Count to 10,000!!

Started by WordSmith, November 02, 2018, 07:26:44 PM

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Lovely Complex

they/them | 3/31 | ♈ sun, ♋ moon, ♊ rising | enthusiast of storytelling smut | player of roles | wordplayer | F-List


This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."

Lovely Complex

they/them | 3/31 | ♈ sun, ♋ moon, ♊ rising | enthusiast of storytelling smut | player of roles | wordplayer | F-List


This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."

Lovely Complex

they/them | 3/31 | ♈ sun, ♋ moon, ♊ rising | enthusiast of storytelling smut | player of roles | wordplayer | F-List


Fancy's Fancies|

“Fiction is life with the dull bits left out”- Clive James


Lizzy's Playlist

Looking for my On's and Off's?

Current Cravings

”I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul.” – Pablo Neruda


This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."

Lovely Complex

they/them | 3/31 | ♈ sun, ♋ moon, ♊ rising | enthusiast of storytelling smut | player of roles | wordplayer | F-List


This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."

Lovely Complex

they/them | 3/31 | ♈ sun, ♋ moon, ♊ rising | enthusiast of storytelling smut | player of roles | wordplayer | F-List


This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."

Chasing Dreams

Selectively Available for NEW stories.
Status ⋮ Around here somewhere.
Posts owed ⋮ 7 out of 8 
Posting Order (Click to see.)

Thank you Amaris for the beautiful signature!


This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


Response time: About a week
Availability for rp: I am not looking for new rp partners.
O's & O's~
My Plots ~ Updated 1/10/2023


This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."

Chasing Dreams

Selectively Available for NEW stories.
Status ⋮ Around here somewhere.
Posts owed ⋮ 7 out of 8 
Posting Order (Click to see.)

Thank you Amaris for the beautiful signature!


Response time: About a week
Availability for rp: I am not looking for new rp partners.
O's & O's~
My Plots ~ Updated 1/10/2023

Lovely Complex

they/them | 3/31 | ♈ sun, ♋ moon, ♊ rising | enthusiast of storytelling smut | player of roles | wordplayer | F-List


This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


Response time: About a week
Availability for rp: I am not looking for new rp partners.
O's & O's~
My Plots ~ Updated 1/10/2023


This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."

Chasing Dreams

Selectively Available for NEW stories.
Status ⋮ Around here somewhere.
Posts owed ⋮ 7 out of 8 
Posting Order (Click to see.)

Thank you Amaris for the beautiful signature!


This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


Rainy's Ons and Offs
Currently NOT open for solo stories
Rainy's Scene Tracker