Dark Convent - Freeform NC, Vampire Nuns Recruitment Thread (CLOSED)

Started by DrMcQuark, January 21, 2020, 11:15:55 AM

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Elizabeth Ecsed

I'm probably in, I kinda want to play both a hunter and a vampire. *Ponders*


Quote from: Elizabeth Ecsed on January 25, 2020, 08:59:35 PM
I'm probably in, I kinda want to play both a hunter and a vampire. *Ponders*

That works for me. :)


Quote from: Nowherewoman on January 25, 2020, 06:07:04 PM
OK, think she's done, barring GM change requests.

Character Name: Legion
Aliases: Babel; the White Death
Faceclaim: EVE Online Drifter art
Played By: NowhereWoman
Character Type: Demon


It's never been adequately clarified if the entity calling itself Legion is singular, a community, or a number of individuals using the same name to spread confusion.  Aside from terrorizing New Testament pigs, something by that name has been implicated in dozens of possessions and several free-roaming hauntings, and has been associated with more than one dangerously cursed artifact.

This iteration has taken a female form a bit over six feet tall, hairless, with corpse-white skin.  Despite her pallor, Legion's skin is hot to the touch, enough so to cause minor burns to unprotected human flesh with sufficient contact.  When she speaks, her voice is shockingly high-pitched and breathy; she sounds a bit like an insane adolescent.

Legion simply arrived on the doorstep of the convent several years ago, placing herself at the service of the Mother Superior.  While she seems unshakably loyal to her vampire cohort, trusting her fully would be foolish; powerful demons make uncomfortable servants at best.  She likely has her own agenda, or is acting on the orders of one greater than herself.


Most of the time, the demon is a looming, silent presence standing in attendance to the Mother Superior.  She is deferential towards the other vampires of the coven, but far from chatty. At moments, though, she will come out with some surprising, humorous quip, veering from the macabre to the outright silly; some have taken this behavior as evidence that 'she' is actually a community inhabiting a single shell. 

Legion avoids the novitiate, so as to not frighten them into a too-early realization of the truth. When it is time, however, for one to be fully initiated, it is often the demon who fetches them and holds them down for the vampires to feed on and debauch.  This, and when she is gleefully slaughtering those the Superior has marked as enemies, is when the beast is at her most animated and, perversely, almost human-seeming.

Her primary purpose seems to be to assist the coven in their plan of corruption and dominance.  That may be all there is to it- demons are notorious for such. If she has a greater plan, it has not yet been revealed.

Legion almost always refers to herself as 'we'. Except when she doesn't, adding to her bizarre mystique.

- Enormous physical strength (as strong as all but the oldest vampires).
- Highly resistant (not immune) to most forms of damage. Extreme cold and lack of air will slow her down but not stop her; fire is dangerous to her, extreme electrical shocks can render her temporarily inert. Other forms of damage (bullets, blades, trauma) can eventually incapacitate her, but she will regenerate in time. It's unclear what would happen if her shell were totally consumed by fire or acid.

Consuming human blood will greatly speed her regeneration, which may be why she has chosen to serve a group of vampires.

-Shadowmelding.  Legion can use shadows to travel, apparently across quite some distance, but only after dark, and only when there is not a full moon.

-Not exceptionally smart.
-While immune to usual 'mind control' type skills (anyone trying to eavesdrop will hear a whirlwind of screaming voices), her senses are no better than the average human's. She hunts by sight and sound, and can be fooled by illusions or trickery.
-Subject to wardings and bindings that affect other major demons.
-Cannot enter hallowed ground (which isn't to say she can't attack those within by throwing cars at them or whatever).
-Singleminded. If she has been set a task by the Superior, she will pursue it, ignoring pretty much everything else unless it is directly in her way.

Likes, Kinks and Fetishes: Violence and cruelty.  When it comes to sexual antics, Legion seems to be more a watcher than an active participant, though she assists in the coven's 'initiations'.

Hard Offs: None specific to Legion, but the player's O/Os kick in at some point.
I love the bit where she most animated and perversely human like. Nice touch!

No changes needed. Also looks like I will need to create an approve character thread soon. :)

Elizabeth Ecsed

How powerful should the average vampiress be? Sun wood and silver allergies? Other weakness?


Quote from: Elizabeth Ecsed on January 26, 2020, 03:11:11 PM
How powerful should the average vampiress be? Sun wood and silver allergies? Other weakness?

Here is a quick listing of vampire strengths and weaknesses:

Vampiric powers (standard):
Fangs/claws; immortal; immunity to normal damage; supernatural strength and speed; enhanced sight (darkvision) hearing and smell.

Vampiric powers (additional): (Select three)
Mesmerism; telepathy; shape change (specify wolf, bat, mist, rats); shadow control; invisibility; clinging; summon minions; flight

Vampiric weakness (required):
Repelled by holy symbols wielded by the faithful; allergic to silver; sunlight; wooden or iron stake

Vampiric weakness (additional): (Select one)
Bloodlust; must be invited; can’t cross running water; cannot stand on consecrated land; player’s choice

I'm also open to other ideas.


I have updated the thread so it is now an actual recruitment thread. I also added some additional information about vampires and some general game rules.

I will be working on adding an OOC and Character thread for approved players and characters.


♦ A&A/Post Tracker Updated 03-19-2020 (1 of 9 posts owed)
♦ O/O STILL Under massive reconstruction
POSTING RATE: A few hours - 72 Hours, excluding weekends.
(I vanish Friday nights & return Monday at some point, generally)

☙≈ Ons & Offs
☙≈ A&A, Chat & Post Tracker

Lady Sakura

Tentatively interested in this.

Not sure if I want to do vampire or a hunter. Leaning more towards Vampires might make both XD. May I make a face claim reservation?


Quote from: Lady Sakura on January 28, 2020, 02:32:06 PM
Tentatively interested in this.

Not sure if I want to do vampire or a hunter. Leaning more towards Vampires might make both XD. May I make a face claim reservation?


Re Z L

Character Name: Remiel
Aliases:  The Silver Lady
Faceclaim (If Known):  Avacyn (Magic the Gathering)
Played By: Re Z L
Character Type:  Angel


Remiel had been the patron of the Silver Order for as long as it had been in existence.  She did not lead them, but aided them through advice, training, and as a conduit to the divine.  She rarely would assist them in combat, but when she did it was when there was a particularly potent demon aiding their enemies.  It wasn’t until such an excursion that Remiel had even come into any form of danger.

Baited into an encounter Remiel was separated from the rest of the Silver Order.  Through a concerted effort she was subdued and captured.  She was brought back to the convent of the Sisters of Lilith where she was imprisoned.  She underwent torture similarly used to corrupt the mortal women that they sometimes brought in.  She would also witness the slow corruption of such women over time.  It was terrifying and thrilling all at the same time.  She remained in captivity for nearly five years.

A carefully constructed plan on the part of the Silver Order went into effect to rescue Remiel.  Though there were heavy losses they managed to extract the angel from the unholy convent.  They returned Remiel to the Silver Order’s headquarters so she could recover.  While she slowly recovered, the damage had already been done.  The Silver Order recognizes that Remiel’s strength has waned, but perhaps only the Sisters of Lilith know that the root of corruption has taken hold in the angel’s soul.

Personality:  Remiel is kind, but she has recently taken on a more vengeful attitude.  She is welcoming to the other members of the Silver Order, much as she always had been, but she tries to keep them at a distance for fear of the temptations she may feel towards them.


  • Enhanced Physical Attributes – Remiel possesses superhuman strength, speed, agility, and stamina.
  • Minor Shapechanging – Remiel is able to make minor alterations to her body, specifically she can cause her wings to appear or retract or change her physical gender to male, female, or hermaphroditic.  Despite these changes she is still recognizable as the same person.
  • Lay on Hands – Remiel can focus holy power through her touch, allowing her to heal the faithful with a touch.

Weakness/Flaws: What is your character's Achilles' heel? What personality flaws do they have?

  • Tainted – While many, if not most, angels are highly resistant to unholy influence or magics, Remiel’s time while imprisoned has rendered her quite the opposite.  Remiel is unable to resist unholy influence for prolonged periods of time, having the same willpower as a normal human in this regard.  Similarly, exposure to desecrated ground or unholy auras saps her resistance over time.
  • Potent Blood – Remiel’s blood has likewise been corrupted from her years of imprisonment by the Sisters of Lilith.  It would have at one time burned a vampire as if they were drinking holy water, but the purity of her body had been burned away.  Instead of harming vampires, her blood empowers them for a period of time.
  • Cursed Desires – By almost any definition Remiel is nearly a Fallen Angel.  Her separation from the divine has opened her to sinful desires which she is not accustomed to.

Likes, Kinks and Fetishes:  Voyeurism, bondage, mesmerism/mind control, dominant personalities

Hard Offs:  BDSM, torture/pain (for the pure purpose of causing pain/damage), gore, bathroom play, etc.



I've updated the initial information post and removed the RP system so the game will be Freeform.


My plan is to have the IC threads up tomorrow and the game can officially start!

I will not be closing entry into the game and will most likely keep it open for a while to see who else might want to jump in.

Lady Sakura



I wanted to bump this up to let people know that the game is still open for new players.

Come on in. Everyone is welcome.


So, I am interested in this. Vampires are one of my things. Nuns are another. Is it still open to players?


Hello there
Expressing interest in this ^^
Would love to join.


Quote from: RykerBlack on April 08, 2020, 10:12:47 PM
Hello there
Expressing interest in this ^^
Would love to join.

There is plenty of room in the convent.


I sent you a message to discuss this further. I am going to read things over a little more carefully. I have two characters I am interested in, one who is a vampire nun who takes religion about as seriously as you can imagine, not very. Another is a human nun that is very dedicated but could be lead astray. Anyway wanted to plant this flag of interest and see about maybe helping you restart this thing again.


Monthly bump for interest.

I would love to have a few more characters on either side of "good" or "evil".

Third parties would also be welcomed. Does the CIA know anything? Perhaps occult investigators or mercenaries would take an interest in the activities of the Convent of St. Lilith. Blood thralls caught between wanting to escape and the intense pleasures they are provided by the hungry nuns?

Blood mages are another suggestion with a lot of possibilities.

If you're interested, send me your character via PM.


I sent you a character to start via pm. I will begin with the one, then we can go from there. :)


Quote from: Esoterica on May 12, 2020, 10:28:23 PM
I sent you a character to start via pm. I will begin with the one, then we can go from there. :)

Got it. Approved and posted in the Character thread. :)


This looks interesting. How would the convent react to a party girl (who experimented with blood magic) sent to the nunnery as a novitiate by unamused family? I'm hoping to make her ripe for corruption by the senior nuns if that's acceptable?


Quote from: Empyrean on May 14, 2020, 07:03:37 PM
This looks interesting. How would the convent react to a party girl (who experimented with blood magic) sent to the nunnery as a novitiate by unamused family? I'm hoping to make her ripe for corruption by the senior nuns if that's acceptable?

Sounds interesting! Send me a CS and let me know if you have any questions that I can help with.
