The Challenge - incest preferred (M looking for F)

Started by WildStallionNYC, October 26, 2019, 07:25:24 AM

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The Challenge --

(Note, I've written this as a Father / Daughter scene, but I think it could work with many different relationships and would be open to talking about other roles, from Mother / Son to even just good friends.)

MC (Father)  and YC (Daughter) have always gotten along well. YC was never really too rebellious during her teenage years, and MC has always been a loving, caring father. We're a happy family, proactive and fun-loving, the kind of 'super' father-daughter team who win competitions at family gatherings and cook-outs. I trust you and you trust me. We are close and affectionate, you're daddy's princess, but it never feels weird or creepy, nothing incestuous have ever happened or even been thought of. At the same time, YC is developing from a girl to a young lady. 

One day, while we're out somewhere, we get pulled aside and told that we've been selected for a special social research project that studies modern relationships between fathers and daughters. We are told for 30 minutes of our time we would be given $500.  However they actually give us the opportunity to earn much much more depending on how willing we are to answer questions and eventually do tasks that they ask of us.  Of course it becomes all or nothing as the tasks become more and more risqué. 

Intrigued, and confident in how strong of a relationship we have, MC and YC decide to take part. At first, it may start out as simply telling saying how much we love each other or showing simple signs of affection. From that point on, we may be asked to share intimate details, take off each other's clothes, inspect and report on areas of each other's bodies. The riskier the 'mission,' the higher the cash prize...and at a certain point, we've already done something so embarrassing that we feel we have no choice but to push through to the end, rather than settle for a mediocre prize despite all our embarrassment. But eventually, all the staring, prodding, and groping causes our bodies to become aroused against our will...

There are all sorts of possibilities as to the menu items/things we're asked to do. I'd definitely like to have a period before the 'challenge' to build up and establish our relationship, to make things more exciting later.