M looking for F Angels

Started by Orochimaru, December 25, 2019, 11:40:49 AM

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As of Posting this, want to wish you a Merry Christmas and thank you for your time.

So, I am looking for someone to play at least two or more female angels of various types.  Now, the long and short of it is, my character is a man with terrible luck; if anything bad has ever happened, it's happened to him from loneliness, a string of family deaths, you name it. As such, he is hardly a balanced person, even though he has a good heart and caring personality with some selfless views beyond his cynicism. One day, as he was about to meet a terrible fate, time stopped around him and an old man who is an arch angel appeared, chained him and took him away. Only to quickly learn that; while technically, he was to die; the old man wanted a son and it only made sense given his age that an older male would do instead of a teenager. The old arch angel is one of the highest ranking angels in the council that govern the high heavens.

The catch, my character is still a human in a land of angels. Humans to them are classed under superstitions; just like humans can think the same of angels. The common belief to angels is that they will bring absolute chaos and destruction to them. Like humans, few do not think such an extreme is true. Given there are fallen angels too. Each angel is different after all.

If you seen the animemanga; this is like the holy version of "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun", but more adult.

Thus, we can make my characters age to high school, college or even workplace level. I am probably leaving out a handful of stuff, but I did not want to spend all day typing. =P

As for what I would like is for my partner to at least play the three main females, my characters personal maids and one other. I do not see all three being in one scene often... if at all. Hence, I came here.

Inspirational images.

PM if you are interested. Talks might take time, just a heads up.