Top Cat and CopperLily need a third (MxF seeking additional xF)

Started by Top Cat, May 12, 2019, 06:00:33 PM

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Top Cat

CopperLily and I had a story going briefly that died far too fast. It's meant to be a three-player game, MFF, with... well, I'll let her page explain the details.

QuoteI'd love to play the submissive/pet of a couple, either willing or unwilling. I'm fairly flexible as to the *hows* of this particular setup, so we can work out the details.

Although I would prefer an urban fantasy setting (full fantasy, in a more-or-less modern world - elves, orcs, catgirls, and whatever else all live in the same world, no secret supernatural side), we're absolutely open to discussion. I've also got ideas on the overall story - you can see the original here - but it's all quite flexible and open to suggestions.

We need someone who is a fairly stable and reliable partner, who can deal with us (me and CopperLily) not being quite so stable or dependable. ;)

PM me to discuss it.
O/O / Story Seeds
Current posting speed: Slow to moderate. Most threads should get a response within 24 hours, with occasional dips as RL makes demands.
If I am more than a week behind on a story post, please feel free to PM me about it.
I am present in Elliquiy's Discord channel. If you want to chat about a story idea, feel free to DM me there.