Caravanserai [Inactive Sheets/Check Out]

Started by Flower, July 05, 2018, 08:16:05 PM

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Name: Pelin Arwan
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Position: Janitor / Maid
Sexuality: Unsure
Personality: You don't escape from ISIA controlled lands and walk, hitch rides, and survive uncertain seas in a small boat by being weak or lacking determination. Pelin has a stoic indifference to things that would devastate lesser women. It hasn't made her mean or indifferent but it has made crafted an iron core to her soul to survive and to better her life. Pelin views her position with the Caravanserai as a gift and a great boon and works to make sure it cannot be taken away from her.

Eyes: Brown
Height: 1.52m / 5'
Body Build: Thin
Additional Physical Notes: Pelin is undernourished from her journey and the last two years of her life but is slowly putting healthy weight back on. She has moderate to extensive scarring across her back from her captivity but it's never seen as she is never in anything immodest enough to reveal it. She habitually wears a head scarf or hijab but if required by her current duty she will leave it off without worry or complaint.

History: When she was only fourteen ISIS swept into her world and destroyed it.  For several years she was held in captivity by them, a not uncommon fate for young Yazidi Kurdish girls, and married off to a string of ISIS fighters in unions that lasted until they were killed and she was married off again.  A diminished ISIS capacity saw her and many other girls abandoned as ISIS retreated. For almost two years she lived in a series of refugee camps across Iraq, Jordan, and Syria. Pelin was part of a group that attempted to migrate to Greece in a dangerously overloaded fishing boat.  Somewhere in mid-journey the boat broke down and they drifted for weeks until fetching up on the Libyan coast.  For another year she walked, hitched rides, and occasionally traveled by camel and donkey across Africa until she ended up in another refugee camp. One of the aid workers there arranged an interview for her with the Caravanserai and she's recently been hired. Pelin knows this is her best chance at a stable life and is determined to hold onto it.

Face Claim: Tuba Büyüküstün


Name: Siddhi Sachdev
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Position: Veterinarian
Sexuality: Demisexual Lesbian

Siddhi is quiet, but neither shy nor demure, she simply doesn't care much for speaking or hearing her own voice. She prefers to be with animals or the wilderness, and seems to 'get' wildlife more than she does people, and vice versa. She can strike people as rude or unhelpful, but will often do what people ask of her quickly and effectively, as most staff of Caravanserai know. She just won't make small talk as she does it.

Siddhi makes friends very slowly, but cherishes the friendships she has - she just isn't very good at showing it. While she is content with her animals, she often wishes she could enjoy people the way most people seem to. Siddhi hates talking about herself, her feelings, or really anything to do with Siddhi. She tends to withdraw quickly from conversations on this subject.

She is able to express herself quite eloquently in the written word, and is surprisingly skilled at navigating bureaucracies, though she has only shown it in dealing with getting funds or treatment for her animals from the Global Wildlife Fund. She also keeps in contact with wildlife shelters in the nearest large cities both north and south of the Sahara, speaking almost purely in text.

Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'9"
Body Build: Athletic

Additional Physical Notes:
Siddhi has a very ripped body. She eats only natural foods and does a lot of very hard physical work for her job. Her hair is almost always in tight braids. She wears fairly lackluster clothing, functional and practical, most of it is stained or patched from her work.

Born in rural Pakistan, Siddhi's family emigrated to the United Kingdom when she was six. Previously living a very simple life as pastoral herders, when a disease killed the family's flock Siddhi's father decided it was a sign from Allah, and moved his family to the United Kingdom, where a cousin of his had emigrated in previous years and was doing quite well. Siddhi's family did not take the culture shock as well. Her father reverted to an abusive deadbeat, her mother to an equally abusive enabler. Siddhi and her brothers (she has no sisters) ran away quite a lot and ended up in state care.

Siddhi kept her head down and didn't make trouble, and ended up with a scholarship to a trade school to learn to be a vet. She took to it naturally, having always had an affinity with animals and spending most of her after school hours volunteering at shelters.

Her current job with the GWF was mostly by chance. They needed a vet who spoke Punjabi and English fluently for a job in a remote area of India, and she was quickly accepted after she applied. She did an exceptional job and never complained once despite the grueling conditions. They offered her a new placement in Tunisia, which she also accepted. While there she learned of the Caravanserai and its advanced facilities. There was an opening for an on-staff vet, and she put in for a grant for the GWF to made the staff vet job a funded position in exchange for the hotel letting its animal shelters being converted into a rescue facility. Siddhi has been very happy there ever since, taking care of the hotel's camels, guests's pets that go ill, and the occasional animal that is brought to them for rescue.

Face Claim: Shweta Rathore
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs
May you see through a million eyes.


Name: Lucas Kay Smit
Gender: Male
Age: Thirty five
Sexuality: Pansexual
Personality: In a world that never stops talking Lucas listens. Do not mistake his quietness for shyness. He is a keen observer and thinks before he speaks. Labeled emotionally unavailable but in truth the walls he has built around himself are high and no one has yet to scale them.

Eyes: Blue
Height: 5’11
Body Build: Toned but not muscular, athletic frame
Additional Physical Notes:


Lucas was his parents kleiner Prinz, they showered him with affection and was brought up in a very loving home on the outskirts of Berlin. On his tenth birthday this all changed as his parents were killed in a car accident. With no living, able bodied relative to take him in Lucas was placed in a kinderheim. Years of systemic institutional abuse followed and has left him scarred. Not all scars are visible to the naked eye.

As soon as he was old enough Lucas joined the Bundespolizei and after two years of service joined the Grenzschutzgruppe 9 (GSG 9). After a decade of exemplary work within the federal police Lucas was approached by a private security firm. At first he turned the offer of employment down but the hectic grind of GSG 9 was started taking its toll and decided that being a well paid ‘babysitter’ was not such a bad idea after all.

Lucas enjoyed the slower pace and excelled but eventually parted ways with the security firm due to ‘a difference of opinion.’ Basically he was not prepared to be a see no evil, hear no evil monkey.

Uncertain what should be his next move Lucas finds himself at Caravanserai. Perhaps the tranquil surroundings will help him find it.

Face Claim: Max Riemelt

I am brave, I am bruised
I am who I'm meant to be, this is me.


Name: Julie Lancaster
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Position: Animal Caretaker/ Veterinary Student
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: You can't say that Julie's had it rough in life, she's definitely had a more fortunate upbringing than most children can even dream of. That isn't to say that she didn't have to fight to get where she wanted to be. In fact, most of her teenage years have been spent swimming upstream, adjusting the course her parents had set for her. She's a strong-willed girl with a certain lack of girlishness and a no-nonse attitude. Julie isn't quite the tomboy but despite her natural appearance she will never be the embodiment of femininity either; not that she would want to. She's a confident girl who knows what she wants and will go through great lengths to accomplish the goals she's set for herself. She loves a laugh and naturally gravitates to people with strong personalities, a lot of confidence and a good sense of humour. Following that, she has trouble accepting that not everyone is a fighter and she can get rather impatient with people who give up too easily or are afraid to get out of their comfort zone.

Eyes: Blue
Height:  5'6"
Body Build: Slim, Athletic
Additional Physical Notes: Julie has a natural tan by grace of the amount of time she spends outside. A light amount of freckles peppers the area of her nose and cheek bones, and her face is usually set in a look of utter determination. In her line of work there is little room for fancy dress-up and she's used to wearing mostly sleeveless tops and cargo pants. She also tends to get dirty a lot, and you wouldn't easily find her without a number of bruises and barely healed gashes littering her skin.

History: Julianne Marie Lancaster was born the third and youngest child to George and Eloise Lancaster, with two older brothers (Christian and William). She lived her entire childhood on a large estate in the northern part of Britain, surrounded by a ridiculous amount of land. She was one of those children who not only had a dog (a black lab named Jinx) but a cat, a pet turtle, two ponies and a ferret as well. That didn't mean she was being spoiled rotten, but throughout her entire childhood toys, video games and clothes just never held the same allure as a new pet to care for did. So her birthday presents usually consisted of a new addition to her ever-expanding animal entourage, along with an assortment of dog pillows, food bowls and blankets and squeaky toys that managed to infest the house with increasing persistence. She was the girl who would bring home birds with broken wings or underfed street cats, even a mouse with a broken paw once. Much to her parents' horror, however, she would also be the one to insist to 'put a baby bird out of its misery' and, at a later age, to snap the neck of an injured duck who had no chance of survival. Even as a child Julie understood the laws of nature better than most adults, in all its beauty and apparent cruelty.

It was hardly a surprise that her ambitions were to become a veterinarian, even though her parents had never quite aimed so high for their youngest offspring. They came from a long line of wealth and old titles that in modern times were rapidly losing the value that they once had, but to which they clung with the desperation of one to whom appearances meant everything. George and Eloise Lancaster held a rather conservative outlook on life, and where their only daughter was concerned, they would much rather see her married off to a well-off young lad than to watch her grow independent and treat life as if she didn't need someone to look after her at all.

Still, they would have easily overlooked this minor flaw to Julie's ambitious personality, had she not proudly announced at the start of her study that her specialty would not be small animals, birds or anything cute and fluffy, but Critical care and Zoological animals. But even as horrifying visions of their social circles discovering their darling daughter digging through elephant feces nearly had poor Eloise Lancaster faint, Julie quickly assured them that they needn't worry about that. After all, she didn't plan to work in a Zoo, her ambitions lay far beyond the European borders, as she had every intention of joining the Rangers in one of the South African Wildlife reserves (and that did make her poor mother fan her hands at her head and ultimately swoon in perfect Victorian fashion).

Lots of arguments followed, threats were made, there was even a brief period were Julie's desperate parents tried setting her up with any eligible bachelor they could get their hands on. It was both laughable and increasingly painful, and ultimately escalated to the point where they threatened to not only refuse to pay for her international internship, but to stop paying for her tuition altogether. It was at this point that Julie sold her car, moved into a dubious apartment in the lesser part of London along with three students and paid the next semester with her own savings. For a while she didn't see her family at all, and any communication between Julie and her parents only took place via her brothers, who wholeheartedly applauded their sister's stubborn refusal to compromise.

A year later Julie did what she had so boldly dreamed of and followed a six month internship in Kenya. Life was different there; it was rough and merciless and an extremely far cry from the sheltered life at home, or even the much less glorious student life in England's Capital. At the Wildlife rehabilitation centre, where she was stationed, Julie saw things far more beautiful and far more terrible than anything the twenty-three years before that could have ever prepared her for. Although the first weeks were very much like her mother had envisioned, and Julie became far too closely acquainted with the multitude of animal excrements, ultimately she would get a glimpse of the life of the rangers who supervised the wildlife park, took care of the animals, kept the balance of the various species in check and, more notoriously, kept the poachers at bay as best they could. Which was an impossible feat, or so Julie would soon learn; there simply wasn't enough money nor were there enough people to grind the amount of people illicitly slaughtering animals to obtain their horns, tusks or other body parts still rumoured to have medicinal properties, to a complete halt. Ground up rhino horn was still more valuable on the black market than pure gold, and it was a lucrative, illegal business. Fighting it was like carrying water to the sea, and yet, Julie caught a glimpse of the tireless vigilance of the local rangers as they combatted the merciless trespassers with such limited success.

With no family backing her up anymore though, she eventually began running low on money, and ultimately Julie had to accept the fact that she would have to leave the rehabilitation centre behind and find a proper job, so that she could return to university and graduate, then finally return to Kenya. The news of job openings at Caravanserai was given to her by friends back in England, who had booked a holiday there and will be staying there several months from now. Julie applied and is now working diligently, cleaning stables, feeding all sorts of animals and aiding her superior as best as she can.

Face Claim: Alizée Jacotey


Name: Stacy Shepherd
Age: 27
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality:  Stacy is the live for the moment type of girl. She says what she feels, does what she wants, and doesn't worry too much about tomorrow.

Body Build:lith
Additional Physical Notes: has tattoos on her arms and a octopus on her right thigh.

History: Stacy lived in a small apartment in a city growing up. It was just her and her mom, and her mom was usually strung out on something. It would have been easy for her to follow the same path, but one of her mothers many boyfriends took an interest in her. From him she learned how to play the guitar, drums, and later how to DJ. Music became an escape for her.

She continued to explore music in many forms as she went to school. With some encouragement from her friends she graduated, and went to college graduating with a music major. After college Stacey moved from club to club Djing, but what she really wanted was to leave the city far behind.

Face Claim:
Franccesca De Struct


Name: Terry Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Position: Personal trainer
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Loves a good practical joke, and always seems to be in a good mood. Very professional about his chosen career. Is into all kinds of sports, and love a healthy competition.

Eyes: Dark brown eyes
Height: About 180 cm tall
Body Build: Athletic
Additional Physical Notes: Has a tattoo of a swan on right arm.

History: Terry went to college on an athletic scholarship in California, and specialized in the pentathlon. He never excelled beyond mediocre college level, and instead decided to focus on a career as a personal trainer as a way to see the world.

He spent some time working as a personal trainer in California, before getting a job on a cruise ship. The cruise ship soon bored Terry, and he spent some time traveling the Caribbean taking odd jobs before landing his current job.

Face Claim: Bradley James.

Elizabeth Ecsed

Name: Elizabeth Staunton

Gender: Female

Age: 25ish, though I have been known to claim otherwise

Sexuality: lesbian

Personality: kind of quiet, sometimes a bit of a loaner. Intelligent and nerdy, and you just know she has a tour guide book of the area, crammed with sticky notes and highlights. Can be very silly if she's comfortable, or willing to unleash the Southern scolding if provoked. In a lot of ways, her exhibited personality often is different depending on the people around her

Her accent is usually "American news reader" but about 5% of the time the southern comes out.

Eyes: blue

Height: 5'2, though her bad leg often makes her seem shorter. She secretly wishes she was taller than her staff (5'5) but that's just never going to happen.

Body Build: slender to the point of people often trying to feed her even after she's just eaten a large meal in front of them.

Additional Physical Notes: walks with a pronounced limp, and a staff, since her left leg is pretty beat up. She almost never exposes it in public though. The staff is a silvery light wood, polished and worn smooth by over a decade of handling

History: born and raised in Savannah Georgia, a place she (mostly) affectionately refers to as "the third weirdest city in the United States". Her mother is a teacher and her stepfather is an accountant. She had about as normal life as possible in a fairly small, fairly conservative place, while being 'that kid with the bad leg'.

Unfortunately, she wasn't smart enough to pretend to like boys in middle school, so she was also unintentionally outted as a lesbian

Face Claim: Unknown redhead, photo by Brian Dowling

Lady Sakura

Name: Axel Evans.
Gender: Male.
Age: 28.
Sexuality: Gay.
Personality: Axel is a Sagittarius, and yes, he kinda believes in all that. He's very outgoing, friendly, and flirty, and loves being around people. He can be a little bit cocky at times, and self-centered too, which mixed with his freedom-seeking spirit, can complicate things for him at the time of finding a partner. He likes to go out a lot, and he likes to drink, two of the main reasons why he's a bartender.

Eyes: Blue - Greyish
Height: 5 ft 10 in
Body Build: Slim and toned
Additional Physical Notes: Hooded eyes, mole above left corner of the upper lip, wears long hair and goatee. Has a tattoo of a small crown on his chest and two winged demons on his back.

History: Axel comes from an ordinary family. He finished high school with average grades. Went to college thinking he wanted to be a doctor, or something related to health. But less than a year later he realized college wasn't his thing and dropped it. Only after looking around for a few days, he decided he wanted to become a bartender. He has a long history of short and terrible relationships from which he's still trying to escape. Always broke, and always trying to fix his life, he pretty much goes with the flow, changing jobs often and sometimes working at three different places at the same time.

After meeting someone who slowly began to feel like the right guy, Axel's life was starting to change for the better. He was able to drop one of his jobs, and his relationship was getting more and more serious, and he wasn't freaking out too much, which was a good sign. Some months went on, and the opportunity of a journey around the world came up. Axel decided he didn't want to miss what was a once-in-a-lifetime chance to do something amazing and quitted his remaining job. The journey took him and his boyfriend across Europe and later to North Africa, and the Caravanserai hotel.

Face Claim: Norman Reedus.

Lady Sakura

Name: Khan Drogo
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Sexuality: straight
Personality: Likes to drink and hangout with people, his life goal is to travel the world and try all kinds of exotic foods and drink as well as finding the love of his life. Fun loving and out going person he'd talk to anyone that he cross path with especially girls, since he find them easy to talk to. Likes sparring in boxing/wrestling.

Eyes: blue
Height: 180cm
Body Build: slightly muscular
Additional Physical Notes: the character has black hair and a beard is slightly tanned skin and is slightly above average attractiveness also has a dragon tattoo on his right shoulder and a rose on the left.

History:  He was born in a poor family but they build up to a lower middle class family. He had a free vacation all expenses paid to this hotel from a raffle, woefully unprepared for what turns out to be a high class place. So far he has been to Japan, Thailand, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia, cambodia and a few other european countries

Face Claim:


Name: Shailene Redbird
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Position: Doctor
Sexuality: Heterosexual--Questioning
Personality: Shailene is a strong, independent woman.  Shai tries to remain connected to her heritage.  Although she sometimes remains quiet, even contemplative, she is usually talkative and friendly.  She is used to making the calls but knows how to listen to others.  Shailene is a kind-hearted, loyal, fiery woman but can sometimes be too trusting.

Eyes: Brown
Height: 5' 11"
Body Build: Toned
Additional Physical Notes: You'll have to discover for yourself.   ;)
History: Shailene Redbird grew up the daughter of a single mother who rejected their family heritage.  Shailene, however, embraced it choosing to learn all she could from her Elisi (grandmother).  In fact, Shailene even claims that it was because of her grandmother that she chose to become a doctor.  Grandma Redbird, however, never takes credit for this instead choosing to say that her granddaughter was always meant to become a doctor.  Shailene's grandma even told her of times when the girl was very young when she would show what she was meant to become.  For example, when Shailene was five and had prepared a concert for her family, they were kept waiting until they realized she was not coming.  Instead, they found her tending to a bird with a broken wing.

Later when her younger brother got into a serious bike accident, Shailene was the one to comfort him and care for him until her mother could get him to the hospital.  Then at about ten, she jumped at the chance to help Elisi with her herbal remedies and treating those who come to her home with injuries and ailments.  After that, Elisi worked hard to convince Shailene's mother to put her in a fast track program to become a doctor and after Elisi agreed to pay half, that's exactly what happened.

At first, Shailene struggled adjusting to the extra work both in classes and outside of classes but eventually, Shailene caught on finding a strong ability to learn quickly.  That skill allowed her to graduate as Valedictorian and find the group that she would love as her best friends forever.  Unfortunately, the group would find that after residency and becoming doctors at young ages, they would be separated and have such busy lives they would barely get even talk to each other.  A few months later, Shailene found herself fed up with the lack of time with her friends and started applying to positions she had to laugh at the idea of ever actually being offered.  And when she received the call that would make her move what seemed like a lifetime away, she couldn't stop her fits of laughter until she reached the magnificent grounds in the middle of nowhere that blew her away.

Face Claim: Ashley Callingbull

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Elizabeth Ecsed

Name: Adela
Gender: Female
Age: 29
Position: Front desk staff
Sexuality: Married
Personality: Kind, but professional. She's not only read the rule book, but can quote it. Keeping this job is extremely important to her.

Height: 5'6, 167 cm
Body Build: slender but starting to gain weight at the Caravanserai
Additional Physical Notes: She chooses to wear a headscarf daily.

History: Her marriage was an arranged one, but it works out well for her. Unfortunately, due to circumstances she was forced to take a job in another country. Caravanserai pays for a lot of her family's needs, but it is really hard to be away from them.

Face Claim: unknown


Name: Everett Oliver Steele
Gender: Male
Age: 38
Sexuality: Oblivious but receptive (some kind of confused mix of bi/pan/sapio/demisexual)
Personality: Friendly but easily distracted by all the things he thinks he has to get done in a day, he can be forgetful especially in social situations. He is very task-oriented and has trouble just relaxing. Even in his downtime, he will be seen with a book and a pen or highlighter, taking notes. He has a hard time saying no when there is a genuine need, and that has been taken advantage of in his past - especially in work and friendship circles. Though shy, Everett is friendly and generally happy. If he thought on it for a while he might decide he is lonely but he fills his time and focuses on the next thing to check off on his to-do list.

Eyes: Hazel
Height: 6' 2"
Body Build: Fit, broad chest, fuller as he has gotten older but still muscular

Additional Physical Notes: He scars easy and so he has some lines and marks on his chest, arms, legs, and abdomen that almost look like intentional tattoos or scarification. Each one has a story. Everett wears glasses. He has contacts but they dry his eyes out so when he does wear them he will often be seen rubbing or squinting. Embarrassing easily, he can't hide a blush to save his life.

History: Everett has spent most of his life trying to get somewhere. It's much more of an internal drive - not so much climbing the corporate ladder or getting the 'perfect life'. He has always been one to look inward and try to fix what he perceives as his own defects. To this end, he has always worked multiple jobs, spent lots of time running or working out, reading as much as he could, and hitting his own self-imposed grindstone. All that hard work and a keen eye for details have led him into the IT world as a software developer. He spent twenty years working 60 hours a week without stop, until he recently developed the new 'it' app and was bought out for a very tidy sum. He was allowed to stay on with the new company under one condition - he went on vacation. Somewhere expensive and inclusive, somewhere far away from what he is used to. He thought it an odd business plan to buy out someone's interest and then pay them to go relax in the sun for a few months. But always a rule follower, Everett agreed. Now he is far away from the computers and life that he knows.

As far as relationships go, Everett has been in a few 'interactions' with others but nothing that really held his attention like work or his projects had. All his past sexual interests have been female but he has been very close to his male friends to the point of being romantic companions that could have been more if he took his nose out of a book or away from his screen. He has been always been submissive to the wants and needs of others -with a desire to please even if he can't always see what is staring him in the face.

Face Claim: Ryan Reynolds

Additional Images:
"Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher
storm, but to add color to my sunset sky." - Rabindranath Tagore


Name: Malcolm Casey Reynolds
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Quiet/brave/loyal/courageous/fearless/well-educated/valiant/moody/serious
Malcolm in his chosen career path is wary of other people, he takes his job very seriously, always on the alert for any sign of danger for those he's protecting.  He's sometimes considered anti-social of which he doesn't mind, preferring to spend his time alone when the chance is given, which isn't often.

Quotes: "When the devil has something you want most, sometimes you dance with the devil."
"Guns make you stupid; better to fight your wars with duct tape. Duct tape makes you smart."

Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'1
Body Build: Muscular/Toned
Additional Physical Notes: Wolf Tattoo/w battle feathers, left bicep, US Marine Corps bulldog tattoo, right bicep
Brown Hair
Scar on left cheek
Martial Skills: Russian Martial Arts Sambo, Krav Maga
History: Malcolm enlisted in the US Marines at age 17, and served faithfully for 10 years.  During his tours in Afghanistan, he spent much time with different foreign military units, soon learning Krav Maga and Sambo, Israeli and Russian martial arts, respectively.  He has received special weapons training, which he finds useful in his current line of work.  After 2 tours in Afghanistan, he was honorably discharged and after a year, he was offered a high contract position.  His primary task is to ensure the safety of a CEO of a powerful tech corporation.  Daniel Phillips is the owner and billionaire of Granite Electronics, of which he has several high paying government contracts, along with many more spread out across the globe.  He takes his security seriously and wherever he goes, Malcolm goes as well. 

Face claim: Jeffrey Donovan

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Name: Mark Watson
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Sexuality: Hetero
Personality: Mark is a listener more than a talker.  While not a complete introvert he does find some people a significant drain on his energy levels and is appreciative of the few people in his life that give rather than take from him.  Growing up where he did, Mark has a desire and need to prove himself.  Not necessarily to be "the best" but to certainly be unassailable in whatever field, event, social gathering he is participating in.  He uses this insecurity to drive a good deal of what he pursues.  He pays attention to his surroundings both when alone and particularly when in a social setting.  He can find large groups particularly difficult to navigate so he uses social queues to guide him in what he says and does.  He tries to give everyone the opportunity to simply be what they are but if he feels someone is being particularly ignorant or intolerant there is a good chance that he take steps to correct that person.  Mark is more of a fixer than a talker.  He'd rather get involved with a problem and get it resolved rather than talk about it at length.  When in a group, Mark will transition into a "mother hen" sort of role in order to make sure everyone is fed or cared for.  He thinks it allows him to "socialize" while keeping people at a distance because he's keeping busy.

Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'2"
Body Build: Fit, well-defined, clearly spends a significant amount of time in the gym and has a firm control of his diet.
Additional Physical Notes: A significant amount of Mark's upper body is tattooed with a smaller amount of his lower body also tattooed.


A native of Northern Ontario, Canada; while being born in Thunder Bay, Mark grew up in a very small town thirty-five minutes north of the city.  His father, a smokejumper and his mother, a nurse practitioner had a relatively hands off approach with Mark.   This wasn't a bad thing.  Mark was a smart, serious child that would take risks from time to time but not before he had researched significantly regarding what he was going to do.  With his mother working difficult hours and his father outside of the house for extended periods, Mark was responsible for caring for and feeding himself and making sure he attended school regularly.  He wasn't unhappy and grew very familiar with the massive expanses of forest outside his town.

Mark got his degree in Natural Resources Management at Lakehead University and then followed his father into smoke jumping.  He spent eighteen months in British Columbia before being deployed for a number of years in various places in Northern Canada before a number of dire situations on the western coast of the U.S. provided him an opportunity to fight forest fires and rescue trapped civilians down there.

It was there that he got "cornered" by a local news team and ended up providing an interview for them about the current situation in California.  Mark had a "look" that people responded to, coupled with the fire fighter image and that he was a "polite Canadian", Mark became a bit of a poster boy for a short time. (Very short) After an awkward fifteen minute appearance on Ellen Degeneres' talk show, Mark had agents calling him.

Six months later Mark had put smoke jumping on hold and was trying his hand at the extremely fickle and aggressive world of modelling.

It sucked.

It was the worst.

Which really only encouraged Mark to try harder at it.

It was through some arm-twisting by his agent that he ended up on a reality television dating competition called Love Hurts.  She said it was going to be great for his follower numbers on instagram.

The show is going to be a stretch for Mark as he has never really had an actual "girl friend".  There's been a good many encounters with women but none of them have ever turned into anything permanent.  He wouldn't say he's afraid of or against commitment but he is keenly aware of the time needed to dedicate to someone else and make a relationship successful.  Love Hurts turned out to be an incredibly steep learning curve.

He lasted four days on the show before he was voted off by the other competitors as the least popular person.  The one connection he made, an intense and satisfying one with an American named Delaney opted to leave the show alongside of him.  For the last three weeks the two of them have been trying a long distance relationship type...thing.

It's tough.

Through all that and while both Mark and Delaney are dealing with publicity from the television show, Mark was contacted by the Ellen Degeneres Show once more.  It turns out that the Love Hurts television show is one of Ellen's guilty pleasures and she particularly followed the season that Mark and Delaney were involved in.  Mark was brought on to talk about his experience with Ellen.  While there Ellen surprised him with two things.  An offer to visit a remote, posh resort for six weeks on two conditions.  The first being that he blog and vlog his feelings about the resort twice a week.  The other condition being he attend the resort with Delaney.  Mark was...overjoyed to say the least.

So...the adventure begins

Face Claim: Josh Mario John


Name: Delaney Clarke
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Sexuality: Pansexual
Personality: Genuine | Direct | Down to Earth | Pragmatic | Easygoing | Discerning | Protean

Eyes: Blue
Height: 5’5”
Body Build: Athletic, but likes tacos.
Additional Physical Notes: She has a small watercolor tattoo of mountains and a blue wildflower on her inner right wrist.


Delaney grew up in the middle of nowhere and she never really left. She travels to some of the world’s most remote locations as a Senior Mine Geologist, and has dedicated all of her adult life to her career. A nomadic lifestyle frequently interferes with her ability to have stable long term relationships, though her current romantic prospects are looking up.   

With Delaney working in such a hyper-masculine profession, in addition to being an attractive woman, she’s had to learn how to deflect male attention in inoffensive ways.  Through experience she’s discovered that the best way to do so is to interact with them more on their level:  In other words, she knows how to become “one of the guys”.  She can drink, curse, swerve and talk sports with the best of them. While that often leads to interesting and funny interactions with her male colleagues, it rarely results in viable romantic options.

She’s an independent woman that is comfortable with being single, but recently  in search of something more substantial...and also just for funsies she appeared on a reality TV show called Love Hurts.

While there was plenty of drama to be had, and she was relatively well acclaimed in her five long days on the show, she formed a connection with one of the other contestants, Mark Watson, and jumped ship with him when he was voted out. For the five weeks since the show they’ve been speaking regularly and kind of, sorta are unofficially an item? Regardless of labels, she’s fond of him and regularly convinces him to let her facetime with his dog Fomo...because priorities. Fomo seems cool with it, mostly because she likes just about everyone.

Now, after an appearance with him on the Ellen Degeneres show, she’s agreed to take a break from her position in rural Alaska and embark on a six week adventure at Caravanserai.

Face Claim: Alexandra Daddario
Surely not everybody was Kung Fu fighting...
Ons and Offs


Name: Scarlett Woods
Gender: Female
Position: Guest
Personality: Scarlett is a quiet and reserved individual. She is friendly, but not the type that would approach someone and strike up a conversation. She can be charming and thoughtful, yet speak exactly what's on her mind. She's not afraid to speak the truth.

Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'9
Body Build: Slender
Additional Physical Notes: White water lilly on lower back

History: Scarlett came from an abusive family. After the death of her father when she was seven, her mother turned to alcohol and drugs to help ease her pain. Scarlett received multiple beatings in between, and when she was thirteen, her mother beat her so badly that she was hospitalized for months. It was there in the hospital where she heard someone singing and a guitar-strumming a beautiful melody. She looked over and noticed the young woman sharing a room with her was a talented musician. Scarlett and the woman became close friends immediately. After Scarlett's mother was put into prison, the kind musician took Scarlett in and taught her all the joys that music brings to the world. She then pursues a career with multiple degrees and doctorates. Scarlett later creates a rock band with a group of friends, calling themselves "Ultra Violet." The band became a major success around the world and soon met her future husband while on tour. A few years after they married, Scarlett found that her husband was having an affair with one of her bandmates and momentarily lost her passion for music. She needed to get a break from the stardom and chaotic lifestyle and find her true self again.

Face Claim: Barbara Palvin
Bees that have honey in their mouths have stings in their tails...


Name: Scarlett Woods
Gender: Female
Position: Guest
Personality: Scarlett is a quiet and reserved individual. She is friendly, but not the type that would approach someone and strike up a conversation. She can be charming and thoughtful, yet speak exactly what's on her mind. She's not afraid to speak the truth.

Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'9
Body Build: Slender
Additional Physical Notes: White water lilly on lower back

History: Scarlett came from an abusive family. After the death of her father when she was seven, her mother turned to alcohol and drugs to help ease her pain. Scarlett received multiple beatings in between, and when she was thirteen, her mother beat her so badly that she was hospitalized for months. It was there in the hospital where she heard someone singing and a guitar-strumming a beautiful melody. She looked over and noticed the young woman sharing a room with her was a talented musician. Scarlett and the woman became close friends immediately. After Scarlett's mother was put into prison, the kind musician took Scarlett in and taught her all the joys that music brings to the world. She then pursues a career with multiple degrees and doctorates. Scarlett later creates a rock band with a group of friends, calling themselves "Ultra Violet." The band became a major success around the world and soon met her future husband while on tour. A few years after they married, Scarlett found that her husband was having an affair with one of her bandmates and momentarily lost her passion for music. She needed to get a break from the stardom and chaotic lifestyle and find her true self again.

Face Claim: Barbara Palvin
Bees that have honey in their mouths have stings in their tails...

Lady Sakura

Writer: RedPhoenix

Name: Becky Washington
Age: 29
Sexuality: She's thought of herself as heterosexual all her life, but she's reevaluating a lot of things and is open to new experiences. Which is to say, she is Omnisexual. Having explored her sexuality at her stay in the hotel, Becky is almost entirely lesbian these days.

Personality: Becky is a friendly, open-minded individual who is a little guarded because of her experiences, although her hesitance is hidden with easy going southern charm. She likes both simple and sophisticated things. Due to her background she can fit in well with regular folks and the jet set. She prefers to be laid back and would be a bit of a homebody if she had the option, although she does like to have a good time and is a bit of a hopeless romantic.

Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'7"
Body Build: Very Voluptuous
Additional Physical Notes: None.

History: Becky is a girl from a small town in the American south. Her family was quite religious and believed in traditional values. She grew up a sweet southern girl, and also grew up very pretty. She dated the star of the high school football team, who made it big in college, and was drafted into the NFL. Their relationship was strained by the temptations of college, and then finally broke after he was unfaithful after he made his millions. Becky made a lot in the divorce.

After this she tried to find herself on her own, and had a strange encounter with a young man in her neighborhood. She doesn't like to talk about it. Needing a break from life, she sold her ex-husband's home and went on a vacation to Caravanserai. She intends to stay here until she figures out where to go next in life.

Face Claim: Ayisha Diaz

Lady Sakura

Alright here goes nothing!

Name: Victoria “Tori” Valentine
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Sexuality: 100% turbo boosted gay.
Personality: Acts very proper and aloof in an effort to try and mask the fact that she is in fact very shy.She tries very hard to keep that mask up as she doesn’t want to mess up her image and that of her family.
If something really knocked her off guard or displeases her greatly her mobster nature sometimes kicks in.
She’s very cautious not to touch people, as she dislikes being touched without permission.

Eyes: Light purple, almost pink
Height: 5’5”
Body Build: Very slender
Additional Physical Notes: Small bust, dark black hair, very pale skin.

History: The Valentine crime family is well know, they have operations in almost every country and have their hands in almost every business. Victoria’s older brother disappeared when she was young (he was about 21) leaving her the sole child of her family. That put a lot of responsibility on her and she wasn’t quite sure if this lifestyle was for her. Her parents ended up adopting the son of a family they were close to after his parents were killed, reliving the pressure off of her... but she still knows the tricks of the trade~

One day she receives and anonymous tip that her older brother was spotted at the Caravanserai and decided to check out the lead...

Face Claim:

How’s that?

Lady Sakura

Name: Barbara “Barb” Blackburn
Gender: Female
Age: 34
Sexuality: Heteroflexible
Personality: Pithy, Frank, Confident, Realistic, Unique. Barb may look like an average Nebraska blonde, but she’s lived a tumultuous life that has left her with interesting (and perhaps polarizing) perspectives that she is not afraid to discuss. She knows a little about a lot, and is confident enough in herself to admit when she doesn’t. She does not appear to be interested in impressing others and therefore she moves throughout her life with a sense of freedom that most people aspire to.

Eyes: Green
Height: 5’7” or 1.71cm
Body Build: Hourglass with taut curves over lithe muscle
Additional Physical Notes: She has a tattoo of a snake on her ankle

History: Barb was not always a Nebraskan single-mom and real estate agent. Her life was exciting from an early age when her parents traveled to the major cities following her dad's band around. She was discovered as a model when she was only 15 and spent the next several years building a portfolio. By the time she was 20 she had already traveled the world and in the absence of adult supervision, developed some very unsavory habits, the worst of which were casual drug abuse and an unreliable instinct about men. At 18 she began to date an Italian photographer named Matteo, and they had a fiery affair for many years until she finally became pregnant at 21. Barb promptly married him and moved in to his family's villa. There, she gave birth to a daughter named Valentina, and for a few short years the three of them were a very happy family. Alas, their bliss was temporary and as soon as Matteo began to showcase a temper that Barb could not abide, she divorced him and took sole custody of Val (Matteo didn't fight for his daughter).

Aware that the proverbial party was over and that no amount of denial would change that, she strove to provide for Val so they moved in with her mother in rural Pennsylvania. There, she had someone to watch Val while she was at work at day, and a night while she enrolled in a GED program. As soon as she obtained her GED, she got a job and moved into her own apartment in PA. Eventually, she learned that rent was too high and looked to buy a home but the property values were outrageous, so she looked outside of the northeast and wound up in a charming two-story in Omaha. After the hassle of buying a house, she went to school to become a real estate agent and since getting her license, her trajectory has been onward and upward. Val is now 12 and the two of them have a comfier life than Barb ever thought she'd be able to provide. She was able to send her daughter on vacation with her friends and afford this luxury vacation for herself. She's been saving for years and is ready to treat herself to the finer things!

Face Claim: Betty Gilpin

Lady Sakura

Writer: BareBeholder

Name: Carter Crestwood
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: He always seems to be off in his own world, and keeps mostly to himself because he never fit in with his family or their friends and is highly aware of that. He is a bit quirky but not super outgoing, that's not to say he is timid. He gets stuck in his own awkwardness, not always having the appropriate response or know how to carry on small talk. Being constantly reminded of his flaws, he developed social anxiety, constantly overthinking every interaction. He finds himself leaning more towards solo activities, finding it easier to express himself in the arts; he has been playing the piano for over 20 years but his social anxiety has held him from taking his passion to profession. He isn't a very powerful presence but has a very endearing side. He is super sensitive and can be gentle but also has bursts of stand-offish behaviors if he feels upset.

Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5'11
Body Build: Lean with muscle
Additional Physical Notes: He is a bit lanky, has a few tattoos

History: Crestwood Brewery has been in his family for five generations and continues to stay in the family by being past down. Fitting into the rich culture has always been a struggle so over the years he slowly lost interest in the family business. He has never been in a serious romantic relationship but also doesn't sleep around, he has a very clear idea of what a relationship should be from his happily married parents. He has never held a job or completed college because he feels rather stuck on his life goals. His parents seem to understand this, he never really showed much "success" in life but his father is constantly trying to get him into the craft of brewing so one day he will have the drive to take over the business.

Face Claim: Robert Sheehan


Lady Sakura

Writer: Taurinekitten

Name: Phoebe De'Makis
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: On the outside Phoebe appears very energetic and quirky. She has a witty sense of humor and is usually rather quick with comebacks. Get a few drinks in her and she can be the life of the party. However behind closed doors Phoebe is more quiet and reserved. She is cautious about letting people close and tends to keep them at arms length. She typically can get along with just about anyone but does have a poor opinion of the wealthy even though she just came into money herself.

Eyes: Icy Blue
Height: 5'10
Body Build: In her head she appears very muscular and domineering, but it reality she's very thin and lanky.
Additional Physical Notes: Phoebe has long dark hair, in that in between of brown and black that frames her round face. She has a small piercing on the left side of her nose and a small scar where a labret piercing once was. She has a small thin scar above her right eye from an altercation she had with her brother's adopted father, as well as more non-visible scars from her time bouncing between homes. The word "Forgotten" is tattooed in typewriter font between her shoulder blades. She has the day her mother died tattooed on her left wrist, and the day her brother died on her right wrist. Resulting in her strange obsession with Peeps _ she has a medium sized pink peep on her left ankle.


At a young age Phoebe and her older brother Carson witnessed the murder of their mother. With no family to claim them they were tossed within the prison like walls of foster care. Try as their caseworker did to keep them together, Carson had caught the eye of a state Senator. When the Senator heard about the death of their mother, he told the caseworker that a tragedy like that would add character to Carson, given the proper grooming. However one look at the small lanky little sister and the Senator discarded her as damaged goods.

So the siblings were separated, Carson off to a life of luxury and choices, whereas Phoebe was shoved into the system and funneled through broken homes. Her various caseworkers would fill her with promises of a better life and then drop her off at the curb and speed away. Most of the families only wanted her for the paycheck, outside that she was to be neither seen or heard. When the money wasn't worth her attitude anymore, or the husbands succumbed to the reality that they couldn't break her - they would ship her back.

Finally at 17 she was finally able to convince a judge to emancipate her. She had her mind set to find her brother and be reunited. After hitchhiking across the States, she finally found him attending Cornell University. Unfortunately she found him passed out drunk at a Frat party. Phoebe loaded her brother up and started to drive him home. Pissed that their frat brother was being taken away, the drunken students followed Phoebe and terrorized her on the road resulting in an accident. Her brother died instantly. Even though she hadn't been drinking and had done nothing wrong, she was still blamed. It was easier to point the finger at the homeless teenager, especially once the Senator heard of Carson's death. When the Senator saw Phoebe he attacked her with a scalpel, nearly cutting her eye out. As security pulled him away he told Phoebe to run and to hope he never finds her. With that she hit the road again.

She ends up staying on the move, afraid to linger too long in one place. Eventually she picks up a camera from a friendly driver and discovers a passion for taking photos. When she did stay for a while in a town, she would use the library to teach herself the fundamentals of photography as well as how to make money from it. While on the road she would take beautiful scenic pictures, as well as photos of odd and random things she'd find. In towns she would barter for batteries and upload her pictures to her online store. She wasn't making much, but enough to survive.

Last week she was standing outside a gas station when an overweight man pushed his way out the door, bitching about a losing lotto ticket. He tossed the ticket into the trash, pulled a chili dog from his pocket and walked away. Phoebe, out of habit, peeked at the ticket. The man hadn't even finished scratching it yet. Pulling a coin from her pocket she clears the remaining spots and her eyes grow wide. It's a winner, it's a big winner. She looks around for the grumpy man but he's no where to be seen. So she turns the ticket in herself, vowing to give the man something should she ever see him again.

At the announcement for her winning, she's surrounded by people and camera's. It's a feeling of claustrophobia she hadn't felt since foster care. As she scans the crowd before her she can feel a heavy weight on her chest, recognizing two faces. They were guards of the Senator and they didn't look like they were there to congratulate her. Slipping away she ends up finding herself in another banquet room that was in the middle of a seminar. Caravanserai they advertised. Seems far away which was a plus and she just came into enough money to take an extended vacation.

Face Claim: Christina Aguilera

Lady Sakura

Writer: KaleHyde

Name: Ronald James (RJ) Davenport Jr.
Gender: Male
Age: 40
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: RJ until recently was a hard charging Type A personality speeding fast to an early demise.  His ruthless and overbearing ways had most people polarized into either loving his dominant tendencies or cursing the ground he prowled, mostly dependent on whether they stood against him or not.  Now, he has come to this oasis in the desert to destress and find better methods of coping mostly at the advice of his doctors and behest of his firm partners.

Eyes: Dark blue
Height: 6ft 2in
Body Build: Though getting older, he still strives to keep an athletic build both through working out and over the counter.
Additional Physical Notes: Has a scar on his left elbow from a surgery in college.

History: RJ is the oldest of three sons born to the well respected Republican Senator from Ohio, Ronald Davenport, and his NYC socialite wife, Margot.  The home was filled with love despite the media's constant claims that the marriage was merely for convenience and, while the boys never wanted for anything, RJ was raised with the ideals of discipline and hard work.  He actually earned his way into Princeton both academically and as part of the rowing team though the latter ended his junior year when he needed to have his elbow surgically repaired.  Still that was a sort of blessing as it caused RJ to focus more on his pursuit of a law degree and graduate in the top third of his class. 

Ronald had a meteoric rise in the corporate DC firm that took him in, his inner drive and tenacity worked in tandem with his father's connections to produce a fierce adversary in any court setting.  However, what he seemed to lack was his father's genuine compassion for people over monetary gain, a fault that only got worse upon his father's untimely death five years ago.  RJ completely lost himself in his work as if taking out his grief on every protest group, injured plaintiff, and small business he could manage.  He was ruthlessly successful but working himself to the bone.  Just after his recent fortieth birthday fueled by hard alcohol and willing women, both his doctor and his bosses warned him that he needed to slow down, learn to take a breath, but it was his mother who finally got through to him and convinced him to get away from everything for a while.  Caravanserai was one of the few high end resorts in the world where RJ might be able  to disappear from all those he has crossed and the ever prying media curious as to why he would drop from his prominent place in the headlines. 

Face Claim: Julian McMahon

Lady Sakura

Writer: Barebeholder

Name: Gabriel Davis
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Coming from a past full of revenue, support and opportunity of growth, Gabriel has a pretty solid sense of self. He is very friendly, doesn't mind being the center of attention and loves to meet new people. Taking failure and success with the same air of humility, he always seems to be well liked by all crowds. Traveling around the world is a passion and you'll never catch him without a business card- always expanding his network of connections. He is pretty competent in a lot of areas so he doesn't shy away from any challenge; social, personal or work related. He can look a little intimidating at first with very strong features but he has an extremely approachable personality.

Eyes: Green
Height: 6'4
Body Build: Muscularly fit
Additional Physical Notes:

History: Gabriel was raised by a hard-working single mother who always encourages him to set and achieve goals. Getting deeply engrossed in multiple hobbies at a young age, he learned quickly that the only way to win life was to do and learn as much as possible. He was an early graduate and quickly became a well respected Architect, earning himself a solid standing in the business. When his mother retired from the medical world of surgery, she became a partner and helped her then 26 year old son open his own firm. His firm seems to be ever-growing but he feels like he lacks what others have when it comes to personal life affairs.

Face Claim: Nicholas Bateman



Name: Sir. Edward Carrington
Gender: Male
Age: 28 years old
Sexuality: heterosexual
Personality: Sir. Carrington is a mystic individual that speaks in in questions with a seductive twinkle though he is not a seducer. He is quiet and does not offer much information unless he is spoken to. He always appears busy but no knows why so it gives him that business like attitude. He uses logic and reasoning that seems too in-depth even for the simplest situations. 

Eyes: blue eyes
Height: 6'1
Body Build: slender but athletic. 
Additional Physical Notes: He has one small tattoo below his right ear that is the shape of a spade from a card deck. He wears suits almost everywhere, it would be strange to see him in anything other than suits. The suits are not a display of character or personality but rather like there is something reserved inside.

History: Sir. Carrington hails from Europe around the northern England area, though he is not even exactly sure. He is not sure who his parents were and has never asked. He grew up in a foster home and when he turned 18 he joined his majesty's royal army. He spent time in special forces working many years in Russia and Asia. He returned to England were he opened a watch making business. He runs another business behind that mask as an official advisor of foreign political affairs to governments around the world. That business is somewhat clouded in mystery and exactly what he does in this advising is not known to the public at large, in fact, to the public he is nothing more than a mere shadow of a CEO of a small business luxury watch maker. He has wealth and power through his escapades and has now wandered into the hotel for a much needed vacation away from his guised life.     

Face Claim: Naturally fair skin though not entirely pale. Much like that of the great Tom Hardy.