Pegasus Knight looking for a (not so) routine mission.

Started by Soveliss, June 15, 2019, 06:36:49 AM

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It was just a regular day for Starlight Firesong. She had turned in her last contract two days ago, and was enjoying some well deserved rest and a cold water bath. Her companion of years, Nightshadow, faithful flying steed that she was, was also enjoying this moment of calm and peace, and the rapt attention of many children. Children just loved pegasi. As she finished washing herself, Starlight smiled. While her contracts never made her the type of wealth that mercenaries of her skill often made in the business, she knew she was making a difference in the world and that was better than mere gold to her. After drying herself off, she wrote a letter to her parents, telling them about her latest contract and about her life in general. Then she got dressed and went down in the common room of the tavern she was staying in. Her destination was the contract board. She looked at the contracts on offer. Escorting precious cargo for wealthy merchants. Pass. Security job for the wedding of a local noble. Pass. No contracts looked particularly interesting. Well, it seemed like she would take a routine contract then. She pondered what kind of contract seemed to be a better use of her talents. Would it be a Search and Rescue contract, looking for a missing person? Search and Destroy against local bandits? Among all the contracts, one was unusual. It was a contract that requested a mercenary as an additional person for a mission that would otherwise be routine. Contracts like that were unusual but far from unheard of. It usually meant a mission expected to be more dangerous than usual, and that the contractor already had people working for them but looked for additional backup. The pay grade wasn't that high above a regular contract. Mercenaries usually didn't like working with people they didn't already know, so this type of contract had a higher pay to entice mercenaries. The extra pay on this contract wasn't enough to entice any one else yet. Working with others may be a welcome change of pace, Starlight had always missed the camaraderie of her army days ever since she and the squad she served with dispersed after their tour of duty ended, thus she decided to at least hear the offer.

Hello everyone!

So yeah, I would like a GM and a nice but quirky party for an adventure, where, in pure Fire Emblem style, you start fighting brigands and end up saving the world from a megalomaniac warlord/sorcerer/whatever, and, also in pure Fire Emblem style, you start as decent fighters and end up taking on threats that even the Royal Guard would run away from in dread, and, also in Pure Fire Emblem style, you end up making a forever friendship with your companions. I have wanted to play a Pegasus Knight since Fire Emblem 7 (the first Fire Emblem that got out of Japan), so for more than a decade and a half playing a Pegasus Knight had been my dream. Thanks!

Winning against depression is possible, I know it, I've done it! I had help, sure, and couldn't have done it without help, but I still won!

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Download douchey hats on Steam"

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