Seeking Drama and Trauma!

Started by Spectre, November 13, 2018, 08:53:13 AM

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 Looking for a few stories that are steeped in strife and turmoil! Any troubled or haunted characters please apply!
Deeper than " Sad/Bad endings are just more fun", I am looking to play out some sadder,  bleaker concepts to explore characters and how it effects them. I love the darker concepts so feel free to add any darkness that tickles your own fancy in the messages!
Here are a few concepts I wanted to flesh out:
- Skeleton Crew:
It's a hard job but someone has to do it. Natural disasters, disease, violence, it all comes with mess that has to be cleaned up, and once you join the crew, your in for life. Convicts, immigrants and all sort of other lost souls join up to the Crew, a government funded cleaning a restoration crew, tainted and untouchable, feared by the masses as unclean by the nature of their work, the crew lives separated and contained, in sewers and ghettos below the cities, until the worst happens and polite society needs help. On the fringes of society, members of the crew carve out a life as best they can.
good fodder for a dystopia wasteland story or a fallen corrupt city.

- Long Winter:
Winter, ice cold winds and desolation can be more destructive than first thought. Snow, modern or historical can banish and bury, without power, food warmth or hope. Sometimes hard choices need to be made to survive, and as the cold and the snow come ever closer, people can even go crazy. I love to pit the environment against the hapless characters and force them to survive!
Blizzards and ice storms can turn modern places into frigid traps, and we all know what the Donner Party did to escape starving to death in the winter's grasp,..

- Next High
Drugs and drug habit stories have been hard to find. Weather its the sorts we know about or some new kind of fantasy/sci-fi compound that works crazy wonders, I'd like to play the story other either an addict doing what they have too to get the next high, a drug mule, trying to stay alive alive long enough to pay their debts or a hapless stranger, naive to all this being dragged into the dark underworld of addicts and authorities.

-Slavery or Human Trafficking: I like the ideas of slavery, ( non- sexual mostly) and indentured servitude. Particularly when the servants or slaves occupy a different class in society, anywhere from nothing but objects to a protected class of nobles property. I'd like to see unlikely partners, (like rival slaves, slave and owner, etc) have to team up and use the rules of society to achieve their goals, ( maybe the slave his helping the owner get revenge or escape a city, or a separate noble get stranded with only a rivals slave to help them survive and must forge an strained alliance.)

Any stories of these flavors would be great and I would happily change any details to suit my partners. Any kinds of characters are welcome and if you have any questions or interest, please PM me!