Had a few cravings (M for F, fantasy, sci-fi, anthro)

Started by IrishWolf, December 29, 2018, 07:56:09 PM

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A New Partner

Policing colonial worlds, on the frontier of human expansion has always been difficult. As settlers struggle to conquer their new world, they rarely have the spare population to form large, well trained and well equipped police forces. More civilized worlds, can rarely afford to send away their law officers. The best core worlds can do for fledgling colonies, is train limited number of marshals and send them along, to provide at least some sort of law enforcement, beyond the main city.

Vathiea Prime teems with life, from its warm tropical seas to the lush, primordial jungles, covering most of the dry land. Like the rainforests of South America, the plants and animals found there, are a pharmaceutical goldmine. The planet also has untold narcotics to be found or offers the perfect place to grow or improve those mankind has known since before the discovery of space flight. Their new world has proved to be boon and bane of the colonies there.

Several colonists have already struck it rich from the wealth of the jungles but the world has attracted the attention of several pirate groups, resulting in raids on outlying settlements and plantations, as well as interplanetary gangs, setting up their own illegal grow operations and paying often violent smugglers, to ship their product off world. As if the large (and small) predators found all across Vathiea weren't bad enough, human ones are now preying on the settlers.

Of the twenty marshals sent to help protect the colony, ten have been killed, either by native carnivores or criminals and other three have been injured bad enough, that they may never return to duty. The remaining seven have not escaped harm but have been able to return to duty. The colonial government has been screaming for more help, more marshals, police, a military base, anything but there has been no official response from the governments of the core worlds or even neighboring colonies. However, there has been one gift they have accepted and are considering an offer from a conglomerate of pharmaceutical companies.

Both to gain good publicity and to hopefully entice the government of Vathiea Prime into accepting a private security force on their world, the Conglomerate has placed an order for and shipped to the colony, a number of custom canine Anthromorphs, to be partner with the remaining marshals and what few police are found on the colony. On the worlds, where their creation is legal, such beings, the combination of animal and human DNA, are normally used as pets, companions or for labor. However, these models were created with law enforcement in mind and where programed with such skills in their creation.

However, it should be noted, that the skills and training, the labs used to make the Anthros, were taken from more civilized, core worlds, not the experiences found on wild frontier worlds.

One quirk of the Anthros, is that they imprint or bond with the first human they see. This is immensely useful for those made as pets or companions but has posed an interesting challenge, in getting them to Vathiea Prime, without them imprinting on the wrong human. To solve this, they have been kept in isolation since the moment they were grown, given only verbal commands, as their skills were tested, to ensure quality. In order to send them, the Anthros were seal into modified shipping crates, for the three week journey, which contained a bed, food, water and a waste receptacle.

So I am looking to play as a male human marshal, who’s a little out of the loop, when he is recalled to the capital of Vathiea Prime and informed he is being given a partner. He is then led to a shipping container and told to open it, in which he finds a female canine Anthro, who has the skills and training of a police officer but who might just have more than just little companion Anthro in her.

The Marshal

Possible Anthro

These inspired my idea but don't feel constrained by them


Forging an Alliance

The long winter of the North is coming to an end. Soon, the snow will melt, the passes will open, merchants from the southlands will arrive and the short farming season will begin. The white and grey of snow and bare stone will be replaced with dark green of the thick forests, the flower speckled bright green of the prairie beyond and the dark blue of the scattered deep lakes. The mines will reopen, hunters, trappers and woodsmen will return to the forests, adventurers will arrive to find glory in the mountains.

It will also bring the season of war.

War was the natural state of the North. Barbarian tribes had clashed for as long as anyone could remember, although ruins in the mountains seemed to indicate that had once been a civilization here. When they weren’t fighting one another, the tribes had fought the monsters and the beasts. When Southlanders had come, they built forts and cities, fought the barbarians and began fighting for control of the trade routes. Each city wants to be the primary destination for the merchants, come north looking to buy timber, furs, metal and the strange but devilishly spicy ice peppers.

Over the last winter, spies have braved the ice and snow, bringing word back to the city of Chillhaven, of impending doom. The masters of Ironfalls, Westvein and Tradetown, along with a dozen lesser villages and steadings, have been courting one another, looking to form a grand alliance, to bring about the destruction of their greatest rival in the region. Cities which normally would have been too caught up in their own squabbles, to threaten the chief city.

Like all other cities in North, Chillhaven keeps men under arms, foot soldiers serving as the city watch or serving in small guard posts along the trade roads or protecting the larger client villages. But they can’t afford to maintain enough to be an army. The city fathers can call up the free folk to serve as a temporary militia and these hearty settlers will fight bravely but it is not their profession. Mercenaries are an option but strangely this year, there are few for hire. Most likely most have already been hired for the season.

Also, like the other cities, Chillhaven keeps a small force of elite riders, used to harass the villages and trade routes of the other cities or to either discourage or punish barbarian raiders. Unlike the knights of the southlands, these riders are lightly armored, most preferring quilted jackets, with a little chainmail in strategic places, to keep them light and fast. Short bows, easy to use from the saddle are popular among the riders, as are axes, both hand axes and throwing axes. Swords and light lances are not uncommon though. Another difference, they accept women into their ranks, as the cities are always in need of more riders.

But even with such warriors, it will be a simple numbers game, unless Chillhaven can find more troops.

And there is one source, which has gone untapped, the barbarians. Although they will be hard to recruit. Many of the tribes around Chillhaven are already being bribed with steel weapons, to leave the city alone and that’s not enough to keep some of the warbands from turning raider, if the opportunity presents itself. Not to mention, the barbarians are not overly fond of the Southlanders. Promises of more weapons, food and luxuries, might being some of the tribes to the city’s banner

But one of the city fathers has a plan. If they can bring the largest of the tribes in the area, The Red Fangs, over to their side, it’s Chieftain can used blood oaths to bring most of the others to the Chillhaven banner. The problem is the Chieftain himself, Tyern son of Threidr. If most barbarians are not fond of the Southlanders, he loathes them, considering them weak and unworthy, at least for the most part. He does respect the city riders. Which just might offer the opportunity to being him to their side, for the coming war.

One of the female riders of Chillhaven, notable and who perhaps even crossed weapons with Tyern, is called to a private meeting with the city fathers. She is to ride to the winter camp of the Red Fangs, to treat with the Chieftain and is specially instructed to offer the Barbarian more then the weapons, food and liquor. She already has his respect as a warrior but she is to get his interest as a male.

The Rider

The Barbarian

while I was inspired the pictures to write this idea, the characters doen't have to be anthros. They could be High Fantasy races or low fantasy humans

Made for Him
There are points in time, where different universes overlap, normally only for a brief moment. During such overlaps, crossovers can occur. A monster is seen, someone takes a blurry photograph of a strange flying object, something sinks a ship or in some cases, a mysterious disappearance happens. In most cases, everything or everyone is returned to the universe they belong to, leaving behind only memories and little proof but sometimes, whoever or whatever crosses over, strays a little too far from the point of contact between universes and is trapped in a world, not their own.

Such an event took place in a remote cabin, in the Green Mountains of northern Vermont. A being crossed over and was lost in a universe, where none of her kind, had ever existed, leaving her at the mercy of a man she both knew intimately but was a stranger to.

In her own world, she had been created to be the companion of a powerful politician. Not a free person but not a slave, as she had rights and responsibilities. However she was made to serve the needs of one man, as both a personal assistant and as a lover. His kinks were hers and her desires were his pleasures. In fact, her designers might have gone a little too far, with their attempt to create the best companion, as extended amounts of time without physical interaction with her human, has been shown to leave her mentally distressed and physically ill. Thankfully, this hasn’t been tested to the extreme, although there have been a few times, due to unforeseen delays, which have caused some concern.

In this new world, the man who in so many ways resembles her human, is not a politician, using the secluded cabin to get away from business and the media but rather an author. A rather good one in fact, with several different series, who likes living in the cabin year around and enjoys the quiet so he can write.

It was a quirk of fate, that in two universes, the same man, was watching the same storm, from the same porch and in a single clap of thunder, the only difference between them, moved from one to another.

So as this idea was forming, I envisioned the pairing as human male and anthro female but as she is a created lifeform, she could be a neko, elf, demon, ect. Anything not human. As for the species of the anthro, I was thinking something unusual or at least one that I’ve never had a partner play before. Of course, don't feel restrained, this are just suggestions

Body Heat
The universe is vast, with uncounted stars and planets of every variation but even something as unfathomable, has some general rules. One such general rule, is where intelligent life, that which will create civilizations and reach for the stars, is found. Warm, mild weathered planets, tropical Edens in fact. As such, nearly all intelligent lifeforms are ectotherms, which is too say, they are cold blooded, relying on the environment for body heat.

Or at least that was the expected, universe truth, until Humanity and a collection of several alien races called the Coalition, bumped into one another. Humans took one look at their stellar neighbors and began giving them nicknames, based mostly on the reptiles from their homeworld, mostly because of their appearance. What took the Coalition off guard, were the conditions of Earth. Every member species would have considered the birthplace of Humanity a hardship world, if not a deathworld.

As the diplomatic niceties began between the Coalition and United Terran Nations, they began to exchange personal, to learn about one another. After a short time, if one is to believe the stories on the data net, Humans starting becomes very popular.  You see, very few spaceships and space stations could spare enough power to make the cold grasp of space, anything close to comfortable for the races of the Coalition. Most could only make the temperature survivable, which to humans, was only a few degrees below pleasant. Most of the stories tended be sultry, about seducing a warm blooded human, into sharing some of that wonderful body heat.


As the early spring rains fade and the lands begins to dry, the season of war as come. Feudal army raise levies from the common folk, the planting ends and knights ride forth for glory and honors. All seems normal, until a monk from a remote monastery, high in the mountains, where a saint was interred upon their death, stumbles into the city of Lullin, barring grave news. The monastery has been put to siege by a ragged army of goblins and their lesser kin. Thankfully there are no orcs or trolls in their numbers but they are rallied about a small number of the highly militaristic hobgoblins. The walls are stout and the gate strong but the monks there are not warriors, nor are they provisioned to hold out for long. The Church must send relief and it must be soon.

However, there lies the problem. Nearly every order of knights, who answer to the Church, have already gone forth on either crusade or to fulfill promises of aid to mighty kings and lords. The only ones left, are a small order of female knights, all of whom are lesser daughters of the nobility, with unsuitable temperaments, either for marriage or nunneries. Few in number, barely a hundred and while trained and equipped as knights, none have ever seen combat. Indeed, they have rarely been used for anything but ceremonial guards for a handful of high officials. But the Church must lift the siege, so they must be sent.

But no hundred knights, even of the finest caliber, could defeat an army of goblins in the mountains.

So the Church must find more warriors, which means they are to hire mercenaries. Scum who fight for money, rather than a noble lord, honor or the Gods. But they will be skilled and veterans of many wars. Of course, they must act fast, least all the available free companies, be hired for the season. The Bishop of Lullin, seeing the danger, acts, hiring  the Lion Company, nearly a thousand men under Captain Wilhelm Campborn and instructs them to await the arrival of knights, at the town of Pinegrove, the closest settlement to the monastery.

Teacher’s Pet

It had always been her greatest fantasy., getting failing grades and going to the teacher to get makeup work, only find that she had to sexually pleasure them, in order to get her marks up. But the trouble was, she didn’t get bad grades, in fact she rarely even got Bs on her school work. This year she even had a teacher she liked, it would have been perfect, if she hadn’t been able to understand the class or she just wasn’t good at the tests, but neither was the case. As summer break approaches, the opportunity for that fantasy is slipping away. Unless she manufactures some failing grades. Putting her GPA at risk, she bombs fours tests in a row.

Monday morning, after failing the fourth test, it seems like her gamble might just work, when her teacher hands back her test, with a note to see him after school.

But things don’t go according to plan. When she shows up that afternoon, after the final bell rings but before she can ask if there’s anything she can do to get her grades up, he starts asking her if everything is alright at home. Her teacher is not following the script. Instead of taking advantage of her, he’s concerned that she’s being abused. After several leading questions, she breaks down and confesses that she deliberately failed the tests and why.

For several minutes, while she feels like dying of shame, he just quietly considers her before telling her, that she can earn those grades back and that she’ll need to bend over his desk. Its almost a dream come true, when he flips her skirt up and pulls down her panties. That is, until he starts spanking her, until her entire rear is red and sitting down is going to be painful. When he’s finished, he tells her that he’ll change one test grade to an A and that she’ll need to to see him after school, to get each one of the others changed.

Is it wrong, when she realizes the next morning, she’s looking forward to being spanked again?

Eyes Like Mine

So I’ve been reading some Humanity Fuck Yeah, stories on Reddit and listening to the audio books for the Lost Fleet series by Jack Campbell, which is pretty HFY itself but they both got me thinking.

So, the dominate sapient life forms in the universe, are herbivores. The beings that have reached space, believe that sapience comes from the need to use tools and intelligence to overcome predators. Now and then, they do come across intelligent predatory races but those are always destroyed before they can leave their birthworlds. Humanity has been lucky, they discovered alien life before they found us. Human probes caught the destruction of another race by an alliance of herbivores, allowing us to hide, keeping below the radar, while our technology and military grew.

Many years later, as humanity readies itself, their scouts find another predatory race, about to be destroyed. These aliens, barely about to launch their first satellites, suddenly suffer bombardment from space, aimed to level their key cities. The herbivores not only want them dead but they want their world, so they can’t launched nukes or virus bomb the planet. Just a few rocks dropped from orbit, to crater cities, before the ground troops land to mop up. Everything seems to be going to plan, when a human fleet appears from the black of space. As ships duel above the planet, transports begin to rain shuttles down, packed with troops, ready to aid their fellow predators.

I was thinking the aliens would look like this

But if you have something else you would want play as, I’m all for it. For main characters, I was thinking human ground forces or marine officer and female alien resistance leader