Sheldon lust for penny. looking for a female to play penny. (TBBT fandom)

Started by Ra-Horakhty, January 05, 2019, 02:00:46 AM

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Hello guys, yesterday I was watching an old episode of big bang theory(early seasons), and I noticed there is a great chemistry b/w Sheldon and penny. So, I thought what if sheldon started to like penny and fell in love for her, but more sexually then emotionally. Would love to explore this setting. So any interested female, who would like to play penny are welcome.
I don't know if its appealing or not, but give a text, will discuss about the possibilities of this story.
We can also build the story in which penny cheats on leonard, for sheldon, or during the sea voyage when leonard was in the sea for months, and story of penny and sheldon grew at that time.
Open to all kinks. there is not much about character description as we all know about these characters. btw we can modify certain aspects according to the rp.
I am new to rp and to this site as well, got approved recently. So thought to try for something, in which I have sufficient knowledge to build the story. Im a big fan of tbbt, if you are too then ping me back.
Hope to hear from you!

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

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