The Rebel and the Rabble Rouser (M seeking F)

Started by Jack Stone, April 05, 2019, 02:28:24 AM

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Jack Stone

It was 1955, and “Psycho” Billy Watkins was the latest of several singers to currently wear the crown of “Bad Boy of Rock ‘n Roll.” He had been in and out of jail since he was a teenager for crimes like moonshining, armed robbery, and assault with a deadly weapon, which he used as the inspiration for his songs. His current hit, “Runnin’ in the Moonlight,” was based on his experience running illegal liquor for his uncles. According to several gossip columns, he was consistently drunk and never met a drug he didn’t like. Everyone agreed; “Pyscho” Billy Watkins had earned his name.

And so it was no wonder the girl sneered as she watched his car pull up to the venue early in the afternoon as his band showed up for sound check. She was the leader of a local religious group that had tasked itself with ridding her town of all the evil influences on its impressionable youth. As far as she was concerned, rock ‘n roll was the devil’s music and Billy may as well have been the devil himself. But the devil was a fallen angel, wasn’t he? Something about the man told her that he could be saved… if only she could get close enough to talk to him… reason with him… show him the light…

So this is an idea I’ve been toying with. If you feel like adding something or changing something… maybe you have an idea for your own original character, I’m all ears. Let’s discuss the details in PMs.


Discord: Jack Stone#9814