Kingmaker [Polyamorous Pathfinder]

Started by PhantomPistoleer, December 13, 2019, 10:46:20 AM

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Zaer Darkwail

Okay, I cut my original application even shorter, does it look better PP? Or need cut even shorter/simple :).

Edit; if entire hag story and half-siblings is too much package I can reduce it to one hag and no half-sibling story even hinted about (but all changelings origin story is same; result of hag tricking a man and often killing said man or said man become insane/mind shattered from experience). Calling is good way as motivation as anything to urge her go to river kingdoms.


Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on December 13, 2019, 07:21:41 PM
Okay, I cut my original application even shorter, does it look better PP? Or need cut even shorter/simple :).

Edit; if entire hag story and half-siblings is too much package I can reduce it to one hag and no half-sibling story even hinted about (but all changelings origin story is same; result of hag tricking a man and often killing said man or said man become insane/mind shattered from experience). Calling is good way as motivation as anything to urge her go to river kingdoms.

I appreciate you cutting it down.
Always seeking 5E games.

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: PhantomPistoleer on December 13, 2019, 07:29:13 PM
I appreciate you cutting it down.

Ok, if it has parts your not okay with or has parts which need cut further I can do more. So overall Alissa had few relationships in Greengold city but she quickly got reputation which hindered her adventurous exploration (sexually and otherwise). So sort wild child/trouble maker back in her home until she hit road and met rest of the group and sorcerer she is mostly self-trained.


Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on December 13, 2019, 07:33:37 PM
Ok, if it has parts your not okay with or has parts which need cut further I can do more. So overall Alissa had few relationships in Greengold city but she quickly got reputation which hindered her adventurous exploration (sexually and otherwise). So sort wild child/trouble maker back in her home until she hit road and met rest of the group and sorcerer she is mostly self-trained.

I'm not going to hassle you over it any more.
Always seeking 5E games.


Varis RedFlower

Varis is the son of a minor noble and so he wishes to eventually make a bigger name for him and his family. The only way to do that is adventuring for experience, treasure, and contacts. Being a young elf he has a thrill for life's diversity, that is lost with time. With hundreds if not thousands of years ahead of him, simply staying with one man, one woman, one dragon, one centaur, or small group is not feasible in the long term so he lives in the moment. There are few partners he will not say no to nor few sexual acts, with the right persuasion.

I do not know how to make a mythweavers sheet and if accepted wish to make some sort of support character like cleric/wizard, combined with archer.

Callie Del Noire

Quote from: PhantomPistoleer on December 13, 2019, 06:55:36 PM
Thank you for your submission, ESG.

FOR EVERYONE, I just want to reiterate what I said in the first post:

I am really not looking for characters with a lot of baggage.  I am not looking for "sacred courtesans."  I am looking for women who, while attending the college of wizardry, maybe did sex work because they needed to pay tuition.  I just need everyone to dial their stuff back a little.  Additionally, it feels like a lot of people are submitting courtesan characters.  Like, cut it out.

I’m editing that part out, more leaning towards stealing from the cult now. Then finding out the cult was squashed before he/she could get help for them?

Elven Sex Goddess

Lotus Flower

Lotus Flower is a High Elf  Monk/Wizard.   Of course she is lawful in nature and good of heart.    Who has left the enchanted forests of her homeland to experience the world while in her youth.  Of course at 135 years of age she is hardly a youngster to humans or half-elves.   Her familiar is a fairy dragon named Bizz'el. 

Despite the obvious focus and discipline needed to work her path. Lotus is quite naive to the world and the wonders of sexual enterprises.     


Beatrice Vales


In a far away monastery, Beatrice trained, day after day, trying to follow the Path. She followed all the teachings, practiced all restraints and yes, she never seemed to achieve what other students seemed to be able to so much more easily. The oneness with all, the peace of mind, the focus from which their vaunted martial abilities were a mere consequence. That was, until one day, while pleasuring herself in a rare moment of weakness, she had an epiphany: self-denial was not the way. Or, at least, not her way. How could she achieve oneness if she was missing such a crucial part of herself? From that moment, she excelled beyond other students, far beyond what she once was. But she did so by slowly, one at a time, rejecting most of the monastery's teachings, letting herself bloom, embracing and delighting in pleasures, simple and sensual. Soon, she was thrown out. But it mattered little. She knew she could no longer grow in such a staid place. She would find others, who would accept her as she was, with whom she could share her new self in all sorts of... interesting ways. Who knew? Perhaps some day, she would found her own monastery, to teach the Path without forcing them to reject their true selves.

Callie Del Noire


Character Name: Nisha Pelrue (the Silvered [-Eyed, -Tongued, -Haired)
Race / Class: Aasimar/ Enchantress (Manipulator)/Rogue
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Sexual Preference: Bi-sexual
Big Ons / Big Offs: ONs: light bondage, groups
   OFFs: No underage, no scat, no golden showers, Vore

Personality: Manipulative and self-absorbed are some of the words that first come to mind with Nisha, till you see her actions don’t always benefit just her. When not working on a particular goal, she is cheerful, flirtatious and even a bit ‘bubbly’ in her manner.

Noteworthy Event: Nisha had once been Nishawn, a gutter rat made good. He had distant ties to a noble family, the Surtovas, not enough for title or position but enough to be granted a ‘scholarship’ to the  Arcane Academy in Restov. Most likely in preparation of being a consulting wizard for the family back in Port Ice. He was quite happy to remain at the academy and would have remained there for sometime longer but for the accident.
He was unsure of what caused it, a classmates prank, a lingering hex or curse from one of the academy’s many esoteric items, or any mixture of events; whatever it was that happened, he was forced to leave as his changes became more evident despite spells, disguises or misdirection with the help of a classmate.
Not that she minds, the idea of adventure with companions who accept her as she is now is far more appealing than the idea of serving as a wizard to a court ruled by a distant uncle who sees you as another piece on the board.

Would have gone with muse touched or emberkin but way too potent

Sheet(in progress)
(Elliquiy) Nisha Pelrue The Silver-tongued
Female aasimar unchained rogue 1/gestalt 1/enchanter (manipulator[APG]) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 146, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 7, Pathfinder Unchained 20)
NG Medium outsider (native)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8
AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 11 (+1 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 8 (1d8+3)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6
Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee light mace +4 (1d6+2) or
   short sword +4 (1d6+2/19-20)
Ranged shortbow +4 (1d6/×3)
Special Attacks sneak attack (unchained) +1d6
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +6)
Enchanter Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +6)
   1st—endure elements, mage armor, magic missile, sleep (DC 17)
   0 (at will)—detect magic, prestidigitation, ray of frost
   Opposition Schools Illusion, Necromancy
Str 15, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 20, Wis 19, Cha 21
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (enchantment), Weapon Finesse
Traits accelerated drinker, charming, noble born - surtova, tight bonds
Skills Acrobatics +8, Appraise +6, Bluff +11 (+12 vs. characters who could be attracted to you), Craft (alchemy) +6, Diplomacy +11 (+12 vs. characters who could be attracted to you), Disable Device +9, Disguise +9, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge (geography) +9, Knowledge (local) +10, Knowledge (nature) +9, Knowledge (planes) +9, Linguistics +12, Perception +8, Sense Motive +6, Spellcraft +9, Stealth +8, Use Magic Device +9
Languages Celestial, Common, Goblin, Hallit, Infernal, Kelish, Orc, Strix, Varisian
SQ arcane bond (ring), beguiling touch, enchanting smile, trapfinding +1, truespeaker[ARG]
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds; Other Gear haramaki[UC], arrows (20), light mace, short sword, shortbow, arcane bond ring, bedroll, belt pouch, belt pouch, chalk (10), flint and steel, grappling hook, hemp rope (50 ft.), ink, inkpen, journal[UE], masterwork backpack[APG], mess kit[UE], mirror, piton (10), soap, spell component pouch, thieves' tools, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 6 gp, 5 sp, 1 cp
Special Abilities
Arcane Bond (Ring) (1/day) (Sp) Use object to cast any spell in your spellbook. Without it, Concentration required to cast spells (DC20 + spell level).
Beguiling Touch (1  HD maximum, 1 round, 8/day, DC 15) (Sp) Touch charms.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Enchanting Smile (Su) Gain bonuses to Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate. Turn enchantment spells.
Energy Resistance, Acid (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Acid attacks.
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Illusion You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Illusion school.
Manipulator Assocated School: Enchantment
Necromancy You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Necromancy school.
Sneak Attack (Unchained) +1d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Spell Focus (Enchantment) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.
Truespeaker Learn two languages for each rank you put in Linguistics.
Alternative image

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: PhantomPistoleer on December 13, 2019, 07:39:48 PM
I'm not going to hassle you over it any more.

Ok, anyways the wilderness mentor (related to trait) can be NPC or a PC. So any PC who rolls a char who second class is druid or ranger (or otherwise outdoors sort person) could possibly be Alissa's mentor (she gains +1 trait bonus to attack rolls vs those who threaten her mentor). Greengold is port/trade town and is open for other races besides elves to live/visit in. Just offering opportunity for someone weave part of their background involve Alissa being their pupil :).

Callie Del Noire

A suggestion, given the tight relationship, Tight Bounds (from cohorts & compains book) could be very suitable.


Category: Family

Whether siblings, spouses, or dedicated members of the same clan, characters who take this trait are an inseparable pair committed to each other. Your partner or partners must also have this trait. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Will saves against charm and compulsion effects if a partner is within 60 feet, increasing to +3 against a command to compromise your relationship or harm a partner.

Zaer Darkwail

Oh, sounds pretty good trait. If GM allows it taken :)

Callie Del Noire

Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on December 14, 2019, 09:25:24 AM
Oh, sounds pretty good trait. If GM allows it taken :)

Seemed applicable I imagine. Trying out different races for Nisha.


Olympia Lupei
While Olympia was still in the womb a mischievous fey passed by and bestowed to her many blessings and curses. As she grew older her parents became increasingly fed up with the silliness brought on by her fey taint. When they finally had enough they sent her to a boarding school where she would learn cleric duties in the name of their goddess, Desna. The school managed to whip her into a submissive state, but no matter how obedient, she continued to struggle with her work.

One day, she was approached by a wicked teacher. He tricked her into meeting in private and forced her to perform on him. Despite being upset, she found that while servicing him she was overflowing with divine power. In her final years at school, she continued practicing her lewd channeling and managed to transform herself into a powerful healer.

When she was finally free from school she followed Desna's guidance and traveled across the land spreading Desna's word, searching for potential converts, and sampling all the sexual partners she could manage, to discover ways to increase her power. This submissive healslut is ready to take on the world!


Akumi Kamida
& Tsunomaru

Akumi was born in a temple of Sheyln, goddess of beauty, art, music, and love. There he was trained in various arts and the ways of love, both emotional and physical. However realizing that things like discipline, strict teachings, and following established techniques were the literal antithesis of real art and expression, Akumi decided to take his leave of the temple in search of his own true loves, allowing the goddess to lead him to where he was truly meant to be. One of the first loves he discovered was his fondness for wine, an admiration matched only by his inability to actually handle it. Most, if not all, of his adventures have been sparked by a night of binging and bumbling, the results of which he was left to piece together after the fact. From waking up to discover he had somehow acquired a fully trained war bull, to finding himself crashed in the dojo of a sword master (who he had apparently convinced to take him on as his pupil), to the wild and vague string of events that led him to the arms of his new lovers, Akumi has come to believe that it is in his drunken state that his goddess can best steer him towards true happiness and prosperity.
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread

Elven Sex Goddess

with all the casters going and monk  like characters.   I have changed up.

Doll Lilly

Elven Gunslinger/Rogue

Doll Lilly has study hard in gunslinger aspect,  her rogue abilities come quite natural to her.   Among her elven people,   Doll enjoyed liaisons with both male and female.  She is quick to make friends,  has a naivety, especially when dealing with humans.  She has a sense of right and goodness.   Through she has never been exposed to a ménage, it likely will suit her just fine and one to often seeking such engagement.

Her naivety is likely to get her ending up at times in a brothel and as a prostitute.    Her natural competitiveness when often have her in show down draws with other gunslingers.    Her natural roguish talent will often having her acting as a Robin Hood. 

"Howdy partners, names Doll Lilly and I'm at yawl service."  


Quote from: Callie Del Noire on December 14, 2019, 09:07:07 AM
A suggestion, given the tight relationship, Tight Bounds (from cohorts & compains book) could be very suitable.

I like the trait.
Always seeking 5E games.

Callie Del Noire


Quote from: c0i9z on December 13, 2019, 11:22:24 PM
Beatrice Vales


In a far away monastery, Beatrice trained, day after day, trying to follow the Path. She followed all the teachings, practiced all restraints and yes, she never seemed to achieve what other students seemed to be able to so much more easily. The oneness with all, the peace of mind, the focus from which their vaunted martial abilities were a mere consequence. That was, until one day, in a moment of weakness, she had an epiphany: the self was part of all. Self-denial was not... could not be the path to her enlightenment. From that moment, she excelled beyond other students, far beyond what she once was. But as she did, her new philosophy evolved as well, its ideas, of the importance of pleasure, of the sacred sensuality of the self, of oneness with others as a path to oneness with all, against all that the monastery taught. Soon, she was thrown out. But it mattered little. She had a new goal, now. She would find others who shared in her philosophy, or simply allowed her to develop it, and see where this new path would take her. Who knew? Perhaps some day, she would found her own monastery to teach those who would learn to think as she did.

Thank you for your submission.  I sort of want people to not view sex as a sacred thing, though, and just as a fun thing that hot people do.

Quote from: Stendarr on December 14, 2019, 09:46:06 AM
Olympia Lupei
While Olympia was still in the womb a mischievous fey passed by and bestowed to her many blessings and curses. As she grew older her parents became increasingly fed up with the silliness brought on by her fey taint. When they finally had enough they sent her to a boarding school where she would learn cleric duties in the name of their goddess, Desna. The school managed to whip her into a submissive state, but no matter how obedient, she continued to struggle with her work.

One day, she was approached by a wicked teacher. He tricked her into meeting in private and forced her to perform on him. Despite being upset, she found that while servicing him she was overflowing with divine power. In her final years at school, she continued practicing her lewd channeling and managed to transform herself into a powerful healer.

When she was finally free from school she followed Desna's guidance and traveled across the land spreading Desna's word, searching for potential converts, and sampling all the sexual partners she could manage, to discover ways to increase her power. This submissive healslut is ready to take on the world!

I love healsluts, but the relationship between the party members isn’t an abusive one.  It’s a very sexual relationship, yes, but also a very loving one.  If chosen, maybe that’s why your character elected to join the party: no one had ever cared for her the way these people do.
Always seeking 5E games.


Quote from: pdragon on December 14, 2019, 11:32:56 AM
Akumi Kamida
& Tsunomaru

Akumi was born in a temple of Sheyln, goddess of beauty, art, music, and love. There he was trained in various arts and the ways of love, both emotional and physical. However realizing that things like discipline, strict teachings, and following established techniques were the literal antithesis of real art and expression, Akumi decided to take his leave of the temple in search of his own true loves, allowing the goddess to lead him to where he was truly meant to be. One of the first loves he discovered was his fondness for wine, an admiration matched only by his inability to actually handle it. Most, if not all, of his adventures have been sparked by a night of binging and bumbling, the results of which he was left to piece together after the fact. From waking up to discover he had somehow acquired a fully trained war bull, to finding himself crashed in the dojo of a sword master (who he had apparently convinced to take him on as his pupil), to the wild and vague string of events that led him to the arms of his new lovers, Akumi has come to believe that it is in his drunken state that his goddess can best steer him towards true happiness and prosperity.

Man, everyone spent time at a temple, huh?  I like the character, though.

Quote from: Elven Sex Goddess on December 14, 2019, 12:54:07 PM
with all the casters going and monk  like characters.   I have changed up.

Doll Lilly

Elven Gunslinger/Rogue

Doll Lilly has study hard in gunslinger aspect,  her rogue abilities come quite natural to her.   Among her elven people,   Doll enjoyed liaisons with both male and female.  She is quick to make friends,  has a naivety, especially when dealing with humans.  She has a sense of right and goodness.   Through she has never been exposed to a ménage, it likely will suit her just fine and one to often seeking such engagement.

Her naivety is likely to get her ending up at times in a brothel and as a prostitute.    Her natural competitiveness when often have her in show down draws with other gunslingers.    Her natural roguish talent will often having her acting as a Robin Hood. 

"Howdy partners, names Doll Lilly and I'm at yawl service."  

So, the characters will all have been in an ongoing relationship, and that means that they have shared gallons of bodily fluids in all sorts of group configurations, including threesomes, foursomes, orgies, and gangbangs.
Always seeking 5E games.

Callie Del Noire

One of the things I like about the concept behind Kingmaker is that in your downtime a lot of ‘useless spells’ an become helpful.

Settlement building is fun with spells like Expeditious Excavation/Construction, and definitely later on with spells like Stone Shape/Move earth and that doesn’t even include working with summoned creatures like Earth elementals.

I was initially going to do a Druid/Wizard but for the fact that it was two full level casters ;)


Thanks for the reply! I've adjusted my post, dialing way back on the sacredness aspects. Is this better?


Quote from: PhantomPistoleer on December 15, 2019, 08:49:50 AM
Man, everyone spent time at a temple, huh?  I like the character, though.

I tend not to look too closely at other character sheets when making my own, I just do what I think makes sense for my character. I figured a Japanese themed religious weaboo character would probably have been involved with a temple at some point. I could alter it a bit if you'd like.
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread

Callie Del Noire

I think it’s a great idea.. temples/orphanages and such are big appeals. :D

I like the concept a lot.. an I could see my character pulling him into the thing she’d have going with others. I am sorta tempted of shifting her to CG and going with Cayden or Sheyln. Two of the goodly gods I see as okay with the polyamorous group.

One scene I see if Nisha leaning on someone else as your character is wandering around a bit drunk with a smile. “he’s cute..”


I didn't know races would be limited in such way, um. I wanted to go with an aasimar, a winged one yet her wings would be useless until she could fly. I could try a human instead if you prefer so.

I also thought this wouldn't start at level 1, something I don't really like since it gives little room for customization but being Kingmaker I can certainly go with it.

Quote from: PhantomPistoleer on December 13, 2019, 03:09:40 PM
This is a fun character.  I bolded the only part of your character's background that I don't think fits the theme of our game.  But I really like the fact that she used to be a male and became a hot woman because of a magic orgy.

I would say that I'm not sure that this character will thrive in a wilderness campaign, though, so maybe you can use the gestalt class to make her a bit better at traveling.
I had this thought when I read this but only if everyone, Callie particularly, is fine with it though. What if my character was also in that orgy and she got turned into a futa in it but she actually didn't grew a cock of her own but received Nisha's. :P

Anyway seems like I have to convince PP first so here is an idea of my character:

Irkeam Isy
Aasimar, Paladin (non caster archetype) / Cleric of Erastil
Sheet (WIP)

Sent to the material plane as a sign of good faith from Erastil to her worshipers, to whom Irkeam happily commended herself to. While most of them were hunters, the rumors quickly spread and more people came to see her. At first it was only the local farmers but then it was traders too. Everything would have been until the latter began demanding she'd helped on the fertility rites although in fact they just wanted her to participate in the orgies they organized.

Having vowed to help the people Irkeam felt herself obliged to fulfill the requests and so she soon found herself involved in things so depraved and deviant that she couldn't just speak to anyone, except those who had been involved too. Worst thing was that even when she hated to admit it the more she did this the more she enjoyed it.

After having participated in yet another wild orgy which involved more magic than the usual Irkeam ended up receiving something between her legs that she was not expecting. Another aasimar's cock.