Wars and intrigues of the Noble Houses, with a side of forbidden romance {MxF}

Started by De Leon, April 23, 2019, 09:37:48 PM

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De Leon


Hello there, and thank you for dropping by! Just returned to the E after being away for a while, everything is WIP. (11/07 2020) Yup, still WIP.


Still here? Good!

I've recently had a craving to return to the heavily-GoT inspired worlds, most likely due to the fact that I've been re-reading aSoIaF recently, and a RP I had many a cycle ago.

The scene in question was focused on a war between two noble houses portrayed in the same Ultra-Violent HD style that Game of Thrones - and real life - showed such events to be. More specifically, it focused on the forbidden romance between two scions of those houses and their (mis)adventures set on the backdrop of the conflict.

For many generations, two great houses have been locked in a conflict whose origin is all but forgotten. The constant bickering that from time to time flares into another bloody war has been driving the Kings of the Dominion insane, and only their iron legions stop the houses from slaughtering one another.
However, the King grows old and the grasp he holds on his vassals is slipping. War once again rears it's ugly head, whether due to a misunderstanding, provocation by one of the sides or a flat out decision of "Y'know those guys? Yeah, let's go fuck 'em up!".

The House of Calvados-Castaigne commands more swords and has more wealth than many of the smaller kingdoms, and rightly so.  The origin of the house is traced to the old Iron Kings of the Brume Tower, and royal blood flows in the veins of the Calvados scions just as the teal-and-silver banner with coiling wyrms emblazoned on it flows in the wind.

However, the last Iron King was defeated by Allant, the first of His name, and forced to swear fealty - or loose his head together with his crown. He chose to bend the knee and salvage what he could.

Seven generations later, Lord Guido de Calvados bides his time, waiting for his opportunity to secede from the Dominion of Boletaria. What started out as a series of border skirmishes between de Calvados-Castaignes and their rivals, (AKA insert yourself here) might lead to a full-blown civil war.

I am specifically looking to play Leon de Calvados, the third son of Lord Guido - an honourable, if rather brash and inexperienced knight, members of his retinue and other characters inhabiting this world.


There are few basic pairings/routes that this roleplay could take:

1. Scions of the (aforementioned) warring houses, one of whom is somehow taken hostage by the other - anything from a good, old fashioned ambush to a betrayed alliance. (Big phat craving!)
Will they fall in love? Become rivals? Whatever happens, the way back to the captor faction’s seat of power is certain to be fraught with peril and danger and many things can happen.. including the sexeh time! Sorry, sorry.

2. An incesty option! (Kind of bored of this whole trope, so less interested in this one - unless fresh ideas are present!) Siblings getting closer than is appropriate. More intrigue focused than the previous options, at least in the beginning. Something heavily inspired by Cersei and Jamie, but.. hopefully with fewer children being flung out of towers. Whoops!
Then again, if throwing children out of windows IS your kink, we can provide you with a budget pack of nosey kids with a penchant for climbing for the low price of $0.00 - while supplies last!

3. A noble and their retainer. One of these plot bunnies is not like the others! This option sees a forbidden relationship blossom between a member of the noble house and a loyal Aegis / retainer / bodyguard, sworn to protect them. Inspired by Sekiro!

4. Your idea here!!

5. Alternatively, I can just be convinced to do something set in GoT universe (especially if one of the characters is Daenerys, #TeamTargaryen), seeing as aSoIaF is probably the largest influence on this entire setting.

Those are just some basic ideas, which can be combined, moulded or ignored entirely in favour of something new, unique and exciting.


Here are some specific traits that I feel are a necessity, whether they tied to the roleplay itself or you - my prospective partner!

- World-building/story focus.
I am looking for someone who is interested in creating an enticing world and a story to go with it. In other words, creative and with opinions of their own. While smut is an option (and a necessity in some of the story routes possible!), it is not a main focus. It varies wildly on what is going on in the story, but the general split is 80-90% story to 20-10% smut.

- Dark.
Inspired by GoT and the dark ages, dark and disturbing themes should be a given. Important to note that I don't care for anything dark and disturbing in the bedroom, so please consult
my very basic kinklist.

Some things that I would like, but that are not a necessity:

- Low Fantasy
Magic happens but is extremely powerful, rare and hidden from the public eye. So no, don't expect every Joe Schmo to be armed with a +1 Sword of Dragonslaying. Although undead and supernatural creatures could be a more imminent threat as well..

- Multiple characters.
You don't have to do it, but personally, I get a lot of fun out of playing the various NPCs in this roleplay.

Finally, here is a more detailed kinlist.

Brief profile of yours truly :

Me: I am currently working full time rotating 12 hour shifts - two weeks 0700-1900 and then 1900-0700, which means that my responce time is varied wildly. I used to fairly regularly play Dungeons & Dragons (and other pen-and-paper RPGs) in the past decade and roleplayed in World of Warcraft for a number of years (primarily MoonGuard) - in addition to forum based. As such, I feel that I am fairly experienced when it comes to writing, but am always looking to improve. In addition, English is not my first language, and while I have a decent vocabulary and perfect comprehension, I tend to make a "grammar oopsie" from time to time - much like most of us.

Posting Frequency: As mentioned, my responce frequancy varied, but I try to respond at least once a day. Real life comes first, but super slow responce time (consistently less than one every three days) generally leads to me loosing interest.

Message Length: On average, my preference is two to three paragraphs, but can be shorter or longer depending on what exactly is going on. You can sneak a peek into my post history, but I do want to mention that I feel that the quality of my writing has improved quite a bit since then. I am not a fan of constant novel-length posts! Same goes for responding with two lines to a two paragraph post.

OOC: I like to think of myself as a mature, responsible adult and am looking to roleplay with other mature, responsible adults. Something is not working for you? Let me know, and we can do something about it. I apologize for sounding grumpy / saying the obvious.

I like to roleplay over Discord, as I am quite fond of the server option. However, I am also happy to stay on E in PMs or discuss alternative options!
Responce Time: AaAaAaAaAaAa!
Availability: Open & Seeking RP!
RP prompts / Profile / Os & Os

De Leon

- Re-worked the 'profile' section of the post.

- Removed some plot bunnies and added a new pairing - Noble/Bodyguard.

- Updated current cravings.

(I apologize if this is not substantive enough!)
Responce Time: AaAaAaAaAaAa!
Availability: Open & Seeking RP!
RP prompts / Profile / Os & Os

De Leon

A month hath passed and I am still seeking, therefore bump  ::)

Also did some minor changes and edits, wee.
Responce Time: AaAaAaAaAaAa!
Availability: Open & Seeking RP!
RP prompts / Profile / Os & Os

De Leon

Responce Time: AaAaAaAaAaAa!
Availability: Open & Seeking RP!
RP prompts / Profile / Os & Os

De Leon

Responce Time: AaAaAaAaAaAa!
Availability: Open & Seeking RP!
RP prompts / Profile / Os & Os