Outer Realms University of Magic and Mysticism [Seeking Players and 1 other GM]

Started by Karasu, January 04, 2019, 03:48:46 AM

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That'd do quite well! Could be plants respond to her a bit better.



She's good to go! Post her away in the repository thread and you can make her entrance.


He's been hella preoccupied with IRL things, so no dearie, you're good to go as well ^^


Name: Mercedes Earhart
Nicknames: Mercy, Sadie, Rabbit, Bun-buns. (Feel free to add your own)
Class: Elementalism, Anti-magic, psychic mastery

Occupation: Waitress, officially

My story? Oh eesh, well that might take a while… I suppose I’ll try to keep this as short and sweet as possible. My father, as he always said, named me Mercedes because it would have been the car he owned hadn't I taken root in my mother so quickly. Incidentally, my little brother's name is Bentley - but that’s neither here nor there.

To help give you a better understanding I’ll start out with a bit of family background story time. While I grew up in one of the most beautiful provinces the Imperial Sovereignty had to offer, it was also once one of the most criminally influenced. IS was, and still is, the capital and home for the Carnella syndicate and harbors over one hundred and eleven known Carnella clans within its borders and the surrounding area. The Earhart family, my family that is ;) , had deep roots among the Carnella and held several of the clans beneath their thumb once. I know this because my father is ridiculously proud of his heritage. -eye roll.- Regardless, while the Carnella’s hands still aren’t quite clean, they are more of a conglomerate corporation consisting of multiple subsidiaries - the clans - and a board of directors these days.

As such, my young life consisted of a variety of dangerous politics, of which I had little say or sway in. I was not treated unlike many of the women born into the Carnella, and unlike my brothers, whom would be groomed to one day run the family business, I was taught that my own contribution consisted of little more than growing in beauty and grace. To them, it was important that I eventually secure a powerful husband - A horrible little slime-ball of a brat from The Dominion, at that - and bear him powerful sons. Gross...

Unfortunately for them, I, Mercedes Earhart, was a natural born rebel. They thought they were producing a beautiful young lady – a wonderful bargaining chip – but I didn’t see myself in the same light. Early on I had to learn to play my cards carefully – present my family with the vision of everything they wanted me to be. That way they wouldn’t feel like they had to keep a close eye on me. You could only imagine their surprise, and complete lack of delight, when they discovered me among the ‘abhorrent riffraff’ actively sabotaging and protesting their industry - which was driving already endangered species onto the brink of extinction and involved super underpaid workers in other countries, I might add. Heartless Bastards.

Anyways, it didn’t take them long to realize that this wasn’t just a first time occurrence. A little bit of investigating, a couple thousand dollars later and they suddenly realized their little princess wasn’t quite as perfect as they thought… To put it simply, I’d been hanging out with what they considered ‘swill’ for years now. So I was ultimately given an ultimatum. Either I became the cultured corporate-princess bride they had been grooming me all my life to become or lose everything I ever had. Sadly, in my eyes the two were not mutually exclusive. If I chose the latter I knew I would lose my entire family, but if I chose the first, not only would I be sacrificing my principles, but any dream of freedom and independence I had ever had. So I made the only choice I really could make.

So... naturally my parents kicked me out, cut off my funds, and forced the entire family to turn their backs on me. Yeah… And it didn’t exactly stop there either. I became a social outcast within my own class, painted out to be some harlot that was brainwashed into betraying her family. Whatever, fine. - but do you know what I did first? Pierced my eyebrow, got a couple of tattoos and dyed my hair fluorescent fucking pink. Why? Because fuck them. If they’re not holding my balls hostage by the wallet anymore I don’t have to follow their stupid rules either, right?

But... I probably should have thought a little longer on that Where’s Waldo Tattoo…

Ahem, anyways, It didn’t really take me long to realize what they had actually done to me. No, I’m not talking about the funds and abandonment and all that - that’s a whole different bag of fun. I’m talking about the way they raised me. The way they sheltered me. The way they censored the world and hid reality from me like mom hid her vibrator from dad. All these years they weren’t just grooming me to be a lady, they were grooming me to be completely dependent on them. They wanted to be my drug and my dealer all at once. It was a control thing, and I was quickly discovering just how tough the world was when you were off the leash. I had no real marketable skills... Paying bills was a whole new concept to me. So was living without a credit card - Thanks for blacklisting me, Dad! I mean, I hung out with ‘peasants’ before, but I really had no idea just how freaking tough they had it!

Nothing like hoping out of the frying pan and into the fire, huh…?

Luckily one of those fancy keys showed up in my bed just as I was plopping down for a hard earned nap. I was debating pawning it when a foreign voice invaded my thoughts. It was hard to believe - not the magic bit, but a key to another realm? Naturally I had to try it… You know, for Science! And that’s how I ultimately escaped my family’s reach.

Birthplace: Imperial Sovereignty

Appearance Section

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sexual preferences: Sapiosexual

Kinks: Ons & Offs

Species: Raven Spirit - In Mercedes’ realm people are inhabited and bonded with animal spirits. Mercedes' is a Raven.

Species special abilities:
Aeromancy - The ability to can create, shape and manipulate manipulate air.
Mediumship - Thanks to the spirit inhabiting Mercy’s body, one foot is always stuck in the spirit realm. For her there is very little separation between the two. She can both see, speak and interact with spirits on levels that most cannot. However, this is not a one way street, and not all spirits are kind. She has been harmed by them on more than one occasion. (Note: In many ways Angels and Demons are considered spirits in some form, and I plan to apply that here, somewhat.)
Kinship - She has a natural way with Black birds. They are her kin, her friends, and they communicate on a wavelength very few can understand. That doesn't mean she has control over them, however, nor that she can manipulate them. 

Physical Appearance: More frequently than not Mercy is described as a little more ‘curvaceous’ - a curse in her own eyes. She is a cello shaped swell of bodacious curves more befitting a time where her abundant assets were much more desired. Unfortunately many refer to her with less kind words, or often times more lewd terms... That aside, the woman has a gorgeous mane of blonde hair so soft and light it gleams white under the right light and cascades past her shoulders in spider-silk waves. Meanwhile, high cheekbones and plush lips create a lovely face. The true beauty, however, lie in her eyes – a beautiful Iris so bright and crystalline you could almost swear you were peering into the neon depths of an Amethyst lagoon.

Height: 5’4”
Weight: 115 lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Lavender
Identifiable Markings: Scarring

Clothes: Mercy’s style can be rather flamboyant at times. She enjoys dressing colorfully, and has perhaps a bit of a punkish taste.

Personality: Clever | Analytical | Misleading | Self-contradictory | Bossy | Inquisitive | Cultured | Thrill-seeker | Cagey | Compassionate | Rebellious | Studious | Observant | Reflective | Deceptive

Combat Section

Weapon(s)/Equipment -
Walking Parasol - Created and sold among the Imperial Sovereignty to be naturally fire retardant. The center pole is made of stainless steel and very sturdy, and has also been repurposed as a blowpipe.

Third Eye - Her perception is a complicated thing and does not always function the same upon her senses as most typically experience.This has had multiple side effects on Mercedes life, one of which come in visions often confusing, muddled and heavily symbolic. Many even Retro-Cognitive in origin. Currently this ability manifests in a mostly random and uncontrolled fashion.  She not only sees things on a different level, but she feels, hears, tastes and smells things in a way that isn't connected to normal physical senses, on distances beyond normal ranges. She can sense if a person has abilities, as well as potential abilities. At times she can even touch people or objects and gain sensations, sounds, trace information, presences and oftentimes even memories - most of which are retro-cognitive.(Will mostly be controlled by the GM and other players.) This also allows Mercy to be aware of strange sensations and changes in the fabrics of reality. It is not always as linear, nor as functional, and can sometimes create chaos within her mind just for her to attempt to process.
Unweave - Mercy is capable of unweaving and dispelling magics over time. This is not an instant ability and typically takes time, and is meant to be used of magics with more permanence such as curses and blessings.

Skills - Ballet, Figure Skating, Piano, Cheer-leading, Hockey, Agile, Flexible, Willful to a fault, Dexterous, Near Limitless Fucking Energy (Not really), Acting, Shooting.

Flighty - Mercedes is flighty in every sense of the word. She could have easily been diagnosed with ADHD had her family believed in such things, and while she is easily amused, she is also easily bored and completely incapable of sitting still for too long. This is why, among other things, she has collected such a long list of hobbies and sports over the years - Of which she usually picked up and grew bored of a few months later.
Gullible - While she is not so naive as to believe others don’t have ulterior motives, she is extremely sheltered. There is much about the world she does not know. So - while skeptical of people - she is more prone to believing certain things than most...
Spoiled - Growing up in the lap of luxury has left her with a few expectations she’s still struggling to get around. Add the fact she’s been cut off from daddy’s wallet after years of conditioning meant to make her 100% dependent on her parents, and you’ll find someone struggling to stay afloat. Life is definitely tougher now that she has no real fail safes and fallback.
Misguided - Thanks to the way she was raised there are a lot of things about the world she is still trying to figure out and understand. It’s a learning process, and she definitely needs to get past that curve...


[Whatever else you’d like to make known that isn’t already on your sheet]

Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies


I admit she is very.. interesting.. Fitting at least with the magic, though the backstory throws me for a loop, as it doesn't show her magical ability at all or at least why she was chosen..

That isn't to say I don't like her. I do very much so.


^^' I try not to define character's by their abilities too much. I didn't really incorporate specifics of her using her abilities in the background because I felt it was implied that it was used in her everyday life, as well as her conquests. There was much of her background I didn't add because I can tend to get long winded with histories if I go into too much detail. LOL. So I was trying to treat it like a basic background. I also didn't want to do too much with her because she's meant to be a fairly young and new student, and wanted to give her room for growth. >>; I guess I did it too well?

Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies


haha That's entirely fine! She's good to go so post her in the repository and afterward you can make her entrance into the School ^^


Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies




Indeed, please do come! Invite your friends if it would appeal, please bring them forth! <3

Captain Whitebread

I am so tempted (and have a bio half written) but I already have too many RPs on the go.  I'll need to lose one first.
There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.




Gonna bookmark and see if I can make a character for this... not sure with all the games I have but will put some effort into writing something fabulous! 😊




So been pondering on whether or not I would like to do this one or not and I think I would. I also think I will make a character based on an idea of one that I was doing for a D&D camping years ago. Anyway I love what you  doing with this one so many possibilities for a character.
There is no Order only Chaos and all the joys that it brings. 
This way too On's and Off's


Oh thank you! I'm glad to make something people seem to enjoy, I hope it becomes a nice big RP so that plenty of others can have lots of people to RP with.. I'd love to do things in the future wherein teachers can host their own events, or students having their own little plots and such. <3


I hope everyone is doing well today. If anyone needs me, My DMs are reachable and so is my Discord. I'm available all day for questions or general chatter <3




Hi everyone! I hope you are all having a good day, and hope to see you guys post at some point.

Emiko Higurashi

If things are still open (assuming so) I'd like to express interest in joining.


Looking kinda dead, but I'd be thrilled if we could breath life back into this


Looking for something different? Give the Beneath Our Paws Roleplay a try~!
O/o thread here.