Game of Thrones Romance - specific story

Started by Alias, April 22, 2019, 02:59:07 PM

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Hello! I'll pitch the concept after I say that spoilers are ahead.


If for any reason you watch 'Game of Thrones' and you haven't seen the most recent episode (S8 - E2 as of this post), and you hate being spoiled. I have warned you.

The Romance I have in mind

The Lone Wolf and the Broken Stag

There was a scene in episode 2 of season 8. I know that I'm not in the minority here, Gendrya is a real ship with a large support base. However, even some gendrya shippers were made uncomfortable by the fade to black 'sex scene' that was in the show. I was not. I wanted more badly. I have a large crush on Gendry, and Arya is my favorite character. I know that I'll be writing this scene with someone, and that's really what this solo request is. I'd imagine we would pick up near the end of the scene that is already written for the show. Arya is alone, training before the battle, Gendry arrives with her bladed staff. Arya asks about the red woman. Gendry says that she wanted him for a spell. Arya asks why his blood was important. Then Gendry reveals to Arya that he is Robert Baratheon's bastard. From that point, i think I'd like to do a rewrite of the scene, because it's not exactly perfect. I'm a book reader as well as an enjoyer of the show, and my head canon of Arya is more true to the character than what is being written for her on HBO. (I think).

In my world, and in the world of this solo game, Arya did not chop Fray's up into pies. In my world, Arya was not stabbed to near death by the waif. These two moments in the show really ruin things for Arya's arc in my opinion, and I enjoy her more if they just never happened. I'll call it what it is: bad writing. Arya didn't need to feed Walder Fray his children... and Arya was acting completely unlike herself leading up to and coming to the moment of being stabbed. Also, the book version of the theatre troupe assassination goes off as planned, so Arya nearly seducing a westerosi kingsguard before killing him is an event that would be in her past. (sample chapter Arya for book 6 "Winds of Winter").

OK! So, I'll be more particular than I'm asking my partner to be. Gendry is pretty much perfect as is. He was trained by the only man who ever knew how to rework valyrian steel. So, his work with the obsidian as some kind of alloy, or magical smithing makes sense to me. Most of their scenes together serve their purpose,  and there's no reason to redo anything until right before Gendry takes Arya's virginity. I basically just want to write the sex that they have together. I'm not sure if this game will go much further than that. But it could! Let me know if you're interested! I'll be writing Arya Stark, I need a good Gendry!

Qualities in my partner that are desired
  • Considerable knowledge of at least the television show (books as well doesn't hurt)
  • A good history of posts. I'll be checking people's profiles to make sure I think we fit as writers before proceeding
  • Male or Female writer
  • An attraction to Arya Stark or Maisie Williams. It wouldn't feel right if some one i was writing with wasn't into it. I suppose I would consider recasting Arya if someone is uncomfortable with Maisie as a faceclaim. I think she's adorable, and fits the role perfectly. Also, finding pictures is easy. But, i might be talked into something else. Joe Dempsie is your faceclaim. :)

thanks for reading! Loves!

P.S. you can reply to this in thread or in PMs/DMs loves!!


Updated, and re-opened. I'm writing one scene with this story, but I'm craving even more. Loves to all!