A couple of ideas (closed)

Started by Shadow, February 28, 2009, 06:05:46 PM

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I was only on here briefly then stuff happened in rl and now I'm coming back. While I'm not new to roleplaying I am new to adult rp so I ask you to bear with me if I make mistakes

Idea 1:
Three kingdoms have been at war for 100 years lets say on and off cause that just wouldn't be sustainable. They finally agree at one last chance for peace A peace agreement is signed and as a security measure they agree an alliance between the royal houses a marriage between two princes and princess. Medieval technology and setting
Princess: Pretty much sleeps around doesn't really seem to care for anyone or anything with two exceptions her 1 year old daughter and a dog who she found as a puppy in the snow. Her daughters father was killed in battle with the prince of one of the other countries they pretty much killed each other.
Prince 1: From a very strict upbringing the kind of place sex outside of marriage is forbidden and homosexuality punishable by law. So he's pretty innocent very sheltered.
Prince 2: From a pretty liberal country where experimentation is if not the norm then tolerated happily. Bisexual.
I know its a lot of detail but a lot of it can be modified if you feel it neccesary this is just a rough idea. I would be happy to play any of the characters and I don't mind if its a male or female who plays any of them.

Idea 2:
This is a huge jump from the other one but its more a case of can I actually write this. Brother and sister sleeping together decide to bring the family dog into the mix. I really haven't got much detail than that and like I said this is an experiment to see can I do this. Just to say there will be no pregnancy involved in this I know way too much about inbreeding to even write in a fictional story.

As I said both are open to modification I prefer to work out the finer details with the rp partner rather than deciding it all myself


Hiya, I'm interested in both of your ideas, however the second seems a bit more "coherent" ... shall we say? For the first one (are you referring to Romance of The Three Kingdoms saga?) I can play as either one of the princes, or the princess herself. Won't you need more than one person for this or would you be willing to play multiple chars?

For the second scenario I'm once again open to whoever you want me to play. Brother or the sister. Take a look at my ons & offs, and if you're interested let me know.


If you would be happy doing the second one playing the sister then that would be great. I have never heard of the romance of the three kingdoms saga I have absolutely no idea where it came from lol.


Oh, never mind about the saga bit. PM me when you wish to start and we'll take it from there.