Caravanserai [Inactive Sheets/Check Out]

Started by Flower, July 05, 2018, 08:16:05 PM

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Lady Sakura

Welcome. Also, Welcome to E.  He looks good, you can post him in the accepted character section and say hi to everyone. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Everyone is a very welcoming bunch. Once you're approved on the site official you'll be able to edit to give him a face or you can just leave it as is.

May the Muse be with you!


Name: Sir. Edward Carrington
Gender: Male
Age: 28 years old
Sexuality: heterosexual
Personality: Sir. Carrington is a mystic individual that speaks in in questions with a seductive twinkle though he is not a seducer. He is quiet and does not offer much information unless he is spoken to. He always appears busy but no knows why so it gives him that business like attitude. He uses logic and reasoning that seems too in-depth even for the simplest situations.

Eyes: blue eyes
Height: 6'1
Body Build: slender but athletic.
Additional Physical Notes: He has one small tattoo below his right ear that is the shape of a spade from a card deck. He wears suits almost everywhere, it would be strange to see him in anything other than suits. The suits are not a display of character or personality but rather like there is something reserved inside.

History: Sir. Carrington hails from Europe around the northern England area, though he is not even exactly sure. He is not sure who his parents were and has never asked. He grew up in a foster home and when he turned 18 he joined his majesty's royal army. He spent time in special forces working many years in Russia and Asia. He returned to England were he opened a watch making business. He runs another business behind that mask as an official advisor of foreign political affairs to governments around the world. That business is somewhat clouded in mystery and exactly what he does in this advising is not known to the public at large, in fact, to the public he is nothing more than a mere shadow of a CEO of a small business luxury watch maker. He has wealth and power through his escapades and has now wandered into the hotel for a much needed vacation away from his guised life.     

Face Claim: Naturally fair skin though not entirely pale. Much like that of the great Tom Hardy.




Cassie is confused about her sexuality--she has a past history of being abused and sometimes cuts.
Cassie is an introvert, she is shy around people, especially older men.  She has a persistent feeling of not belonging and not being a real person so she is often drawn toward people who are self assured.  She is
moody, often reclusive, and impulsively tries new things whether those things are a new self concept or an out-of-the-box adventure.  She is essentially good-hearted, loyal to her friends, and as a result tends to self-censure feelings that are overtly malicious or downright "catty".  She has a vivid imagination and has been described as a "dreamer" on more than one occasion by her friends.

She has hazel eyes.
She if five feet, six inches in height
She is slender, a b-cup, brunette
She has a nice figure and she self-conscious about her ability to attract men sexually.  She feels her backside is her most attractive feature because men have repeatedly told her that.  Even though she is slender, she worries about gaining weight.

Cassie is the youngest in her family.  Her sister is the middle child, her brother is the eldest.  For a time she occupied the "baby" position in the family and was indulged and adored.  Her father, however, was in the Navy and very conservative (although not a Christian) and believed in corporal punishment.  Cassie now regards the frequent spankings she received growing up and continuing into the early years of adolescence as physical and emotional abuse.  She wonders if she was abused sexually in some way, but has no memories of such abuse.  At the age of 18 she took a fight to Morocco, quickly ran out of money, was looked after by a man who married her and took her to England at which point he promptly became unfaithful.  She made it back to the States at age 25 with a divorce under belt (no children) and blasted through a series of flawed relationships with men that treated her badly--Of, course she had a part to play:  She was alcoholic and experimented with a wide variety of drugs.  She had the sense to detox and seeking a geographical cure, has ended up in Caravanserai with limited funds.

Silas Wolf

Name:  Joseph Shade
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Joseph is inherently good, as he tries to help people constantly and always stands up for what he believes in and always protected those he cared about fiercely.  Though he is good and cares about everyone, even if they deserve it or not, he is incredibly stubborn. Yet he finds that there is just something missing just outside his reach. No matter how hard he tries to reach it, it slips through his fingers. And those few that call him friend there is nun truer.  As he would walk through the gates of hell if it meant saving your life. Yet he is just as vengeful if you were to ever cross that line from friend to enemy. It would be safer on the other side of hells gate thin to face his wrath. And once there it is almost impossible to regain his full trust in you.

Eyes: Light Brown
Height: 5' 9"
Body Build:
Additional Physical Notes: Muscular

History: Joseph was the sixth and last child born to Elizabeth  Ashley,  he was her joy.  More sensitive and with an inherently kinder nature than his five older brothers, Joseph gravitated towards his mother’s compassionate and generous ways.  It often put him at odds with his father, Daniel, and his older brothers, but no one would oppose his mother, the loving core, and the strength of their family unit.

Everything changed on Joseph’s seventh birthday, when his mother, Elizabeth died.  His father Daniel, always jealous of Joseph’s relationship with his now-deceased wife, took out his anger, frustration, and grief on his youngest son.  Compounding Joseph’s loss of the person he loved most in the world, he now had bitterness, contempt, mockery, and hostility to deal with day after day.  His brothers followed their father’s lead and made his life harsh, cold, and hopelessly devoid of tenderness and human decency.

For nine and a half years, Joseph bore the constant contempt, insults, neglect, and indignity, while an inner darkness built up within him till it all came to a head one night when he was sixteen and a half, he snapped.  It wasn’t that his father’s actions were any worse that day than they had been before that.  It wasn’t that once again, his brothers sat back and laughed at their father’s cruelty.  It was simply that on that particular evening, the anger and frustration and pain were too much and the darkness within him erupted.   Then, as the shadows slipped away and Joseph came back to himself, hearing the cries from his brothers, begging him to stop.  He felt their hands pulling him off his father and looking down, he realized that he had nearly killed the man.

Joseph backed away, horrified at his loss of control, and saw blood on most of his brothers as well.  He looked at his hands, the skin on his knuckles torn, his own blood mixing with that of his family’s.  The young man stumbled from the house, dazed and shocked.  The last thing he heard as his feet faltered on the front porch steps was his father’s voice,” Get out!  You’re no son of mine.  You’ve never been good for anything!” And with those words, Joseph  Ashley died.  Promising himself that he would never allow anyone to treat him that badly again, he was re-born.  Joseph Shade walked from the only home he had ever known, finding more peace on grimy, heartless streets of New York than he had known in that house since the death of his mother.

Face Claim: Tiger Shroff
Signature by Amaris
My Dice roller ID is 73705


Name: Maylin Alvarez
Gender: Cisfemale
Age: 31
Position: Assistant Manager
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Personality: Very helpful, humble, friendly, and really interested in making sure your stay here is exceptional!

Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'5"
Body Build: Very Curvy, and every day is leg day.
Additional Physical Notes: Maylin is typically wearing 3-4 inch heels so usually effectively stands around 5'8"

History: Maylin has always worked in the hospitality industry, and she's always worked hard, and she's always worked with a smile. It's helped her out a lot when opportunities come up. It started as a part time job cleaning rooms in high school to help pay her family's rent. Then she got offered a job managing the night shift at a local fleabag motel. Then she got offered to take over the day shift. Then she got a job at a better hotel. And so on. When the owners of Caravanserai went looking for the best in the world to run their exotic resort, she was the one making things happen at a downtown Hilton in Miami, which had the best ratings of any hotel with that name.

On what can best be described as a whim, Maylin applied when she heard Caravanserai had an opening. She figured her lack of formal education and relatively humble upbringing would disqualify her from a job meant to cater to jet-setters, but was shocked when the interviews went well. Touring the facility and hearing how much freedom she would have to do things her way, she was stunned and accepted practically on the spot once she saw Caravanserai in person.

That was two years ago. Since then she's been helping make sure things go smoothly at what she believes is rightfully considered the best hotel in the world.

Honestly, she considers her job fairly easy, all of her staff are exceptional and don't need to be micromanaged. She helps out best by going where she's needed, and she's respected and liked by both those under and over her for the fact that she doesn't consider any work beneath her. She'll man the front desk, serve drinks, even carry your bags, show you the way in the elevator and mop the floor. There's nothing she won't do to make sure a guest's stay is unforgettable. The fact that she isn't chained to one position is something she takes advantage of to ensure she can attend to guests who she thinks could use the extra service. 

Face Claim: Dolly Castro
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs
May you see through a million eyes.


Name: Garrison Mayne
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Conservative, short but courteous with speech unless speaking on a topic that intrigues him. Often times enjoys casual drinking, talking in length about American Football, Hockey and the Stock Market.

Eyes: Steel Blue
Height: 6’1
Body Build: Athletic, but a small belly on him in the nature of a dad bod.
Additional Physical Notes: Garrison stands at 6’1, with short cut hair on the sides and four inch long hair at the top, slicked back with gel usually. He has a strong square jaw, with a small scar on the under side of it. He often times has no facial hair, preferring a clean cut, but during vacation he gets scruffy. His facial hair has signs of gray hairs, though not many.

His body is that of an average ‘dad bod’. Muscular chest and arms, not overly large but not flabby. Though he has a small stomach where it’s obvious he enjoys his drink and food. His legs are longest of him, accounting for the majority of his height. They seem chiseled and very muscular, indicating him to be a runner. He wears a size 11.5 in US shoe sizes and his hands are rather large with fingers being thick. He has three tattoos. A cobra on his left bicep, two anchors interlocked on his left calf and a set of dice with fire under them on his chest.

History: Garrison had an average American childhood while being a part of a middle class family. Decent enough neighborhood, strict but fair Father, tired Mother and two older brothers. He didn’t much get along with anyone in his family, but stayed cordially to slip through and ‘survive’ so to speak.

His school life was that of a normal child. Acing Elementary, studying rigorously in Middle and most of Highschool. But during Highschool he found a passion for two things. Football and women. These lead to his rigorous workouts and a number of fights. He never made it to college on a football scholarship, but instead took grants and loans to study Financial courses and business management.

After college he landed a job in New York City day trading stocks. Quite successfully at that! His employer was never unimpressed with his ability to make money from the trading, easily causing his salary to wrack up exponentially. Eventually he was made a Senior VP with his company at the age of 28. His boss gave him a month of vacation all at once, telling him he earned it and recommended a multitude of places to go, which brings us where we are now.

Face Claim: N/A

Elizabeth Ecsed

Hi! Welcome to Caravanserai! We're a really friendly bunch, so feel free to ask us anything you need.


Quote from: Elizabeth Ecsed on March 29, 2020, 07:41:57 PM
Hi! Welcome to Caravanserai! We're a really friendly bunch, so feel free to ask us anything you need.

Does that mean I’m approved? <3

Lady Sakura

He looks good!

Welcome to Paradise,

You can place him in this section ---> Guest Directory

Enjoy your stay!


Name: Garrison Mayne
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Conservative, short but courteous with speech unless speaking on a topic that intrigues him. Often times enjoys casual drinking, talking in length about American Football, Hockey and the Stock Market.

Eyes: Steel Blue
Height: 6’1
Body Build: Athletic, but a small belly on him in the nature of a dad bod.
Additional Physical Notes: Garrison stands at 6’1, with short cut hair on the sides and four inch long hair at the top, slicked back with gel usually. He has a strong square jaw, with a small scar on the under side of it. He often times has no facial hair, preferring a clean cut, but during vacation he gets scruffy. His facial hair has signs of gray hairs, though not many.

His body is that of an average ‘dad bod’. Muscular chest and arms, not overly large but not flabby. Though he has a small stomach where it’s obvious he enjoys his drink and food. His legs are longest of him, accounting for the majority of his height. They seem chiseled and very muscular, indicating him to be a runner. He wears a size 11.5 in US shoe sizes and his hands are rather large with fingers being thick. He has three tattoos. A cobra on his left bicep, two anchors interlocked on his left calf and a set of dice with fire under them on his chest.

History: Garrison had an average American childhood while being a part of a middle class family. Decent enough neighborhood, strict but fair Father, tired Mother and two older brothers. He didn’t much get along with anyone in his family, but stayed cordially to slip through and ‘survive’ so to speak.

His school life was that of a normal child. Acing Elementary, studying rigorously in Middle and most of Highschool. But during Highschool he found a passion for two things. Football and women. These lead to his rigorous workouts and a number of fights. He never made it to college on a football scholarship, but instead took grants and loans to study Financial courses and business management.

After college he landed a job in New York City day trading stocks. Quite successfully at that! His employer was never unimpressed with his ability to make money from the trading, easily causing his salary to wrack up exponentially. Eventually he was made a Senior VP with his company at the age of 28. His boss gave him a month of vacation all at once, telling him he earned it and recommended a multitude of places to go, which brings us where we are now.

Face Claim: N/A


Name: Tibb Leithrup Marstin
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Sexuality: straight
Personality: Silent and meditative. Does not show a lot of emotion, but has a thorough understanding of how to interact with people and uses that to push the illusion of having more emotions than he probably actually feels at the time. Bottles up anger, workouts a lot, very defensive, not trusting person. Watchful.

Eyes: Gold speckled green.
Height: 5'8
Body Build: Athletic, wider shoulders smaller hips.
Additional Physical Notes: bald, defined muscles, multiple scars on back from lashings, stab mark from three prong fork on right hip area.

History: Tibb was a US Army Military Police and then went to the Rangers. After retiring from the Army he went to private military contracting for five years. He then found quite a lucrative job working as security on cargo ships for the Syrian government as protection from pirates where he would work six months on six off for 150,000 a year. During the other six months he created apps and video games selling them to companies like Yahoo, Apple, Google, etc eventually having saved up in excess cash about 1.2 million dollars. His investment portfolio was looking more like ten million. After five years doing this sort of plan he decided to take a break, from his work and his marriage as well which had suffered under all of these demanding careers he had taken. During his work at Syria he had heard about the hotel being worked and decided he would take his friend up on the name of the hotel.

Face Claim:

Lady Sakura

Welcome to Caravanserai.

He looks good; go ahead and add him to the guest list. ^^

Happy Writing

Lady Sakura

Name: Nova van Dishoeck
Gender: Female
Age: Mid 20s
Sexuality: Omni
Personality: Nova comes across as a bit of a firecracker, live wire, free spirit, party girl. She seems to live for the moment and doesn't want to think any further along than that. She will actively discourage deep or meaningful discussion in her presence, almost with such vigor that one might think she doesn't want anyone to realize she is capable of having them.

Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'8"
Body Build: Curvy
Additional Physical Notes: Is nearsighted, wears glasses when dressed casually or in private.

History: Nova doesn't like talking about her history. If pressed she will reveal that no, Nova was not her birth name, although it is her legal name, but she won't get into the why and how it changed. She may make a reference or two to the University of Wisconsin, but will claim she never declared a major and was just there to party. Her accent and culture is clearly middle American. Beyond that she'll just say she needed a vacation and doesn't seem eager to share the details of from what or how she's paying for it. She has an instagram account, nearly a year old, that she's posted to frequently, most often promoting a product, but even going over it with a fine tooth comb won't reveal much other than that most of her previous pictures were taken at popular clubs in Chicago or at the University of Wisconsin campus.

Face Claim: Abigail Ratchford


Name:  Tibb Leithrup Marstin
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Sexuality: straight
Personality: Silent and meditative. Does not show a lot of emotion, but has a thorough understanding of how to interact with people and uses that to push the illusion of having more emotions than he probably actually feels at the time. Bottles up anger, workouts a lot, very defensive, not trusting person. Watchful.

Eyes: Gold speckled green.
Height: 5'8
Body Build:Athletic, wider shoulders smaller hips.
Additional Physical Notes: bald, defined muscles, multiple scars on back from lashings, stab mark from three prong fork on right hip area.

History: Tibb was a US Army Military Police and then went to the Rangers. After retiring from the Army he went to private military contracting for five years. He then found quite a lucrative job working as security on cargo ships for the Syrian government as protection from pirates where he would work six months on six off for 150,000 a year. During the other six months he created apps and video games selling them to companies like Yahoo, Apple, Google, etc eventually having saved up in excess cash about 1.2 million dollars. His investment portfolio was looking more like ten million. After five years doing this sort of plan he decided to take a break, from his work and his marriage as well which had suffered under all of these demanding careers he had taken. During his work at Syria he had heard about the hotel being worked and decided he would take his friend up on the name of the hotel.

Face Claim:

Snow Nix

Name: Jennifer Lux
Gender: Female
Age: 26 
Position: Server (to get together money for the next adventure)
What's your character's sexuality: bi-sexual
Personality: She loves to travel, learn new things, and has the philosophy of try everything at least once. She's rather timid but once she gets to know you she opens right up. She enjoys adventures of any kind, and has been known to find herself in precarious situations as a result.
Eyes: Deep blue with hints of emerald green.
Height: 5'2" but she claims to be 5'4"
Body Build: slender and spry
Additional Physical Notes: she has a scar on her ankle from where a snake bit her once when she was lost out in the jungle. She also has a tattoo of a lotus on the small of her back, and "Peace" in Cantonese along her spine from the base of her neck down to the lotus.

History: She was born on a sail boat in the Caribean and always has attributed her sense of adventure to being born during a voyage. At 16 she had the opportunity to do a foreign exchange trip to Munich for the school year. She finished her High School education there and then went to South America, seeking new thrills. She's been traveling here ever since, hopping from town to town picking up odd jobs to support her way of life.

Face Claim: Dont have one. She's very tan, owing to her love of the outdoors, very slender yet muscular enough, and has long brown hair (though no one knows this because she's dyed it dark red since she was 14). She has dark blue eyes with hints of emerald green and has the occasional scratch, bruise, and scar about her person owing to being slightly clumsy (okay, very clumsy) but loving adventure.

Lady Sakura

Welcome to Caravanserai.

She looks good; go ahead and add her to the guest list. ^^

Happy Writing

Snow Nix

Name: Jennifer Lux
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Position: Server (to get together money for the next adventure)
What's your character's sexuality: bi-sexual
Personality: She loves to travel, learn new things, and has the philosophy of try everything at least once. She's rather timid but once she gets to know you she opens right up. She enjoys adventures of any kind, and has been known to find herself in precarious situations as a result.
Eyes: Deep blue with hints of emerald green.
Height: 5'2" but she claims to be 5'4"
Body Build: slender and spry
Additional Physical Notes: she has a scar on her ankle from where a snake bit her once when she was lost out in the jungle. She also has a tattoo of a lotus on the small of her back, and "Peace" in Cantonese along her spine from the base of her neck down to the lotus.

History: She was born on a sail boat in the Caribbean and always has attributed her sense of adventure to being born during a voyage. At 16 she had the opportunity to do a foreign exchange trip to Munich for the school year. She finished her High School education there and then went to South America, seeking new thrills. She's been traveling here ever since, hopping from town to town picking up odd jobs to support her way of life.

Face Claim: Dont have one. She's very tan, owing to her love of the outdoors, very slender yet muscular enough, and has long brown hair (though no one knows this because she's dyed it dark red since she was 14). She has dark blue eyes with hints of emerald green and has the occasional scratch, bruise, and scar about her person owing to being slightly clumsy (okay, very clumsy) but loving adventure.


Name: Sepia Cassandra Sunfury
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Extroverted and outgoing but also a little shy. A little clumsy and bruises easily. There always seems to be a bruise or two visible.

Eyes: brown with flecks of gold
Height: 5" 1'
Body Build: small but curvy
Additional Physical Notes: Sepia has red hair curled around her shoulders.

History: Sepia grew up in an orphanage with her little sister. Her sister was the good one, Sepia was more rebellious. The two were extremely close and Sepia has come to Caravanserai in an attempt to avoid reminders of her sister's recent death.

Face Claim: I have no face claim. Sepia's skin is on the slightly darker side. Full lips and high cheekbones. When she arrives she is wearing high heels and a skirt that with every other step reveals a large bruise on her left thigh. Unless they are near her people probably wouldn't see the smaller, lighter bruise on her left arm.

Lady Sakura

Welcome to Caravanserai Sepia.

She looks good; go ahead and add her to the guest list. ^^

Happy Writing


Name: Sepia Cassandra Sunfury
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Sexuality: Heterosexual, Demisexual
Personality: Extroverted and outgoing but also a little shy. A little clumsy and bruises easily. There always seems to be a bruise or two visible.

Eyes: brown with flecks of gold
Height: 5" 1'
Body Build: small but curvy
Additional Physical Notes: Sepia has brownish redhair curled around her shoulders. Sepia's skin is on the slightly darker side. Full lips and high cheekbones. When she arrives she is wearing high heels and a skirt that with every other step reveals a large bruise on her left thigh. Unless they are near her people probably wouldn't see the smaller, lighter bruise on her left arm.

History: Sepia grew up in an orphanage with her little sister. Her sister was the good one, Sepia was more rebellious. The two were extremely close and Sepia has come to Caravanserai in an attempt to avoid reminders of her sister's recent death.

Face Claim:

Lady Sakura

Name: Alexandrena Kensington
Age: 24
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Ren is a bad girl, a party girl, and a loud mouth all wrapped into one.  She loves to flirt and will especially do so if her bodyguard is around.  She loves doing things she knows she shouldn't such as causing fights, partying, drinking, chasing adrenaline, escaping her bodyguard, and making comments no one wants to hear.  Ren is the kind of girl who always seems to have the right answers but doesn't like to open herself up to anyone else, making most of her relationships short-lived.

Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'7
Body Build: Shapely and Voluptuous
Additional Physical Notes: Ren's noticeable features start with the size of her natural body.  Naturally she has size 32F boobs, a rump that lives up to that ample bosom and a flat, toned stomach.  However her body is not perfect.  The young woman has a small scar at the edge of her eyebrow which she clearly attempted to cover up with a piercing.  Other piercings she has include a tongue piercing, multiple ear piercings, and a naval piercing.  While she does claim to have a tattoo, she will not say where or what.

History: Alexandrena Kensington was born with ODD (oppositional defiance disorder) to a tycoon family.  Though she never wanted for material possessions, in her youngest ages (>3), she always wanted for friends.  That is until her family decided to send her to an elite boarding school on the other side of the country.  While her parents made sure she still had the material possessions she could want that she was allowed to have, she was now around kids of her own age.  However she quickly found that when things went wrong, it always seemed to be her fault one way or another.  Even when she returned home for the summers, her older brothers used her as their scapegoat when they would mess up and she would get in trouble.

For a while, she put up with it the best she could, though her ODD got her into some trouble on her own.  Then at 13, there was Peter Townsend, a popular boy at Ren's school who she fell hard for.  The two had quite the relationship before everything went rocky.  Peter was ready for things Allie was not.  This he seemed to deal with begrudgingly until he got himself into some trouble with other boys in the school and Ren stood up for him when Peter did not want her too.  Without a word about breaking up, Ren found out Peter was with a new girl, a popular one only days later.  This changed everything for her.  By this point, Ren's brothers had grown up, one having joined the military, finding a close enough friend in Chris Nelson that Ren got the chance to meet Chris.  He had been handsome, smart, and though he looked quite intimidating when angry, kind.  He quickly became Ren's person, the one she trusted and felt safe talking to.  The only person who seemed to be able to talk some sense into the young girl, not that it seemed to help much anyways.

By the time Alexandrena turned 15, she had been kicked out of a few schools for her behavior and her name had been in the tabloids as part of so many scandals, it was practically a household name.  Her parents decided she needed a babysitting but they titled the position as her bodyguard in an attempt to get Ren to accept it.  The heiress wasn't stupid and she was going to make whoever took the job's life a living hell.  Five females had been hired in the matter of two years, none lasting more than six months.  Her parents didn't know what to do.  That is until they realized Chris was no longer in the military and offered him the job.  Ren loved the ability to have him around all the time but if he thought she'd make it easy on him just because they had a prior friendship, he had another thing coming.  This time, she was determined to do everything she had to to chase away the bodyguard.  It wouldn't be easy since he knew her moves, he knew how she did it with the others, he watched her grow up, and he knew who it was she was that she hid away from the world.  In fact, he had helped her learn and improve on her skills to get rid of previous bodyguards.

After a couple years, Ren gave in to the idea that she wouldn't be able to get Chris to leave the job, though she'll never tell him.  Still she finds entertainment in making his life as difficult as she can.  This year, she's decided to take her college courses online and explore wherever she wants in the world.  It just so happened that she heard of a beautiful resort in the middle of a scorching desert.

Face Claim: Charlotte McKinney

Lady Sakura

Name: Chris (Deandre) Marshall
Age: 29
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Hired primarily to be the bodyguard.  He is known for his Psych knowledge and protective mentality.    He has on occasion gotten rough protecting her but nothing he hadn't been able to handle with his martial arts and military background.

Eyes: Brown
Height: 6"2
Body Build: Muscular Athletic
Additional Physical Notes: Has a Dragon tattoo over left and right biceps

Face Claim: LL Cool J

History: Chris was born to a marine father and a foreign diplomat’s daughter.  He was trained to salute before he could walk.  His father taught him three different martial arts before he was 12.  His father made it a point to try to make Chris ready, for what?  Chris didn’t even know.  Chris grew up a skinny kid, prone to acting out and becoming verbal mostly using rap as his outlet. 

Chris was a legacy Marine, there were reports that there was a marine back with the corps was first created. Though they were slaves, their training was absolute.  He was given one ray of hope, Wayne Kensington.  They became best friends in high school, that was till Chris found out he had a sister.  She was cute even then, but Wayne told him to stay away from her.  As a good friend, he did.   It was then Ren ran into Peter Townsend who apparently broke her heart. Chris heard about it from both Wayne and Ren, considering Chris was attracted to her, that didn’t sit too well with him.  He couldn’t do a whole lot to the boy because of their age difference, but Chris didn’t forget.  Even still he and Ren became closer. 

Not as close as he wanted, but time passed.  A wayward pickup game of basketball, strangely enough, Peter, ended up with a broken nose, most considered it an accident, Wayne wondered, but Chris knew it wasn’t.  It was about this time they two young men graduated and made a pact to watch each other's backs, Wayne wanted to go into the military but didn’t think he was Chris strong for the Marines.  Chris had a falling out with his father, for choosing his career over Chris.  So he went with Wayne into the Army.  The boys graduated in the top of their class and were deployed together and even came back together.  Chris did what he could from across the water to keep Ren out of trouble, sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t.

By the time the boys had gotten back home, Ren had developed quite the reputation even that of running through bodyguards like candy.  It was then that her parents asked Chris if he would take the job.  He really didn’t think it was a great idea considering how apparently he still felt about here but he was willing to help out for a little while that has been 7 years now he was more than adept at keeping up with his little Minx Princess…for now.


Name: Alexander Christopher Brown
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Position: Security/IT/Physical Trainer
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Watchful, Focused, Heart of gold until crossed then straight pitbull
Eyes: Deep Brown
Height: 6’3
Body Build: Muscular Athletic
Additional Physical Notes:   Various tattoos over his body, US Navy on Right Bicep, Heart and cross on left

Zander grew up with his Uncle and Aunt, his uncle a former SEAL wanted his Nephew/Son to follow in his footsteps.  His uncle was the only father he ever knew so he did what all good son’s did he followed in his uncle’s footsteps.  He was in the Navy but worked towards being a SEAL, the training was not like he intended but he knew what his end goal was.  Having grown up being more sheltered then most he grew up quickly being part of a war torn era in the middle east.   

Once he had learned to be amongst the elite.  He realized it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be after that, he got into private security and was partners with a cohort.  He did that for a few years before.  He was offered a job for security at some remote location all off the map.  He found it to be too good to be true, it was too good and true.  He had been both background security and communications.  He substitutes as an IT expert and personal trainer in the afternoons.

Face Claim: Robert Christopher Riley


Name: Florian Flora Daugherty
Gender: AMAB Non-Binary
Age: 25
Sexuality: Pansexual
Personality: Flirty, Teasing, but also deeply serious when in the mood.

Eyes: Blue
Height: 185 cm
Body Build: Fit, slender, feminine
Additional Physical Notes: Long blonde hair that they treat almost like a piece of art, trashy art but nonetheless art.

History: Flora Florian is a well know visual artist born to an old money family of Boston, Massachusetts, as the first son (a role and definition he was never comfortable with and from a very early age he borrowed his two years older sister's clothes. This was severely discouraged by their parents who sent them off to a boarding school for boys where they were miserable but also had their first crush on a classmate a crush that lead to expulsion after which Flora at the young age of only sixteen ran off to New York.

A month later they sent a postcard to their sister with an address where she could reach them. A month after that they received a letter from their mother who first informed them that their father was absolutely livid but that she had managed to procure an allowance for them that would allow them to live in relative comfort. Exactly how this deal had been made or on what premises was never clarified.

Ever since a young age Flora/Florian had been quite talented with drawing and painting and now that they had money in their pockets they rented a cheap studio apartment in Brooklyn and started to paint full time. Three years later this resulted in them being offered their own exhibition at a small gallery which lead to them being discovered as it were. A year later their paintings went for sums up to five figures, and they moved to a penthouse in Manhattan and suddenly had money enough to not only throw lavish parties every weekend but to also pay back their family every cent they had ever given them.

Fame and fortune soon became a heavy burden and they spent more time on parties, casual physical relationships with a multitude of partners, and on drugs, than on painting and having failed to deliver on a commission their reputation began to fade and they decided they needed a clean break. They sold their penthouse and left their sister in charge of managing the sale of the few paintings they had finished since their last exhibition before prices dropped too low.

They left no address behind, only a bank account into which the sales of their painting was to be deposited. Next stop was Caravanserai where they hoped to be able to escape the public eye and get their life together again.

Flora/Florian are really just two different aspects of the same person, one female and one male, a dual personality one might say even if Flora is the the dominant personality.

Face Claim:
What goes bump in the night is usually just the cats having a midnight freak out.