[5e] Carrion Crown: The Haunting of Harrowstone

Started by Xurtan, July 02, 2019, 01:27:41 AM

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Pen picture: one of the guests invited to the funeral stands out, a half-elf wearing the rough clothes of a Kellid barbarian. At first glance, it might be assumed she is a bard in costume, here to provide entertainment. Get closer, though, and it's clear her deeply tanned skin is not stage make-up, and her body is sleekly muscular, with several scars. She really is both a half-elf and a barbarian.

Female Half-Elf Barbarian 1
Chaotic Good
Background: outlander

Description & Personality:

Kala looks sleekly muscular, leaner and comelier than most Kellids, yet brawnier than a typical elf (or even many half-elves). Her skin is deeply tanned from life outdoors, with a few minor scars. Her eyes are a glittering emerald green, and her hair a dark golden yellow, both marking her out from her fellow dark-haired, dark-eyed Kellids. She wears simple clothes of tanned hide, and carries a single-bladed greataxe with a couple of throwing axes as backup.

Kala is upbeat and optimistic. Things tend to turn out right: she was born because her mother took pity on a visitor, bullying turned out to be valuable combat training, and the tribe's friendship with Petros Lorrimor has given her the excuse to leave for the funeral. Besides, she's heard all the abusive names now; they've lost their sting. She enjoys discovering new things, whether that's a new drink or a town she's never visited before.

Traits: Known for swimming in snow-melt lakes; struggles to read or write.
Ideals: Change. It is better to make new experiences than repeat old ones.
Bonds: My family and friends are the most important things in my life, for I am nothing without them.
Flaws: There is no room for caution if life is to be experienced at its best.


Kala's story begins with her mother, Belka, and the day her tribe found a young half-frozen elf in their domain. She helped nurse him back to health, and helped... keep him warm during the cold nights. His name was Talathel, and he'd become detached from his expedition in a storm; the rest of the expedition found the tribe a few days later, and were overjoyed to find their missing friend alive. The expedition's leader was Petros Lorrimor.

It was only after the expedition had left that Belka found she was carrying Talathel's child.

Kala's upbringing was harsh. Kellid barbarian children are crueller than most to those who look different, and with her hair and eyes Kala couldn't help standing out. Kala learned to fight out of necessity, and soon showed that her slighter build still held strong muscles. As she grew older, she mastered the greataxe with grim determination, mainly because the other children assumed she couldn't. By this time, Petros Lorrimor was a friend of the tribe, occasionally visiting with gifts of useful materials as thanks for what they'd done. He was surprised and delighted to hear that his old friend had a daughter he was unaware of. Unfortunately, Talathel had returned to Caliphas, but he promised to pass on a message.

Recently the atmosphere in the tribe became more poisonous as several families were adamant their sons wouldn't be associating with a 'half breed'. Kala was looking for an honorable excuse to leave, and perhaps seek out her father in Caliphas, when her mother got the news of Petros Lorrimor's death. The invitation was the excuse Kala needed. She'd pay her respects to an old friend of the family and the tribe, and satisfy her wanderlust at the same time.


Armor Class 14 (barbarian unarmored defense)
Hit Points 14 (1d12+2)
Speed 30'

STR 16 (+3), DEX 14 (+2), CON 14 (+2), INT 8 (-1), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 12 (+1)

Saving Throws Str +5, Con +4
Skills Athletics (Str) +5, Acrobatics (Dex) +4, Stealth (Dex) +4, Perception (Wis) +3, Survival (Wis) +3, Intimidation (Cha) +3
Languages Common, Elvish, 2 other (but drop Elvish as it doesn't fit her history).

Size: Medium
Darkvision 60'
Fey ancestry: advantage on saving throws against being charmed; cannot be put to sleep by magic.

Rage (2/day, +2 rage damage)
Unarmored defense (add Con bonus to AC when unarmored)
Background feature: Wanderer (recall general layout of terrain, find food & fresh water for herself and up to 5 other people each day)

Armor: light armor, medium armor, shields
Weapons: simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools: musical instrument (horn)

Proficiency bonus: +2
Total melee/thrown attack bonus: +5
Total missile attack bonus: +4
Total melee/thrown damage bonus: +3

Greataxe (1d12 slashing, heavy, two-handed)
Two handaxes (1d6 slashing, light, thrown (range 20/60))
Explorer's pack
4 javelins (1d6 piercing, thrown (range 30/120)
Hunting trap
A trophy from an animal she killed
Traveler's clothes
Pouch containing 10gp
Trinket (her only real connection to her absent father):


Name Little Mara

Alignment: Neutral Good
Race: Human (Variant)
Background: Urchin
Height: 5' 2"
Weight: 103 ibs
Age: 18

Mara or what her friends call her Little Mara did not remember nor know of her parents. She does remember however growing up in the streets of Tamrivana with a few older street urchins like her. Life was hard with food and nutrition hard to come by. There were many days where there was nothing to eat and one would either starve, go through the trash of others, beg or steal. Or worse, sell one's body. Because of Mara's age, the other children looked after her, but when she came of age, she would have to contribute. As the years past, due to malnutrition, Mara was still Little Mara, although small, she made up in speed and dexterity. Like all street urchins, she knew the town inside out and because she was too young for the whorehouse and lacked the deception to be pickpocket, she became a "messenger" or "guide" For a few coins Mata would take messages from one side of the town to the other or serve as a guide to visitors. As fate would have it, one such visitor was Professor Lorrimor.

Upon entering the small town, Professor Lorrimor was approached by Mara asking if she could be his guide for a day for 5 copper pieces. Although a small town, Professor Lorrimor agreed and gave her show him and his entourage around. Everything was going well until the ambush. Mara did not recognize the ambushers, not did the Professor. The beginning few seconds were brutal where half of the Professor's entourage was killed. Mara wanted to run, to leave the Professor to his fate, but she forced her fear down and led the retreat. Taking the survivors down back alleys, backyards, through shops and down the marketplace. She used every trick she knew and brought them to safety. The Professor grateful for Mara's help and quick thinking rewarded her gold and recommended that his contact in Tamrivana, who happened to be a Ranger, take her on as an apprentice. Mara spent the next few years as an apprentice Ranger, then becoming a Hunter for the Councillor Zoenessa Thell. Everything was going well for her. She brought money home to her family, started to gain a reputation, that is until the bad news arrived
With the new opportunity in life, Mara became a young girl with long black hair, strong features with piercing steel grey eyes. However, due to the lack of nutrition, while growing up, Mara did not grow much. Slight of build, she was however quick and dexterous, This was directly due to her training as a Ranger, better food and a better environment. However, despite all that, she is still a little flighty and nervous, especially among her "betters", and still doubt her own abilities.
Mara is quiet and seldom speaks unless spoken to. She is not confident she can hold a conversation and have self-esteem issues. Although not embarrassed at where she came from, she feels that other people judge her because of it. Her childhood also gave her a good perspective on life. She made it out and if she could, other children can as well. All they need is the opportunity. That and hard work.

Ability Scores
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 14
Charisma: 8
Hit Points: 12
Armor Class: 14
Saving Throws: Strength: +2, Dexterity: +5, Constitution: +2, Intelligence: +1, Wisdom: +2, Charisma: -1
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30ft
Size: Med

Acrobatics: +5
Animal Handling: +2
Arcana: 0
Athletics: 0
Deception: -1
History: 0
Insight: +3
Intimidation: -1
Investigation: +2
Medicine: +3
Nature: 0
Perception: +5
Performance: -1
Religion: +3
Sleight of Hand: +5
Stealth: +5
Survival:  +5
Common, Elven, Orc, TBA
Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor and shields
Weapons: Simple weapons and Martial Weapons (+2 Proficiency)
Tools: Disguise Kit & Thieves' Tools (+2 Proficiency)
Saving Throws:
Skills: Acrobatics, Investigation, Perception, Stealth, Survival, and Sleight of Hand

Feature: City Secrets
Feat: Crossbow Expert
Ranger: Favoured Enemy
Ranger: Favoured Terrain - Forrest


Worn: Small knife, Leather Armor, Two short swords, Hand crossbow and a case of 20 ammo, belt pouch, Thieves' Tools

Explorer's Backpack:  Disguise Kit, Map of Tamriveana, small token left by parents, set of common clothes, bedroll, mess kit, tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days rations, waterskin, rope 50'

Gold: 10gp
Total Weight: 15

Choice is but an Illusion. Consequences are however real.



Or maybe this?
Vivian Albrecht

Class: Warlock (Celestial Patron - Andoletta | Pact of _____ )
Alignment: Lawful Good
Race: Human (Variant)
Size: Medium
Background: Sage
Height: 5’3
Age: 26

Acrobatics: +1
Animal Handling: +12
Arcana: +4
Athletics: -1
Deception: +5
History: +4
Insight: +2
Intimidation: +3
Investigation: +2
Medicine: +2
Nature: +2
Perception: +2
Performance: +3
Persuasion: +5
Religion: +4
Sleight of Hand: +1
Stealth: +1
Survival: +2
Weapons: Simple
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: Arcana, Deception, History, Persuasion, Religion
Languages: Common, Celestial, Infernal, Orc
Attribute: Charisma
Spell DC: 13
Spell Attack: +5

Cantrip: Light, Sacred Flame, Eldritch Blast, Prestidigitation
1st (2): Cure Wounds, Guiding Bolt

Human (Variant) Feat -
Inspiring Leader
You can spend 10 minutes inspiring your companions, shoring up their resolve to fight.
When you do so, choose up to six friendly creatures (which can include yourself) within 30 feet of you who can see or hear you and who can understand you.
Each creature can gain temporary hit points equal to your level + your Charisma modifier.
A creature can't gain temporary hit points from this feat again until it has finished a short or long rest.

Human (Variant) Attribute Increase: +1 Charisma, +1 Wisdom
Human (Variant) Skill: Persuasion
Sage - :
When you attempt to learn or recall a piece of lore, if you do not know that information, you often know where and from whom you can obtain it.
Usually, this information comes from a library, scriptorium, university, or a sage or other learned person or creature. Your DM might rule that the
knowledge you seek is secreted away in an almost inaccessible place. or that it simply cannot be found. Unearthing the deepest secrets of the
multiverse can require an adventure or even a whole campaign.

Warlock - :
Healing Light
At 1st level, you gain the ability to channel celestial energy to heal wounds. You have a pool of d6s that you spend to fuel this healing. The
number of dice in the pool equals 1 + your warlock level. As a bonus action, you can heal one creature you can see within 60 feet of you, spending
dice from the pool. The maximum number of dice you can spend at once equals your Charisma modifier (minimum of one die). Roll the dice you spend,
add them together, and restore a number of hit points equal to the total. Your pool regains all expended dice when you finish a long rest.


Armor ClassInitiativeSpeed

Hit Points
Hit Dice

Quarter Staff, Arcane Focus (+1, 1d6-1) (+1, 1d8-1)
Dagger (20/60) (+3, 1d4+1)
Common Clothes

Small Knife
Ink Pen
Bag of Sand


Total Weight: 22lbs / 120lbs

While some warlocks cavort with Fey or make pacts with a Fiend to sow chaos and discontent, many years ago a young girl who found herself trapped in a cottage of an elderly shepherdess after she had snuck in to steal food and coin from her so that she could survive the winter was shown kindness and offered a warm place to spend the night after a willow walking stick first found its way to the top of her skull.


Normally wears dark coloured clothing, but always keeps a braclet of crow feathers on her left hand which is usually grasping a willow walking stick. Most times she likes to keep her clothing simple, but will wear a shawl of feathers and at times can't help but adorn herself in little trinkets. Her flesh is pale and her hair dark. Her eyes are light enough that people might assume she is blind, though this is not the case.

“Just because someone stumbles and loses their path, doesn't mean they're lost forever. Sometimes we all need a little help.” - Quote attributed to Grandmother Crow
Vivian believes that none are born evil, that men can be tricked into worshipping devils or that one bad day, one single moment where something goes awry, can change the direction a life can take. In this violence should only be used as a last resort, she believes in learning more about others first and giving them little nudges without going into full blown sermons, to support others... though if they're just being damn foolish and stubborn, a rap up the ass from a willow cane and a stern talking to can go a long way. Redemption, her patron whispers in her ear, is often times favourable to damnation. But foolishness shoul ne'er be rewarded.


Lots of good sheets, keep them coming! I'll make final selection in a couple of days, but until then definitely feel free to keep submitting. As always if anyone has questions or concerns, hit me up.


All knowledge is worth having - Jacqueline Carey, Kushiel's Dart

Stren's Corner - O&Os

A wandering Bard's map - A&As



Class: Barbarian
Alignment: Neutral
Race: Goliath
Background: Outlander
Height: 7’2”
Weight: 320
Age: Mid to late 30’s

The mountains kept my people safe from the tyrant. The dead don’t function well in the cold, so the legends say. So we adapted, changed, forged by winters into the hardy people that sprinkle the Tusk Mountains in small isolated villages. The contention between us and the frost giants is what led to my and my brothers orphaning, our village abandoned that spot and merged with another.

Though we were always taken care of, the loss of belonging to a family took its toll on my brother, who, when he reached adulthood, left me there to find his place. He never returned and I followed years later. Traces of him were all I could find, but the search was fruitless. My wandering also gave me a taste of humanity and I found it bitter. I grew to hate the smaller, weaker races and even when I made my way back to the place called home, I found my heart hardened against even my own people.

Eventually, I made my way back to the abandoned village of my youth, repairing the best structure and floundering my way through my first winter alone. I survived. I honed my anger at the world into short bursts of frenzied energy. Solitude was my friend, my companion. Travelers in that part of the mountain chain were rare and even when they found their way to my stead, I was brusque, giving directions if asked and trading for goods if offered and needed, never proffering hospitality. Infrequently, I made a trip to the goliath village and traded for some small things.

After a decade of mild winters, people grew spoiled. They forgot the unforgiving nature of the winter crone. So, on a routine trap check, one blisteringly cold winter day, I came across a human. Half frozen and unconscious in what I recognized as an old wolf den. I stood for a long time, staring at the pathetic man and the remnants of the small fire he had let go out. He would die here if I walked away. He might die anyway, his face gaunt with the obvious lack of sustenance.

Sighing, I picked up the man and hauled him several miles home. He stirred a few times, but settled down enough to carry him again. The next few days were spent ladling broth into him and then continuing on with my own affairs. If he lived, so be it.

He came to eventually, hazily returning to life. His recovery was slow, not being a young man, older than I certainly. Most of the harshest winter in many years was spent in forced companionship. We came to an easy agreement that silence was appreciated but as winter drew on and it was obvious he was going to be a guest for a prolonged period, we began to talk. I was surprised to find that the inherent cruelty that I had found in many of his race was not present in his demeanor, just an innate curiosity about the world around him.

I taught him things then, so that the fool wouldn’t find himself in the predicament  that had so nearly killed him, and to satisfy his brain, which seemed to devour new information. I liked this man. When spring came, I journeyed with him to the spot he had been trying to reach in the fall. Though the search, for what I still don’t know, ended without reward, he took the disappointment in stride. Stating he had learned more valuable lessons over this winter than the original quest might have.

He told me from where he hailed, a small town. Showed me a map and drew directions on a piece of parchment. Inviting me to come see him. Escorting him to the nearest goliath village, we gave our goodbyes. Years past and I enjoyed my solitude once again but with a pang of loneliness that had not been present before. So one spring morning, I made my way into civilization. Our friendship did not take long to renew, though this time it was he that taught me. Showing me the conveniences of modern living, most did not interest me, but I did leave with a much fuller pack than when I arrived.

For the next decade or so, I made nearly yearly journeys to his home. The second such trip, he had bought me tools to work the abundance of leather I had at my disposal and the time I had in winter. The next year, I brought some samples of my work and he took me to a shop where the owner was happy to trade for coin, a silly concept to me, until Petros took me to a blacksmith. The weapon we selected was a beautiful axe, decorated and handsome. The heft in my hand felt like an extension of myself. I did not have enough, but Petros put up the rest of the funds, claiming the look on my face when I picked up the glorious object well worth the money.

Sometimes I missed him, for he was forever making journeys of his own. Those times I would spend a few days with his daughter and then go back. The letter came and the wave of grief for my only friend was nearly maddening. I spent the next day hunting a particularly troublesome bear, returning to the stead with the body, a little worse for wear. The gash across my leg would heal with care. I dressed the body and began packing for what I believed would be my final trip down the mountain to the home of the man I considered family.
The years of wilderness living are evident on Strenae’s body, sun lines evident across her face. When she stands from prolonged inactivity, her joints pop and she tends to stretch to get them back into position again. She towers over most humans. Her body language around people is tense, ready to defend herself. Dark hair is generally done up in snarled braids. She dresses in soft skins, less protection than a convenient cover against the elements, though the decorations are done with obvious care. 
She sits silently in the background. If she wasn’t so large, you might not even recognize she was there. When she speaks, its slow, almost halting from disuse. Her eyes are everywhere, ready for danger, hyperalert.

Ability Scores

Strength:      17/3
Dexterity:      14/2
Constitution: 15/2
Intelligence:   8/-1
Wisdom:       12/1
Charisma:      8/-1

Hit Points: 14
Armor Class: 16
Saving Throws: Strength: 2 , Dexterity: 0 , Constitution: 2 , Intelligence: 0 , Wisdom: 0 , Charisma: 0
Initiative: 2
Speed: 30’
Size: Medium (Large Carrying Capacity)


Acrobatics:          2
Animal Handling: 1
Arcana:             -1
Athletics:            5
Deception:         -1
History:             -1
Insight:              1
Intimidation:      1
Investigation:    -1
Medicine:           1
Nature:              1
Perception:         3
Performance:    -1
Persuasion:       -1
Religion:           -1
Sleight of Hand:  2
Stealth:             2
Survival:            3
Common, Giant, Orc
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
Weapons: All Melee and Simple
Tools: Leatherworker tools
Saving Throws: Strength and Constitution
Skills: Athletics, Nature, Survival, Intimidation, Perception


In battle, you fight with primal ferocity. On your turn, you can enter a rage as a bonus action.
While raging, you gain the following benefits if you aren’t wearing heavy armor:
You have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
When you make a melee weapon attack using Strength, you gain a bonus to the damage roll that increases as you gain levels as a barbarian, as shown in the Rage Damage column of the Barbarian table.
You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
If you are able to cast spells, you can’t cast them or concentrate on them while raging.
Your rage lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven’t attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then. You can also end your rage on your turn as a bonus action.
Once you have raged the number of times shown for your barbarian level in the Rages column of the Barbarian table, you must finish a long rest before you can rage again.

Unarmored Defense
While you are not wearing any armor, your Armor Class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.

Stone’s Endurance
You can focus yourself to occasionally shrug off injury. When you take damage, you can use your reaction to roll a d12. Add your Constitution modifier to the number rolled, and reduce the damage by that total. After you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Powerful Build
You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Mountain Born
You’re acclimated to high altitude, including elevations above 20,000 feet. You’re also naturally adapted to cold climates.

You have an excellent memory for maps and geography, and you can always recall the general layout of terrain, settlements, and other features around you. In addition, you can find food and fresh water for yourself and up to five other people each day, provided that the land offers berries, small game, water, and so forth.

Please list what you are wearing, what you own, and where it happens to be on your person. Weight will be kept track of.

Bear paw on a necklace
Traveler’s clothes

A staff
Hunting trap
Belt pouch containing 10 gp
Mess kit
Four Javelins
10 torches
10 days of Rations
feet of Hempen rope

Total Weight: <510 lbs

Ya’ll so young.

All knowledge is worth having - Jacqueline Carey, Kushiel's Dart

Stren's Corner - O&Os

A wandering Bard's map - A&As


-pops in randomly to drool over Kellin like a shameless hussy.-

-flees before she can be captured/chased away.-

Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies


Quote from: Amarlo on July 08, 2019, 08:51:03 PM
-pops in randomly to drool over Kellin like a shameless hussy.-

-flees before she can be captured/chased away.-

*shakes a broom at the fleeing Amarlo* Out, hussy! Out! ;)

One of these days I'll nail you down for a 5e game!


Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs
May you see through a million eyes.


Quote from: Xurtan on July 08, 2019, 09:45:43 PM
*shakes a broom at the fleeing Amarlo* Out, hussy! Out! ;)

One of these days I'll nail you down for a 5e game!
-giggles and Poofs, blowing a raspberry.- ;3

Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies


Quote from: RedPhoenix on July 08, 2019, 09:57:29 PM

'Marlo is weird about 5e and D&D. I blame her for everything. *nod*

As an aside, anyone else working on sheets? Basically last chance to get one up. I'll be going through them tonight and checking stats and all that, start piecing together what seems to fit best, then either make a decision tomorrow or Weds depending on if anyone has a last second sheet to toss in.


Zoya Amare

Class: Warlock
Alignment: CG
Race: Human (Variant)
Background: Cloistered Scholar
Height: 1,80m
Weight: 72kg
Age: 24


Zoya grew up as an orphan in the great Ustalav city of Karcau, raised in the temple of Nethys and intended to become an acolyte and librarian. She was originally the daughter of traders - an unlikely couple that met on the road, both far from home: her father a Garundi, her mother one of the ship-faring Bonuwat.

That is all Zoya knows of her parents - except for her last name, which she presumes to be her mother's. She never learned why she was left at the temple, if it was by choice, pressure or accident. The priests who raised her wouldn't tell or didn't know.

After a short stay at the temple she proved an attentive and intelligent girl that the priests decided to keep, rather than send to an orphanage. She grew up learning their craft - reading and writing, tending to knowledge in the form of ancient tomes, rebinding and restoring, cleaning, all the tasks that would prepare her to eventually become an acolyte priest herself.

It never quite happened that way. Acolytes of Nethys might have been a little more reserved, a little more knowledgeable than the average youth, but they still got up to mischief - and on a dare with her fellow students, Zoya ventured deep into the cellar archives beneath the temple. As she went deeper and deeper between dust-caked shelves, something began to call out to her - and she could not resist its lure.

Following instructions she couldn't quite perceive - strange malignant whispers speaking to her in her own mind, using her own voice - she located a strange pedestal and, hidden within it, a small urn with strange markings upon it. Unable to resist, she shattered the urn against the ground – and was suddenly beset by strange laughter all around her as her will returned to her.

Ever since then, misfortune seemed to follow her and those around her. Her friends fell ill or suffered strange accidents, her teachers became cold and cruel and accusing. Upset and convinced that she had unleashed some sort of curse upon herself, Zoya decided not to remain at the temple and expose the people she had grown up with to danger. She acquired a letter of recommendation, packed her worldly possessions and set out to learn what the markings on the urn had been so that she could fix whatever was wrong with her. She traveled far and wide, studied where she could and began to correspond with a few scholars of note – among them Professor Lorrimor, with whom she began to exchange letters regularly.

The thing she had freed, however, followed her. Though it was a curse upon Zoya in every meaning of the word, it was no curse, but a creature. When she slept, it whispered dark secrets in her ear, promises of rewards and the pleasures of power – yet  its true purpose was only revealed when, along the way, Zoya was alone and beset by bandits.

On the verge of suffering whatever ghastly things the bandits intended for her and the very real threat of losing her life, the creature revealed itself – it was a demon, of a kind Zoya did not recognize. It offered her the very thing it had manipulated her into desiring and that she now desparately needed: power. The power to defend herself, to strike down the bandits that threatened her. All she needed to do was accept a blemish on her soul, to swear herself to the Abyss in exchange for this power. And in her moment of weakness, Zoya did.

She was able to surprise her assailants and managed to strike two of them down as she fled - this was new. She had never possessed such prowess before. But as a learned individual, Zoya knew what a deal like that meant. She knew the nature of her troubles now, but it did little good - the 'curse' was gone, the demon had gotten what it wanted from her. For the moment, at least. She despaired for weeks, knowing that to many the simple fact of giving in to such a deal for power -- no, accepting it -- made her, too, evil. Eventually, however, it was Professor Lorrimor who reached her. He had identified the symbols as the writings of an obscure cult dabbling in the binding of demons. It came too late, but Zoya was reminded that the man was a particularly open-minded scholar and decided to visit him in person.

He helped her come to terms with it -- helped her understand that even if she might be lost at some point in the future, she wasn't yet. Pacts could be broken and even if she couldn't manage it, she could still turn her abilities to good purpose.

Having understood that, Zoya decided to set out to go around and help people with problems of an occult nature - to turn her learning and abilities to a task that they were suited for. Sadly she didn't get very far and was just into her first genuine investigation - a presumed cased of vampirism that turned out more medical than supernatural -  when she received word that the professor had passed. She quicky packed her things and made her way towards Ravenegro.


On first glance, the warlock Zoya Amare seems very composed and quietly intimidating. She does not quite match what most think of when considering a librarian in their mind - Zoya stands tall and elegant; has a beautiful symmetry to her face that makes her stand out. Its dark hue is framed by her hair, which is shaped into thin rasta braids that reach well past her shoulders and collect there, tied back to preserve her neat appearance and keep them from spilling into her face.

Zoya prefers to wear formal clothes, always in subdued colors, as one would no doubt expect from a no-nonsense scholar. Subdued, but always with a certain flair to it, a bit of whimsy and style. Perhaps because of her gold-gleaming jewelry, of which, from her earrings, to her necklace and large coat buttons, to the piercing sitting in the bridge of her nose, there is a good number. Perhaps simply because she wears them all well.

When Zoya moves and speaks, she does so with purpose; her voice has a deep, rich quality, sometimes starting out hesitant but clear and strong when she has something to say. Her accent, in contrast to what some might expect, is northern Ustalavi - the kind that is spoken in the upper class districts of Karcau.


To outside appearances, Zoya can seem distant, perhaps even brusque - underlying all of her unapproachable airs is one simple thing she doesn't want strangers to realize: she is shy. A professional context, a subject of lore, a task at hand, all of these are things she has no problem with and will step forward if needed and speak with utmost confidence even with a flair of drama, but as soon as someone asks her a personal question or she herself has to approach such a subject, the well of words quickly runs dry.

Thus proud but shy, Zoya prides herself on what she is good at - her professional behaviour, her knowledge and skill with literature, the ability to tell good from bad without blinding herself to their subtleties (which, see onwards, isn't entirely true) -- of course, once again, the precarious status of her own soul is a sore spot. Her ability to hopefully effect change upon her surroundings comes from an evil place, from a moment of weakness that will likely torment her forever. This had lead to a certain amount of empathy for those presumed evil who need not necessarily be such. Redemption is something she seeks and hopes to help others find, romanticizing it to the point that she might be fooled by a wily manipulator. There is doubt inside her regarding this that she doesn't want to acknowledge - she likes having power, wielding magic. Being able to do these things. A quiet but insistent part of her wonders if she'll ever be able to give it up, which is no doubt what she would have to do in order to escape an afterlife in the Abyss.

She hates to see others suffer and is outspoken against zealotry and willful ignorance; to her, the worst evil is one hidden behind false righteousness.

Zoya secretly enjoys reading tales of romance.  She hides them among her collection of textbooks.

Ability Scores
Strength: 8
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 10
Charisma: 16
Hit Points: 10
Armor Class: 13
Saving Throws: Strength: -1, Dexterity: +1, Constitution: +2, Intelligence: +1, Wisdom: +2, Charisma: +5
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30
Size: m

Acrobatics: +2
Animal Handling: +0
Arcana: +3
Athletics: -1
Deception: +3
History: +3
Insight: +0
Intimidation: +5
Investigation: +5
Medicine: +0
Nature: +1
Perception: +2 (passive 12)
Performance: +3
Persuasion: +3
Religion: +3
Sleight of Hand: +2
Stealth: +2
Survival: +0
Common, Varisian, Elvish, Abyssal, Aklo
Armor: light
Weapons: simple
Tools: Calligrapher's supplies (+2)
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: Arcana, History, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Religion


(Expertise: Investigation)
- You gain one skill proficiency of your choice, one tool proficiency of your choice, and fluency in one language of your choice.
- Choose one skill in which you have proficiency. You gain expertise with that skill, which means your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make with it. The skill you choose must be one that isn’t already benefiting from a feature, such as Expertise, that doubles your proficiency bonus.

Dark One’s Blessing
Starting at 1st level, when you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier + your warlock level (minimum of 1).

Library Access
You have free access to your clans Libraries and will be granted access to almost all areas.
You userstand the inner workings of your clan and know how to manipulate those connections to your benefit.
You are almost certainly welcome at other libraries across the land.

Variant Humans
(+1 Cha, +1 Dex)
Some humans have more limited ability score bonuses, exchanging them for a bonus skill proficiency and a bonus feat. Check with your DM before taking this variant.

Spell Sheet

Spellcasting Ability: Charisma
Spell Save DC: 13
Spell Attack Bonus: 5


Eldritch Blast
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Duration: Instantaneous
A beam of crackling energy streaks toward a creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 force damage.
The spell creates more than one beam when you reach higher levels: two beams at 5th level, three beams at 11th level, and four beams at 17th level. You can direct the beams at the same target or at different ones. Make a separate attack roll for each beam.

Minor Illusion
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: Somatic, Material
Duration: 1 minute
You create a sound or an image of an object within range that lasts for the duration. The illusion also ends if you dismiss it as an action or cast this spell again.
If you create a sound, its volume can range from a whisper to a scream. It can be your voice, someone else’s voice, a lion’s roar, a beating of drums, or any other sound you choose. The sound continues unabated throughout the duration, or you can make discrete sounds at different times before the spell ends.
If you create an image of an object—such as a chair, muddy footprints, or a small chest—it must be no larger than a 5 foot cube. The image can’t create sound, light, smell, or any other sensory effect. Physical interaction with the image reveals it to be an illusion, because things can pass through it.
If a creature uses its action to examine the sound or image, the creature can determine that it is an illusion with a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check against your spell save DC. If a creature discerns the illusion for what it is, the illusion becomes faint to the creature.

1st Level

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: Verbal
Duration: 1 round
You speak a one word command to a creature you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or follow the command on its next turn. The spell has no effect if the target is undead, if it doesn’t understand your language, or if your command is directly harmful to it.
Some typical commands and their effects follow. You might issue a command other than one described here. If you do so, the GM determines how the target behaves. If the target can’t follow your command, the spell ends.
Approach. The target moves toward you by the shortest and most direct route, ending its turn if it moves within 5 feet of you.
Drop. The target drops whatever it is holding and then ends its turn.
Flee. The target spends its turn moving away from you by the fastest available means.
Grovel. The target falls prone and then ends its turn.
Halt. The target doesn’t move and takes no actions. A flying creature stays aloft, provided that it is able to do so. If it must move to stay aloft, it flies the minimum distance needed to remain in the air.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can affect one additional creature for each slot level above 1st. The creatures must be within 30 feet of each other when you target them.

Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 90 feet
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material
Duration: up to 1 hour
You place a curse on a creature that you can see within range. Until the spell ends, you deal an extra 1d6 necrotic damage to the target whenever you hit it with an attack. Also, choose one ability when you cast the spell. The target has disadvantage on ability checks made with the chosen ability.

If the target drops to 0 hit points before this spell ends, you can use a bonus action on a subsequent turn of yours to curse a new creature.

A remove curse cast on the target ends this spell early.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd or 4th level, you can maintain your concentration on the spell for up to 8 hours. When you use a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can maintain your concentration on the spell for up to 24 hours.

Please list what you are wearing, what you own, and where it happens to be on your person. Weight will be kept track of.

Quarterstaff, 4lbs
Dagger, 1lb
Dagger, 1lb
Crossbow (light), 5lbs
Leather Armor, 10lbs
Scholar Outfit, 4lbs
Arcane Focus (crystal), 1lb

Backpack (5lbs):
Book, The 12 Secrets of Nethys (actually a romance novel), 5lbs
Book, Skald for Beginners, 5lbs
Ink, 2x1-ounce bottle
Ink pen, 2x
Parchment, 11x
small knife
Little bag of sand
10 gp
Total Weight: 41.2 lbs

I put her character sheet together with an old version of HeroLab and custom additions for non-core that ... are probably very old, since I didn't even know I had this in my HeroLab installation. I hope everything checks out.

Her jewelry is purely cosmetic for now, hope that's alright! I'm happy to spend the remaining 10 GP from her background on those, though, if necessary.
Now this is the Law of the Jungle-
as old and as true as the sky;
And the Wolf that shall keep it may  prosper,
but the Wolf that shall break it must die.

-Rudyard Kipling, "The Law of the Jungle"


Was putting together a character but it's just not clicking. Have fun guys!


Added Zoya's character sheet to her post above - thank you, Herolab.  O:) ;D
Now this is the Law of the Jungle-
as old and as true as the sky;
And the Wolf that shall keep it may  prosper,
but the Wolf that shall break it must die.

-Rudyard Kipling, "The Law of the Jungle"



Class: Rogue
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Race: Tiefling
Background: Criminal
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 194 lbs
Age: 22

Lucis’ earliest memories involved wandering and scavenging with the other orphaned or abandoned street rats of the area. Many were like him, unwanted deformed urchins left to die but far too stubborn to simply relieve some much needed air to those society deemed more worthy. For the longest time he existed in constant competition, surrounded by the perpetual scent of blood, sweat, bile and death – killing one another just for a stale crust of bread. When they weren’t killing each other they were being beaten, stoned or killed by those around them.

However, what started as competition eventually turned into cooperation, and a gang of young misfits came together. As the story would go, they went through many evolutionary stages. At first they were just a bunch of annoying pickpockets, but inevitably their nuisance grew until they were labeled a cult of murderous brats with absolutely no conscience or code of honor. Whatever excuse the guards saw it fit to purge them of the city. Many were killed, while others were totted off to spend the rest of their miserable lives being tortured for the names and potential hideouts their survivors could run to.

Lucis did not leave the incident without his own scars and could have been just as unlucky as the others had he not crawled into the back of what he thought was a merchant wagon and passed out. When he next woke it was to the gentle touch of weathered fingers pressed upon his forehead. The contact was startling, but when his eyes connected with the older man’s he knew he meant no harm. That was how he first met the prestigious Professor Petros Lorrimor. Not that he had any idea who he really was. Nor did he know he’d come to call him teacher.

Apparently the absence of any formal education within his background was an atrocity in the man’s eyes. A scholar and adventurer, there was no greater injustice than ignorance. So Petros gave him the one skill he felt truly embodied freedom - the ability to read. That was seven years ago, back when Lucis was but an adolescent rat in a den of pests. They claimed none would mourn his pack of ruffians. So they had little inclination anyone would avenge them either. Let’s just say Lucis kept himself busy since the last time he had seen the good professor.
Lucis isn’t really a snappy dresser and fashion isn’t exactly on his list of priorities, but he doesn’t really need a full robe of silks to turn heads, does he? Tall, broad shouldered and a lean waist, Lucis could have all the damsels' smallclothes dropping… if it wasn’t for those pesky birthmarks. We’re not talking some strange skin toning here or there, but malformed ears and full on horns. Unfortunately, as far as tieflings go, he wasn’t even gifted with an impressive set. Nope, his horns had to be these unimposing things that decided to grow more along the side of his skull than actually protrude from it. Thankfully, at least, he does seem to have a decent mug on him.
Though he can easily come off as the ‘dark and quiet’ type in the beginning, Lucis is more aptly described as a pitbul. Not in the sense that he’s a thoughtless killing machine, but more so that he was bred to be one. Growing up on the harsh streets of one of the filthiest cities in the realm, his family never existed as blood but a pack of desperate survivalists. Etiquette wasn’t even a word he knew until he was already a man, and by then it was just useless flourish. That isn’t to say he lacks intelligence, however. While he never had a formal education and his life teachers were typically no more privileged than he, Lucis has a perceptive eye and a shrewd knack for improvisation.

Ability Scores
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 15
Constitution: 13
Intelligence: 9
Wisdom: 14
Charisma: 14
Hit Points: 9
Armor Class: 13
Saving Throws: Strength: 0 , Dexterity: +1 , Constitution: +1 , Intelligence: +1 , Wisdom: +2 , Charisma: +2
Initiative: 2
Speed: 30

Acrobatics: 4
Animal Handling: 2
Arcana: -1
Athletics: -1
Deception: 4
History: -1
Insight: 2
Intimidation: 4
Medicine: 2
Nature: -1
Perception: 6
Performance: 2
Persuasion: 2
Religion: -1
Sleight of Hand: 6
Stealth: 4
Survival: 2
Common, Infernal, Thieves' Cant
Armor: Light
Weapons: simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords
Tools: Thieves’ Tools
Saving Throws: Strength: 0 , Dexterity: +1 , Constitution: +1 , Intelligence: +1 , Wisdom: +2 , Charisma: +2
Skills: Perception, Sleight of Hand

Within 60 feet of you, treat dim light as bright, darkness as dim light
• Gain fire resistance
• Can cast the thaumaturgy cantrip. At 3rd level, hellish rebuke (1/day). At 5th level, darkness (1/day) (use Cha for DCs)
Criminal Feature:
• You know someone who can connect you with other criminals
Rogue Features:
• Double proficiency with chosen skills
• Sneak Attack (1d6)
• Understand a secret language
• Double proficiency with chosen skills (Perception,Sleight of Hand).

leather armor
dagger (2)
arrows (20)
burglar's pack
thieves' tools
set of dark common clothes
belt pouch
15 GP



Total Weight:

The lot of you are fuckin’ aids.

Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies


The big print giveth, the small print taketh away.


This was an immensely difficult decision, I loved all of your characters and really wish I'd been able to increase the size of the group to accommodate more of them. Thank you everyone for your interest and the effort you extended, I was really happy to see the turnout.

At this time, the accepted characters--barring anyone backing out--are as follows (in alphabetical order by author):

  • Aethyrium, playing Zenesi Gailles.
  • Amarlo, playing Lucis.
  • Intimate Ink, playing Terwyn Casadh.
  • RedPhoenix, playing Joanna Fielder.
  • Strenia, playing Strenae.

Those of you who were selected should expect a PM from me momentarily.

Once again thank you all for applying, and I do hope to see you in future games. :)