Constant log outs

Started by Far eyes, March 02, 2009, 04:38:41 PM

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Far eyes

I have bin having issues with constantly being logged out, even though I have the box with keep logged in checked. It seams to happen randomly I am not shore if it has to do anything with afk times although it had happened while loading up pages to.

Anybody have perhaps an idea what could be causing it?
What a man says: "Through roleplaying, I want to explore the reality of the female experience and gain a better understanding of what it means to be a woman."

What he means: "I like lesbians".


It's also happening to me. D: I guess it's not such a big deal, but it is a little annoying.


I noticed it too. It happens when I click on a link that is designated with the domain name instead of the IP address, and when I log in it doesn't take me to the link location, instead to the main page.

I believe it is due to the Domain Name in the link which hasn't fully resolved yet for the cookies to work properly.  Or it could be a cookie issue dealing with the domain name.

Just some information, I am confident Veks will figure this one out also.
"sEx is LikE aiR..
iTs noT reaLLy tHat imPortAnt
untiL yoU're noT geTtiNg anY.."
   *******   [/td][td]
Suffering should be creative,
it should give birth to something good and lovely
 ~ Chinua Achebe


At least twice was due to me changing some security settings. If it happens again after this please let me know.


Still happened, sent you a PM with a specific example.
"sEx is LikE aiR..
iTs noT reaLLy tHat imPortAnt
untiL yoU're noT geTtiNg anY.."
   *******   [/td][td]
Suffering should be creative,
it should give birth to something good and lovely
 ~ Chinua Achebe


Still happening here as well.
To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.
To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,
and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,
and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.
~Wendell Berry

Double Os <> Double As (updated Aug 14) <> The Hoard <> 50 Tales 2024 <> The Lab <> ELLUIKI


I have the same problem here. Can't use any links (ons/offs, links to to rps), as it just logs me out, and when I log in takes me back to the mainpage.
Ons and Offs    Short Term Ideas,
Misc. Long Term Ideas

If you send me a PM and I don't respond, chances are I just missed it. Send it again!

Some heroes don't wear capes. Some just #holdthedoor.


If it follows a link then that's a different issue that I'll be resolving later this evening. : )

The Overlord

I've noticed this, and in addition I have shortcuts to my game pages set up, these are not working and asking for another log in, I assume this is because the boards jumped location.


I had to log in this morning.


Me too. I had bookmarked the site so it took me straight to my "My Bookmarks" page which worked, but when I clicked on the first thread I wanted to see the new replies in, I was asked for a login.


I have noticed that links using the Elliquiy IP addy rather than the addy in people's ons and offs don't literally log you out but instead ask you log into the mainpage. 

The Well of my Dreams is Poisoned; I draw off the Poison, which becomes the Ink of my Authorship, the Paint upon my Brush.


Logins are now back to being forced through SMF doesn't handle moving very nicely.


Thank you Veks, it all seems to be working now.