A Universe of Fantasy (m/m, m/f)

Started by ModUniverse, March 18, 2019, 05:25:22 PM

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Hello, I'm ModUniverse! I enjoy high fantasy, sci fi, and romance. My favorite rps will have a creative setting, strong characters, and adult themes.

Your individual gender does not matter to me, but I primarily rp m/m romance. I will occasionally do f/m, provided the lady is not a sub. Trans, intersex, and non-binary characters are welcome!

The bulk of my rps are third person, past tense, and multi-paragraph. These are my preferences, but they're also flexible. I don't mind the occasional rp in present tense or with single-paragraph posts (and those can be quite relaxing sometimes). I try to respond every day, but please understand that sometimes real life simply has to take priority.

I appreciate polished spelling and grammar, but will not freak out over the occasional slip up.

MY THREAD (Includes O/O, characters, plots, and current rps)


Multiple characters


Historical settings
Religion kink


Gore/excessive violence
Hyper proportions
Bodily fluids
One-dimensional characters


Royalty: I'd love to see a romance between a prince or king and one of his associates. Perhaps a favorite knight, a mage or advisor, a charming page, or a beloved slave. Perhaps the prince has more than one lover. I am currently craving some political intrigue, perhaps a young lady or gentleman comes to court to marry the king and must navigate the perils and pleasures of royalty.

Alternate story: The nation is conquered, and the king or prince is captured and enslaved by the victors. This can stand alone as its own story or be in combination with the previous scenario.

Pirates: What's not to love about pirates? I'd prefer a fantasy setting, but I could also go historical. I'd love a scenario where a nobleman or prince is abducted. Will he be rescued or ransomed? Will he be turned into a plaything for the pirate crew? Will he fall into a romance with the captain? Will he forsake his position and become a pirate himself? These are all good options.

The priest: Fantasy setting only please, no modern religions. A priest is kidnapped and sold into slavery. Maybe he's brought to another temple, one with looser morals than the one he grew up in. Maybe he finds himself in the harem of a nobleman or king. How does he rationalize his new life compared to his old one? Does he grow to worship his new master, or does he cling to his old beliefs?

Alternate story: The priest is tricked into a pact with a demon. Maybe he's spirited away to the demon's home in the Abyss and kept as a prized plaything, or maybe he's sent out as a warlock with orders to further the demon's goals.

Deity: A young man is sacrificed to a powerful deity. Up to you whether he's killed and winds up in the afterlife, or given to the deity as a servant in this life. Either way he will become a prized plaything of his god. It's also up to you whether the sacrifice was raised in a temple, volunteered, or was captured and forced into it. The god may be benevolent or harsh, either way I imagine he'll be possessive and quite infatuated with his new servant.

Dragon: All dragons love treasure, and this dragon's favorite treasure just happens to be people. His new favorite might be a knight that tried and failed to slay him, a prince taken captive, or a sacrifice offered to him so that he might refrain from burning and razing nearby towns. The dragon's pet can be as willing as you please, and a real romance might even be possible. One thing is for sure, he's not leaving the dragon's lair anytime soon.

Hellfire: I loved Hunchback of Notre Dame, and I'd love to do something inspired by Frollo and Esmerelda, but with two men. Maybe it's a setting where being gay is not seen as a big deal, or maybe it's something else for our Frollo (but an OC please!) to feel guilty about. Frollo could also be younger, maybe a soldier or law enforcement officer chasing down the witch himself.

Breeding Season: Based on a game by the same name. In Breeding Season, a human rancher cares for, breeds, and sells sexy monsters. These range from girls with cat ears to demons to tentacle plants. I'd love to build a harem of monsters, or raise one or two to be sold.

PM me if any of this sounds interesting!


Updated Royalty, added Hellfire and Breeding Season. Currently craving Royalty!