Elven Gatewarden's new sidekick [f/any] [EX]

Started by Sain, November 28, 2018, 10:02:59 AM

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A long long hour ago in a diner she used to she used to kinda frequent, Sheradina still had a warm coffee without blood and a friend with some. It was to be a simple breakfast and delivery, a chill day, a tall dream. The boys just had to insist on a cut on business that really wasn’t nowhere near their pay grade. What part of a crate of glowing green rocks with hieroglyph scribbles on them screams, "Hey, you know what's brilliant? Blank the girls, grab their moni and the rocks. Double whammy yo!" Maybe some necromancer could figure it out if there was enough left of them to reanimate. Poor Suzie though, wasn’t her time yet. Sheradina had just gotten them tickets to see some touring shibari master. A bummer on all accounts. She knew she should really start taking a better care of her mortals, duty of the elvenkind and so on. Who knows, maybe the next one is a keeper?

Sheradina is an elven Gatewarden, a creature of the shadows mostly ignored by both the busy human world and the other realm. Hers include a variety of ungrateful tasks from plugging the holes between the spheres to retrieving things that have ended up on the wrong side. Given how often it tends to happen Sheradina has her doubts of her fellow Gatewardens, and the whole system. For those who try to do their job, there aren’t all that many perks. Although she does occasionally get to have a little sadistic fun with those who think it’s alright to skim the ancient rules or try make a bit of extra coin on the side by smuggling magic.

It’s a risky job. More of a couple decade post than a real life-time position. Of course it is. Who would stay in the human realm if their years there began to tick at the rate of mortals? Most of Sheradina’s peers have retired, one way or another, but she refuses to quit. There’s something she still can’t give up in the human world, a sense of lingering, a rusty chain chafing around the ache of heart, telling her, ‘not yet.’ An elf’s Calling is not as easily stifled as human obsession. Not much else she can do than drown the misery of the unfulfilled ache with as big a variety of pleasures as the human world has to offer. But first she really needs to find a new girl to work on, or a man, if she manages to find one cute enough for her tastes that isn’t a total bimbo.

Genre tags: Modern, supernatural, Elves, magical-criminals, drugs, violence,  otherworldly-beasts, romance?
Smut tags: D/s, bondage, BDSM (though heavier S&M elements optional)

Pairing: Female elf to any human, though leaning towards f/f at the moment. Sheradina herself is a jaded elf from another realm who colds magic smugglers for a living and distracts herself from the loss of elven lifespan with the latest human hedonisms. I’d be hoping your character provides meaningful contrast and completes the pairing in some way. In terms of sexual dynamics the pairing could tilt any way or be switch-switch.

Plot: I’m looking for writing a somewhat prequel-to-Narnia-esque escapism story wherein a human gets involved with a mysterious and troubled supernatural creature (MC elf in this case). The characters end up changing each other in some meaningful way whilst uncovering a bit of corruption, taking their stress out on each other with heated arguments and smutty smuts. Eventually they might decide it’s better to fuck it and enter the other world, which can be a potential point to cut the story (unless we have some sub-plots that still need solving by then).

Writing rate etc.: Depending on how absorbed we get in the story my posting rate can vary from over thousand words a day to couple hundred a month, both are okay and enjoyable in their own way :-) Check my O/o for more details on the pairing, kinks, writing style and whatnot. Some examples of previously finished games and ongoing ones are here.
PM box is open. So is my discord: Sain#5301