The Fangirl in my Heart *mul*

Started by Aragem, February 22, 2009, 04:45:29 PM

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Okay, everyone has a fangirl and a fanboy in their hearts.  There a character in some fandom from tv show, movie, comic, or novel.  Needless to say that I am a fangirl toward several characters.

However, let me assure you that I am so totally not into Mary Sues.  For those of you who don't know what a Mary Sue is here's a wiki article that can explain what a Mary or Gary Sue is.

I must confess that I prefer playing original characters in RPs than canon characters.  But I keep them interesting with human flaws and weaknesses that keeps them below the canon characters level.  And I LOVE a good story.

Anyway, I already have several story ideas and canon characters I would love to interact with through my characters.  If you have any story ideas concerning the fandoms or canon characters, please PM me and we'll talk about it.

As I said before, I prefer playing original characters, but I need someone to play the canon character.  PLEASE be familiar with each of the canon characters and the series of which they come from.  The reason why I like these characters if because of their personality, background, and situation.  And I will get bored quick and be unhappy if you go out of character.

Another must have is good writing skills.  If you are curious in what I perceive as good writers please take a look at my Ons and Offs, there is a description there of what I want.

On to the games:

I need a Lex Luthor from Smallville:    **but it would be GREAT if someone else could play Clark Kent or play both**

The story takes place between season 5 through 7, when Lex and Clark aren't friends anymore. 

Krypton had an allied planet Chel'theis.  A planet that orbited it's mother star three times the distance that Earth orbited its own star.  The natives on this planet were use to eternal twilight and were born with very fair skin and complexion.  The planet is ruled by a central government based firmly on the culture's only religion.  It's a Martriarchal society with women in high positions of power and as top priestesses in temples.

Years after Krypton's destruction, a pandemic occurs on Chel'theis.  People are dying by the thousands and it was estimated within less than a decade the population will be extinct.  And the only hope for a cure lies with an elite scientist who was killed when his homeplanet was destroyed, Jor-El. 

It was a desperate bid, but vessels were sent out to planets that Krptonians visited often in hopes of finding a cure.  One single ship was sent to Earth.

Sareka was an acolyte at a prestigious temple training to become a full priestess when she volunteered to go out to seek a cure for the Plague.  By some fate, or blind misfortune, her ship was given the itinerary to go to Earth; the location of where Jor-El sent his son right before Krypton was destroyed.

Name:  Sereka Telipetrish

Race:  Chel' Treishian

Age:  17

Sex:  Female

Height:  5'5

Weight:  120 pounds

Appearance:  Sereka Telipetrish was born on a planet that is three times the distance from its sun than Earth is from ours.  She is very pale, with dark amber eyes, and silvery blonde hair.  She is often mistaken as an albino to human eyes.  She has a trim figure with waist length hair which is usualy woven up close to her head. 

Personality:  Sereka Telipetrish was born and raised in a temple with an already planned future of becoming the next Priestess.  But now she is a fish out of water in a liberal society that doesn't have the strict code of ethics or morality that Sereka was raised with.  Thus she clings to her faith as a lifeline, praying and meditating often.  But that isn't to say that she doesn't have her share of curiousity about the things around her. 

Powers and skills: 

1. Sereka Telipetrish is able to see in the dark much better than human due to race's evolution of living in eternal twilight. 

2. Sereka is a skilled empath.  She can sense a nearby person's emotions, but not their thoughts.

Weaknesses:  Due to living so far away from her sun, Earth's close sun is dangerous to her.  A few minutes in direct sunlight can give her severe sunburn.

My idea is that she becomes Lex's next obsession like he was obessed with Kara.  PM me and we'll discuss it.