The Demon Warlord of Japan (F for Dom M demon, writer gender irrelevant)

Started by LamentingQuill, November 22, 2019, 05:48:16 PM

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This can be either modern or any period in Japanese history my partner wants. In this pitch, I shall call my character simply MC as the time period will determine the name and FC I use for myself. Too far back and a caucasian FC wouldn’t make sense, you know? Hehe.

MC’s father is an archaeologist in Japan, leading an expedition in uncovering a newly found underground temple… eventually when they do get inside, they find this temple leans more towards a cushy lavish mansion on the inside… and in far too pristine condition for having been closed off for so long…

They are going to come across a large room at the back of the underground mansion ornately decorated as if were some kind of shrine room… and the weirdest of all, would be the old style bed with a slumbering hot as hell guy, dressed in exquisite traditional clothing. Vitals are checked, his heartbeat is there but barely, he does not respond anything the men do at all.

Above the bed, is a tablet with a warning etched upon it in ancient Japanese:

Here sleeps the demon warlord (Whatever name you desire), whom nearly succeeded in taking over all of Japan in only 60 days. Pray thee take warning and do not disturb the enchantment placed down to ensure (Whatever name you desire) continues to slumber for all eternity… should he wake, his vengeance will be swift and terrible. You have been cautioned.

MC, while her father and his colleagues are discussing what to do, does something to wake him up (we can discuss together what the key is to waking him).

Essentially, there is a small earthquake as he’s waking up and the humans escape… afterwards, (Whatever name you desire) comes looking for her and takes her away with him to his ancient palace hidden away deep, deep in the mountains… where he intends to prepare for another war campaign to take over Japan, as he feels is his destiny.