Ladies and Cats. (Lackadaisy. OC/Canon. M/F, F/F)

Started by Lustful Bride, June 07, 2019, 12:21:44 AM

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Lustful Bride

Have had a longtime love for the webcomic Lackadaisy, and many of the characters within it. Ranging from Zib, to Mordecai, to Rocky, Freckle, Wes, Nicodeme, even Viktor. So I decided to just make a thread for my Lackadaisy loves and this thread may be altered from time to time. Its primarily for the male characters I adore, but I can also see the possibility of a roleplay involving Miss Mitzy May or Miss Serafine Savoy. I'm open to discussing a large number of scenarios and scenes, either involving human characters and the Lackadaisy cast or making anthro OCs to go with the canon characters.

I'm not looking for wall to wall sex scenes, let me make sure that is stated up front. I do want some hot and erotic scenes between characters, but I am also looking for story and character interaction, so if you are just looking for porn, I don't think we will be getting along.

But enough talk, down below will be the ideas, and as I said things will be subject to change.

Name: Just a little...favor.

Content: (Human/Anthro?) Anthro/Anthro. Exotic. Threesome, M/F/M. Period piece, gangsters. Humor. Fandom.

Scenario: Rocky and Freckle cannot mess this next job up. They need to get back in the boss's good graces after dumping a whole truck's worth of booze into the river. (Hey the cops were gonna search them, did the boss really think they had a choice? Even the best bootleggers out there get patted down sometimes. Though to be fair they did sort a drive by on a rival gang when they weren't supposed to....but that's not the point.) The madame was mighty pissed when she heard just how much was lost and threatened to have Viktor knock some sense into them, but she was willing to have them earn their way out of her blacklist.

One of their normal suppliers of weapon parts and ammunition is having second thoughts about their arrangement, suddenly growing a conscience and refusing to continue supplying them. Granted she only gave them scraps, but they were always factory fresh, right out of the local national guard armory, not some of the scratched up hand me downs one might sometimes get from the black market. It was useful, especially for a few of the more exotic weapons among the Lackdaisy crew's weapons. Normally someone who didn't want to work with them might end up being threatened, blackmailed, or just bumped off. But she was never a problem until now, and having someone within the armory who could always shuffle papers about was useful. So Rocky and Freckle get sent to pick her up from her work place and take her on a ride along. They were told not to harm her, just to drive her around for abit to convince the secretary to keep working with the crew, maybe offer her a little bit more money to keep working with them, only threaten her if needed, since it might scare her off.

But Rocky being Rocky, the moment he lays eyes on her, he stops thinking with the head on his shoulders and finds himself smooth talking her instead. It just so happens that Freckle think's she's cute as well, so they decide to bring her down to one of their safehouses, so she can have a taste of the hooch they have been smuggling in and get to know each other more...all in the interests of helping the gang, of course. Needless to say it becomes very unprofessional, with the three waking up with killer hang overs, and with a noticeable lack of clothing, in the same bed together.

From then on the two boys have a deal going on with Miss Secretary, they keep visiting her, and bringing her free samples, and she keeps the ammo and parts flowing. They swear that they will only use the gun parts and bullets to defend themselves and not to gun down rival mobsters.

Would they lie? Of course they would, they're bootleggers!
But, they do find themselves really enjoying the time they spend with Ms. Secretary, and look for any chance to visit her, to spend more time with her, hear her laugh, and forget their troubles. Rocky even finds himself wanting to impress her more than he does Mrs. May. Plus she is less likely to put a bullet between Rocky's eyes than May is.

Maybe if they get to know her abit better, they can take her out for a wild night on the town, at the nearest speakeasy, and get to see her out of her uniform, and in something a lot more stylish. What starts out as just her indulging in abit of a bad boy fantasy becomes something more, as she really begins to think that she would be comfortable living among these dastardly criminals, even loving them.

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Requirements: Sense of humor, doesn't mind playing two male anthros at once, doesn't have an issue with threesomes involving two males and one female character. Has enough of a familiarity with the webcomic Lackdaisy in order to play the two characters present. We can decide on all other topics, how long the story is, and such together. Everything else is negotiable on some level and we can talk it over and work it out. Must also be in the right frame of mind for the era, even if exagerated.  I'm also looking for large (at least a paragraph or two) posts. No one liners. A good grasp of English grammar and spelling is also a good bonus.

Other info: The species of the secretary could be changed around depending on what my partner feels up for. I personally want to keep her human to add in the extra taboo of her spending too much time with some of the Fur-Folk of the city but I can be talked into changing her to an anthro cat like them. Just talk it over with me. We can work out what kinks and scenes we want to see, again just feel free to talk to me and work it out.

Name: A Gentleman Killer.

Content: Up for debate.

Scenario: Mordecai Heller is a calculating professional. While others would blow up a building or initiate a drive by, he finishes his targets off in private, with a knife, and leaves no trace of his presence. He is in and out like a shadow. Every kill seems to just wash off of him like rain, leaving him unaffected and ready for the next one. But it isn't true. He isn't an emotionless killer. He is just better at hiding it than most, even better than Viktor.

He doesn't enjoy killing in the way that the Savoys seem to do, and he cant just 'not think about it' like Rickaby. He filed it away as much as he could, but he still needs some type of emotional release, and so her started visiting a....certain establishment for gentlemen. In truth he wasn't interested in the prostitutes, the drugs, or alcohol. He didn't want any of it. He just needed someone, anyone to talk to, who wouldn't bring up his job to him. So he could forget about all the lives he had ended, and pretend he wasn't a killer for a few minutes.

Mordecai went through several women, and several establishments before he found her. Someone who could understand, who could speak to him without acting like it was weird, and could hold a conversation. She was a delight to speak to, and Mordecai enjoyed learning about her, sharing opinions on books, and radio plays. It was so good to speak to her that Mordecai was always happy to see her and didn't care what she did for a living. It wasn't her body he enjoyed, it was her mind.

Though that didn't mean he was blind, he knew she mostly spoke with him because of the money, he didn't delude himself. But he still took offense when he saw the bruises on her, and took it upon himself to speak with the...'manager' of the establishment, and leave him with a broken nose after stepping on his face several times. Mordecai made it clear he wasn't to touch his woman, and anyone who so much as hurt a single hair on her head was going to have to count their teeth from the floor.

It wasn't all that uncommon for mobsters to take a fancy to working girls, so not that many were surprised when it looked like Mordecai was doing the same. And while his interests weren't of a sexual nature, he needed the emotional release that their talks gave him. He wasn't sure he could keep his sanity without someone to regularly talk to and pretend that his life didn't revolve around killing others for money, and so he walked out that night, trailing blood underneath his shoes, and leaving behind an address for his friend. Should she ever have trouble, of any kind, she is always invited to his home.

Name:A Blackmagic woman:

Content: F/F Anthro/Anthro? Sapphic, darkly romantic,

Scenario: Serafine Savoy is not one to be trifled with, nor is she one to be vexed. Her name is one that brings fear to many, as much as the name of her brother, and she isn't afraid to show just why she deserves as much respect as her male counterparts. Some even jokingly refer to her as 'Miss-Fortune', whenever she isn't around of course.

Unlike some in the bootlegging business, Serafine doesn't always need someone else to clean up the trash. She is perfectly capable of dispatching rivals and troublemakers on her own, or just frightening them all into submission. Or sometimes just for a good laugh. To be a rumrunner you had to be tougher than stone, as lethal as a razor blade, and slicker than Satan himself to work at the Marigold, to run rum and whatever other illicit materials are asked for of your customers. The Marigold had many enemies, and no shortage of those that wanted to move in on their territory. Her body count was large enough to even rival that of some soldiers of the Great War, only held back by the fact she owes half of her count to her brother. And if that doesn't scare rivals away, her penchant for voodoo may do so. Though some aren't sure if she truly believes in it, or uses it to further frighten her enemies.

But she isn't all about killing, alcohol, and curses. There are other things to life than just business and maintaining one's reputation. Serafine does enjoy going out to party now and again. She enjoys wearing fine suits or dresses, mingling among those who think they can handle her, or just bringing them back to her suite at the Marigold. What's the point of being part of the Marigold if you don't get to enjoy the wealth, or spend it?
So with some stylish clothes and dresses she would hit the dance floor, or scope out a rival speakeasy while having some fun. It was during one of these nights out that she first spotted her Serafine's tastes in women were well known among the Marigold, as well as how even when she wasn't 'on duty', all Asa Sweet had to do was snap his fingers and she would get the message. That she was expected to act, without question to enact his will. And that night both of those coincided with the arrival of some woman looking to start trouble, and catching Serafine's eye in the process.

The girl had all but stomped her way into the speakeasy hidden beneath the Marigold and started to shout and shove at another gentleman by the bar, even tossing a few glasses out of frustration.

Asa Sweet (Serafine's employer) had been in the middle of a meeting to expand his operations when the argument got loud enough to catch his attention, and he made it clear to Serafine to give the trouble maker something to scream about, a broken ankle should suffice.

The one causing the commotion was an upper middle class girl who looked like she didn't belong among the crowd of sinners and drinkers. She should  have been off at college or working at some job that didn't require more than punching keys on a typewriter. The only reason she was at the speakeasy was because she had come to get her father, who had been slowly turning into a hard alcoholic, even with prohibition. She wanted to save him and it soon turned into a scene of her actually breaking bottles of alcohol and almost starting a fight with her old man to get him to listen. Asa had said the word and Serafine dealt with it quickly, dragging the woman and her father into somewhere more private where she planned to give them a scare, maybe a small beating, and send them on their way. They hadn't done anything to earn more than a few cuts and bruises, and the girl was too pretty for Serafine to actually break her ankle. But the daughter proved to be a real fighter, and almost gave Sera a black eye.

The girl was bold, and not easily cowed by threats. Even when the Savoy sister pulled a knife, she held her ground and actually held on to a pen as if she were ready to stab Serafine with it. Serafine liked that spark, that fire, and made her a deal. She could take her lumps so that Asa would be pleased and not punish them further. But if she wanted her father to not be sold any more hooch, then she needed to do something for Sera.

Nothing illegal, nothing dangerous...well...not too dangerous. She was just required spend some time with the Savoy sister, and maybe if Serafine was feeling generous, she would mark down that the girl's father was cut off from any more purchases. Though she did have one question for the girl.

"Do you have a bathing suit?" The question was so strange, so out of place that she couldn't even think to lie. She told Serafine that she did have one, and was told to bring it with her for their meeting on Tuesday. Anything after that would just happen naturally.

As far as anyone else was concerned, this new girl was just the latest in a long line of Serafine's many pets and lovergirls that she collects, spoils, and then grows bored of. But that isn't entirely true. Sera witnessed something in this new girl that she rarely sees, a fire in her spirit. A willingness to draw blood from someone else instead of cowering in fear and begging for their life. Serafine liked what she saw, and wants to cultivate that inner fire, to see it grow, and maybe make her much more than her latest pet. She wanted to make her into a protégé worthy of her love.

(Depending on how things go, or if one is interested in including the other Savoy sibling, Sera could try to set things up so that her brother Nico marries her new pet, as a way to keep anyone from bothering them about their way of life. Perhaps Nico enjoys this, or the two siblings are closer than most people think.)

Sneaky love: Wes Clyde really isn't as bad as people say he is. Sure he has a habit of breaking noses and leaving those who make fun of his scar, or face, as a bloody mess, especially if they embarrass him in front of a woman he wants to court, but he does try on occasion to show his sweeter side from time to time. Its the thought that counts, right?

Yeah he isn't the best at it, but he does try. Wes doesn't always get a chance to put his best foot forward, but he is a man who believes in being proper when he can, especially in regards to a lady he fancies, and will press his luck as much as he can.

Wes isn't the kind of man who has had an easy life. He grew up the seventh son out of a farming family, and hated not having the same things as some of the more well off families he would see. As he grew older this grew into abit of an obsession with wanting to look, sound, and act like those who were higher up on the social ladder. Though there are still signs of his old upbringing. His old country accent has a habit of slipping through and he may use old sayings without realizing it.

As of late he has begun to fancy a new woman he has seen while out on his rounds. She is new to the city, and openly opposes the work of bootleggers, a real supporter of prohibition and those who enforce it. But that doesn't bother him, if it wasn't for prohibition, then he'd be out of a job.

Lackadaisy Crew in WW2: I have given it some thought and found it itneresting to wonder what  the crew might have gotten up to in the years following prohibition up to the Second World War. How they would age and adapt to the next global conflict affecting things, turning wartime shortages into boons for themselves. I could see this being a real AU type thing, with the characters either older versions of themselves, or still the same ages as in the comics but with the timeline moved up.

I could see some possible scenarios of several characters enlisting to fight in Europe, and a very easy storyline cropping up of them befriending a red cross nurse who cares for them when they are recovering after an injury in the field. Another possible storyline would be their entire lives and proffessions being changed, with some of them possibly never even entering the criminal underworld.

I would be more than open to hearing what ideas you might have for character AUs and such so feel free to share.

Honorable mention: Dominic Drago.

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Zib Zibowsky

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Lustful Bride

Added ideas involving Wes Clyde and one involving Serafien Savoy. I also cleaned up the original two ides of spelling errors and a few grammar mistakes.

Lustful Bride


Last game seems to have faded so I am looking for this again. If you have ideas of your own or are inspired by my thread, please feel free to let me know and share them with me in a PM.