Call of Cthulhu: Island Dreams [Small group of 4-6| Closed]

Started by ChicagoOkie, April 16, 2019, 01:23:21 PM

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Room for one more?

I'm also thinking of a dilettante (Matilda 'Mattie' Green), but Mattie is more of an impulsive thrill-seeker with (initially) no interest in the occult. She's been in Florida trying to decide whether to invest in the current Florida land boom (she's keen on swimming).


Yep we still have room. The starter post has been posted, but I can still get you in.

Just make sure she lives in or is moving to Arkham, Mass. Feel free to PM me with any questions.
Random PM's welcome.
Available for the right story.
O/Os Updated story ideas. May/9/2021


Question, are you doing anything in particular to boost or spotlight erotic content (shoggoths using tentacles less to kill and more to violate, for example) or is this just gonna be a straight up CoC game? It effects what character I’d like to play :)