Elvin Platonic Adventure

Started by mioyumyum, August 19, 2019, 05:57:36 AM

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Preview of Role Play Game

... Teo had no clue who this woman was before him ... he knew her title. He knew her name. He knew her highest position in Elvin society. He knew that by some odd turn of the draw, he was now her servant. And all of those things combined should have equated to simply being lucky and getting a higher position in society than previously endured. So, why did he have feelings for her ... some sort of recognition or kinship that he could not explain. One romantic kiss was enough to know ... that's not how he felt about her, nor how she felt about him. Shouldn't that have ended all speculation? But it didn't. He still wanted to be with her ... just not like that. And somehow, he felt as if his identity was wrapped up in her identity.

Premise of the Roleplay Game

My character is named Teo, and he is an elf that lives in the woods of an elfin world. He is at the bottom of society, living in the hollow of a tree, and having a wolf as a distant friend.

Your character is an Elvin Princess of the realm who very recently has ascended the throne. Your character can be anything you want her to be; shy and timid, forceful and brutish, in between. You may be green and new, or maybe the gift of leadership comes naturally to you. The point is, you have just received power to rule the entire kingdom. (You might consider having warrior training as it might come in handy.)

Every year in this kingdom, there is a tournament that anyone can enter. It is the one time in the year that an elf can attempt to compete to become the majesty's squire/servant. It would be a high honor because from there, the elf could either remain in the high courts of the Queen or try to move on, becoming her Knight and defending her honor ... or any other royal function of the castle if he so chooses.

But no one has ever won the tournament; since most who join are simply not qualified to win against the guards or other competitors of the royal realm. Besides, the final round of competition is facing the hardest challenge of them all. Competing against the queen herself. [Last part optional and open for discussion.]

The story would open a day before the tournament; we can decide how important the tournament is and how detailed we would like it to be. Teo should 'win', but barely by the skin of his teeth and this after many years of losing. (Hint, my character is honorable. So he won't be cheating or bribing his way to the top and actually, he may also be quite gullible.)

However, the main point of the roleplay is to find out what non-romantic relationship my character has with yours, why is it important to the focus of the story, and do the two go on adventures together to save the kingdom?

I have left it all open ended with just a few requirements for the start of the game so that a long term partner might mold her elvin character to her liking. The world can be ours and if you wish to world build, I'm up for it. I am also interested in all your ideas and look forward to writing with you. General questions in the thread; should you have a deeper interest in the story, PM please. Any gender invited to inquire; but I would like the elvish queen to be all lady in her personality. :)

Characters in the Roleplay thus far identified
Teo the elf: http://elfquest.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Skywise.png

Queen: (this is but a mere example. You come up with your own avatar, your own style, your own way of doing things.)

Wolf friend of Teo: https://i.etsystatic.com/5682665/r/il/571eed/1706288060/il_794xN.1706288060_g8vy.jpg
