question regarding the non-forum things

Started by Anouk Daae, November 08, 2018, 02:25:49 PM

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Anouk Daae

I know the bumping policy. I don't want to do any premature bumps.

There's someone who posted a reply in one of my ads who is no longer affiliated with the group story, but others have continued to reach out to them with questions about the server.
Since they didn't leave on the best of terms, I would like to remake a new thread for the server where I can put more information without all the reply-bumps.
I would delete the old advert, and just have the new one.

I'm wondering if this is allowed, because the last bump I did for this particular thread was October 11th, so just barely under a month ago. I also feel that the original advert, because it was posted when the server first launched, may be somewhat outdated despite my modifications since the launch.

Please advise me on how to best go about this without stepping on toes or breaking rules.
Again, as soon as I create the new advert, I will be deleting the old one.


Good question--had you not asked & made a new thread, might have been construed as circumventing the bump policy.

Anyways, you may lock the old thread (or Staff can) and you may create a new thread--Staff will make note of why & that the new thread is not an attempt to circumvent the bumping policy.  :-)

We generally don't allow deletions of threads that have content from other people in them, so just lock your old thread rather than delete it; it'll sink down the page with no new posts made in it.

Anouk Daae

First off, thank you so much for the prompt response!

I would never have even thought that deleting a thread with someone else's words was viewed negatively. I mean, if it was something played in, I would have figured, but a tiny snippet would have-...anyway thank you.
I will make the new thread and lock the old one once I've transferred over the necessary information.
Probably simultaneously so that it's clear what's going on.

Out of curiosity, if it takes me a couple of hours to get it all consolidated, is that ok or should I rush to get it all done sooner rather than later now that I've expressed my intention?


We sometimes will make exceptions about our non-deletion policy for OOC/request thread posts upon request (though never for IC posts), but generally it's easier to just lock threads and let them sink.

If it takes a couple of hours, that's fine. I'd just suggest including a link to this help thread in your first post while you are working on it so other Staff can see you asked permission to redo your thread at a quick & easy glance. (Can remove the link after the couple of hours it takes to finish up your new thread) :)

Anouk Daae

Anouk Daae

So sorry, one more thing!

How do I lock a thread? I thought I knew, but I'm looking for the button and can't find it.
