Beware remote B&Bs on foggy nights (F for Dom M vampire king, writer irrelevant)

Started by LamentingQuill, May 23, 2019, 02:29:43 PM

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This story idea was inspired by a dream I had last night, I woke up this morning and couldn’t help but think it could be the foundation of a really cool sexy supernatural suspense thriller.

Eighteen year old Belle St.Gerald is on her way to her family home in the upper peninsula of Michigan to help her siblings deal with cleaning out their grandparents huge four story house after the two cantankerous old folks pass on… well, more like a mansion really, the mean old grouchy coots had more money than they knew what to do with. It was going to take days to sort through everything.

So she decides to set out a week earlier than what she told her siblings, take some time off work and enjoy a bit of leisurely fun and traveling. When else does she get an excuse that persuades her job to give her a whole month off work to help her family out of state. Score! Plus, she’d saved up a butt ton of money for the event vacation time rolled around!

Along her journey as she gets into Northern Michigan where the areas get really woodsy and remote, it gets dark… very dark… and thick dense fog rolling in… the roads are getting dangerous, she contemplates stopping and sleeping in her car until morning.

However, as fate would have it, she comes upon a sprawling bed and breakfast hotel… it would be certainly a charming and lovely place during the day, but Belle would admit the darkness and fog did give it an eerie look… but she wouldn’t read into that, she was just tired and creeped out by the horror movie atmosphere that night decided to wear.

She checks into the hotel and there, meets the most charming spankalicious man she’s ever met...

The man Belle meets is actually the vampire king, worshipped by his cult of vampires as a god, he’s been weakened by a curse put on him by a witch a couple hundred years ago. To be free of this curse… he must and drip virgin’s blood upon a very precise ritual altar via intercourse. From there, the traditional blood exchange must be made and the curse will break.

Sex and no curse, sounds great right? There is a catch, he is bound for eternity to the virgin that breaks his curse… therefore, he’s a bit too picky for just any virgin that walks in their doors to be adequate enough to be his mate.

Okay, so this whole bed and breakfast is run by a cult of vampires, they feed on the undesirable guests and turn the pleasing ones.

The vampire king (concealing his true identity) and Belle will spend time together, becoming friends and what not and upon persuading the information from her that she’d a virgin, preparations for the ritual are made… with an unaware Belle as the virgin that will be strapped to the altar...

My partner and I can discuss how many days pass before he decides he wants Belle for the ritual.
