F4M- Love in Evil Intentions (murder, black mail, etc)

Started by LoveTheWayYouLie, September 11, 2019, 09:30:36 PM

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Hello there everyone!!

I decided that I was going to put two threads out because that is allowed in the rules, and since my tastes run from light and easy to completely insane and morbid, I felt like they should have separate places.

This thread is for my darker desires. If things like insanity and murder at things that make you weak in the knees and whimpery, this isn’t the place for you I am sorry. But if you would like something that isn’t easy. Something that’s morbid and twisted in all the right ways, it will be here. I’ll start us out small, but this thread will grow with horrors.

Short run down of information:

*No one liners, I am a literate player as I have been writing for over 15 years. For roleplay and for fun to write my own stories.

*Don’t message me with “Hi” and nothing else, OR message me and throw ideas out from total left field of my request thread, if you wanna play something that bad, make a request thread. Trust me, I barely get thread messages, but I don’t just bust into someone’s inbox with some crazy shit. So, thanks in advance, I will ignore you.

*I will not bother you. Ghosting happens, its normal around here. I understand life happens, I get it, I’m an adult and life happens to me too. So, if you stop replying I will assume you are no longer interested and continue to seek out others who maybe.

*I’m here for the story and the smut, so little will scare me away. Just simple no bathroom things, no kids, no furries.

*Other than that, I look forward to playing and talking with you! Feel free to send me a PM, DO NOT REPLY TO THIS THREAD. (as per the site rules)

Let’s get our feet wet with just a little horror.


Title: Knowing the Fall.

Elements: Murder, Blackmail, reluctant sexual relations, abuse, domestic abuse and more.

Idea: A young man (16 per site rules) is dealing with the horrible death of his mother. He was the one that found her when him and his father returned from a piano performance. She had been brutally murdered and raped in their kitchen while they were gone. The boy is scarred from this deeply and through other troubles of being a loser teenager. He doesn’t have a lot of friends, really only one and that friend is very hit of miss when his mother will let him out of the house. So, being a quiet nerd that is bullied all the time, there is a lot of things he is dealing with inside. Things only get worse for him when his father stops noticing him and remarries only a month after the death of the mother. To a younger woman, pretty, a real whore to be honest. She is lazy and mean but his father doesn’t want to hear it as long as he is getting laid. The woman lives with them and so does her seven year old little boy, who can be a sweet kid. But suddenly, the teen is the outcast in his own home and the family starts giving all the attention to the little boy.

One night, while going for a walk, the teenage notices they are coming up on the reservoir. There is a large cliff that the older kids like to jump off of on hot summer days. He points it out to the little boy, and he wants to see it. Taking him to it, he pushed him off the edge. Killing him.

But he hears something behind him when he thought he was alone. A young girl from his school caught him pushing the little boy. Before he can talk to her, she runs. He doesn’t have time to chase her before he has to run with his cover story that his little brother, “fell.”

He finds out the girl that saw him do it is a girl from his school. She is a no body, just like him. With short red hair and a quiet face, she keeps to herself and is bullied as much as him. He confronts her about what she saw, and she tells him she wont tell his secret, if he becomes her "friend".

Stories twists into  black mail on her with him that makes him sleep with her and be her "boyfriend". He threatens to kill her too to stop the blackmail and finds out she is fearless...and if not crazier than him. Till she wants to discuss killing her dad with him. Where does it end....


Changed from interest check to request.
Add two story ideas



Not gonna lie, I'm not sure if I'd be able to assist you with this, but I just wanted to compliment your ideas, especially the one about Beverly, because it's definitely the kind of fucked up thing Pennywise would do to terrorize someone. x3


Lol, thank you, it certainly is a good terrorizing thing to scare someone, he is a horrible monster for sure, but I love it lol.
If you ever feel up for a good one shot at least, PM me :)





Completely over hauled my thread. Bumping due to over haul and new request


Bumping. Will be adding more stories soon when I get some free time in the holidays




Bumping. Last bump was 1/11/2020. Todays bump is 2/11/2020. Within the time limit of bumping. So, bump.






This is my thread only for horror stories.
New idea.