Today, I honor our fallen

Started by Twisted Crow, May 27, 2019, 12:21:32 PM

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Twisted Crow

Today, I honor our fallen...

Memorial Day is more to me than another commercial holiday or an unofficial beginning of Summer. 

It is a day I kick back with a drink and remember brothers and sisters in arms that had to make the ultimate sacrifice for you and me.

It is a day of tribute. A day of reverence.

A day where I take pride in what I have seen that has been given to us with my own two eyes.

As one formerly of the military, my toast soars high to those of every branch.

This is not a day that belongs to me; it belongs to them.

My family and my friends. Your family. Your friends.

Our dear neighbors; next door and beyond.

All of those that had donned the uniform to give of themselves,

So that something greater could continue to endure in us all.

On this day, my comrades are your comrades.

Today, those in uniform you held dear are as my family.

May their honor never be forgotten!

Beguile's Mistress

Thank you, Dallas, for your service to our country and for remembrance to our fallen.

This day brings back memories for me of someone I loved very much, someone I was planning a future with, who perished in a training accident when his helicopter crashed.  My heart goes out to all who have lost a loved one in the armed forces.  It is my hope that the honor we feel for them will help keep their memory alive. 


Whether it's a breakdown or a breakthrough, shit still gets broken.

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