WOW! (Women of Wrestling, Glow-inspired Interest Check, Possible System Game?)

Started by Odanrav, August 21, 2019, 11:09:31 AM

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Welcome to WOW!

WOW! is an exclusively female wrestling company that I am unabashedly taking inspiration from the Netflix tv series GLOW from (which, by the way, watch it so it gets renewed for another season pretty please). For the uninitiated, it's a show based off of an actual female wrestling company that existed in the 80s that became known for it's glamorous style, campy tone, and provocative characters and storylines. The show features a large cast of women who go through the process of becoming wrestlers, while also dealing with real life drama. To a large extent, I'm looking for an RP that mimics this mold and features a cast of female characters who become the core of WOW!'s roster, likely in the 5-8 range.

WOW! differentiates itself from GLOW by being modern set, first and foremost, and secondly by being a program that is going to specifically be branded and presented as a sort of alt-wrestling product that blends in elements of erotica. Will it be porn? Not necessarily, but on the live programming of the shows you will see more hard language and nudity than what you might in the mainstream. Alongside more adult and erotic storylines. Women would come into the company understanding that sex appeal is an important facet of the job.

I'm looking to find players who can develop both a real-life character to portray behind the scenes as well as a wrestling persona that character steps into once the cameras are rolling. I also see this as being a sort of last resort for many of the women. Failed models or actresses looking for work, experienced wrestlers who can't get steady work anywhere else, etc.

Supplementing the roster there could be room for a ref or announcer character, to go alongside the promoter/booker role I will likely fill in the RP. Perhaps a wrestling coach. These characters could be male or female.

So, at this point, I pose some questions to any interested parties:

1) Is anyone intrigued by using the Wide World of Wresting tabletop system? I have very little knowledge of it, but I'm open to the idea of learning it for the purposes of this RP.

2) Do folks want to jump straight into the shows, assuming all of the characters are already trained with fleshed out wrestling personas? Or should we go through the process of characters discovering their wrestling personas in the actual RP?

3) I'm considering there being an overarching, sexualized theme to the show. Anyone remember "The Wrath of Kuntar"? The third episode of GLOW season one? The episode essentially revolved around the director coming up with a hair-brained idea for the theme of the show involving a post-apocalyptic future where women fight over the rights to breed with men. I think it may be fun to have an off-color theme and internal logic to the show to account for these women fighting each other. Perhaps revolving around the notion of sexual domination. The champion receives a whip instead of a crown/belt to signify their dominance, which accompanies implied sexual antics with the other women on the roster, as well as men associated with the show.

Wrestler Sheet:

[float=left][img height=250](INSERT IMAGE URL HERE[/img][/float][b]Real Name:[/b]
[b]Wrestler Name:[/b]
[b]Billed From:[/b]
[b]Tag Team:[/b]
[b]Entrance Music:[/b] [url=LINK GOES HERE](song name)[/url]

Personnel Sheet/Non-Wrestlers

[float=left][img height=250](INSERT IMAGE URL HERE[/img][/float][b]Real Name:[/b]
[b]On-Screen Name:[/b]

Foxy DeVille

So so very much interested. My thoughts...

1) Not really a fan of having to learn a system for a game. It slows things down. And in this case since I'm assuming things are a work planning the match out makes more sense to me. That way you can have nice dramatic moments like in the show where the ladies pull off a tough move or ad-lib something that gets over.

2) How about a mix? Like maybe the show got picked up after doing a pilot and needs to expand the roster. So there's ladies there from the ground floor and ones just starting, with maybe some friction there.

3) I love the idea of a championship whip.  ;D


Quote from: Foxy Oni on August 21, 2019, 11:40:43 AM
So so very much interested. My thoughts...

1) Not really a fan of having to learn a system for a game. It slows things down. And in this case since I'm assuming things are a work planning the match out makes more sense to me. That way you can have nice dramatic moments like in the show where the ladies pull off a tough move or ad-lib something that gets over.

2) How about a mix? Like maybe the show got picked up after doing a pilot and needs to expand the roster. So there's ladies there from the ground floor and ones just starting, with maybe some friction there.

3) I love the idea of a championship whip.  ;D

Hey Foxy, thank you for your comment :)

1) I agree, I just wanted to raise it as a possibility on the off chance there was a larger number of people familiar with the system than I thought. If it's  a thing where most players don't know it, I'll just make the thread freeform.

2) Or it's not even a show, and it's more of an underground, local sort of live show phenomenon. Or independently streamed online. I like the idea of there being very green women though, to create friction with the actual wrestlers and some comedy with botches and hilariously poor wrestling to begin with. They could also have very basic wrestling personas to begin with that become more nuanced over time.


Oh! I absolutely love GLOW (still need to watch the third season, thanks for reminding me!) and I would love to be involved if this gets off the ground! The show actually made me follow wrestling in general actively again, haha!

My two cents—

1) I agree that the system is probably not the best fit. I’ve read the rules in the past and it’s a very GM-driven one, it would require quite a lot of adjusting to make sense in a forum format... I’m sure we can agree on who should win the matches, or the booker character can just... book the outcomes? The only real benefit with the system could be that it would simulate how well the crowd reacts to the girls, but if we want to leave that up to the dice (do we even?) we could just do one die roll for it.

2) Having a semi-established roster that just gets a few additions sounds great to me! I think realistically for the game it would be really useful to get to do actual wrestling quite early on — if we try to do a whole “let’s train the girls from the ground up” thing to start off with, I’m afraid we might never get much further than that... I mean, it basically took the whole first season in the show, too! :-) It might be fun anyway to give the new girls pretty basic gimmicks to start off with, and then flesh them out based on audience reaction, storylines, and the whims of the booker and the girls.

3) I love the idea of an overarching “sexual dominance” theme, and a champion’s whip ;) Implying that the girls are fighting over dominance and winners get to toy with the losers, even if it’s only the implication...

What kind of a smut level would we be aiming at, actually? Sounds like heavy sexual themes would be teased or implied, but what would be actually shown on camera would be limited to, like, HBO levels of nudity, or?

I guess it depends on how “believable” the world should be; if it’s an actual TV production, actual pornography would be a pretty tough sell. Of course, there could be a special “members only” online stream that shows more than you see on television, or it could be a way to promote live tickets — “you can imagine what happens next, folks, but this is as far as we can show you on national television!”


Totally interested!

Especially if you are considering exploring how the in-ring personas develop alongside all the backstage plotting. Embracing the more 'soap opera' elements of the wrestling theme could really help the RP take off.

For what it's worth:

1) I have heard good things about the Wide World of Wresting tabletop system but whenever I have looked into the rules, they never seemed to 'click' with me for some reason, and I am not sure that they would be the best fit for forum play, though I am prepared to learn. Personally, I think a good approach to wrestling is to make it story-driven rather than overly complicated, stats-wise. Freeform can work, although it is nice to have *some* measure of success and failure, as that can help drive character development and backstage drama (imagine the tension in the locker room when the mean-spirited but crowd-pleasing wrestler gets awarded a more lucrative contract...).

Whilst we're on the subject of wrestling RPG systems, I've an old post here which had some ideas, feel free to steal / adapt / dismiss. I do like the idea of making the writer's room and storyline plotting a key part of the process.

2) I agree that starting with total newbies might be a bit of a stretch. Characters that start with basic wrestling knowledge and at least a rough idea of their in-ring gimmick would be best for getting plotting off the ground. That said, for plot purposes we could still have 'trainer' characters and refer back to the wrestling schooling that the rookies had (maybe one of the trainers was a total bitch, maybe one of the wrestlers feels she was unfairly bullied during schooling, etc etc). The more drama hooks the better!

3) If we are going with the idea that these women wrestlers are playing a role and know that the wrestling show is fake, then the smuttiness on offer is more-or-less consensual and I'm fine with that. Especially if it is largely hinted at, rather than performed in-ring. In fact, it adds another dynamic to the drama - a character to refuses to do nudity will probably annoy the booker, whereas one who leaps at the idea to get more fan attention might earn the ire of the other women.
"Read you a story? What fun would that be? I've got a better idea: let's tell a story together."
Photopia (Adam Cadre)
Trillian ID - same as here


Quote from: hamish1024 on August 24, 2019, 02:30:20 AMWhilst we're on the subject of wrestling RPG systems, I've an old post here which had some ideas, feel free to steal / adapt / dismiss. I do like the idea of making the writer's room and storyline plotting a key part of the process.

Very interesting!

I don't know if this interest thread is the best place to discuss systems  :-[ but I actually spent a day or two once upon a time working on something vaguely similar; trying to create a play-by-post centric system vagualy based on World Wide Wrestling; your approach seems really interesting as well! I definitely like the approach of not having "attack rolls" and such, but instead only rolling to see how cool you manage to be and how much heat you manage to generate.

What I personally think would make a system like this worthwhile is tracking two different stats for each wrestler, "push" and "heat": basically, "push" meaning how strong they are perceived and how likely they should be to win a match, while "heat" would be the fan popularity. Push would basically change based on wins and losses; decisively beating a strong opponent would win you a good amount of push (and probably cost an equal amount to the losing party), while only barely beating someone whose push is really low might actually cost you some push.

This way, even when someone is booked to win the match, a mean-spirited opponent might try to screw up the match, trying to make the opponent look weaker even in victory -- cue backstage drama! Or you could easily have wrestlers who are really popular and over with the fans, even if their push is low and they're perceived as little more than jobbers -- cue "underdog" storylines!


I do also agree that just having the actual matches be completely a work and having backstage drama / writer's room antics should make for really interesting drama and storylines! For instance, I generally have a strong tendency to play "good girl" kinds of characters, but for this one I'd be really inclined to make a character who is a really nice person in real life, but is made to play a heel gimmick in the ring. Not only would that create really interesting drama and conflict, I also like the idea of the crowd loving it when the face girls eventually punish and humiliate her in their comeuppance ;)


Quote from: snowdrop on August 24, 2019, 04:45:50 AM
What I personally think would make a system like this worthwhile is tracking two different stats for each wrestler, "push" and "heat": basically, "push" meaning how strong they are perceived and how likely they should be to win a match, while "heat" would be the fan popularity. could easily have wrestlers who are really popular and over with the fans, even if their push is low and they're perceived as little more than jobbers -- cue "underdog" storylines!

That certainly makes sense, and it's a simple way of making sure your rookies don't get ahead of themselves too quickly! (At least, not without upsetting the fans' suspension of disbelief) I can see heavyweight characters having some inherent 'push', for example, so they'd start with a slight advantage. Though you don't technically need the 'push' attribute to make a 'popular jobber' archetype, I can see how it would help a game.

The Kayfabe RPG which I borrowed from had an attribute called 'Clout' which represented the wrestler's influence with backstage management, ability to call favours and influence match results, etc. I stripped 'clout' out of my sample rules just to simplify things a bit (and thinking that a GM could always RP management relationships and track them that way) but if you're not shy of using more statistics, it's something to consider.   

Quote from: snowdrop on August 24, 2019, 04:45:50 AM
I do also agree that just having the actual matches be completely a work and having backstage drama / writer's room antics should make for really interesting drama and storylines! For instance, I generally have a strong tendency to play "good girl" kinds of characters, but for this one I'd be really inclined to make a character who is a really nice person in real life, but is made to play a heel gimmick in the ring. Not only would that create really interesting drama and conflict, I also like the idea of the crowd loving it when the face girls eventually punish and humiliate her in their comeuppance ;)

I like the idea of giving each character at least some idea of a long-term plot thread over the course of a season (for example, a comeuppance humiliation like you describe) so that players know roughly where to take their stories and have something to work towards. Since it's super easy for a wrestling RPG to fizzle out, having longer-term story arcs might help to hook players in and actually start linking some shows together :)
"Read you a story? What fun would that be? I've got a better idea: let's tell a story together."
Photopia (Adam Cadre)
Trillian ID - same as here


This sounds fun, and similar to an idea I was toying with a long time ago, and for which I still have a bundle of character ideas. I don't have time to go into a detailed reply right now, but count me in as interested.  :-)

Marie Reynolds

Also very interested in this!

1) Is anyone intrigued by using the Wide World of Wresting tabletop system? I have very little knowledge of it, but I'm open to the idea of learning it for the purposes of this RP.
I think a free form more collaborative  storytelling would be best.

2) Do folks want to jump straight into the shows, assuming all of the characters are already trained with fleshed out wrestling personas? Or should we go through the process of characters discovering their wrestling personas in the actual RP? 

Well I could go with a mix of both, I have  charatcer from another game that did not take off. She is both a trainer and does rehab for injured wrestlers and  she is a wrestler her self. She also works with newbies So maybe some character have a persona already and others do not could be fun. She also  study martial arts and one of the was hojo jutsu and she brought a bondage themed match style into the wrestling world. So  if that would fit  this company's style.

3) I'm considering there being an overarching, sexualized theme to the show. Anyone remember "The Wrath of Kuntar"? The third episode of GLOW season one? The episode essentially revolved around the director coming up with a hair-brained idea for the theme of the show involving a post-apocalyptic future where women fight over the rights to breed with men. I think it may be fun to have an off-color theme and internal logic to the show to account for these women fighting each other. Perhaps revolving around the notion of sexual domination. The champion receives a whip instead of a crown/belt to signify their dominance, which accompanies implied sexual antics with the other women on the roster, as well as men associated with the show.

I have not  watched the show Glow so I hope that wont be a problem and I am sure  we could all work on something  together to fit that idea.


1) Is anyone intrigued by using the Wide World of Wresting tabletop system? I have very little knowledge of it, but I'm open to the idea of learning it for the purposes of this RP.

I'd prefer not to use a system for the actual matches. Maybe something to keep track of the "status" and popularity of the wrestlers could work, as some other people have mentioned.

2) Do folks want to jump straight into the shows, assuming all of the characters are already trained with fleshed out wrestling personas? Or should we go through the process of characters discovering their wrestling personas in the actual RP?

Probably the former, though there could be some fun in the notion that this show has only just started, and has some teething troubles, special effects failures and early-installment weirdness as wrestlers try out different gimmicks (or get saddled with one by management).

3) I'm considering there being an overarching, sexualized theme to the show. Anyone remember "The Wrath of Kuntar"? The third episode of GLOW season one? The episode essentially revolved around the director coming up with a hair-brained idea for the theme of the show involving a post-apocalyptic future where women fight over the rights to breed with men. I think it may be fun to have an off-color theme and internal logic to the show to account for these women fighting each other. Perhaps revolving around the notion of sexual domination. The champion receives a whip instead of a crown/belt to signify their dominance, which accompanies implied sexual antics with the other women on the roster, as well as men associated with the show.

I like the idea of a raunchy theme to the show and tension between the people involved (even if there's nothing too explicit in the actual ring). I'd also prefer to lean towards a lighter and knowingly cheesy mood overall. :-)

Foxy DeVille

Hee hee...

For fun I looked for pics of golden whips and ended up finding sparkly crops...

So if you every wanted to be a Disney domme, there you go.


Mwahaa, I love it!

That picture almost makes me think it should be called "Champion's Scepter" or "Queen's Scepter" or whatever, and said scepter just "happens" to have very similar qualities than riding crops ;D


Quote from: hamish1024 on August 24, 2019, 06:31:00 AMThe Kayfabe RPG which I borrowed from had an attribute called 'Clout' which represented the wrestler's influence with backstage management, ability to call favours and influence match results, etc. I stripped 'clout' out of my sample rules just to simplify things a bit (and thinking that a GM could always RP management relationships and track them that way) but if you're not shy of using more statistics, it's something to consider.
Right! I think the World of Wrestling system also had a similar stat (called Savvy, or something similar, I think?) but I also was quite quick to drop it; it feels to me like in a forum RPG such things are better left to be just roleplayed. I guess it could be useful though if the idea is to play the booker as a sort of an NPC character, and have the players roll their Clout/Savvy whenever they try to influence them.


Wow, I thought this idea was buried alive, but I come back from a busy weekend to see all of your beautiful face-avatars :).

Ok, so based on the general consensus of what people have been discussing:

1) No system needed, albeit I'll look into the link you made Hamish when I get the oppurtunity.

2) The RP will start at the beginning of the wrestling show, no matter how ready or advanced the new wrestlers may be at that point.

There's also been a lot of talk regarding kink in relation to how salacious the actual show will be and whether or not anything beyond nudity will occur on it. I think that the most interesting route to take on reflection would be for the show to be nationally televised on a pay-to-watch model like HBO that would allow for nudity. New programming for Skinemax or some other fictional premium channel network.

Most of the real kinky interactions would happen behind the curtains I would imagine. The women getting into hijinks among themselves, or opposite the booker/ref/announcer/trainer if any of those characters end up male. I can play multiple of these roles if need be, or the booker could double as the announcer, for instance. But I imagine the general environment of the show to be fairly risque. My booker character will be actively encouraging the women to tap in more and more to their sexual side, because that's what's gonna drive the ratings since the wrestling won't be amazing itself. I picture a pretty shameless type of character here, so he won't be above taking "favors" for favorable booking in return.

That all said, maybe it's time to begin formulating the roster?

[float=left][img height=250](INSERT IMAGE URL HERE[/img][/float][b]Real Name:[/b]
[b]Wrestler Name:[/b]
[b]Billed From:[/b]
[b]Tag Team:[/b]
[b]Entrance Music:[/b] [url=LINK GOES HERE](song name)[/url]

Real Name: Kassidy Bertham
Wrestler Name: K-Ass
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 145 lbs.
Age: 27
Billed From: Battle Creek, Michigan.
Face/Heel: Rebellious Face
Stable: None
Tag Team: None
Appearance:  Kassidy is considered more of a power wrestler as she brings a little more weight to the ring than others. Most notably she has one of, if not the biggest trunk of any professional wrestler on the circuit today and is what she is best known for. Her body is quite fit with a tight core and defined legs and arms and a moderate bust. Parts of her arms, back, and legs are covered in various tattoos and she enjoys sporting a Mohawk styled haircut.
Background: Kassidy has wanted to become a wrestler for as long as she can recall, and has never really deviated from that goal. When her parents tried to force her to go to college and pursue a "real" career when she was making chump change working local indie shows during her senior year of high school. She refused, and hit the road on her own with nothing but a beat up 89' Ford pickup, the clothes on her back, her wrestling gear, and 89 bucks in cash. It took eight years, but Kassidy finally got her big break with WOW! after years grinding on the indie circuit, so she's going to take advantage of the opportunity. Even if it means showing a little more skin than she thought she would.
Attire: K-Ass typically wears a sleeveless tanktop shirt alongside a pair of wrestling trunks that are way too small to contain her bodacious backside, often leaving much of her ass exposed for the audience to gawk at.
Gimmick: K-Ass is an anti-authority rebel who questions the powers-that-be constantly and relates to the common woman. She’s brash, rude, and unapologetic, and the fans lover her for it.
Catchphrases: “Kiss my ass!”
Finisher: Full Moon - Leaping, standing senton into a pinning predicament (ass facing towards face, she typically likes to try and wedge her opponents face directly into her ass crack and essentially facesit them for a pin).
Entrance Music: In This Moment - Andrenalize
Ons/Offs: Bisexual. Anything ass/anal related. Rough foreplay. Pubic hair.

Foxy DeVille

Sweeeeeet. A couple questions...

Where will this be based out of?

How about a sheet for backstage types? There's a lot of roles (trainers, refs, camera men, sponsors, network types) that maybe people would wanna play and get some fellas in the mix too.


Quote from: Foxy Oni on August 26, 2019, 11:14:44 AM
Sweeeeeet. A couple questions...

Where will this be based out of?

How about a sheet for backstage types? There's a lot of roles (trainers, refs, camera men, sponsors, network types) that maybe people would wanna play and get some fellas in the mix too.

Where? I would figure it would be a fixed weekly live show, perhaps in Los Angeles. It happens at a moderately sized venue so it has an intimate feel to it for fans. Close enough that some of the rowdier fans might even be able to sneak in a grab or a squeeze here and there when the action goes outside the ring. Followed up by a hard slap, fist, or kick to the nuts I'm sure :). Near to the filming location there could be a training facility, and also possibly dorms if we wanted everyone to be very close by?

You're right, probably do need a non-wrestler sheet. I'll probably limit it to the booker, trainer (small roster, don't need more than one), ref (small roster, don't need more than one), and announcer. Network types or sponsors would probably just be npcs who will pop up rarely. They won't be around enough, essentially, to base a full character around, you know?

[float=left][img height=250](INSERT IMAGE URL HERE[/img][/float][b]Real Name:[/b]
[b]On-Screen Name:[/b]

Real Name: Ryan Trevino
On-Screen Name: Remy (Remiel) LeDeaux
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 255 lbs.
Age: 54
From: Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Role: Head Booker/Showrunner/On-Screen General Manager
Appearance: Ryan is a stout, imposing, fit figure when he walks into a room. Despite not being terribly old, his hair is already mostly stark white, probably from all the drinking. Broad shouldered and naturally muscular, Ryan has kept up his impeccable work out schedule since retiring, his one positive trait. A handsome man when and if he bothers to clean himself up, but most days he looks quite unkempt and unprofessional.
Background: Remy LeDeaux is a legend in this business. A career stretching back to the late 80s, Remy has a long track record of championships, legendary matches and rivalries, and memorable storylines. That all came to an abrupt end 16 years ago when he broke his neck and it never quite healed right. That forced him to retire, and nearly permanently put a beer can in his hand. Remy became an alcoholic and pissed and fucked away most of his money for the next decade and a half. Then he got a call. Someone was looking to start up an all-girls wrestling promotion, and they wanted him book it. If he was being honest with himself, he didn't really give a shit about wrestling anymore, but the job paid well and he was already in deep debt. Choosing between being found dead in a Singapore hotel room at some point, or trying to do something, anything, with what was left of his life, Remy took the job. 
On/Offs: Heterosexual. Being in control, receiving blowjobs, dirty talk, collars leashes ball gags and other forms of detainment.

Foxy DeVille

Real Name: Marley Allman
Wrestler Name: "The Farmer's Daughter" Daisy Holiday
Height: 5' 6" (168 cm)
Weight: 119 lbs. (54 kg)
Age: 18
Billed From: Sunny Side, Georgia
Face/Heel: White meat babyface
Stable: None
Tag Team: None
Appearance: Tan and tight-bodied, Daisy almost always has a smile on her super-cute face.
Background: Coming from a small town in Georgia, Marley Allman excelled in gymnastics and cheerleading while in high school but didn't do so hot in academics. Getting high while listening to classic rock and fooling around with the football team instead of studying will have that effect. With college not happening and few decent employment opportunities, Marley decided to head out to LA and try her luck there. She had started working as a stripper when she was offered the chance to become a wrestler by Remy LeDeaux. This may or may not have occurred during a private dance. With her southern accent and wholesome good looks, she was given the "Farmer's Daughter" gimmick, although her dad is actually a dentist. Marley kept her stripper name "Daisy" (named after the greatest Georgia girl of them all) and added "Holiday" as a last name (after the hotel where she lost her virginity at sixteen). While pretty inexperienced, at least Daisy is fit, agile, and pretty damn charming.
Attire: She dresses in a country style with a shirt tied up to show off her firm abs and tiny little cut-off to show off her firm ass. Daisy wrestles barefoot and without a bra.
Gimmick: Daisy is the southern girl next door, as sweet as a Georgia peach. She's very friendly with the fans and always follows to rules. While not the biggest dog in the yard, she doesn't back down from a fight.
Catchphrases: "C'mon and get some!"
Finisher: The Roll in the Hay
Entrance Music: "Honky Tonk Badonkadonk" by Trace Adkins
Ons/Offs: Daisy is an exhibitionist and loved the one time she was gang-banged by four football players. She likes it rough, although she's still getting used to anal. While she has fooled around with girls, she hasn't had a real lesbian encounter but can't wait to have one. Daisy is also curious about kinkier stuff, like BDSM and watersports.


Quote from: Foxy Oni on August 26, 2019, 01:06:54 PM
Real Name: Marley Allman
Wrestler Name: "The Farmer's Daughter" Daisy Holiday
Height: 5' 6" (168 cm)
Weight: 119 lbs. (54 kg)
Age: 18
Billed From: Sunny Side, Georgia
Face/Heel: White meat babyface
Stable: None
Tag Team: None
Appearance: Tan and tight-bodied, Daisy almost always has a smile on her super-cute face.
Background: Coming from a small town in Georgia, Marley Allman excelled in gymnastics and cheerleading while in high school but didn't do so hot in academics. Getting high while listening to classic rock and fooling around with the football team instead of studying will have that effect. With college not happening and few decent employment opportunities, Marley decided to head out to LA and try her luck there. She had started working as a stripper when she was offered the chance to become a wrestler by Remy LeDeaux. This may or may not have occurred during a private dance. With her southern accent and wholesome good looks, she was given the "Farmer's Daughter" gimmick, although her dad is actually a dentist. Marley kept her stripper name "Daisy" (named after the greatest Georgia girl of them all) and added "Holiday" as a last name (after the hotel where she lost her virginity at sixteen). While pretty inexperienced, at least Daisy is fit, agile, and pretty damn charming.
Attire: She dresses in a country style with a shirt tied up to show off her firm abs and tiny little cut-off to show off her firm ass. Daisy wrestles barefoot and without a bra.
Gimmick: Daisy is the southern girl next door, as sweet as a Georgia peach. She's very friendly with the fans and always follows to rules. While not the biggest dog in the yard, she doesn't back down from a fight.
Catchphrases: "C'mon and get some!"
Finisher: The Roll in the Hay
Entrance Music: "Honky Tonk Badonkadonk" by Trace Adkins
Ons/Offs: Daisy is an exhibitionist and loved the one time she was gang-banged by four football players. She likes it rough, although she's still getting used to anal. While she has fooled around with girls, she hasn't had a real lesbian encounter but can't wait to have one. Daisy is also curious about kinkier stuff, like BDSM and watersports.

Daisy seems like an absolute joy and a great start to the roster! Loved the tidbit about meeting Remy at a strip club, I fully support this being how she was hired. :)

Also, now that you mention it I suppose it makes sense that Remy hired everyone who's on the roster at some point. Whether privately or at a group tryout, so assume that's the case for anyone else making a wrestler.



Here's what I've been thinking... I do kind of like the idea of a girl who's a real sweetheart in real life but plays an absolute chickenshit heel in the ring :-) What I was thinking was (if it sounds good to you, Odanrav!) that she would initially be a bit prudish and hoping to avoid having to do nudity or the like, which is why she's more than happy to play the role of a tease who never actually shows anything, just to annoy the audience; but of course Remy understands that the money is in eventually giving the audience what they want and having her be stripped and humiliated ;-)

I think she might not get very well along with Remy in general, seeing how she keeps wanting to do things "properly" and trying to cut the sex appeal, and he... well, he has a different philosophy :-)

Real Name: Hannah Watts
Wrestler Name: Penelope Primrose
Height: 5'1'' (155 cm)
Weight: 104 lbs (47 kg)
Age: 19
Billed From: London, England
Face/Heel: Cowardly heel
Tag Team:

Appearance: Short and petite, Hannah Watts doesn't exactly scream "professional wrestler"; but she's definitely sexy and beautiful, which more than fits the bill at WOW. She walks around with perfect posture and a condencending look on her face, speaking with the poshest English accent she can possibly muster; managing to sound both sexy and extremely irritating at the same time.

Background: Hannah moved to New York from England when she was twelve, following her father who got an important position at a prestigious New York law firm. She did very well at school and was on a fast track to Harvard, but her dreams were elsewhere: Hannah wanted to move to Hollywood and become a movie star. Hannah's parents were very much against this plan, but they made a deal with Hannah: they would support her endeavors in Los Angeles for one year, after which she would agree to go to college if her acting career hadn't taken off yet.

Hannah spent ten wonderful months in Los Angeles, enjoying every second of it. She spent days waiting tables at a cafe and nights rehearsing and attendind auditions. But these auditions were scarce, and actual roles nonexistant. Hannah was starting to get a little bit desperate, her one year deadline looming close; when Remy happened to come to her cafe and was quick to notice her. Hannah was just the kind of girl he was hoping to find in Hollywood: young, gorgeous, impressionable, and looking for any kind of an opportunity. And that posh English accent of hers was pretty damn cute too.

Hannah didn't know much about wrestling, but she was eager to join and learn. After all, this would be an actual *television credit*! And she had a background in classical ballet; surely wrestling couldn't be any more difficult? The sex appeal nature of the product wasn't great, but surely she could avoid the brunt of it if she just kept her head up... this was her very first real shot, and she would make it count, no matter what!

Attire: Going for a "sexy schoolgirl" vibe, she always wears plaid miniskirts, often with knee socks and always with skin-tight tops showing off her figure. She doesn't willingly show too much skin though (other than her wrestling being upskirts galore), constantly teasing and taunting the audience, saying they're not "worthy" of seeing her noble figure. Of course, it makes the crowd pop all the more harder when she inevitably is stripped!

Gimmick: As Hannah's wrestling experience was nonexistant, Remy gave her a heel gimmick. She is billed as Penelope Primrose, an upper class stuck-up rich kid from London. She unashamedly acts as if she's superior to everyone else, and is not afraid to use her position to her advantage: she's constantly "buying advantages with her dad's money"; letting her focus less on actual wrestling and more on using unfair weapons and outside interference to win her matches. Penelope's heel gimmick is a mixture of an annoying, pampered "queen bee" schoolgirl; a stuck-up Brit who keeps reminding how America will always be just a colony to them; and constant blue-balling the audience as she teases her sexy figure but never shows anything off. At least willingly, that is.

Backstage, she is absolutely nothing like her gimmick: Hannah is an extremely kind and friendly girl who understands very well she has a lot of dues to pay and wants to be friends with everyone, if she can. Penelope is very inexperienced in the ring, to say the least; but she is quite athletic, quick and eager to learn, and her background in classical ballet helps her move her body very gracefully.

Catchphrases: TBD
Finisher: Stretch Muffler; usually after some kind of dirty play to give the opening to lock it in
Entrance Music: Little Mix - Power
Ons/Offs: Hannah is quite inexperienced sexually; she's no virgin, but she's only had a handful of experiences and all of them quite vanilla -- she considers herself quite the prim and proper girl.

However, she has plenty of undiscovered kinks: she may find out she's very submissive and a massive exhibitionist; have someone ravish her publicly and she would greatly enjoy pretty much anything they can come up with; ropes, toys, humiliation, orgasm control, gangbangs and so forth would all be things she would (to her own shock) find she enjoys very much. Hannah doesn't consider herself bisexual, at least not quite yet; but would also find she would very much like experimenting with another girl.


One of the characters already posted is quite similar to what I was working on, so I'll go back to the drawing board. Some really fun ideas posted so far, though.  ;)


Quote from: snowdrop on August 26, 2019, 05:18:06 PM

Here's what I've been thinking... I do kind of like the idea of a girl who's a real sweetheart in real life but plays an absolute chickenshit heel in the ring :-) What I was thinking was (if it sounds good to you, Odanrav!) that she would initially be a bit prudish and hoping to avoid having to do nudity or the like, which is why she's more than happy to play the role of a tease who never actually shows anything, just to annoy the audience; but of course Remy understands that the money is in eventually giving the audience what they want and having her be stripped and humiliated ;-)

I think she might not get very well along with Remy in general, seeing how she keeps wanting to do things "properly" and trying to cut the sex appeal, and he... well, he has a different philosophy :-)

Real Name: Hannah Watts
Wrestler Name: Penelope Primrose
Height: 5'1'' (155 cm)
Weight: 104 lbs (47 kg)
Age: 19
Billed From: London, England
Face/Heel: Cowardly heel
Tag Team:

Appearance: Short and petite, Hannah Watts doesn't exactly scream "professional wrestler"; but she's definitely sexy and beautiful, which more than fits the bill at WOW. She walks around with perfect posture and a condencending look on her face, speaking with the poshest English accent she can possibly muster; managing to sound both sexy and extremely irritating at the same time.

Background: Hannah moved to New York from England when she was twelve, following her father who got an important position at a prestigious New York law firm. She did very well at school and was on a fast track to Harvard, but her dreams were elsewhere: Hannah wanted to move to Hollywood and become a movie star. Hannah's parents were very much against this plan, but they made a deal with Hannah: they would support her endeavors in Los Angeles for one year, after which she would agree to go to college if her acting career hadn't taken off yet.

Hannah spent ten wonderful months in Los Angeles, enjoying every second of it. She spent days waiting tables at a cafe and nights rehearsing and attendind auditions. But these auditions were scarce, and actual roles nonexistant. Hannah was starting to get a little bit desperate, her one year deadline looming close; when Remy happened to come to her cafe and was quick to notice her. Hannah was just the kind of girl he was hoping to find in Hollywood: young, gorgeous, impressionable, and looking for any kind of an opportunity. And that posh English accent of hers was pretty damn cute too.

Hannah didn't know much about wrestling, but she was eager to join and learn. After all, this would be an actual *television credit*! And she had a background in classical ballet; surely wrestling couldn't be any more difficult? The sex appeal nature of the product wasn't great, but surely she could avoid the brunt of it if she just kept her head up... this was her very first real shot, and she would make it count, no matter what!

Attire: Going for a "sexy schoolgirl" vibe, she always wears plaid miniskirts, often with knee socks and always with skin-tight tops showing off her figure. She doesn't willingly show too much skin though (other than her wrestling being upskirts galore), constantly teasing and taunting the audience, saying they're not "worthy" of seeing her noble figure. Of course, it makes the crowd pop all the more harder when she inevitably is stripped!

Gimmick: As Hannah's wrestling experience was nonexistant, Remy gave her a heel gimmick. She is billed as Penelope Primrose, an upper class stuck-up rich kid from London. She unashamedly acts as if she's superior to everyone else, and is not afraid to use her position to her advantage: she's constantly "buying advantages with her dad's money"; letting her focus less on actual wrestling and more on using unfair weapons and outside interference to win her matches. Penelope's heel gimmick is a mixture of an annoying, pampered "queen bee" schoolgirl; a stuck-up Brit who keeps reminding how America will always be just a colony to them; and constant blue-balling the audience as she teases her sexy figure but never shows anything off. At least willingly, that is.

Backstage, she is absolutely nothing like her gimmick: Hannah is an extremely kind and friendly girl who understands very well she has a lot of dues to pay and wants to be friends with everyone, if she can. Penelope is very inexperienced in the ring, to say the least; but she is quite athletic, quick and eager to learn, and her background in classical ballet helps her move her body very gracefully.

Catchphrases: TBD
Finisher: Stretch Muffler; usually after some kind of dirty play to give the opening to lock it in
Entrance Music: Little Mix - Power
Ons/Offs: Hannah is quite inexperienced sexually; she's no virgin, but she's only had a handful of experiences and all of them quite vanilla -- she considers herself quite the prim and proper girl.

However, she has plenty of undiscovered kinks: she may find out she's very submissive and a massive exhibitionist; have someone ravish her publicly and she would greatly enjoy pretty much anything they can come up with; ropes, toys, humiliation, orgasm control, gangbangs and so forth would all be things she would (to her own shock) find she enjoys very much. Hannah doesn't consider herself bisexual, at least not quite yet; but would also find she would very much like experimenting with another girl.

Excellently done snowdrop! Penelope looks great as well! I think Remy's mindset is more "Well shit, these girls can't wrestle at all. I gotta give em tits to keep the audience awake." And Penelope's greenness and prudishness combination could put her on a one way trip to his shit list for sure. I'm already formulating a rough idea for her to be forced to job for a while before she either opens up with her sexuality, or gets really damn good in the ring quickly, and he's forced to move her back up the card.


Quote from: Odanrav on August 26, 2019, 06:54:54 PM
Excellently done snowdrop! Penelope looks great as well! I think Remy's mindset is more "Well shit, these girls can't wrestle at all. I gotta give em tits to keep the audience awake." And Penelope's greenness and prudishness combination could put her on a one way trip to his shit list for sure. I'm already formulating a rough idea for her to be forced to job for a while before she either opens up with her sexuality, or gets really damn good in the ring quickly, and he's forced to move her back up the card.

Sounds good! ;-) I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes!

Daisy looks really lovely too, by the way! The song is such a great find, haha!  ;D


Loving the characters so far. I have a few gimmick ideas (veering towards heel), hopefully not too similar to other people's ideas, I'll try and put a character together shortly.

Regarding the roster - are we going to be RPing full match cards? With one character each, the roster will be a bit sparse for that. Will there be NPC wrestlers to make up the numbers? 

Regarding belts (or indeed whips!) - Are you thinking of just having the WOW Championship Belt, plus maybe the usual Tag and Hardcore variants, or something more tailored to the setting? If you wanted more overt kinks, I was wondering if you could have belts that cater to a certain match type. For example, an 'Agony' belt that always involves S&M style stipulations, or an 'Ecstasy' belt with sexualised loser forfeits? Just for example. That way, if a character's predilections lean one way, or another, they could focus on those specific matches. (Though admittedly, the roster probably won't be large enough for a tonne of different belts to be meaningful, but still)   
"Read you a story? What fun would that be? I've got a better idea: let's tell a story together."
Photopia (Adam Cadre)
Trillian ID - same as here


We can have NPC wrestlers, sure. I was thinking of using some of the characters we made together a very long time ago actually, Hamish.

I think only the one championship now, that is either going to be in the form of a whip/crop or crown. Like you mentioned we don't have near enough wrestlers unless folks want to double and triple dip with characters to have a lot of niche title belts. As far as kink inclined match types I have some ideas:

Chastity Match: Loser is forced to wear a chastity belt for a certain amount of time like a week, a month, however long the determination is.
Collar Match: The goal is to put a collar around the neck of your opponent to win. This could lead to other stipulations like serving as another wrestlers bitch for an agreed upon time and things like that.
Tanned Hide Match: Loser receives a hard spanking live on TV.

I'm sure there's plenty more we can come up with over time though.


I agree it probably makes sense to just have one championship title, but all kinds of crazy stipulation matches can of course happen even if they're not for a title :-)

Some wrestling classics are of course the "bra & panties match" where the goal is to strip your opponent (I suppose for us the bra and panties can be optional), "X on a pole" match where there's an item on a pole and whoever retrieves it is free to use it in the match however they like (I'm sure we could come up with all kinds of interesting items), or maybe even a "fans bring the weapons" type of a match, but the items they are encouraged to bring are less about drawing blood and more about being smutty?

A fun one could also be a match where there s some kind of a bondage device in the ring, like a spanking bench or pillory or something, and the goal is to incapacitate your opponent enough that you manage to strap them in the device; of course, the implication is that once your opponent is restrained and helpless, you can give them a good spanking or toy with them a little as a reward. It could even work as a multiway elimination match, where the ones restrained have to stay there tied up for the rest of the match...!