When Boy Meets Girl. (Looking for male character)

Started by Blinkin, November 20, 2019, 05:39:05 AM

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The gender of the player and that of the character bears no relation to the other. It makes no difference what-so-ever to me if you are a male wishing to play a female, a female wishing to play a male or a wolf wanting to impersonate a sheep. If you're willing to work with me, I'm happy to work with you.

With a relieved sigh Nichol "Nicky" Winters settled into the wrot-iron chair at Calaboo coffee and pulled her coat off of her softly rounded shoulders; graceful fingers slipped it across the back of the chair to join the pack on the tiled floor. Adeep blue knit sweater hugged her slender torso to accentuate the swell of well proportioned breast and a narrow waist. Storm gray eyes glanced up and about as she pulled the top from the steaming cup and took a few seconds to stir in some sweetener; the light of anticipation in her lovely eyes for the first sip, if it were anyone else
might of seem akin to lust more than the addiction that it was.
As she lifted the cup, her soft pink lips curled into a private little smile as she took the first sip of the hot cocoa and sighed contentedly. As she lowered the cup to the table,  a little shiver ran through her while she pulled the text book from her pack. With a little self conscious glance about, the 18 year old pulled out a dainty pair of glasses and slid them onto an almost equally dainty nose. She had only recently been required to wear the damnable things and couldn't wait for contacts... just so she could read the damned text-book.

The striking young woman leaned back and stretched her hands over her head, pushing through long, luxurious ebony hair that fell in a wave back down over her shoulders; her long, slender legs stretching out in the well fitted jeans that hugged her hips and lovely rump. The sweater rose up just enough to allow the sapphire belly button piercing to show for a moment before she relaxed and lifted a Keds covered foot to rest on the edge of the seat beside her own.

Nicky took another sip from the cup and opened the biology text book with a resigned sigh; she hated biology more than words could explain. As she began to read, Her hand reached occasionally for the cup, a sip at her full lower lip and returned it back to the table again.

When someone paused at the table, she glanced up and offered a pleasant, curious smile; the kind of smile you give a stranger who you didn't think would do more than just pass by. She was use to that, although she never understood what it was that caused it. She had no idea about just how attractive that she really was; being in a new school, in a new city and state, didn't really help her to understand it any better. All she knew was that she missed her boyfriend, but a thousand mile relationship just didn't work for her. "Hi." she said, the soft southern accent out of place in the great white tundra of Minasota. She shifted a little in her seat to face the visitor more directly, "Can I help you?"

That's it in a nutshell. I'm looking for someone to play Nicky's love interest for a somewhat teen romance with all the pot-holes, speed-bumps and rush hour traffic that goes along with such a romance. This will be a long term storyline with a plotline yet to be developed; the plotline will be decided between my partner and I. So, if you're interested, be prepared to come to the table with some ideas of your own, I expect more from a partner than wanting to know what I have planned or just asking questions about Nicky and how she dresses. I am easy to get along with, but I'm stepping away from prospective partners who expect me to do all the heavy lifting in the planning stage.

In regards to the love interest, he/she can be male, female or even a futa/herm if that's what my partner really wants to play. I'm pretty open to just about any paring and content for the story. The only exception to this is the "Bad Boy" character archetype, or characters with illegal drug addictions.

My expectations in a prospective partner:
*good communication habits, with the ability to use at least the period and comma.
*A willingness to contribute to the story, offer thoughts/ideas on the story, characters and setting. IE: do more than expect me to do all the work.
*The ability to create a character that feels real without making said character completely psychotic.

I do not subscribe to the minimum posting length school of thought. I don't ask for 5 to 8 paragraphs filled with meaningless fluff or details about the grain of the closet door. I look for more than a few lines, but whatever it takes to convey what you want to is perfectly fine. Detail is nice, but there is such a thing as too much detail.

So, intrigued? interested?Enthralled?Please drop me a PM and we'll talk about what makes the story work for both of us.
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
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