Yushu Academy: University for Gifted Prodigies (On hold)

Started by LamentingQuill, June 25, 2019, 02:25:29 AM

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Quote from: Nervous Skull on October 26, 2019, 02:36:44 AM
I was making a character sheet and I read that you have to verify the age of the face claim. I don't have a problem with that, but the picture that I found is more of a random anime picture than a known character with a listed age. The picture in question depicts a girl that I think looks 18 or up, but I have no way of verifying it. Should I give up on the picture I picked out?
Sorry to be a bother.

Let me see it and we’ll see. Some are just a no brainer I think. PM it to me, dear.


Quote from: Esmeralgirl on October 25, 2019, 10:18:09 AM

Name: Ananya Shergill

Age: 21

Appearance: Anaya is 5'7" which is usually taller than the average Indian girl and weigh around 125lbs, giving her a pretty slender figure. Due to her Indian inheritance, she has a lovely complexion of grain colour and have black hair with dark brown eyes. Since a long time, she has been an avid player of badminton and also like to box from time to time, resulting in her having a athletic and agile physique.

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Tier: Second tier

Prodigy Type: Science (Biological sciences)

Personality: She's creative, calm, persistent, witty and loyal to a fault. As a young scientist, she is always open to new ideas and have no bias most of the time. She's used to working long time in labs with out any breaks, have the patience to bear the brunts of failure and the need of repeating experiments over and over again. But this also means she's very detail oriented and can be annoying to others as she like everything to be in place, every minute things taken care of. One setback of her is that she sometimes can be arrogant and rude from outside. This exterior is also a sort of defense mechanism.

Country of Origin: India

Background: She's daughter of a billionaire hotel tycoon and have had everything from the very moment she's born. But being in India, she has known what less fortunate go through and that has been one of the driving force behind her career. Ditching her family business where she wouldn't have to do anything really, she forged through a career of Research. Luckily, her family have been supportive throughout her whole life and given her every resource to make her path easier.

She have two siblings, a brother and a sister and both of them run the family business while she, from a long time, has been away from home. Her break came a while back when she was successful in developing a gene therapy for a rare genetic disease. Though it's still in clinical trials, so far trials have been successful without any problem of mutation and off-site targeting which is usually the case with gene therapy.
Sexual Preferences: Ananya is very active sexually and is almost notorious for her sexual escapades. That's one of the thing where her fellow researchers talk behind her back as she has been seen visiting BDSM clubs, has been noticed with multiple partners regardless of how they identify. She loves the feel of the body of a woman, of how sensual a woman can be and she loves the hardness of a man as he takes her and use her


Potential plots involving your character? What would you like to see your character do, be involved in?: 
I'll like her to move forward in her current research, and find someone to be with. And maybe some sort of competition with someone who want to steal her research.

Sweet of any kind
Dominant partners

Sense of entitlement
Cruelty to weak
Vegetables (sometimes)

Hard working
Great communication and presentation skills

One of her weakness can be that she can sometime trust people easily and give them much more than they are worthy of. Sometimes she can also be a bit arrogant and narcissitic, especially with her sharp tongue which doesn't hold back when she's angry, hurt or just in a protective mood.

Ons and Offs: My On/Offs

Extra voluntary information: She has a tattoo of a dragon starting from her left hip and finishing just below her left breast. Her navel and nipples are both pierced.

The one and only issue is that this is an anime based game, only anime and realistic looking artwork allowed.


Quote from: LamentingQuill on October 26, 2019, 02:40:57 AM
The one and only issue is that this is an anime based game, only anime and realistic looking artwork allowed.

Oh! Okay lemme quickly find a different face claim!!


Quote from: Esmeralgirl on October 26, 2019, 02:59:00 AM
Oh! Okay lemme quickly find a different face claim!!

Word of caution, try and find a FC whose age you can confirm or something as ‘18 or older’ obvious as possible. I can help you if you need it.


Quote from: LamentingQuill on October 26, 2019, 03:18:01 AM
Word of caution, try and find a FC whose age you can confirm or something as ‘18 or older’ obvious as possible. I can help you if you need it.

I updated it and the FC is definitely 20+  :D.





Quote from: Esmeralgirl on October 26, 2019, 03:55:54 AM
Hehe! Great! Let me get to the threads and I'll work up a post

Don’t forget to post your sheet to the approved thread.


Nervous Skull


Name: Hikaru Stafford


Appearance: Hikaru is rather thin and petite. She's 5'1 and only fills an A cup and can be mistaken for a man here or there. Her hips are one of the few things that cause her to stand out as a woman and even those are on the small side.
She has short black hair that frames her often blank and vacant facial expression. The clothes she wears usually consist of a tank top under a bigger and looser over shirt and jeans, often in cool and/or dark colors.

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Tier: First tier

Prodigy Type: Sculpting

Personality: Shy, quiet, and sometimes melancholic, Hikaru can be a bit a of a space case and has a hard time communicating with people. If she likes you, she's likely to stand around you without saying anything. She acknowledges that her actions can come across as odd and unnerving to some, but she prefers to express herself through actions rather than words.

Country of Origin: She is half Japanese and half English. She was born and raised in London, England.

Background: Hikaru has never seen her life as anything other than average. Growing up, she got average grades, had an okay appearance, and had two loving parents.
   As her parents were well off in their jobs (-both worked for the same company-), they encouraged Hikaru to try different hobbies and activities in hopes of making her well rounded. By age ten, her parents had witnessed their daughter be bad if not mediocre at ballet and gymnastics. At age twelve they had sometimes made it to her so-so karate and singing lessons. By fourteen she alone was the one to witness her own lack in cooking and ice skating. To no one's fault, her parents' jobs had become increasingly busy over the years. This meant that from age fourteen and up, Hikaru had come to take care of herself.
   Going from her empty house to school, where she didn't have proper friends to talk to, she ended up closing herself off entirely. Grades and people didn't matter to her; the only thing she kept doing was trying different activities in hopes she would enjoy something.
   At 19, she found sculpting. As she started her first attempt at sculpting she liked how relaxing it was and what she was able to express through it. She poured weeks of care and effort into her blank slate and when she was done she was ecstatic. She skipped school the day after she finished and went to her parents' work to show them. They thought her work was incredible and began showing it off to anyone who would listen.
   Soon,  her sculpture was locally famous and she was known as the prodigy who made it. Letters came in from people who wanted commissions or wanted to buy the sculpture she had made. She almost thought it was a joke when the letter for Yushu Academy had appeared in her growing pile of requests. When she properly read the invitation she was filled with nervous excitement. Her parents were happy to pay for the opportunity and with little to think about she jumped on the chance to do something different that she enjoyed.
   Hikaru didn't necessarily feel special, but she had hope that “average” wouldn't be a word used to describe her life anymore. 

Sexual Preferences: She leans towards men and people who are androgynous, but is accepting of anyone if she gets to know a person and likes them. Doesn't really have a sexual mind until she knows and actively has a crush on a person. When that happens, though, she is not afraid to drop some hints.


- Hikaru can't swim. She's actually scared of large bodies of water.

- Hikaru doesn't speak Japanese. She does, however, have a british accent if you can get her to talk.

- Hikaru knows basic self defense.

- Hikaru's parents are important people in charge of a sketchy weapons company who may or may not sell weapons to the British mafia. Aside from understanding that some unsavory people wish to oppose them, Hikaru knows nothing other than they are important and busy. (In worry of things such as kidnapping and blackmail, her parents put her in karate, which she was not great at.)

- She's a virgin.

Potential plots involving your character? What would you like to see your character do, be involved in?:

- Romance and/or making friends.

- Being in some sort of danger because of her parents.

- Get her to open up or enjoy herself. She's a bit lonely.


- Animals

- Music

- Home cooking

- Ice skating, though she's not great at it.

- Video games, though she's a filthy casual.

- Clothes. She wants to be fashionable but falls a bit short.


- Being alone for too long.

- Studying

- Bullying

- Being ignored


- Hikaru is a calm and comforting if a person needs it.

- Hikaru has a helpful nature about her and will try to help others.

- Hikaru will stand up for people her are getting bullied or unjustly berated. She knows what it's like to be misunderstood.


- She can't swim.

- She can get flustered relatively easy.

- She isn't very confident.

- She doesn't know how to ask for help.

Ons and Offs: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=310342.0


Quote from: Vergil Tanner on October 25, 2019, 05:05:58 AM
Name: Markus Reiland

Age: 24

Markus stands - when he draws himself to his full height - at about 6' with an athletically muscular body that is more designed for agility and function than overwhelming power. He has broad shoulders and a powerful set of arms and legs, but he is not what you would call a "Bodybuilder." Whilst his frame might make you consider the general shape of many rugby players, his actual muscular size is more akin to a runner or a gymnast or a swimmer. He's broad, but not as broad as some of his other classmates, his body being more designed for athleticism and agility than raw strength. Despite being one of the tallest people at the school - taller than even some of the professors - he has a tendency to slouch, his poor posture making him appear a good few inches shorter than he actually is. Whilst this might be attributed to his more informal and lower class upbringing by some, it's more of a strategy to make himself look more unassuming and non-threatening in order to escape notice or overly close analysis by some of the more intelligent people in his classes.

His skin is a well-tanned Latin colouration, though it has the slightest touches of a Pacific-Asian beige-ish hue in certain lights. His long dark hair falls down over his shoulder in a small, cow-licked ponytail that ends in a slightly reddish tip, a remnant from the last time he dyed his hair. His facial features are strong and angular, accentuating both his prominent Japanese cheekbones and his powerful Latin jaw. A pair of golden eyes stare out from his tinged-brown face with a lazy but brilliant intelligence, and despite his appearance as a slacker who tends to do the bare minimum, his eyes do sometimes betray a far greater cunning than you might otherwise expect. He has several tattoos on his body, the most prominent being a Chinese-style dragon that coils from his left pectoral and upper back to down his arm, ending at his wrist. He always accessorises in a similar way; he is never seen without his golden smooth-cornered rectangular necklace charm and one of his collection of flashy-but-spartan stud earrings hanging in his right ear. He dresses mostly in loose fitting casual clothes; jeans or tracksuits, white vests or t-shirts and dark, well-tailored but simple and functional jackets that show off his body with their tight fitting edges. Because of his slouch and his loose fitting clothes, people often don't realise just how muscular he actually is...which sometimes leads to people underestimating him, much to their eventual regret.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Tier: Fourth Tier

Prodigy Type: Is enrolled as a Business Prodigy. In actuality, he's secretly an Organised Crime Prodigy.

To an outside observer, Markus is a slacker. He's naturally brilliant and he knows it, which makes him lazy when it comes to doing his schoolwork, always seeming to do the bare minimum needed to pass his classes and move on to the next year. But that would be doing a disservice to him as a student; whilst he works very hard to maintain the appearance of a student who couldn't care less and only skates by on his natural talent, if you looked at his grades and his classwork it would tell a very different story. Markus always does his best to pass his classes, but he never brags about his high marks or his well-graded assignments, instead boasting about how he avoided doing his homework or how he studied so little for the test and still passed. In social interactions, he is irreverent, cheerful, friendly and flirtatious, seemingly never taking anything all that seriously and always quick to laugh things off or flirt with anything cute that happens to glance at him. He juggles the need to appear to be nothing more than your average lazy womanising genius, and the need to understand everything set before him if he is going to achieve his goals. The latter progresses his agenda, and the former ensures that nobody suspects him of anything illicit or untoward. In actuality, Markus is a determined and capable young man who is very good at getting exactly what he wants, when he wants it.

He has a keen, cunning mind that is perfectly cut out for the world he has found himself in, and despite his own sordid family history he has a small honourable streak that keeps him surprisingly honest. Relatively speaking, anyway. Whilst he will lie and cheat to get his own way when he can, he does dislike being unnecessarily dishonest and will always keep his word when he gives it. When he befriends somebody - as slow to trust as he is, it does happen - he is unfailingly loyal and devoted to that friendship for as long as the relationship is mutual, and would sooner die than betray a friends trust. This integrity and loyalty has won a great deal of mutual loyalty from his men. Despite his determination and loyalty, however, he still has a devil may care attitude that can come across as reckless and impulsive; though he almost always has a plan, there is always room for improvisation, after all! Outside of his dealings with friends - where he is generally honest, supportive, loyal and always quick with a joke or a flirtatious comment - he can be pretty ruthless when he needs to be, never hesitating to order the "punishment" of somebody who has crossed him. He never enjoys sentencing people in such a way, but if he is to rise to the top of Japans organized criminal network, he has to be prepared to make the hard choices. Somebody has to be in charge, after all, and better it be somebody with standards and honour than some cutthroat thug who doesn't care how the money is made.

Country of Origin: Spain, but is of half-Japanese descent

Markus was raised by a single mother in Besalú, Spain, a small town in the Catalonia region. Life was tough at times, just the two of them relying on each other - him relying on her for nurture and guidance, her relying on him for smiles and laughter - but looking back on it, Markus wouldn't trade his childhood for anything. The streets were clean, the air was fresh, the sun was gorgeous and there was always laughter and brightness back at home. He never actually thought much about how they were making things work, only that they were. It might be a cliche, but his mother was honestly the most important person in Markus's life. He never even thought about his lack of a father because how can you miss something that you've never had? His mother was enough for him. She was the only parent he needed, and whilst he did wonder when he got older just who his father had been, it never bothered him. He grew up in Besalú a happy, energetic and rambunctious child and life was good. He had friends, he did reasonably well in school, he had a loving home life and they always seemed to have the money they needed to do nice things.

But that last bit...as Markus grew up and began to realise the value of money and just how difficult it was to make ends meet in the world - even when they weren't in the midst of a worldwide recession - he began to find it odd that his mother always seemed to have enough, no matter what. She was good at her job - a waitress at a local tourist trap restaurant - and pulled in good pay and good tips, but nowhere near the amount needed to sustain their lifestyle. Frequent trips to the beach, large feasts for holidays, nice clothes and a nice car, a decent private school for Markus....it was all a bit too comfortable to be sustainable. Whenever he asked his mother about it, she just laughed it off and evaded the question, distracting him in that way that mothers do when they know you too well for your own good and they don't really want to talk about something. It was infuriating, but...well, he could never be angry with his mother for long, so he'd just drop it and ask again a few weeks later when their next big expenditure came along. He figured that she came from a wealthy family and had some savings built up, or maybe she was working a second job without him knowing it (though that was unlikely) and tried to put it out of his mind...until one day, when he was 9 years old, everything changed.

He arrived home to find his mother frantically packing, throwing everything they owned into either the trash, or a large collection of suitcases. It was evening - he'd been at football practice for the local team - and before he could even ask what was going on, she threw a change of clothes at him and told him to get a shower and get moving. Confused, Markus did as he was told, and before long they were on the road, Besalú fading in the distance behind them. He tried asking his mother what was going on, but she was cagey and short tempered, snapping at him that he would understand when he was older and that now wasn't the time. He opened his mouth to ask again...when an explosion lit up the night sky above Besalú, a plume of fire and smoke rising from the outskirts of town. It was dark, but Markus didn't need any light to know on an instinctual level that it had been their house that had detonated. He fell quiet in the back seat, and didn't talk again until they were off the plane that his mother had somehow procured tickets for, walking out of the airport into the muggy heat of Phoenix, Arizona.

The next five years passed by in surprising quiet. They never spoke of what happened in Besalú, and they slowly fell back into their routine. Markus made new friends, settled himself in a new school and picked up new hobbies. He never played football again, instead focusing on learning as many martial arts as he had time for in order to protect his mother; He didn't need to be a genius to know that his mother wouldn't have had advanced warning of a gas leak, as the papers claimed was responsible; somebody had tried to hurt them, and what kind of son would he be if he didn't do his best to protect his family? He grew up, his looks developed, his body developed, his skills developed. By the time he was 14, he had displayed an almost prodigal talent for making money with business, easily acing every exam they gave him on the subject without breaking a sweat. He was skilled in psychology and mathematics, too, which all pointed to a very specific career path for him down the line, and he was already exploring possible universities and academies to apply to. And then, his unknown past caught up with him.

He returned home to find their place ransacked, the door kicked in, the tables and chairs overturned, furniture and clothing strewn across the floor. He wanted to call for his mother, but the sound of whimpering in the master bedroom stopped him cold; he crept closer to find a Japanese man standing on the other side of the door, holding a gun to his mothers head. His mother, of course, was in tears, trembling and shaking her head as if a mere denial was going to stop what was about to happen. Of course, Markus couldn't just stand there and watch; he didn't have much time at all, and his only hope was to surprise the intruder before he had a chance to bring his weapon to bear. So, Markus did what any desperate, inexperienced 14 year old would do; he charged into the room swinging a baseball bat - his mother had refused to allow guns into their home - in an attempt to drive away the burly thug that was trying to hurt his mother. For his heroics...he was shot. A quiet phwip echoed in the room, followed by a crash as his body hit the floor. He didn't even make it halfway across the room before he was hit in the shoulder, spinning in place and crashing against the wall. His mother screamed, and Markus could only watch as the bald, towering man casually shot his mother in the back of the head, sending her lifeless body crumpling to the floor.

Of course, Markus was his next target, but he couldn't see anything except his mothers corpse, tears blearing his eyes as he struggled to drag himself across the room towards her. As such, he barely noticed when the window exploded inwards, showering the room with broken glass as three bullets found themselves lodged in quick succession into the larger mans skull. He fell with a crash, but Markus didn't notice. He just focused on his mothers body, rapidly cooling against his skin as he held her tightly, sobbing with all his heart. To this day, he still doesn't know how long he spent cradling her in his arms before a pair of larger hands grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him away. He resisted, of course, but he was weak, and the extra energy expended led him quickly to the inky darkness of unconsciousness. He woke up some time later in a simple, hard bed beneath scratchy woollen sheets, a tight gauze wrapped around his chest. His body was on fire, and he let out a sharp cry of pain as he tried to sit up and look around, which was quickly answered by a door above his head opening. Another Japanese man - this one lither and shorter than his mothers murderer, with a full head of glossy black hair - stepped through, his face pulled into a worried frown...which relaxed into a sign of guilty relief.

Long story short, the man who had treated Markus's wounds - and saved his life - was his father. His father was a Yakuza Captain who had fallen in love with a Spanish expat who had been living in Tokyo at the time, but when they found out that she was pregnant, the Yakuza was in the middle of a massive gang war between two rival factions within the organisation. For her own safety, and his, Markus's mother fled to Spain to raise him away from his fathers criminal life. All the years since, his father - Hajime Izinagi - had been sending money to the pair so that they could have a comfortable, stress-free life. Alas, even after the gangwar had ended, remnants of the defeated faction had lingered...and being one of the top captains of the victorious Yakuza gangs, Izinagi was a prime target. It had taken a while, but they had found his family and attempted to murder them. Markus's mother had gotten advance warning when the sleeper agents set to watch over them had failed to check in that day, and when the house exploded...it was assumed that they had died, too. Alas, no secret could be kept forever, and their survival soon became known...hence his mothers assassination. Thankfully his father had caught wind of the scheme and was in time to save his son, at the very least.

Knowing now that his son would never be safe from attempts to kill him, he made the decision to take him back to Tokyo and train him in the arts of the Yakuza. Not to join them, necessarily - he never wanted that life for his son - but so that he could recognise them, know how to think like them and protect himself from future attacks. And so...he moved again, uprooting his entire life and joining his father in the seedy underworld of Tokyo. His martial arts training became more intensive, his studies more aggressive, and his "extra curricular" lessons far more focused and "grey" than they had been before. And through it all, Markus got to know his father for the dedicated, distant man he was, slow to trust and slow to give affection...but always dedicated to his family and honourable to a fault. The Yakuza is not a romanticised brotherhood of honourable thieves, or a collection of honest and respectful young men keeping the criminal elements under control. They are gangsters through and through, violent and ruthless and selfish to the core. But his father? His father was one of the old guard, one of the few remaining "Good Men In Bad Jobs" left, and he did his best to impart those values to his son.

He even encouraged him to go across the bay to Yushu Academy to build his own life to get away from Tokyo once he'd learned everything he could....right up until his death in a hit from a rival faction when Markus was only 19, after only one year at Yushu. Losing his father - his only other living family, and a man he'd only just started to know and respect - was the final blow for Markus. From then on, he had a new goal; he wasn't going to run and hide, abandon the memory of his parents and allow the world that took their lives to simply continue to exist. He needed to take control of that world, and make certain that this sort of thing never happened again. From that moment, he dedicated himself to using his Prodigal talents to build his own criminal empire and enforce the honour and principles his father had imparted on him. The Yakuza was getting out of hand, losing what had originally set them apart from the Triads and the Mafia and the Bratva. He originally wanted to destroy them, of course, but it only took a short while of contemplating and planning to realise that that was never going to happen.

Wherever there was society, there was going to be crime, and where there was crime, there were going to be crimelords. It was that simple. Destroy the Yakuza, and something worse would take its place. But if he could control the Yakuza? If he could become the head of all crime in Tokyo, then perhaps he could guide it. Control it. Enforce rules and principles and keep them from being the very worst they could be. And if he could do that, if he could stop even one child from losing his parents, then that would be worth it. And maybe, just maybe, if he managed to accumulate enough money and power, he could start to dismantle the Yakuza from the top down and create something new in its place....but first, he had to start small. Create his own gang at Yushu, his own little enterprise, extend his reach into Tokyo, use his fathers reputation and his own intelligence to infiltrate and subvert the organisation. Start small, build slowly, don't overextend until ready. It was simple.

And so, today, the small criminal network known as "The Sasayagumi," led by the enigmatic and elusive "Sasayaki" operates in secret within the grounds and surrounding villages and cities of Yushu Academy and even some in Tokyo. He has a black market, he has enforcers and protection rackets and small time smuggling operations set up, but his men also follow very, very specific rules. Nothing involving children. No drugs. No arms dealing to unstable individuals. Sexwork is fine, but no kidnapping, no rape, no coercion; the men and women are free to get out whenever they decide they want out. Gambling is to be monitored, and problem addicts are to be barred from attending. No murder without Markus's express permission...and anybody who broke these rules would be subject to extreme punishment. Of course, the other side of his business is not being discovered to be the leader of the gang.

Therefore, the organisation works as a Point Organisation; lower cells do the busy work, mid-tier cells do the admin and high tier cells make the decisions. Only higher tiers can contact the lower tiers directly, with the lower tiers only having ways to send simple messages up the chain. Basic identification between cells is possible...but only on a one time code granted by higher cells that becomes invalid the day after it is given. Of course, Markus and his "closest friends" are the highest tier...not that anybody knows that. The organisation of the gang is not scaleable to the entirety of Tokyo, of course, but it's a good place to start and build power, money and influence. And by the time he steps out of the shadows...he'll be untouchable, and ready to put his plan for the Yakuza into action.

At least...that's the plan.

Sexual Preferences: Markus is a Dom, through and through. He likes to dominate and control his partner with everything from humiliation and degradation to BDSM, pet play and slaveplay. Whether it be collars and animal ears, leather and riding crops, handcuffs and whips and chains, if it involves dominating his partner he'll do it all. He takes all titles, from Sir to Master to Daddy and relishes in their usage and what they represent. He's a hot and heavy lover, a wild force of nature rather than a clinical expert and tends to take what he wants, when he wants it. His partner is usually just along for the ride!

Whilst not a prodigy, Markus is trained in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Pencak Silat and Judo. He also practices basic combat with a training Katana, but that's more for personal hobby reasons than actual combat; Yakuza only use katanas to kill people in stupid Hollywood movies.
Markus is an accomplished marksman with most small arms (IE, handguns, machine pistols, etc)
Whilst enrolled as a Business Prodigy, Markus's real talent lies in Organised Crime and as such he already has a small collection of agents and enforcers.
Whilst not implicated directly, Markus runs a protection racket and black market smuggling ring in several small districts of Tokyo and the outlying villages.
Through his agents, Markus runs a black market circulating within Yushu that, given some time, can usually procure whatever it is you may want.
Markus speaks fluent English, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese and Italian. He is currently learning Russian.
Markus is a decent cook. Not world-famous, Michellin Star quality, but better than average.
He has a pet Husky named "Loki."

Potential plots involving your character? What would you like to see your character do, be involved in?:
We-ell, there's obviously the romantic subplots that are always popular in these games. Another plot could be somebody getting involved with him and getting dragged into the criminal underworld against their will. Maybe somebody finds out who he actually is, and he has to decide whether or not to trust them to keep their mouths shut. Maybe somebody buys something on the black market and accidentally alerts one of the staff to its existence, or perhaps they owe somebody something and end up getting protection from Markus's little mini-Yakuza. Beyond that, Markus is a bit of a slacker, so somebody figuring out that he's cleverer than he appears could be fun, or maybe he accidentally steps on one of the "Tough Guys" toes and it sparks a little rivalry. I dunno! Maybe he just gets swarmed by thirsty girls who fuck him to death, I dunno :P :P

Likes: Submissive partners, power, control, money, honesty, integrity, loyalty, dogs, cooking, J-Pop, fucking with people, warm summers days, forests, lakes, fast cars, freedom, self determination.

Dislikes: Being talked down to, arrogant assholes, dishonesty, betrayal, hypocrites, tyranny, oppression, bigots, cats, frozen yogurt.

- Extremely cunning
- Business savvy
- Decent actor; he's good at pretending to be things he's not
- Charismatic; he inspires loyalty in his men
- Determined

- Cynical and slow to trust
- Still relatively inexperienced
- Sometimes suffers from a short attention span
- Doesn't take many things seriously
- Living a double life has led him to be uncertain which parts of him are "Real."
- Has trouble making real connections to people

Ons and Offs: Kneel Here, Pet.

Looks good to me, darlin. Post him up in the approved thread whenever you like.


Quote from: Nervous Skull on October 26, 2019, 09:29:48 PM

Name: Hikaru Stafford


Appearance: Hikaru is rather thin and petite. She's 5'1 and only fills an A cup and can be mistaken for a man here or there. Her hips are one of the few things that cause her to stand out as a woman and even those are on the small side.
She has short black hair that frames her often blank and vacant facial expression. The clothes she wears usually consist of a tank top under a bigger and looser over shirt and jeans, often in cool and/or dark colors.

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Tier: First tier

Prodigy Type: Sculpting

Personality: Shy, quiet, and sometimes melancholic, Hikaru can be a bit a of a space case and has a hard time communicating with people. If she likes you, she's likely to stand around you without saying anything. She acknowledges that her actions can come across as odd and unnerving to some, but she prefers to express herself through actions rather than words.

Country of Origin: She is half Japanese and half English. She was born and raised in London, England.

Background: Hikaru has never seen her life as anything other than average. Growing up, she got average grades, had an okay appearance, and had two loving parents.
   As her parents were well off in their jobs (-both worked for the same company-), they encouraged Hikaru to try different hobbies and activities in hopes of making her well rounded. By age ten, her parents had witnessed their daughter be bad if not mediocre at ballet and gymnastics. At age twelve they had sometimes made it to her so-so karate and singing lessons. By fourteen she alone was the one to witness her own lack in cooking and ice skating. To no one's fault, her parents' jobs had become increasingly busy over the years. This meant that from age fourteen and up, Hikaru had come to take care of herself.
   Going from her empty house to school, where she didn't have proper friends to talk to, she ended up closing herself off entirely. Grades and people didn't matter to her; the only thing she kept doing was trying different activities in hopes she would enjoy something.
   At 19, she found sculpting. As she started her first attempt at sculpting she liked how relaxing it was and what she was able to express through it. She poured weeks of care and effort into her blank slate and when she was done she was ecstatic. She skipped school the day after she finished and went to her parents' work to show them. They thought her work was incredible and began showing it off to anyone who would listen.
   Soon,  her sculpture was locally famous and she was known as the prodigy who made it. Letters came in from people who wanted commissions or wanted to buy the sculpture she had made. She almost thought it was a joke when the letter for Yushu Academy had appeared in her growing pile of requests. When she properly read the invitation she was filled with nervous excitement. Her parents were happy to pay for the opportunity and with little to think about she jumped on the chance to do something different that she enjoyed.
   Hikaru didn't necessarily feel special, but she had hope that “average” wouldn't be a word used to describe her life anymore. 

Sexual Preferences: She leans towards men and people who are androgynous, but is accepting of anyone if she gets to know a person and likes them. Doesn't really have a sexual mind until she knows and actively has a crush on a person. When that happens, though, she is not afraid to drop some hints.


- Hikaru can't swim. She's actually scared of large bodies of water.

- Hikaru doesn't speak Japanese. She does, however, have a british accent if you can get her to talk.

- Hikaru knows basic self defense.

- Hikaru's parents are important people in charge of a sketchy weapons company who may or may not sell weapons to the British mafia. Aside from understanding that some unsavory people wish to oppose them, Hikaru knows nothing other than they are important and busy. (In worry of things such as kidnapping and blackmail, her parents put her in karate, which she was not great at.)

- She's a virgin.

Potential plots involving your character? What would you like to see your character do, be involved in?:

- Romance and/or making friends.

- Being in some sort of danger because of her parents.

- Get her to open up or enjoy herself. She's a bit lonely.


- Animals

- Music

- Home cooking

- Ice skating, though she's not great at it.

- Video games, though she's a filthy casual.

- Clothes. She wants to be fashionable but falls a bit short.


- Being alone for too long.

- Studying

- Bullying

- Being ignored


- Hikaru is a calm and comforting if a person needs it.

- Hikaru has a helpful nature about her and will try to help others.

- Hikaru will stand up for people her are getting bullied or unjustly berated. She knows what it's like to be misunderstood.


- She can't swim.

- She can get flustered relatively easy.

- She isn't very confident.

- She doesn't know how to ask for help.

Ons and Offs: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=310342.0

Looks good, hunny, go ahead and post her to the approved thread whenever you like.


Name: Valentina Camenzind

Age: 24

Appearance: A staggering, mature beauty standing at five foot seven, with bright, golden locks of hair, a slender frame and a rather eyecatching bust and rear, with broad hips that seamlessly transition into a slender waistline and up to her chest. She takes great pride in her body, if anything it's one of the few things she actually works hard to maintain, she's regularly seen at the gym doing everything from cardio to bench presses, leg presses, squats, and any other obscure exercise you can think of, to maintain that model-like appearance. She does mainly focus on the muscle-groups that help towards that very career though, focusing on having that perfect, bubbly round ass that would for sure make just about any underwear look good. The only "dent" to this perfect body is a thin scar below her right arm, sliding across her lowermost rib like an incision, though she easily covers it up with some makeup when she has to.

Moving past that and up to her face, she has a vibrant pair of emerald eyes, soft, natural lips, and lengthy golden locks of hair that she normally ties up. Her typical expressions though... The best way to describe it is that most of the time she wishes she was elsewhere. the kind of distant look, like she never feels like she's where she's supposed to be. Like she's lonely, despite being supposed to have it all. Genuine smiles have become a rare commodity. She can appear timid as she speaks, like a child scared of the consequences of misconduct.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, heavily leaning towards men.

Tier: Fourth tier

Prodigy Type: Law. Been speculated that she has peerless luck, though it's hard to call her a prodigy at it.

Personality: Now that's a difficult one. Valentina appears as a pretty average person for the most part, during classes and the likes. Hard working, some would argue too much so. She's a person of routine, and pretty much lives by her wrist-watch like a slave. It's like she spends half an hour at the start of her day just to plan it out, and it's not too far off the mark. She relies heavily on these routines to maintain her appearances, where when she falls outside them she starts to struggle.

Valentina's problem is that she lacks drive. She has but one thing she's truly passionate with, everything else serves as a placeholder to keep herself walking on the line with careful, calculated steps. With how she was raised, she finds herself massively distrustful, not quite schizophrenic but she's certainly comparable to it. Having considerable amounts of money to her name, and plenty of experience with people trying to get close to her in expectation of monetary gains. It has long since turned into a depressing cycle, and she has just given up and started playing along with it, even though it's pretty clear she doesn't like it, usually only sour about it when she's drinking.

And that's where the big dent to her usual modest outward appearance starts to shatter, as her issues become more obvious when she drinks. There is no mistaking that she's bored out of her mind, and desires amusement more than anything. She was far worse when she was just past 18, but it still sits that she's willing to go far just for a little bit of amusement. A good option for a student desperately needing some quick cash, assuming they're willing to be humiliated or take some small risks to get it.

Country of Origin: Switzerland

Background: "I've made a lot of mistakes. There's no denying that. I've done things that have hurt others. I've done things some might consider immoral. I've done things that were reckless, those are probably what I regret the most. You'd think narcotics are what push people to their limits, maybe war, but it isn't. It's money. It's scary to have a gun pushed to your head, but then you don't have a choice. When it comes to money, you have a choice. You can walk away, but most people won't. It's greed, the thought that with this sum or that sum, you can pull yourself out from where you're sitting. Through a mix of stress and monetary gain, I believe anyone will do anything, because I've seen it, time and time again. When someone says they won't do something, what they mean is that they won't do it for what they'll gain. The prices just rise when you start playing with the high rollers. It's like the wild west when you start breaking into the one percenters, because, just like with me, they run out of things that matter to them. They're sad, hollow little men who all do their best to hide the truth to themselves. Their money is their problem, but at the same time, it's their personality. Strip it, and they become nobodies, most of them know this, I guess I'm just the only one willing to be so vocal about it."

"If there's one thing that I wish for, that can't be bought... It's to be freed of all that. I wish I was born to someone else, that I'd had a normal childhood, that I had to work for what I earn. That I needed to give everything to rise in this world. That's the only goal I can say I have, to get out of this wealth, to get myself to a position where things cost money. Where I have to think before going out to buy food, or if I really need that expensive computer. I'm studying law not because I'm overtly interested, it's definitely not something I'll be able to do for a living for long. If only people knew how corrupt lawyers really are. They're supposed to be the pinnacle of justice, second only to the judge, but when you're playing golf with him on the weekends how far can you claim that rulings are based on facts alone. They're just people too after all. I think I model because it's something I enjoy. I'd like to get out of the financial world and just focus on that. Just rely on it until my looks falter, and then fall back on something else. Maybe open a quaint cafe back in Switzerland, you know? Just freeze all accounts and start afresh, even better if I can actually get rid of it. I wish... I wish I could just be forgotten, just lead a simpler life, where month-to-month numbers actually matter. Where I can get stressed if sales are down, feel joy if things are going well. Maybe fall in love, with someone who loves me for who I am then, not who I am now. A regular guy... Or maybe a woman, who knows what the future brings, that I can experience the ups and downs of life with. Have a child, maybe two, heck why not three or four, who I could spend time with, be a part of their lives, the things my own parents never were. And yet... It feels so far out of reach. I'm hoping I'll get there someday, but right now... I don't know, it makes my eyes tear up thinking about how long the path will be."

Valentina was born to a wealthy Swiss couple, as their only child. Both of her parents were deeply rooted within the elite, as one often would be in a prosperous country like Switzerland. "The family business" as her parents would so often refer to it as, was far more than just some corner-store with a bit of sprinkles thrown on top to make it exciting though. An elite business company, owning parts of hundreds of companies and brands that again owned equal amounts underneath them. Ludicrous wealth, thousands of miles beyond what anyone would consider just wealthy. To say they were sucked up by their success would be an understatement, it was their life. And yet, as badly as they'd desired a child... They might as well not have shown up for the birthing, she hardly saw them while growing up. They might as well be strangers when they showed up for the occasional birthday or christmas. There was nothing authentic about their relationship, it felt fake, even as young as five she could feel it. That they showed up because they were expected to, stayed just long enough to say they'd done it and then went right back to their own passions. Her father divorced more times than he showed up for these celebrations, jumping between wives like they were pokemon cards, And the wives subsequently would pretend to care for a week or two, if they even stuck around for that long, before taking to her father's habit of just ignoring her presence.

The few times he did show up, it might as well have been propaganda runs. "Your wealth is what makes you different" was a common one. Suffice to say it made it hard to find actual friends. Those of a similar "class" as herself were just as absorbed by wealth as she was, and any relationship quickly shattered by something as simple as who had the earrings with bigger diamonds in them. "There is nothing money can't buy", he'd also say, though it was quickly debunked by any "normal" friends she tried to have. She was perceptive, aggressively so, paired with a bit of cynicism and it quickly became clear that it would never work out. Either they, the other children, would start seeing her as a source of cash, or their parents would. The only people she'd claim actually cared would be the au pairs, but even they rummaged drawers for a bit of gold when nobody were looking, and most of the time they weren't. There was nothing that her father's money couldn't replace, even the most priceless treasures were always within hand's reach.

Even now, 15 years later, several events still haunt her from her childhood. One that she can't seem to shake no matter how many therapy sessions or liquor bottles, happened just that, 15 years ago, remembering it like she was still there four and a half feet off the ground. How her father actually seemed to care for a bit as her school was preparing for a play. He pushed heavily that she should get the main role, even though she didn't want it, nor knew how to act. The teacher managing the play didn't seem to care for his encouragements or her sudden interest in the role, and picked another girl. In an uncharacteristic fit of rage he punched Valentina hard enough to send her several feet across the floor of the dining room, yelling at her that she hadn't tried hard enough, and how he'd looked forward to seeing his daughter in the forefront, that he'd told all his friends about it and so forth. The following Monday during assembly, roles were changed around and the acting teacher was noticeably absent, replaced by another one. She never got an explanation for it, nor did anyone else, but piecing it together wasn't difficult even if nobody would tell anything.

The play, unsurprisingly, was a disaster. Valentina didn't know how to act, and roles had been shuffled around at the last moment so several of the others didn't know their new roles that well either. Her father was in the crowd amazingly enough, though he disappeared after snapping a few photos of her during her parts of the act. The following day was cut short for her when she got pulled into one of the locker rooms by some of the other students and subsequently got beaten, both upset over the replaced teacher and the disastrous act. Bloody and bruised she was carefully helped into the teachers office as her father was called. Her father had been on his way to a business meeting in France, but got the plane turned around to pick her up.

"If there is one thing you need to know, it's to never take shit from anyone. Stand your ground until the bitter end."

That's what he'd said as they'd driven to the hospital to have her checked up. After he'd yelled at the school staff for a good half hour, between calling them idiots for not looking after his princess and letting such a thing happen, demanding monitoring of the school hallways, and demanding that the names of the kids involved and their parents be shared. When they refused and he left, it only took a couple of calls to completely change the school board, and as a result give influence to cherry-pick which teachers got to stay and which were going. As they got to the hospital, there was nothing too major, just a broken rib, but in a fucked up sense, she enjoyed it. It hurt, it hurt really badly, especially for someone who'd grown up with cushions under her arms, but it felt like her father cared for once, even if it was only to have something to brag about. She was scared of him, especially after he'd hit her, there was nothing more than blood that held them together, but it felt nice that he cared a bit.

Her childhood was littered with similar events, though that one in particular stuck with her, maybe mostly because of the shallow scar left on her right ribs. Her father was more concerned with the image of his perfect little heir than her actual wellbeing, so the story repeated itself time and time again. Avoid involvement, her father forcing involvement, backlash, and moving schools. The cycle repeated itself until she was 18, and her father insisted on separating parts of the company to her name. She wasn't given much option to decline, and accepted. She didn't have any interest in pursuing it, but given she didn't actually have to do anything with it, it worked out alright. She, on her part, having got her first taste of freedom, wanted to pursue something. She had spent time reading into law-books in her late teens, and was getting a solid understanding of it miles faster than any coming attorney would. All the big legal words that would normally hamper any progress came natural to her, and she figured the best way to see if she had a knack for it would be going to a good school.

As such, she started at Yushu. Having some distance from her father, she started to resent him more and more as it became clearer how fucked up his "parenting" had turned her. The modeling career had been meant to be a big middle finger to everything he did, but backfired massively as it went from an act of anarchism to a massively successful business venture. She had, without realizing it, taken her first jobs with one of the subsidiaries of her father's empire, and... Well, just about every gossip magazine on the planet ate it up, loving that she would put herself on covers wearing little to none to promote her company. What had been meant to be a small, semi-exclusive brand quickly became massively recognized. It had never been meant to work out that way, nor had she wanted it to. She wanted something small that she could amuse herself with, not some massive, highly profitable career. She didn't care if it broke even, it was just... Something she wanted to do. Seeing the success though, she figured she could continue. Law interested her, but not enough that she wanted to lead her life that way, golfing with judges and fellow attorneys in the weekends and buying gifts to aid the defense of obvious felons. The modeling career... It could have been a showcase of hard work, of personal devotion, instead it just turned into another case of aiding what she sought to take no part of.

Now, nearing the end of her studies at Yushu, she's looking into ways to separate herself from the financial world completely, and absolving any wealth forcibly tied to her name, and fade into obscurity, without becoming the number one target for law enforcement and crooks alike in the process. Those two keypoints summarize why she hasn't just ridden herself of any equity, because she knows it would end terribly. She desperately wants to find even the most ridiculous way to get out without having to go underground, and she believes that her prodigy-status in matters of law were granted to her for just that purpose.

Sexual Preferences: Now that's a hard one to nail down. She has taken to various forms of BDSM mostly in pursuit of something different, and maybe a controversy. She doesn't play one role exclusively, and fluctuates between the two like the flip of a coin. One day she might desire being pinned down and ruthlessly abused, the other she'd flip the coin and take the reins. She doesn't have anything against regular sex, but she has problems finding the attachment that makes it feel properly good, while she feels that BDSM doesn't put such demands on her.

- I'd love to have a character around that really doesn't understand why she's depressed, taking the "you have everything you could ever want, stop being a bitch about it" angle. It would add so much to her I feel like.
- An actual romance, a counterpoint to the one above, someone that sees past it and understands why it makes her so miserable.
- Maybe some underworld ties? She's a massively accomplished defense lawyer, for her age anyway, with a lackluster sense of justice she makes the perfect lawyer for someone on the other side of the law.
- Need some cash? She doesn't mind paying if someone comes at her with an amusing idea, be it a cheap thrill or a business idea.

Likes: Good food, good liquor, jigsaw puzzles (She has a huge collection), exercising.

Dislikes: Money, poor liquor, money (again, because she *really* despises it), most of her childhood, and well, herself.

- Peerless luck: There's no mistaking that she has a near bottomless pool of luck. While the Camenzind company knows how to turn the biggest fiasco into a best seller, there is no mistaking her luck, even games of pure chance or when intentionally stacking the odds against her, she has a way of winning.
- Perception: A high degree of perception is what really makes her prosper in the legal work. A crafty tongue to boot and she can turn around the most lost cases, though she mostly sees these jobs as exercise in preparation for taking on her own company.
- Money: Well, whatever can't be won with words can be won with money. There's no mistaking that she has ludicrous amounts of wealth tied to her name, enough that she genuinely doesn't know the amounts and just spends whatever she feels like on whatever she feels like. She doesn't even know a fraction of what companies her own company is involved with, just that there's a lot of them.

- Alcoholism: While she usually appears high functioning, there's no mistaking that she drinks a lot and has trouble not drinking when left alone. She has tried to quit several times, but always ended up falling back on it. She's currently trying a slower approach, and has minimized her intake by quite a bit though, during her first few years it was hard to find her not drinking.
- Money: Double feature! The money usually brings with it more trouble than she'd care to admit. She finds it hard to relate to others because of it, and because of the way she was raised. She's attached to it no matter how much she tries to cut herself away from it. Any problem feels like it can be solved with it aside from building actual relationship, be it trying to ignore its existence or just downright buying her friends, she's ever cynical about it and thinks everyone around her is only thinking about it and not her as a person.
- Depression: Pretty self-explanatory. She feels no matter how she tries, she can't break herself loose from all the money surrounding her, and anyone who actually knows her would know well that it has turned her into a shambling wreck.

Ons and Offs: Link here, not completely up to date though. Ask me if there's anything you're particularly interested in!

Extra voluntary information:
- Her most prized possession is a crown made of gold, with a number of valuable gems adorning it. It's kept in a bulletproof glass case in her room, though she resents looking at it. It was given as a gift from her father after the first modeling stunt, claiming that "only the best was befit a coming queen in the world of economics." Still, she can't bring herself to getting rid of it, given it's one of the few actual gifts she's gotten for accomplishing something.
- Her second most prized possession is a platinum hip-flask. The keen-eyed might have seen her sip from it every now and then.
- She contributed to a major crash in the European electricity-market in 2016, enough to leave the Nasdaq index crippled. The company somehow managed to turn it into huge profits during the crash.
- It's not uncommon to see the doorway to her apartment on campus littered with boxes from various companies, gifts and samples of various products from lingerie to brooms and whatever else between, with the occasional "take whatever you want, please" note taped to them. She tried to get a PO-box, but it just kept flooding as well.
- Any lady having searched for underwear online is likely to have seen at least a few pictures of her donning the more exclusive varieties.
- She speaks French, German, Italian, (The three languages commonly used in Switzerland) as well as English fluently, and she knows a fair bit of Norwegian (And by extension Danish and Swedish), and now Japanese.

extra pictures, not suggested for work use

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Quote from: Sargepepper on October 31, 2019, 02:05:37 PM
Those are two very different prodigy types, lol

Haha, that was the idea. Remains to see what Quill thinks of it, I'm probably dancing a bit on the edge but we'll see.
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Feel free to message me if you want to chat

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Quote from: Lynnette on October 31, 2019, 01:47:40 PM
Name: Valentina Camenzind

Age: 25

Appearance: A staggering, mature beauty standing at five foot seven, with bright, golden locks of hair, a slender frame and a rather eyecatching bust. Looking her in the eyes, there's no mistaking that she's weathered by stress and depression, though from pictures and the likes, she comes off as not just a model, but the model, with sweet, soft curves in all the right places, only pestered by a slender scar by her right ribs, and a persistent scowl that seems to be unrelenting with its presence, like she has a million other places she'd rather be, just about anywhere she is. She's good at hiding it when she has to, but during regular conversation, it's not an unlikely presence. There's an easily discernible bitterness in it, a pity given she has a gorgeous smile when she does actually pull it naturally.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, heavily leaning towards men.

Tier: Fourth tier

Prodigy Type: Law and modelling. Been speculated that she has peerless luck, though it's hard to call her a prodigy at it.

Personality: Valentina is a royal mess by most accounts. Living a life surrounded by wealth, she has grown deeply cynical and depressed from it, feeling horribly burdened by the ever growing bank accounts, and her feeble attempts of ridding herself of it has only grown to that very feeling. Her name could be in the dictionary for success-stories, but she doesn't feel anything but pain from it. Her world-view has shifted to a terrible extent, where nothing feels worthwhile and nothing is but a check's reach away, and a long stretch of ludicrous investments has only messed with her mind further. Be it betting all her wealth in Hong Kong on a horse that should have zero to none chance of winning and rising up from it, or pumping money into the most ridiculous companies out there, she has come to her conclusion that nothing she does matters, because she always rebounds, and it tears her to shreds. There's nothing she wants more than to separate herself from that kind of lifestyle, but it has become increasingly difficult with every attempt. Even the most selfless donations have had a mean streak of just pushing her wealth further.

At this point, she has given up trying to hide her problems and have just embraced them. Be it passing out in a ditch clad in money that would make the most honest man's mouth water, tossing money on the street, bathing in Dom Pérignon, snorting cocaine outside of a police station, literally anything, and the everlasting curse that is lack of reprisal keeps it from ever mattering.

All of it comes down to a pretty sad story, given she wishes to be kind, but has just grown too cynical over the years to tap into it. She has long since given up thinking that anyone cares about anything more than her wallet, and has mostly just submitted to it, not bothering to rake the dirt. With a high-profile name alone, she has no chance of hiding who she is, and has pretty much just submitted to it. More than anything, she fears what will come when the last year of school is over, and how she'll end up when all routine is gone and she's out there on her own.

Country of Origin: Switzerland

Background: "Money, it's... Empowering, makes you feel important, gives you influence... But it'll never give you happiness, I can assure you that from the bottom of my heart. The more you have of it, the less it feels like it's worth. If anything, it becomes less than worthless, it eats you up. Everything in life, any hour you put in, is awarded with money, but at some point, it stops being a reward and becomes a burden. You start looking for ways to spend it, but even that doesn't feel satisfying. It doesn't feel like you're treating yourself when you're getting drunk off champagne bottles worth more than what the average American makes in a year, just gulping it down to stop thinking about how happy you'd be if you didn't have a dime to your name. And yet... It's the money that makes you a someone, if you lose it, you just become anyone. I've been fortunate, and that's the worst burden I'll ever have, and I wouldn't bring it upon my worst enemy. Whenever I try to rid myself of this burden, it swings back and beats me to the ground one way or another. People stop looking at you like a peer, because you're not. You're less than them, you're a piece of shit burden on this world because of your greed, even if you never desired it. You can crash a national market with your money, and the world just has to shut up and accept it, because at sums like these, the only person who can accumulate this kind of wealth is someone who has already done it before. No amount of brutal taxes and hard labor could make up for us assholes who make up the 1%, we're untouchable, and it removes the thrill. No matter what stupid ways you try to burn the last dime to your name, it will always rebound. I've gambled on world markets, mindless speculations, horses, who gives a shit, be it the stupidest business ideas, or the most ludicrous villas in the most lucrative corners of the world, it will always come back at you like a sack of bricks to beat you to the ground and make you submit to it. Best I can say at this point is that lady luck has a fucked up sense of humor, and there'll never be anyone who'll understand this burden."

"You know those questions that pop up on social media all the time, "Would you shoot your best friend in the foot for ten million dollars?" and whatnot? It's scary to read through the comments when you realize that most of these people probably would. Would it haunt them for the rest of their lives? For sure, but I have little doubts a considerable amount of them would at the very least consider it, and a good amount of those again would actually do it. "I'll give him 80%!" is only relevant until you have the money in your hands. At that point, you're standing there with enough money to live a life of luxury. Empathy starts to crumble when you see that kind of wealth. What is meant to be a cute little joke between friends become a game void of any residual humanity when you're faced with such a life-changing choice. Imagine then, how it feels when you're not offered 10, not 20, not a 100, but unimaginable sums you'd only see in movies. Most wouldn't hesitate for longer than a second. It's hard not to grow cynical when everyone you know, even your closest and dearest, consumed by greed and void of empathy, look over your shoulder for the time to strike. And at every moment of that consideration, those less wealthy look up in the skies, thinking "if they can do this kind of stuff, there's no reason I can't. They're no better than me." If only it was that simple."

Valentina was born to a wealthy Swiss couple, as their only child. Both of her parents were deeply rooted within the elite, as one often would be in a prosperous country like Switzerland. "The family business" as her parents would so often refer to it as, was far more than just some corner-store with a bit of sprinkles thrown on top to make it exciting though. An elite business company, owning thousands of companies and brands that again owned equal amounts underneath them. Ludicrous wealth, thousands of miles beyond what anyone would consider just wealthy. To say they were sucked up by their success would be an understatement, it was their life. And yet, as badly as they'd desired a child... They might as well not have shown up for the birthing, she hardly saw them while growing up. They might as well be strangers when they showed up for the occasional birthday or christmas. There was nothing authentic about their relationship, it felt fake, even as young as five she could feel it. That they showed up because they were expected to, stayed just long enough to say they'd done it and then went right back to their own passions. Her father divorced more times than he showed up for these celebrations, jumping between wives like they were pokemon cards, And the wives subsequently would pretend to care for a week or two, if they even stuck around for that long, before taking to her father's habit of just ignoring her presence.

The few times he did show up, it might as well have been propaganda runs. "Your wealth is what makes you different" was a common one. Suffice to say it made it hard to find actual friends. Those of a similar "class" as herself were just as absorbed by wealth as she was, and any relationship quickly shattered by something as simple as who had the earrings with bigger diamonds in them. "There is nothing money can't buy", he'd also say, though it was quickly debunked by any "normal" friends she tried to have. She was perceptive, aggressively so, paired with a bit of cynicism and it quickly became clear that it would never work out. Either they, the other children, would start seeing her as a source of cash, or their parents would. The only people she'd claim actually cared would be the au pairs, but even they rummaged drawers for a bit of gold when nobody were looking, and most of the time they weren't. There was nothing that her father's money couldn't replace, even the most priceless treasures were always within hand's reach.

Even now, 15 years later, several events still haunt her from her childhood. One that she can't seem to shake no matter how many therapy sessions or liquor bottles, happened just that, 15 years ago, remembering it like she was still there four and a half feet off the ground. How her father actually seemed to care for a bit as her school was preparing for a play. He pushed heavily that she should get the main role, even though she didn't want it, nor knew how to act. The teacher managing the play didn't seem to care for his encouragements or her sudden interest in the role, and picked another girl. In an uncharacteristic fit of rage he punched Valentina hard enough to send her several feet across the floor of the dining room, yelling at her that she hadn't tried hard enough, and how he'd looked forward to seeing his daughter in the forefront, that he'd told all his friends about it and so forth. The following Monday during assembly, roles were changed around and the acting teacher was noticeably absent, replaced by another one. She never got an explanation for it, nor did anyone else, but piecing it together wasn't difficult even if nobody would tell anything.

The play, unsurprisingly, was a disaster. Valentina didn't know how to act, and roles had been shuffled around at the last moment so several of the others didn't know their new roles that well either. Her father was in the crowd amazingly enough, though he disappeared after snapping a few photos of her during her parts of the act. The following day was cut short for her when she got pulled into one of the locker rooms by some of the other students and subsequently got beaten, both upset over the replaced teacher and the disastrous act. Bloody and bruised she was carefully helped into the teachers office as her father was called. Her father had been on his way to a business meeting in France, but got the plane turned around to pick her up.

"If there is one thing you need to know, it's to never take shit from anyone. Stand your ground until the bitter end."

That's what he'd said as they'd driven to the hospital to have her checked up. After he'd yelled at the school staff for a good half hour, between calling them idiots for not looking after his princess and letting such a thing happen, demanding monitoring of the school hallways, and demanding that the names of the kids involved and their parents be shared. When they refused and he left, it only took a couple of calls to completely change the school board, and as a result give influence to cherry-pick which teachers got to stay and which were going. As they got to the hospital, there was nothing too major, just a broken rib, but in a fucked up sense, she enjoyed it. It hurt, it hurt really badly, especially for someone who'd grown up with cushions under her arms, but it felt like her father cared for once, even if it was only to have something to brag about. She was scared of him, especially after he'd hit her, there was nothing more than blood that held them together, but it felt nice that he cared a bit.

Her childhood was littered with similar events, though that one in particular stuck with her, maybe mostly because of the shallow scar left on her right ribs. Her father was more concerned with the image of his perfect little heir than her actual wellbeing, so the story repeated itself time and time again. Avoid involvement, her father forcing involvement, backlash, and moving schools. The cycle repeated itself until she was 18, and her father insisted on separating parts of the company to her name. She wasn't given much option to decline, and accepted. She didn't have any interest in pursuing it, but given she didn't actually have to do anything with it, it worked out alright. She, on her part, having got her first taste of freedom, wanted to pursue something. She had spent time reading into law-books in her late teens, and was getting a solid understanding of it miles faster than any coming attorney would. All the big legal words that would normally hamper any progress came natural to her, and she figured the best way to see if she had a knack for it would be going to a good school.

As such, she started at Yushu. Having some distance from her father, she started to resent him more and more as it became clearer how fucked up his "parenting" had turned her. The modeling career had been meant to be a big middle finger to everything he did, but backfired massively as it went from an act of anarchism to a massively successful business venture. She had, without realizing it, taken her first jobs with one of the subsidiaries of her father's empire, and... Well, just about every gossip magazine on the planet ate it up, loving that she would put herself on covers wearing little to none to promote her father's company. What had been meant to be a small, semi-exclusive brand quickly became massively recognized. And then the money came, it might as well have been shipped to the bank in dump trucks. She still liked to think that her father didn't appreciate her showing off her body in underwear to the world, so she continued with it, hoping that it would eventually lead to some big scandal. Maybe promoting a brand that was made with slave labor or something like that. It was infuriating that it didn't, and she started to look to other ways to ruin the company as her resentment grew. Money totaling tens of millions were thrown into obscure companies that shouldn't be possible to turn a profit with, and it came right back, and as the trend grew, it became even harder to try and find something obscure that wouldn't sell, and as her name grew, it felt like she was giving unintentional endorsement to products that by no means deserved it. She joked to a reporter while trying to fuck it up by saying that if she fucked a horse it would become the new trend, and while the reception was small she unfortunately received several clips of men and women alike doing just that.

As the profits continued to balloon, she tried to be even more inconsiderate with the company's money. Donate to medicine-developing charities? Suddenly got a patent to the company's name that would print hundreds of millions, if not billions. Donate to poor countries in Africa? It just turned into more corruption that the company team somehow managed to turn a profit on, she doesn't want to know how. Figuring not even that was working, she pooled up as much of the company's money and pit it all on a horse-race with obscenely poor chances of winning, and it somehow came out with winnings. Having realized that there's no chance she can reasonably make the company collapse by just doing dumb things, she has started looking into anything in the legal-work that could have it collapse just so she could rid herself of the chain.
Sexual Preferences: Now that's a hard one to nail down. She has taken to various forms of BDSM mostly in pursuit of something different, and maybe a controversy. She doesn't play one role exclusively, and fluctuates between the two like the flip of a coin. One day she might desire being pinned down and ruthlessly abused, the other she'd flip the coin and take the reins. She doesn't have anything against regular sex, but she has problems finding the attachment that makes it feel properly good, while she feels that BDSM doesn't put such demands on her.

- I'd love to have a character around that really doesn't understand why she's depressed, taking the "you have everything you could ever want, stop being a bitch about it" angle. It would add so much to her I feel like.
- An actual romance, a counterpoint to the one above, someone that sees past it and understands why it makes her so miserable.
- Maybe some underworld ties? She's a massively accomplished defense lawyer, for her age anyway, with a lackluster sense of justice she makes the perfect lawyer for someone on the other side of the law.
- Need some cash? She doesn't mind paying if someone comes at her with an amusing idea, be it a cheap thrill or a business idea.

Likes: Good food, good liquor, jigsaw puzzles (She has a huge collection), exercising.

Dislikes: Money, poor liquor, money (again, because she *really* despises it), most of her childhood, and well, herself.

- Peerless luck: There's no mistaking that she has a near bottomless pool of luck. While the Camenzind company knows how to turn the biggest fiasco into a best seller, there is no mistaking her luck, even games of pure chance or when intentionally stacking the odds against her, she has a way of winning.
- Perception: A high degree of perception is what really makes her prosper in the legal work. A crafty tongue to boot and she can turn around the most lost cases, though she mostly sees these jobs as exercise in preparation for taking on her own company.
- Money: Well, whatever can't be won with words can be won with money. There's no mistaking that she has extreme amounts of wealth tied to her name, enough that she genuinely doesn't know the amounts and just spends whatever she feels like on whatever she feels like. She doesn't even know a fraction of what companies her own company is involved with, just that there's a lot of them.

- Alcoholism: While she usually appears high functioning, there's no mistaking that she drinks a lot and has trouble not drinking when left alone. She has tried to quit several times, but always ended up falling back on it.
- Money: Double feature! The money usually brings with it more trouble than she'd care to admit. She finds it hard to relate to others because of it, and because of the way she was raised. She's attached to it no matter how much she tries to cut herself away from it. Any problem feels like it can be solved with it aside from building actual relationship, be it trying to ignore its existence or just downright buying her friends, she's ever cynical about it and thinks everyone around her is only thinking about it and not her as a person.
- Depression: Pretty self-explanatory. She feels no matter how she tries, she can't break herself loose from all the money surrounding her, and anyone who actually knows her would know well that it has turned her into a shambling wreck.

Ons and Offs: Link here, not completely up to date though. Ask me if there's anything you're particularly interested in!

Extra voluntary information:
- Her most prized possession is a crown made of gold, with a number of valuable gems adorning it. It's kept in a bulletproof glass case in her room, though she resents looking at it. It was given as a gift from her father after the first modeling stunt, claiming that "only the best was befit a coming queen in the world of economics." Still, she can't bring herself to getting rid of it, given it's one of the few actual gifts she's gotten for accomplishing something.
- Her second most prized possession is a platinum hip-flask. The keen-eyed might have seen her sip from it every now and then.
- She contributed to a major crash in the European electricity-market in 2016, enough to leave the Nasdaq index crippled. The company somehow managed to turn it into huge profits during the crash.
- It's not uncommon to see the doorway to her apartment on campus littered with boxes from various companies, gifts and samples of various products from lingerie to brooms and whatever else between, with the occasional "take whatever you want, please" note taped to them. She tried to get a PO-box, but it just kept flooding as well.
- Any lady having searched for underwear online is likely to have seen at least a few pictures of her donning the more exclusive varieties.

extra pictures, not suggested for work use

Didn't want to make the page load slower, have a link instead!

While I like it all, it would be unfair to allow her two prodigy types when I allow everyone else only 1, I'd only allow two if they essentially fell into the same category. For example, singing, playing an instrument or composing music. All in the music vein, see?

I'm afraid you're going to have to choose between law and modeling.

That said, she can still dabble in modeling if you wanted to go with law, she just wouldn't be at a prodigy level or be taking classes for it.


Quote from: LamentingQuill on October 31, 2019, 04:33:13 PM
While I like it all, it would be unfair to allow her two prodigy types when I allow everyone else only 1, I'd only allow two if they essentially fell into the same category. For example, singing, playing an instrument or composing music. All in the music vein, see?

I'm afraid you're going to have to choose between law and modeling.

No worries, I anticipated as much. I might just put the latter as a hobby of sorts, more because it's something she enjoys than something she'd be at prodigy-status at.
I'm available on Discord!
Feel free to message me if you want to chat

My O/O     My guide to set up a home server and Plex
My request thread



    Name: Clint Hunter

    Age: 20

    Appearance: Clint looks rather old and worn for his age though he tries to take care of himself. He's moderately fit, he's clean, he puts some effort into being presentable when he steps outside. Most of the time he wears a cheap suit that fits well and has some minor patches here and there that gives it a look like it's been passed around quite a lot but it just happened to fly and snag around him like a lost dog or a stray cat. He has average dark brown hair that is often combed conservatively and held in place by spray that isn't too offensive to the noses around him. His hands are weathered and calloused, his skin is rather dry and loose, and he already has some wrinkles forming and some minor blemishes and scars on his arms which end up looking somewhat veined and hairy because of the relative thinness of his flesh compared to his muscles. He has a pocketwatch and a smartphone, boots and running shoes, cheap pens and a rather ornate looking fountain pen. His entire attire is a mix mash of functionality combined with antiquated preference. Clint has no tattoos or piercings and the most notable thing about him is the seemingly deliberate slowness in which he moves. He's always still, watching his surroundings, trying to take in everything before it moves by too quick.
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175 lbs

    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

    Tier: 2nd

    Prodigy Type: Narrator

    Personality: Clint is outgoing and honest. He rarely holds a grudge and doesn't see a purpose in lying or deception. He's well read and he takes many of the lessons taught in books to heart. He believes that the purpose of men is to contribute to the great conversation that has been happening since before the beginning or recorded history. He believes in oral retellings, the passing of wisdom directly from present teacher to student, and also the self education of a passive teacher such as an author of a book. He believes in the process of uplifting oneself from a position of understanding less to understanding more based on engaging with this great conversation of history. Clint is extremely passionate because of this. His words have great emotion, and he has a drive to understand others and their view of the world. He tries to see the world as an impossibly complex series of events that burn and blast and turn like the sun itself. He has a broad view of history, keeping in mind that less than a hundred years ago the world was marching towards the first great war, that less than three hundred years ago Napoleon took the world by storm. That his own country of origin was born during the same time. How quickly the world has changed and yet as humans we can still read books written thousands of years ago dealing with the same subjects we deal with now.

Clint is always willing to help others. He's curious about the things he doesn't know and is hardworking and diligent when given the time to be taught. Time is something that presses on him constantly though he knows that he has no control of it. He tries not to let the worry rob him of the moments he does have on the earth. He came to Yushu Academy to better himself, to meet prodigies and engage with their stories. Secretly he also hopes to find romance figuring that if amazing people gravitate here then he has a good chance of being swept off his feet. Of all things Clint has courage and faces challenges in an honest way to try and truly resolve the issue for every party involved. He isn't afraid of hurting peoples feelings in the moment if it means being a good friend in the long run. He genuinely tries to do the right thing and he sees good things in those around him.

    Country of Origin: The United States of America

    Background: Clint's family fled to the united states during the 1880's and found work as farmers after Chinese immigration had been banned following the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. Their name was changed from Hirai to Hunter and there they worked to build a better life for themselves. During the early 1900's and the later years of World War 2 his family suffered much the same hardships as other Japanese Americans but through it all they remained loyal to what they now saw as truly their home. From an early age Clint was read books by his father who fell in love with the game of Baseball and became a local radio caster for a sports station in Seattle. However Clint never had the love for the game that his father did and instead just loved to listen to his voice as he was read various books. He started out being read common children's books like Dr Sues, Harrison Brown, the classics but he began to ask questions of his father that made him shift the reading to things of a more serious nature. When Clint was nine his father approached him with a book from a set of books that had sat on their bookshelf for the longest time, perhaps from the sixties or late seventies. The set was titled "Great Books of the Western Canon" and together him and Clint read the books from start to finish.

It took them nearly six years to read all of the books, it being a massive 82 volume set of various authors ranging novels, essays, plays, poems, scientific journals, and other offshoot articles that had been selected as part of this set by a council of university professors. No doubt they were not infallible in their selection but the books set Clint on his path of being an absolutely insatiable reader. He read aloud to himself, often imagining that he was standing in front of a lounging group of activated listeners like the musings of Socrates and Plato usually set for their scenes. Except he often had no one to talk to. When he hit the age of fifteen he began volunteering at centers for the elderly, reading them books whenever he could and talking to them about their lives, asking them questions about regrets and what they might have done different if given the chance. One day after reading to a lady named Mrs. Kamberly, he received the suggestion that he should try and record himself reading and sell it to a publisher. He decided to pick the book that he knew the best, a biography on Alexander the Great titled "He Who Killed The King of Kings". At first he was rejected and disappointed however a followup letter came containing hand written advice on suggestions for improving his work. He immediately followed them, reducing ambient noise, cutting out breaths, and in general taking on the editing portion of the job with an exacting fervor. By the time he sent in his fifth book he was a published reader. Every book he gets better and has started growing rapidly, seemingly without end. Is he a prodigy? Or has he simply been gifted with the right surroundings. Its a question that Clint doesn't know the answer to. Perhaps when he arrives at Yushu it may become clearer.

    Sexual Preferences: Clint is completely inexperienced but does have a perverse interest in the opposite sex. It's almost like a secret he's waiting to share with someone who really sparks his interest. He's seen plenty of porn, and has even looked into auditory stimulation, audio erotica and the like. Yet every time it feels like he's looking at a base, almost surface level scratching of a deeper itch. Life is short, but Clint thinks an hour of dancing, thirty minutes of whispering and ear blowing, forty minutes of gentle exploration, and honest communications are just the appetizer to a romantic evening.

    Extra: Can take care of himself. He learned to clean, do his own cooking, do his own laundry, manages his own money, buys and stocks his own toiletries, purchases his own clothes. There are certain parts of him that are extremely dated. He shaves with a straight edge razor, he writes with either a fluid longhand or formal copperplate calligraphy, he listens to radio dramas as well as many modern audiobooks nearly constantly while drawing maps or pictures using dip pens and cold black ink.

    Potential plots involving your character? What would you like to see your character do, be involved in?: Clint takes a genuine interest in those around him so he could end up involved with lots of people regardless of what their prodigy type is. However if a novelist exists working with them could be an interesting plot, or potentially radio casting for someone else's endeavors. He enjoys reading and poetry and would love to join a book club or hang out in places where poetry is being read. He's looking for a romance but is willing to wait for something natural instead of something preordained.

    Likes: History particularly involving great people or radical events, listening to interviews of interesting people, reading biographies and classical literature, drawing and painting, listening to audiobooks, listening to classical rock albums from start to finish as well as soft rock and oldies. Dancing.

    Dislikes: When people avoid conflict for the sake of comfort. When people avoid solving problems or they walk away or hide. Laziness. Passivity or carelessness. Drunkenness, and other intoxication.

    Strengths/Advantages: Has a voice that most want to listen to, he's a fantastic orator. He's wise and calm but it's still tempered with youth and passion. He's kind and honest which means he basically unburdened with mistakes or ghosts that haunt him. He's relatively carefree and isn't really shackled by anything around him. He's genuinely happy with his life at this point.

    Weaknesses/Flaws: He doesn't have a lot of patience for those that actually need his help. He's quick to see character flaws as things that need to be overcome right now! as opposed to gradually solved or dealt with. He can be genuinely mean, especially when he sees someone who he thinks is wasting their gifts. He's quick to get aggravated at those that brush off history or reading as things that don't matter anymore.

    Ons and Offs: Sincere and innocent affection,  Oral, Anal, Kissing(full body) || Pain/Torture, Scat/Piss, degradation(spitting/namecalling/etc), cuckoldry/cheating

    Extra OOC: First game here and I'm not terribly experienced with play by post but I like storytelling. If you have any advice please don't hesitate to tell me I'm not embarrassed by that sort of thing.


Quote from: Velocifaptor on November 01, 2019, 02:23:21 AM

    Name: Clint Hunter

    Age: 20

    Appearance: Clint looks rather old and worn for his age though he tries to take care of himself. He's moderately fit, he's clean, he puts some effort into being presentable when he steps outside. Most of the time he wears a cheap suit that fits well and has some minor patches here and there that gives it a look like it's been passed around quite a lot but it just happened to fly and snag around him like a lost dog or a stray cat. He has average dark brown hair that is often combed conservatively and held in place by spray that isn't too offensive to the noses around him. His hands are weathered and calloused, his skin is rather dry and loose, and he already has some wrinkles forming and some minor blemishes and scars on his arms which end up looking somewhat veined and hairy because of the relative thinness of his flesh compared to his muscles. He has a pocketwatch and a smartphone, boots and running shoes, cheap pens and a rather ornate looking fountain pen. His entire attire is a mix mash of functionality combined with antiquated preference. Clint has no tattoos or piercings and the most notable thing about him is the seemingly deliberate slowness in which he moves. He's always still, watching his surroundings, trying to take in everything before it moves by too quick.
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175 lbs

    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

    Tier: 2nd

    Prodigy Type: Audiobook Narrator

    Personality: Clint is outgoing and honest. He rarely holds a grudge and doesn't see a purpose in lying or deception. He's well read and he takes many of the lessons taught in books to heart. He believes that the purpose of men is to contribute to the great conversation that has been happening since before the beginning or recorded history. He believes in oral retellings, the passing of wisdom directly from present teacher to student, and also the self education of a passive teacher such as an author of a book. He believes in the process of uplifting oneself from a position of understanding less to understanding more based on engaging with this great conversation of history. Clint is extremely passionate because of this. His words have great emotion, and he has a drive to understand others and their view of the world. He tries to see the world as an impossibly complex series of events that burn and blast and turn like the sun itself. He has a broad view of history, keeping in mind that less than a hundred years ago the world was marching towards the first great war, that less than three hundred years ago Napoleon took the world by storm. That his own country of origin was born during the same time. How quickly the world has changed and yet as humans we can still read books written thousands of years ago dealing with the same subjects we deal with now.

Clint is always willing to help others. He's curious about the things he doesn't know and is hardworking and diligent when given the time to be taught. Time is something that presses on him constantly though he knows that he has no control of it. He tries not to let the worry rob him of the moments he does have on the earth. He came to Yushu Academy to better himself, to meet prodigies and engage with their stories. Secretly he also hopes to find romance figuring that if amazing people gravitate here then he has a good chance of being swept off his feet. Of all things Clint has courage and faces challenges in an honest way to try and truly resolve the issue for every party involved. He isn't afraid of hurting peoples feelings in the moment if it means being a good friend in the long run. He genuinely tries to do the right thing and he sees good things in those around him.

    Country of Origin: The United States of America

    Background: Clint's family fled to the united states during the 1880's and found work as farmers after Chinese immigration had been banned following the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. Their name was changed from Hirai to Hunter and there they worked to build a better life for themselves. During the early 1900's and the later years of World War 2 his family suffered much the same hardships as other Japanese Americans but through it all they remained loyal to what they now saw as truly their home. From an early age Clint was read books by his father who fell in love with the game of Baseball and became a local radio caster for a sports station in Seattle. However Clint never had the love for the game that his father did and instead just loved to listen to his voice as he was read various books. He started out being read common children's books like Dr Sues, Harrison Brown, the classics but he began to ask questions of his father that made him shift the reading to things of a more serious nature. When Clint was nine his father approached him with a book from a set of books that had sat on their bookshelf for the longest time, perhaps from the sixties or late seventies. The set was titled "Great Books of the Western Canon" and together him and Clint read the books from start to finish.

It took them nearly six years to read all of the books, it being a massive 82 volume set of various authors ranging novels, essays, plays, poems, scientific journals, and other offshoot articles that had been selected as part of this set by a council of university professors. No doubt they were not infallible in their selection but the books set Clint on his path of being an absolutely insatiable reader. He read aloud to himself, often imagining that he was standing in front of a longing group of activated listeners like musings of Socrates and Plato usually set their scenes. Except he often had no one to talk to. When he hit the age of fifteen he began volunteering at centers for the elderly, reading them books whenever he could and talking to them about their lives, asking them questions about regrets and what they might have done different if given the chance. One day after reading to an lady named Mrs. Kamberly, he received the suggestion that he should try and record himself reading and sell it to a publisher. He decided to pick a book he knew the best, a biography on Alexander the Great titled "He Who Killed The King of Kings", at first he was rejected and disappointed, however a followup letter came containing hand written advice on suggestions for improving his work. He immediately followed them, reducing ambient noise, cutting out breaths, and in general taking on the editing portion of the job with an exacting fervor. By the time he sent in his fifth book he was a published reader. Every book he gets better and has started growing rapidly, seemingly without end. Is he a prodigy? Or has he simply been gifted with the right surroundings. Its a question that Clint doesn't know the answer to. Perhaps when he arrives at Yushu it may become clearer.

    Sexual Preferences: Clint is completely inexperienced but does have a perverse interest in the opposite sex. It's almost like a secret he's waiting to share with someone who really sparks his interest. He's seen plenty of porn, and has even looked into auditory stimulation, audio erotica and the like. Yet every time it feels like he's looking at a base, almost surface level scratching of a deeper itch. Life is short, but Clint thinks an hour of dancing, thirty minutes of whispering and ear blowing, forty minutes of gentle exploration, and honest communications are just the appetizer to a romantic evening.

    Extra: Can take care of himself. He learned to clean, do his own cooking, do his own laundry, manages his own money, buys and stocks his own toiletries, purchases his own clothes. There are certain parts of him that are extremely dated. He shaves with a straight edge razor, he writes with either a fluid longhand or formal copperplate calligraphy, he listens to radio dramas as well as many modern audiobooks nearly constantly while drawing maps or pictures using dip pens and cold black ink.

Potential plots involving your character? What would you like to see your character do, be involved in?: Clint takes a genuine interest in those around him so he could end up involved with lots of people regardless of what their prodigy type is. However if a novelist exists working with them could be an interesting plot, or potentially radio casting for someone else's endeavors. He enjoys reading and poetry and would love to join a book club or hang out in places where poetry is being read. He's looking for a romance but is willing to wait for something natural instead of something preordained.

    Likes: History particularly involving great people or radical events, listening to interviews of interesting people, reading biographies and classical literature, drawing and painting, listening to audiobooks, listening to classical rock albums from start to finish as well as soft rock and oldies. Dancing.

    Dislikes: When people avoid conflict for the sake of comfort. When people avoid solving problems or they walk away or hide. Laziness. Passivity or carelessness. Drunkenness, and other intoxication.

    Strengths/Advantages: Has a voice that most want to listen to, he's a fantastic orator. He's wise and calm but it's still tempered with youth and passion. He's kind and honest which means he basically unburdened with mistakes or ghosts that haunt him. He's relatively carefree and isn't really shackled by anything around him. He's genuinely happy with his life at this point.

    Weaknesses/Flaws: He doesn't have a lot of patience for those that actually need his help. He's quick to see character flaws as things that need to be overcome right now! as opposed to gradually solved or dealt with. He can be genuinely mean, especially when he sees someone who he thinks is wasting their gifts. He's quick to get aggravated at those that brush off history or reading as things that don't matter anymore.

    Ons and Offs: Sincere and innocent affection,  Oral, Anal, Kissing(full body) || Pain/Torture, Scat/Piss, degradation(spitting/namecalling/etc), cuckoldry/cheating

    Extra OOC: First game here and I'm not terribly experienced with play by post but I like storytelling. If you have any advice please don't hesitate to tell me I'm not embarrassed by that sort of thing.

May I suggest changing his prodigy type to perhaps voice acting? I've listening to a ton of audiobooks read by people with mad voice acting skills, the guy that read the Harry Potter books was really good at finding the right voices for all the characters.

This would also broaden his opportunities beyond audiobooks to animated movies or animated tv shows and etc, if he ever wanted it.


I'm up for broadening his prodigy from Audiobook Narration but its not really the voice modification skillset that I want him to focus on. Like voice actors can reach a wide range of voices and are similar to actual actors in changing their mannerisms to fulfill a role. Many of them can also double into sound effects recording like alien voices, monster voices, etc for production. I'm more focusing on him having a very specific voice, and command of that one voice for the purposes of narration and oration. Modifying the pacing and tone to change effect and build atmosphere. Basically instead of being someone like Robin Williams he's more like Morgan Freeman or Christopher Lee. Where you hear there voice and instantly know who is speaking.


Quote from: Velocifaptor on November 01, 2019, 03:02:22 AM
I'm up for broadening his prodigy from Audiobook Narration but its not really the voice modification skillset that I want him to focus on. Like voice actors can reach a wide range of voices and are similar to actual actors in changing their mannerisms to fulfill a role. Many of them can also double into sound effects recording like alien voices, monster voices, etc for production. I'm more focusing on him having a very specific voice, and command of that one voice for the purposes of narration and oration. Modifying the pacing and tone to change effect and build atmosphere. Basically instead of being someone like Robin Williams he's more like Morgan Freeman or Christopher Lee. Where you hear there voice and instantly know who is speaking.

I’m a little unsure about a prodigy narrator, but you could very well surprise me, I’ll okay it. Go ahead and post him to the approved thread.


I'm available on Discord!
Feel free to message me if you want to chat

My O/O     My guide to set up a home server and Plex
My request thread