just post stuff on it as we go along. Hope one of you has got cartographer's tools proficiency!


What do the numbers mean? Assuming we're meant to know yet. I'm guessing settlements or resource trackers, but hm. And hah, I have calligrapher supplies, that's close, right? :p We might end up paying a cartographer, wouldn't hurt to have someone able to map such things out, if none of us have it.


Ooh while I was making Godwine, I did get curious about Barrow Woods and Silverheart areas.

Plus Godwine has the background Outlander; Wanderer: For maps and geography Godwine has an excellent
memory. The layout of terrain, settlements and all other features around him are available to recall always.


Quote from: Xurtan on March 29, 2020, 04:38:26 PM
What do the numbers mean? Assuming we're meant to know yet. I'm guessing settlements or resource trackers, but hm. And hah, I have calligrapher supplies, that's close, right? :p We might end up paying a cartographer, wouldn't hurt to have someone able to map such things out, if none of us have it.

It's for the Birthright domain ruling system -- the first one denotes the level of the province and the second the maximum level of magical sources in the province.


Oh huh, that's neat. Good to know. And certainly adds some weight to where we end up in that territory. Hmm.


Quote from: lux89 on March 29, 2020, 04:41:29 PM
Plus Godwine has the background Outlander; Wanderer: For maps and geography Godwine has an excellent
memory. The layout of terrain, settlements and all other features around him are available to recall always.

He's good with recalling maps, sure, but it doesn't mean he knows how to make new ones :-)


At least for nearby I can have my familiar scout and then minor illusion an image of what she sees for the party, but yeah having an actual map would be nice haha. Especially as territory updates and our kingdom grows/we figure out what's around us.


Quote from: ererruz on March 29, 2020, 04:57:43 PM
He's good with recalling maps, sure, but it doesn't mean he knows how to make new ones :-)

He also recalls terrain, settlements, and all other features around him so anywhere he's been that's new, he can recall and help make new maps, right?


Sounds like the sort of thing that would give a cartographer advantage on an assisted check. *snicker* Are we doing rolls for that sort of thing, I wonder? We'll have to actually interview and look at the portfolio of the cartographer options in that case. :p