Romance, pregnancy, obsession ..based on the song Centrefold: F for M

Started by Nuttyxprincess, October 13, 2019, 11:31:49 PM

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I can’t get the song out of my head. The idea of a sweet, innocent woman and what would drive her to become a centrefold (or the modern version of this with online porn or instagram posing)? Did something happen to her in her last year of high school that she kept secret? Was she manipulated into the line of work by a boyfriend? Does she develop her own body confidence and just wants to flaunt her body?

What about the man who had a crush on her? What does he do now? Does he track her down, do they reunite?

This story is up for wide interpretation.  Is he obsessed with her, has he always been obsessed with her? Is it a boyish fantasy that he grew out of, but seeing her like that sparks it up again? Is he a well off lawyer or businessmen, did he start his own business? Whatever his story is, he decides to find her.

We will discuss as a partnership what will work best. I see this being everything from a light romance to a dark, twisted story depending on who I play against.

Possible options:  he was a typical teenager, he saw a pretty girl but just didn’t know how to approach her. Time passes and they graduate high school and part ways, seeing her again with some more worldly experience makes him decide to find her and ask her on a date.

He was obsessed, but lost touch, seeing her again ignites his desire to chase her down. His obsession grows again until he decides he must have her.

He sees her in whatever capacity, naked/near naked, and then they run into each other somewhere like the shops, does he let on that he knows what she has done?
Holidays end this weekend. :( Last term for the year, but normally the most stressful!

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