sixgunfun's Thread of Prompts (generally M for F/TF, but potential for all)

Started by sixgunfun, April 16, 2019, 11:05:53 PM

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About Me & My Posts
* I write posts in 3rd person past omniscient - crack open Harry Potter, that's the tense I write in. I'll need to be convinced if you want to write a different tense.
* I really expect spell check and some reasonable grammar - we're writing here, so I think that it's reasonable to expect some good grasps of English.
* I try to write enough for you to have something to react to, but that doesn't always mean a lengthy post. I try to never control your character, which can shorten my responses at times.
* I try to check in at least every few days, if not more quickly, but I don't want to promise what I can't deliver.
* I quite love the planning process and working with you. This is collaborative story telling, so I'm ecstatic to work with you.
* I know next to nothing about html/forum formatting, so I apologize, but my thread will likely never be as pretty as it could be. I will endeavor to make it easy to read though. (Un)fortunately, this also will extend to my posts themselves. The plots I am very interested in pursuing are marked with **

* Compliance with all Elliquiy rules
* All characters are 18+ (and honestly, I prefer we avoid most school settings. The CW has ruined them all.)
* OOC respect from both of us to both of us at all times

* Art, face claims, anime are all fine
* Please coordinate with me through PM or Discord. RP in threads or on Discord if requested. Other options case by case.
* Pictures are great, but shouldn't be a crutch.
* I prefer 1 on 1 RPs but I am quite alright with lots of characters and shared control.
* When I reference an existing media property, I generally want to use OCs unless otherwise stated. I will listen to your request, but I would prefer to avoid playing with the canon characters.

Ons & Offs
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2019-04-17 Thread opened up, thanks to all whose formatting I stole from and what information to include I copied. Available for a couple stories.


Plot Bodies
These plots have broad strokes or a more developed starting point or a story point, but we'll still want to work out the details in PM.

* Low fantasy ideas
a. GAME OF THRONES universe - generally open, especially for OCs.

The story I have in mind at the moment is an alternate history where there is a Reyne son who survives and knows what happened to his family. He was young, which is how he survived, and is bent on revenge. He wants to work for the Lannisters, become a close confidant, marry Cersei and co-opt the family, tearing it down from the inside and renaming it the Reyne family.

b. Something with a knight, not necessarily GAME OF THRONES. I'd love to do something about a peasant breaking through the class system to become a knight, but we could do something more normal like a dragon hunting adventure. This could also be done in the Rokugan universe (though I wouldn't want to bother with the actual system).

c. A kingdom in crisis needs knights and their lances (the group of armed followers, the basic military unit that follows them) to prevent their lands from being taken. The king holds a tournament with the hand of his daughter as a prize, assuming that who could win will be the person who can help him keep his kingdom the best. The winner is a brutal, hulking knight - not at all who the princess was hoping for, nor who the king expected. There will be chevaunchee tactics out in the field, politics at home for the new wife to manage, and the knight knows that he'll need to have a son to make the deal irreversible and be an heir. And the more sons that he has, the more that his small house will be able to leverage their position later on and maintain the inheritance that is promised.

* The Joker has died and Harley Quinn is adrift and depressed. Her obssession has left for good and she has a hole in her head that must be filled. Jason Todd/The Red Hood is not rehabilitated in this storyline, still bitter and brainwashed by the Joker after his perceived abandonment and betrayal from Batman. Harley Quinn has a flash of insight and thinks that she can have a new Prince of Crime, even if not a Clown Prince.

* In Colonial China or Japan, a white British colonial capitalist enjoys his limitless power in the Orient. There will be smokey opium dens, traditional clothes, industrialization fighting traditionalism, and likely soft raceplay.
a. There could be fantastical elements or not.
b. I'm interested in another episode of LOVE, DEATH & ROBOTS - GOOD HUNTING, where your character would become transformed by technology.
c. We could also do a plot about fighting back and trying to defeat the colonial masters in a variety of ways, whether two oppressed people or a white man who recognizes the problems.

* Our characters are both new inductees to a cult, though we don't recognize it as that yet despite the obvious signs. Luckily, they're both devout and get access to the cult traditions relatively quickly, which include an arranged marriage. While the cult is very sex positive, it is militantly anti-birth control and expects the members to just accept pregnancies. However, there aren't really any babies that belong to cult members - the reason eventually becomes known, and it's that there is an Old God or Cthulu is eating the soul and bodies of the children in order to power itself up; a fertility cult without any children because the God is absorbing their lives. Your character is effectively always pregnant but not quite showing.

* A possession (THE MUMMY with Tom Cruise) - there is potential for some anthro characters here

A modern Egyptologist finds a new dig site and becomes possessed by a spirit or Goddess who squeezes out the Egyptologist herself and replaces her with the Goddess (similar to Enchantress from SUICIDE SQUAD). She is transforming to the Goddess's true form, but she needs a guide and wants a consort as she tries to rebuild the world in her image.

- There could be a cult abduction
- There could be another love/fertility/motherhood goddess, perhaps with a grudge (and maybe she is breeding a new mystical army, whether those take over other bodies and become the new army or are born from her directly)
- the transformation could be like a were-style transformation where it is time dependent until it locks in, or something else

** Harleen Quinzell is a shy woman who lacks confidence, a new psychologist who is promising but at the start of her career, and a woman who hasn't gotten in touch with her sexuality nor recognized how her career has already been impacted by sexism.

She is given a patient because she is the new psychologist and she doesn't matter, and this patient is too much for the others to handle. He's broken the minds of several already, but Arkham has to give him some semblance of care. She isn't prepped well for this patient, and isn't told that she's just a stop-gap to prevent a lawsuit and doesn't need to provide much care. She wants to prove herself though, so she throws herself into his case fully.

The Joker is smitten with her immediately and he works on her, breaking her down with his nihilistic existentialism and with a radical feminism that he connects with the nihilism to get her in touch with her sexuality and want to burn down the whole society that has oppressed her. At the end, she'll be Harley Quinn - a #girlboss to his crew in one moment, and a devoted hyper-feminine girlfriend to him the next.

A massessue  meets a secret futa/transwoman celebrity and becomes her domme.[/b]
- The celebrity has a new movie where she will do all her own stunts, and part of the contract was to have a private massessue
- The personal massessue discovers her secret and rolls with it. There would be some humiliation kink about that though an appreciation from the massessue - incorporating domme kinks of edging, chastity, constant teasing, cumplay, size difference, power dynamics, bondage & restraint, milking & ruined orgasms; orientation play - your character thought she was straight but was afraid of relationships, but my character connects better than yours thought possible
- I think that there would be some kind of magic that is not known to anyone that allows for the tucking to be effective all the time, though your character would still be paranoid all the time.
- I want to use the face claim of Natasha Aughey ( for my character

Plot Skeletons
These are mostly just setting or pairing ideas, very bare bones and something we will want to develop further together.

* A slice of life relationship story with a cosplayer/crossplayer.

* I'm obviously quite open to all kinds of transformation plots for your character to transform, generally willingly. I prefer realistic transformations, but they can have unrealistic results (so normal femme styling all the way to hyper-femme styling). I prefer them to take a bit of time, but I would also be happy to talk about a plot where it's just a slice of life post-transformation where things just are.

* Anything in the ALTERED CARBON universe or another cyberpunk dystopia. My biggest problem with cyberpunk is that I think it is intensely visual, so if you love pictures or can be intensely descriptive then awesome, and I will try to keep up.

* A Film Noir tale or at least setting; ex: a detective and the femme fatale (perhaps a transwoman femme fatale?)

* MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE - Probably not interacting with the magic/scifi of the setting and more likely focused on the rebellion against the Imperial Japanese or Nazis

* A daisy farm is inspected by a (trans)woman USDA inspector, checking for "raw milk". She gets trapped and becomes a hucow. Some images 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

* Dmitrys Great Dane pictures - I haven't done an RP like this before, so I'd want someone with some experience to help me play the role well. The first image is what's always captured my interest, the idea of a woman being submissive to the animal. I think I'd want there to be some kind of extra intelligence or something for some explanations behind this one.

* Something in the Old West, though most of it will likely be depressing
ex: Native American & settler woman or man, "going native" - could be any time between 1600s-1890s (something similar to THE LAST SAMURAI would also be worth talking about). Or something like "a stranger saving a town or family" - just some normal Western stories.

* An ambitous businesswoman becomes blinded by her ambition and greed, which her boss uses to manipulate her to isolate her more and more, putting her into scenarios where she has to choose her family or her career and she chooses her career. This advances the both of them, but eventually breaks her and makes her into his plaything and tool for his own advancement.

* A woman bonds with a "male" or nongendered symbiote. They have a psychic connection, she becomes an anti-hero (we're deep in VENOM territory here) and the flexible goo can do a lot of stuff for her both sexually and at beating criminals at their own games.

* FALLOUT Universe - A man and a transwoman either in a Vault or out in the Wasteland or some other story you want to do in the setting

* A Roman ludus owned by a domina has an especially talented gladiator
a. Gladiator and domina; wide variety of relationships available between the two here
b. The domina has some experience with breeding animals across generations and wants her ludus to be impressive without having the chance it on the market all the time. She uses the talented gladiator as her stud. Perhaps she is also taken with him, and it's kind of a cuckquean relationship too?

* High fantasy
a. Something in the Tolkien universe, probably an Uruk-hai redemption story
b. A relationship that is counter and taboo in the oppressive Drow society, probably a dominant male relationship instead of the traditional matriarchal power structure 1
c. Something else!

* (Post) Apocalyptic Survival
a. THE WALKING DEAD and other zombie settings - surviving and rebuilding civilization
b. Apocalypse due to climate change
c. while not post-apocalyptic, something like a TUROK or THE TIME MACHINE with Guy Pearce where a character time travels to a primitive or post-apocalyptic setting, perhaps with dinosaurs
d. Nuclear fallout (perhaps just the FALLOUT universe)

* Star Wars (Empire or whatever the second Empire is called)
a. a TIE fighter pilot or Stormtrooper or Red Guard & their comfort woman or a female Emperor
b. a Transport Pilot and a Stormtrooper (also see LOVE, DEATH & ROBOTS - LUCKY 13 or STARSHIP TROOPERS)
c. Dathomir witches & a force sensitive young man
d. Something with Captain Phasma
e. a Stormtrooper defecting and escaping the brainwashing/programming to aid the Resistance/Rebellion

* The Vampire and their Blood Pet
a. A female vampire is a gentle dom/not D/s relationship/sub to the heroin that is blood, specifically from one particular source who is the blood pet/source of blood in the story.
b. A male vampire has the same relationship with a (trans)woman blood pet.

Notes: This is basically going to be a relationship drama with an addiction piece. I'm happy to hear other problems for the story though, I just am not sure what they would likely be. It could be set in a private castle or in an urban city, and could be in a variety of times though I lean toward a modern period. I would want the traditional vampire weaknesses in play, so sunwalking and other such work arounds would be the result of something in the plot.